[EDITOR'S NOTE: This case is unpublished as indicated by the issuing court.]
The court recognizes that there is a split of authority regarding this issue. This court is persuaded, however, by the greater weight of authority and reasoning contained in cases denying a direct cause of action for indemnification by an injured plaintiff under General Statutes § 10-235. Carringtonv. Sullivan, Superior Court, Judicial District of Hartford/New Britain at Hartford, Docket No. 359778 (January 29, 1991, Hennessey, J.) (3 Conn. L. Rptr. 232); Ambrose v. Singe, Superior Court, Judicial District of Danbury at Danbury, Docket No. 32 08 96 (June 10, 1997, Stodolink, J.) (19 Conn. L. Rptr. 639);Parsons v. West Hartford Board of Education, Superior Court, Judicial District of Hartford/New Britain at Hartford, Docket No. 533484 (September 16, 1994, Corradino, J.) (13 Conn. L. Rptr. 52). Accordingly, defendant's motion to strike counts three, six, and seven of the complaint is granted.
Rogers, J.