IN THE MATTER OF THE IN THE RESIGNATION OF JAMES DORSEY WRIGHT OF MARYLAND FROM THE BAR OF MARYLAND Misc. Docket AG No. 23 September Term, 2016 ORDER This matter came before this Court on the Application to Resign From the Practice of Law by James Dorsey Wright and the response of Bar Counsel, and The Court having considered the Application and the Response of Bar Counsel, it is this 27thday of September, 2016 ORDERED, by the Court of Appeals of Maryland, that the resignation of James Dorsey Wright from the Bar of the State of Maryland is hereby accepted and it is further ORDERED that the Clerk of the Court shall remove the name of James Dorsey Wright from the register of attorneys entitled to practice law in this State and certify that fact to the Trustees of the Client Protection Fund and the Clerks of all judicial tribunals in this State. /s/ Mary Ellen Barbera Chief Judge
Resignation of Wright
Combined Opinion