Docket Entries |
Date | Type | Description | Pending? | Document |
04/03/2013 | Filing Fee | Filing Fee Paid. $250.00 from Louise M. Manoukian. Check no. 3244. | | |
04/03/2013 | Notice of Appeal Documents | Filed Notice of Appeal/Proper Person Pilot Program. Filed certified copy of proper person notice of appeal. (Pilot program civil appeals order and documents mailed to proper person appellant.) | | 13-09716
04/03/2013 | Transcript Request | Filed Civil Proper Person Transcript Request Form. Transcript for 8/31/12 - Sunshine LItigation Services. | | 13-09720
04/03/2013 | Transcript Request | Filed Civil Proper Person Transcript Request Form. Transcript for 9/28/12 - Capitol Reporters. | | 13-09721
05/07/2013 | Transcript | Filed Transcript. Proceedings: 8/31/12. Court Reporter: Corrie L. Wolden/Sunshine Litigation Services. | | |
05/07/2013 | Transcript | Filed Transcript. Proceedings: 9/28/12. Court Reporter: Christy Y. Joyce/Capitol Reporters. | | |
05/09/2013 | Brief | Filed Civil Proper Person Appeal Statement. | | 13-13752
06/27/2013 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order Directing Transmission of Record. Record on appeal due: 15 days. | | 13-18969
07/12/2013 | Record on Appeal Documents | Filed Record on Appeal Volumes 1-7. | | |
07/12/2013 | Case Status Update | Submitted for Decision. | | |
07/29/2013 | Other Incoming Document | Filed Proper Person Document. Letter dated 7/26/13. | | 13-22277
08/20/2013 | Letter/Incoming | Filed Proper Person Letter dated 8/15/13 with attachments. | | 13-24576
07/21/2014 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order Directing Supplement and Response. Appellant's Supplement (10 pages) due: 20 days. Respondent's Response (20 pages) due: 30 days. | | 14-23507
08/07/2014 | Notice/Incoming | Filed Notice of Appearance, Jessica Anderson and John F. Keuscher of the law firm of Anderson Keuscher, PLLC, for the Appelllant. | | 14-25926
08/11/2014 | Order/Clerk's | Filed Order Granting Telephonic Extension. Appellant shall have until August 18, 2014, to file and serve the supplement to the civil proper person appeal statement. | | 14-26187
08/15/2014 | Motion | Filed Motion to Extend Time Pursuant to NRAP 26(b)(1)(A) | | 14-26927
08/21/2014 | Brief | Filed Appellant's Supplemental Brief. (In Response to Order filed 7/21/2014). | | 14-27563
08/28/2014 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order Granting Motion for Extension of Time. Respondent shall have until September 19, 2014, to file and serve the responsive brief. | | 14-28538
09/19/2014 | Motion | Filed Motion to Extend Time Pursuant To NRAP 26(b)(1)(A). | | 14-31251
09/25/2014 | Motion | Filed Opposition to Second Motion to Extend Time Pursuant to NRAP26(b)(1)(A). | | 14-31964
09/26/2014 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order Granting Motion for Extension of Time. Respondent's Responsive Brief due: October 20, 2014. | | 14-32030
09/30/2014 | Motion | Filed Motion to Dismiss Appeal as Moot. | | 14-32525
10/06/2014 | Motion | Filed Motion to Extend Time to file Opposition to Motion to Dismiss Pursuant to NRAP 26(b)(1)(A). | | 14-33048
10/07/2014 | Motion | Filed Reply in Support of Second Motion to Extend Time Pursuant to NRAP 26(b)(1)(A). | | 14-33310
10/21/2014 | Motion | Received Opposition to Motion to Dismiss Appeal as Moot.(FILED PER ORDER OF 10/28/14). | | |
10/22/2014 | Brief | Filed Response to Civil Proper Person Appeal Statement. | | 14-35203
10/22/2014 | Motion | Filed Motion to Attach One Exhibit to Response Brief. | | 14-35205
10/28/2014 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order Granting Motion for Extension of Time. We direct the clerk of this court to file appellant's opposition to respondent's motion to dismiss, which was provisionally received in this court on October 21, 2014. Fn1[We defer ruling on respondent's motion to dismiss and his motion to attach an exhibit to his response brief.] | | 14-35793
10/28/2014 | Motion | Filed Opposition to Motion to Dismiss Appeal as Moot. | | 14-35795
11/03/2014 | Motion | Filed Reply in Support of Motion to Dismiss Appeal as Moot. | | 14-36331
11/14/2014 | Order/Dispositional | Filed Order Dismissing Appeal. "We grant respondent's motion to dismiss this appeal as moot." Fn1[In light of this order, al pending requests for relief are denied.] SNP14-JH/MD/MC. | | 14-37614