Attorney Grievance v. Karger

_' -=-=-:-z I ATTORNEY GRIEVANCE COMMISSION * IN THE COURT OF APPEALS 53 OF MARYLAND * 0F MARYLAND 2 * ii Petitioner, * Misc. Docket AG No.31 _ * September Term, 2014 V. * I * IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR WILLIAM HARRY KARGER * MONTGOMERY COUNTY . * Respondent. * _-k - ‘W—_ ‘_ 5 _---. - Consent of the Attorney Grievance Commission of Maryland and Respondent William H. Karger, H l; Esq., in which Petitioner and Respondent agreed that Respondent violated Rules 1.4, 5.5 and . I. 8.4(a) and (d) of the Maryland Lawyers‘ Rules of Professional Conduct, it is this 22nd day of I December, 2014; ORDERED, that Respondent be, and hereby is, reprimanded. “figrfiglem silt ngr?:"'":" Senior Judge?