Baynard, Cling Mark

Court: Texas Supreme Court
Date filed: 2015-01-07
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Combined Opinion
l ` 19 ~8:9.:,1¢/1@-‘/»: O:l, 4
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§ .Tu Tl\<» D\%Tf`§<‘..\' daur'r
E)< Par'f`<_, § 1
C'§~jM“'/( B&Y~W § sz@’ anml 015-nm
App);€a”+ ` § `H"~Jaja CoM?:/, ?('e'>ms


. ¢ u°l;-N Op Fa@fS`[
OL ctcop_$ T:J Sra{'é,$ pl 25 4 dGLT‘ A/d
515ng u$-E@NS G'p La m// duval RLC¢JMM e/\/ 0


T TA¢,H`@_Nmz,/¢ cwn’ cf Cr¢‘w~@' W@'F?

M’-`& /<@Q Q"°l '~`PI`O ge Ap/J/»Ica,u'r
\"’ C@*;e$ ~€/':a.)r- C',:g)#£;$f/`;CT COY)/;`)‘lr$ add 1415 ap -QQC,TS/
c |Nj' O"J’€C/" z)J(a-w v Re/EOMMc/Vda_+r'o,-U gal/01 O[*c/p/{\
""""'.Z:',:"`§:.:J cogsa +@ Ap@ /:'¢4»%$-_w»1j0~€¢;:§eas
g;l`;w$ &F.t' /[¢07‘ ReS/)QaT'-'p.;'//y dsk.a)¢.u,~,uj .»,S
#5,`,@¢\@6[¢ cau/\`?L 7`/\3 'Qa//éu.)¢A/j c

A ww+' w 1'<~<‘@ J“Y: §’::€;‘;:;Z“”?,F:i§
" -l;$ Tk¢ €}~ol:"’§ ap ‘P“° fpa _H\Q 934/wl
recital ola:(`)o./\/ O`.AJO{ 0/`0{@!` A {`O’M`.R‘A@ 75(;[('9(2)
:}e:’éM/":(e~@\$+ric'f'@ourf pul`$ua-r-()T@ 7:_(_ é.-@ c[~<.,.$j 1 d
v icc ,,' 10 '["'Ae ._€i)pol§p § o ` d`(’, Aj N f nos
T(.z" Oé)`j eb-‘,_ ; I`CCLG»MMe;_/u £>L§,"{`}@A/, \/\/A~c{/\ b&a$ ‘Q{I;¢_£k
0 La“-)"SOA;L(( §§ ~e,¢]@@/‘e~?;;`l L)/Jvolj€ De'€,`_’ 7
No“`)"“{%§:§@{‘/ /D¢Cl"<§ inan al> [Q § /4' [§»'Ca»/;q(`:c;:/\/;
v or " ` " " 1 To e<'»"" ' a
`\ ~ " Iq,wk»ck web l-».M_, ` _
-[L)§:. ;:l)d :)`:+Ious Pvf`§$va~`t"‘f@ 'L'H.A.F, 73.L(CL)Q).

F)'Mal;)\!`g]~ U‘p FacT
n ' ' ’ a ) a{'e a)g 01
_LL> App)fp,¢w‘/' does Ne»'t' O£>_)e¢,+ + 5+ S sz) g

0 , , ` ' g
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\LOB.;°H,‘U§ 50 g {)QC+ l couHT oF galv\/l/l‘r§\)gL"\/ijEALS
'\/| 0 d c
JAN 07 2015

1 ` Abel Acosta, caerk


’ l" L‘ev{`$z Ou S'?La{es ftc,ooseol cluqu O‘Q
pac'i' # 'Two/" ];T S`/"a{`€$ \\T/`O@p@/` Wa$ dfl`ec‘{`e¢:>! §§
§_u}‘/`/o.‘/'e_ 61 5’+@;> ajal~§T¢epp//aa,u'i's female é»e¢:mr fmc/mw 5+,1+'¢,“,,+ £R~/?
P,|S. L Il*lé. e>@\"“`_`Tkey

