Zabihullah Aziz Company Ltd.

ARMED SERVICES BOARD OF CONTRACT APPEALS Appeal of -- ) ) Zabihullah Aziz Company Ltd. ) ASBCA No. 58848 ) Under Contract No. W91B4M-10-P-4238 ) APPEARANCE FOR THE APPELLANT: Mr. Zabihullah Aziz CEO/President APPEARANCES FOR THE GOVERNMENT: Raymond M. Saunders, Esq. Army Chief Trial Attorney MAJ Lawrence Gilbert, JA Trial Attorney ORDER OF DISMISSAL For reasons indicated by one or both parties, the Board is unable to proceed with disposition of the above appeal for an inordinate length of time due to factors not within the control of the Board. Accordingly, the above appeal is hereby dismissed without prejudice pursuant to Board Rule l 8(b ). Unless either party or the Board acts to reinstate the appeal within one year from the date of this Order, the dismissal shall be deemed with prejudice. Dated: 7 January 2015 MICHAEL T. PAUL Administrative Judge Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals I certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the Order of Dismissal of the Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals in ASBCA No. 58848, Appeal of Zabihullah Aziz Company Ltd., rendered in conformance with the Board's Charter. Dated: JEFFREY D. GARDIN Recorder, Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals