w f' \ 3 |@ ‘ OS FIECE|VED IN ' COURT OF CH|PA|NAL APPEALS JUN 13 2016 ..._M;,. .*.‘....'. BAa:z.-<~.P\A G:.z`.;r;~@cs.\: z,ur~~'v cvzoz=z'x.=c-zczr»ss.~::z‘z' comr:'z?y DI."\~.'-".I"RI(.‘.T C`.?`L`,.ERI~( ’ A'Cogq,ag 'BARBARA`GLADDEN ADAMICK N0T1cE T0 THE c0URT 0F4cR1M1NAL APPEALSH __~j;‘l'),.arzk you for your attention itc this 111.'.~1'?.‘-‘;»21€: V_f;¢’~§~,"§.~:zz¢`:'c-:-re;ly z s:z;c’rl-". 103 z.>. c<.)z:xaoe:. '77305-2935 RE; Tr>_:za:. crr. cz».us.ra No..§»ez-ll-¢J;L§%-‘.":R=»~(z> ST¥\`.-Fe’.: LAGARY HAR.RISON» .BPPT.J.CANT Dear M.s . A.r.§araic:k Pf.!.c~>urt of Cs:imi;'z- al A;¢=,;zea)..s Recoz:*):i.girze.:f¢ ¢:c.>:_:)y wi.i:'r; j,"oue: Hcz\no:;'a&:).?u»: .'~.’~§~'é'r;h district Cio\.'art... Aw:§! €).~c:op;r e-n'.t_f"¢ me pzz:osecutor"s of£icOC,`=."L E;;nily 1`_7~'::. Beev.-ille, TX 7":">}.02 NOTICE TO THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS IN TZ`£E 35' E’H DIS'I‘RI\"JT CGURT' O.r."‘ MGNTGOMERY COUNTY» TEXAS LAGA.FZY HAR.RISO?\E ' ' CASE i\`!O: 09-00'~\’.`1\'.)372~-\.§1 V._‘~'§. ’.¢THE STATE GF C{'E.'»,{ C.`)`URT NO: 95-}.].-01599-£'.‘£{ r/,~<)TICN tro sr,rppr.ramr;viz‘ ';cw»za"§`§:coz»ns '):c) 352 army 'x."o cor;a'.r' oa“ CEEZ\EN,AL APPEA'Z.'§ ¢_»-.»_ ~» ._ -....¢.¢-~n»-¢..-.-.-~¢~¢-.»¢¢~»-¢-n-»,-.~»»»._»¢¢.~¢-.\-¢»~»- ¢»»~-»...,~<»¢-_=.»~,--.- \»v- - .- _ _ -».»...»¢¢~».¢»»~» ~»»»~¢.¢~¢.».-a_-~.¢...-.»¢» nova COMES NOW, Lagary Harriu0n, pro-se in the above~numbered cause; RequesiS ‘zhe Hon0zable 359th District Court of Monngomery C0unty, to SupplemQn: the rcc3§ds te we sand to the Couzt § Crimina1 Ap"aals., where after Applica.:'s Xeview of the State's Answer, and Pr0§0seé FinGinga of Fact$ ané C0ncldsiQn ' of Lew, where the S:atQ requests that the following RecordS be send to tHeY C0uzt of Criminal Apgeals a9 $bl10ws; (1} cba in§ictment1 judgment and sentence in thé ab0ve~numbera0 c»@@ev A(2} all filings relating to this apyliéati0n for a writ of~habeas cQrpus, inclu5ing_ £he Sta:e's answ@r and all su9p1emaat$ and am0ndm9nt5 h;@ret0, and (3) the C0ur:‘s Fin§ings of Fact3 an§ C0nc1usi0n3 of Law, Reccmmendat1cn and Order. However, the Stat@ has £ail to include €App1icant's Ex»NFI) the Lit@rature of American Aca&@my of Fadiat€ics in l98? than is up~&at@d by 2012 sci¢n¢¢Qic evidence concerning Hymen in Newborn Fenales: (Applicamt‘s E;~NFI) is vecy important to showing his innocence of the crimz for which he is convicted of. The C0urt of Criminal Ap5“2iiu should havé the right to review all of Applicant‘3 evidence that suQpJcCs his claim of innocence. Furthermore, this is a denial of Applicant's Rights To Access To Th@ C0urt of Criminal Appeals. The CcurC of Criminal Appea1Q Should hava the op90rtuity 1 to have an expert review AgylLcanz's Bx~§£ and)Ex~NEI cr in the alternative Crder that the triel court have a hearing giving Applicant a fair opportuity to have Dr. Herry J. Bwnmell c¢aul£y to p:oJe explanaticne about which of his &c¢0unh is accu_ate scncernLng»Ex~HB and Ex~NFI which Ex~HB was f0un§ed. "Where toe State ha* become an expert in Pediatrics» Hymen, an& Re&a1 Agensle. Applicant further' requests that the same Rec0rdS be Sené co him due to the faca he» is arguing his cause pr0~Se which would give him fairly acquaint- ance in this pr0aeedings. wusr
Harrison, Lagary
Combined Opinion