$2,848.69 U.S. Currency, 77 Gambling Devices, Assorted Gambling Equipment, Paraphernalia and Proceeds v. State

NUECES COUNTY COURTHOUSE CHIEF JUSTICE 901 LEOPARD, 10TH FLOOR ROGELIO VALDEZ CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS 78401 361-888-0416 (TEL) JUSTICES 361-888-0794 (FAX) NELDA V. RODRIGUEZ DORI CONTRERAS GARZA HIDALGO COUNTY GINA M. BENAVIDES ADMINISTRATION BLDG. GREGORY T. PERKES NORA L. LONGORIA Court of Appeals 100 E. CANO, 5TH FLOOR EDINBURG, TEXAS 78539 956-318-2405 (TEL) CLERK CECILE FOY GSANGER Thirteenth District of Texas 956-318-2403 (FAX) www.txcourts.gov/13thcoa June 25, 2015 Hon. Luis V. Saenz Hon. Rene B. Gonzalez District Attorney Assistant District Attorney 964 E. Harrison 964 E. Harrison Street, 4th Floor Brownsville, TX 78520-7123 Brownsville, TX 78520 * DELIVERED VIA E-MAIL * * DELIVERED VIA E-MAIL * Hon. Juan Angel Guerra Attorney at Law 1021 Fair Park Blvd. Harlingen, TX 78550 * DELIVERED VIA E-MAIL * Re: Cause No. 13-13-00524-CV Tr.Ct.No. 2013-DCL-3726-I Style: $2,848.69 U.S. CURRENCY, 77 GAMBLING DEVICES, ASSORTED GAMBLING EQUIPMENT, PARAPHERNALIA AND PROCEEDS v. The State of Texas Enclosed please find the opinion and judgment issued by the Court on this date. Very truly yours, Cecile Foy Gsanger, Clerk CFG:ch Enc. cc: 445th District Court (DELIVERED VIA E-MAIL) Hon. Eric Garza, Cameron County District Clerk (DELIVERED VIA E-MAIL) Hon. J. Rolando Olvera Jr., Presiding Judge, Fifth Administrative Judicial Region (DELIVERED VIA E-MAIL)