Bank of America, Nat'l. Ass'n. v. Attavilla Dr. Trust

An unpublis ed order shall not be regarded as precedent and shall not be cited as legal authority. SCR 123 Sum—“rams Ccum’ OF N EVA DP- CLEHK’S ORDER 10:4“? IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEVADA BANK OF AMERICA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATIGN, F/K/A BAG HOME LOANS SERVICING, LP, F/K/A COUNTRYEWDE HOME LOANS SERVICING} LR No. 65153 Appellant, vs. ATTAVILLA DR, TRUST, i Resgondent. MAN a CU: k5: ' ORDER DISMISSING APPEAL Pursuant to the stipulation of the parties, and cause appearing, this appeal is dismissed. The parties shall bear their DWII costs and attarney fees. NRAP 42(1)). It is so ORDERED. CLERK OF THE SUPREME COURT TRACIE K. LIN?“ - f BY": W ‘ ._._..._a_....,_w—= cc: Hon. Gloria Sturman, District Judge Akerman LLPiLas Vegas Wright, Finlay & Zak, LLP/Las Vegas Kerry P. Faughnan Greene Infuse, LLP Eighth Distflct Court Clerk