An unpublis d order shall not be regarded as precedent and shall not be cited as legal authority. SCR 123 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEVADA PARK CENTRAL PLAZA LLC, A NEVADA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, NO. 67805 Appeilant, FELEE DEC 0 2 2915 _ TRéSIE ‘w: LINDEMAN CLEQK QF SUPQEME COURT BY vs. NEVADA STATE BANK, NEVADA CORPORATION AND FINANCIAL INSTITUTION, Respondent. DEPUTY CLERK. ORDER DI 8M1 SSING APPEAL Pursuant- . to the Stipulation 0f the parties, and cause appearing, this appeal is dismissed; The parties Shall bear their own costs and attm‘ney fees. NRA? 142(k)). It is so ORDERED. CLERK OF THE SUPREME COURT TBACIE K. LINDEMAN BY: I cc: Honl Susan Scann, District J udge J anet Trust, Settlement Judge Howard Kim & Assaciates Maupin NayIGr PSI-aster Eighth District Caurt Clerk SUPREME CGum‘ OF NEVADA CLERK'S ORDER I (OJ-m: 64%;»