6/1/2016 , TDCJ Offender Details TExAs DEPARTM;ENT oF CR\MINAL JusrlcE E"`”"‘»"*'*"'““ n""t"" ‘°"‘”"""“"S‘”"'”‘ ij @\ ,3@@ 113 Gffender information Detai|s SlD Number: O5076609 TDCJ Number: 01733596 Name: MATTOX,MlCHAEL ALLEN d . Race: B l Gender: M _ DOB: 1963-1:0-18 Maximum Sentence Date: 2019-407-24 Current Faci|ity: §_L_L_l_S_ Projected Re|ease Date: x 2019+07-'24 Paro|e E|igibility Date: NOT AVAlLABLE Offender visitation E|igible: _NQ The offender is temporarily ineligible for visitation. P/ease call the offender’s unit for any additional information. The visitation information isn updated once daily during weekdays and multiple times ,oer day on visitation days. SPEClAL |NFORMAT|ON FOR SCHEDULED RELEASE: Schedu|ed Re|ease Date: Offender is not scheduled for release at this time. Schedu|ed Re|ease Type: Wi|| be determined when release date is scheduled. Schedu|ed Re|ease Location: Wi|| be determined when release date is scheduled. VParoleReviewinformation l sentence case sentence (vv..lvirvz- Ne, DD) Offense Coun’cy Date BURG OF https ://oftender.tdcj .texas.gov/OffenderSearch/offenderDetai l .acti on?si d= 05076609 1/2 '6/1/2016 TDCJ Offender Detai|s 1993-03-19 BU|LD|NG 1993-03-31 NEWTON 4202 2008-06-18 |NJURY TO CH|LD 2011-05-20 NEWTON ND 6637 Retum to Search list 10-00-00 1 O-OO-OO The Texas Department of Crimina/ Justiceupdates this information regularly to ensure that it is complete and accurate, however this information can change quickly. Therefore, the information on this site may not reflect the true current location, status, scheduled termination date, or other information regarding an offender. For questions and comments, you may contact the Texas Department of Crimina/ ./ustice, at (936) 295-6371 or webadmin tdc'.texas. ov. This information is made available to the public and law enforcement in the interest of public safety. Any unauthorized use of this information is forbidden and subject to criminal prosecution. New Offender Search TDCJ Home Page https ://otfender.tdcj .texas .govlOttenderSearch/offender D etai l .acti on?si d= 05076609 2/2
Mattox, Michael Allen
Combined Opinion