Ricky J. Shugart v. David Thompson, A.K.A. "Lead Agent," A.K.A. "Agents" and Unknown Deputies, A.K.A. "Agents" Each in Their Individual and Official Capacities, Sheriff's Department of Fannin County
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Debra Autrey, Clerk ?S70
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The Court of Appeals
"7 JUL 012016 /3V/& ?3Z$
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Debra Autrey, Clerk ^STfO
Vadfe. Jed Af&ffti^ M
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possession of an item of value for its own use and forfeiture cases are not
applicable to the case presented. The issue in this case is the handling of the
dome, which by Shugart's own pleading, never left the property. It is undisputed — j£.
that the dome was used for illegally growing large amounts of marijuana and thus
was clearly used in the commission of a crime. It appears that the illegal growing \
ofmarijuana was the dome's only real use. 'Regardless, the issue Shugart raises, "vV"^ 'P y
the alleged improper destruction of the dome is the type of matter left to state law
and state court. (Appendix 1) Not every alleged action rises to the level of a
federal civil rights suit.
Shugart plead guilty to the criminal act associated with the dome. Further,
Shugart's pleadings themselves admit that Shugarfplanted the seeds in the dome •
and illegally grew the marijuana in the dome. In this suit, Shugart, post
conviction, seeks to challenge a litany of issues related to entry, search, arrest and
seizure, including damage to the dome, that all grew out of the same events - the
- 12-
*,^\ Case: 15-40235 Document: 00513548201 Page: 27 Date Filed: 06/14/2016
Shugart v. DEA, 3L96-CV-00013 (See Appendix 2) Thus, multiple factors support
the District Court's dismissal of this suit.
For these reasons, it is requested that the Court uphold the District Court's
orders dismissing this litigation.
Respectfully submitted,
320 North Travis Street, Suite 205
Sherman, Texas 75090
fr^dnm**ti mMsh fa (903) 892-2397 FAX
By: /s/ James C. Tidwell
James C. Tidwell
State Bar No. 20020100
APPENDIX 1 Original Petition State Law Complaint filed in the 336th
Judicial District, Fannin County, State of Texas.
APPENDIX 2 Miscellaneous Court Records of Shugart
I, James C. Tidwell, do hereby certify that I have electronically submitted for
filing, a true and correct copy of the above and foregoing Brief in accordance with