Court of Appeals, State of Michigan
Michael J. Talbot, C.J.
People v Perkins; People v Williams; People v Hyall Presiding Judge
Docket Nos. 323454; 323876; 325741 All Court of Appeals
LC Nos. 13-032653-FC; 13-033526-FC; 13-032654-FC
The Court orders that a special panel shall be convened pursuant to MCR 7.2 15(1)
to resolve the conflict between this case and People v Skinner, _ Mich App _ ; _ N W2d
_ (2016) (Docket No. 3 17892).
The Court further orders that part IV, section C, of the opinion in this case,
released on January 19, 2016, is vacated in its entirety. MCR 7.215(1)(5).
Appellant Hyatt may fi le a supplemental brief within 21 days of the C lerk 's
certification of this order. Appellee may file a supplemental brief within 21 days of the service
of appellant's brief.
A true copy entered and certified by Jerome W. Zimmer Jr.. Chief Clerk, on
FEB 1 2 2016
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