Jfourtlj Court of Sppeate
§>iin Antonio,
December 11.2013
No. 04-13-00633-CR and 04-13-00634-CR
F,x Partc Martin Guadalupe Campos LF-AL.
•rom the County Court at Law No. 1, Bcxar County, Texas
Trial Court No. 2513 and 2514
The Honorable John D. Fleming, Judge Presiding
O R 1) E R
fhe State's motion for extension of time to 111c its brief in these appeals is granted.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the said
court on this 1 lth day of December. 2013.
#^ OF A
Kcitfi E. Holllc
Clerk of Court
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