TO':.! M€ T‘\C i"£¢l$c>;d$ Wk>/ I A/eep[g¢,l Ta» Ma[(c Tl\e, ST'OF,

Bu`r T`kq. disc.¢~c’.`t`c`c').u `Te> p}uo! Tl'\e, />[“oéal:)le gauge was
U'G `IbO Me:{ 7"/£5 S,‘fa.‘f€_Mc,¢J`/' i'.~ T/Le federal p/‘m,‘e£ §{'a"'é
7‘7@@,¢\@»~ la¢/~1 T`o S‘{`¢»p \/¢A-"¢/e, whe/¢
O-O`Ofcer ,:‘,Ile¢[ Vek$<~.l»¢ @u@,/‘ usl.uj exT'7‘¢\ Vf@/Q{`"@»U 010 ?"'e¥“.s 5{'4'1"¢
Lav-/, 560- ll.§_ `\AM.`II@/~ /‘{é F3vt @Aélji;$:‘/I WA»'cL\
M,'{\;/‘~@rs g,l.\pl§c,a.u{"$ C¢Lsg/ C'Ho/J}uj \\ S/Nc.e }\aV/,uj 0\
Tul‘,u S,F$N“,.( OAJ w§','\'\@u+ 1'\21`»3~ §§ N°T g_\/,'@[q,`[",`@,u
G-P +e.>c/]ole CDZ>Jec.lL,`\/e
éaS}S »perpr‘oé¢.é{¢ Co.'usc Ju.sT/~p)/;Nj S+'o/A ap
\/e,k\c,le,) _

Al§@l L¢j¢,,( J‘v,¢,l\';@.`(,a+\`o.u ',M,y$`l(' 176 @£J¢ec`,’.'¢~¢i\/
'Pov~»l@-c{, S¢ei \A/l')f\g.g Hé $gr@l77if{; S"-@ “[S‘”/
`?§¢WAW:~ v J@lws.,~ 132 1534 141,173 Q;W~&»/€‘f&),'\`§@
I@Nj q_S a ha~‘p-D.`C. law /f/\pr&éf"¢`@/J fA“fwav/d Aavé,
@é_jec`[’:vzl Jus`f'{'€.‘¢ol Tl\e. S'/'a/o 7'\@..)1 '{"al(€uplac.e,
fhe, .FJA¢‘{' l\.a»`{"j"lxe- f>a[/CC 0-{)-¢7.`€ e/\ __MR}/ hai/6 Ma¢{e
S‘{"¢./¢ P,,/~ /`€a$e~._u'$ 07‘/12,» i'Ae,u fha OcCu/`eA/C€ ap
1" &_ frap@;c_ ,[¢JQ/`A.¢+ir@/\J ;5 ;ffe[eV@y+-(Sf /)i)/`PQS(_’.
ah `li'l'\,e. -C)@w~“t'k AM€NJM¢y+//(€M/)Aasfs 519(0/@,,,[),.7/¢»¢/

iva/v T'k»{'_kw/,»j a vw §i ,~a,l ¢,u ,"s M»'/'a v,’@/af‘bu

(i~c `f'e>(a$ law N@ §§ @¢`H\/€, BQS}‘S 1030 p/\@ éaé[o_
C&USO. JQS`{’§~?/c¢)l ‘/’/1,.¢ Sf¢/M per ca, pan cou?L/'A)UU¢M
0-@ law @~ "f’he 50 J¢c,{' (/$;,uj S?“af¢/ (3<»,¢[@,/~@,/(§'7‘
Cirféultj,~ duval §upr~eMe, Cou/\?" Case, /`a¢.u,v$ce hip/fka
haé CO/`pv$ MeMa/wwdu,u drjuMe/-'?‘L?>)a~ol("/),


ON' 5`{'&1’€5 f)/`OFO$'~’/'=( p/uou/uj 0‘(>€0.¢+ #771/`&9-/.
GUTH`)/ -n'/u;JP./o_$ lay Jur>/ 165 Oév}eus,

GN 5+0.`['£$ pfopo$ pl~.#ou/u§ op pac+ »#- poupi
/('fpel(a`{'c C@u,use,l glad au AM cycl€@( AA/J€(‘S l-:)N"¢»p /.»/
g,@o>h'oa~f$ Co»$é., Af(¢)//wy'{` GLJ<¢¢+$/ phole O_p cac-fs
;NC¢:»M }<»,+C, becau$€- 91`)3;410~‘ Lr}e'p lack 7 eu`|"op
}O Re,~u£s§+e.$ ap Br§e-p 7:£./¥.?‘ `33»/ §e_c exh.`£¢"f'

O,AJ §+a,{"e§ pf`o/>o$eo( pldrl;¢*-’j o"p`@a'c"r§ # S"‘X
/;/>p/;'ca,./‘l"§ f(‘@) Se. )Oa`/'i'+.’e/u 1000 B;Scre f/a,u¢L/*}/ /"€V/f£u/
Wa$ !`e-@usepl §§ Ol>v§ds

@N S+g{`¢‘g loroposeo! nudle o-()-()'$ »# A///A/€
Co».~‘¢"awl erea»( applfea»i’.s 'f'/Mc».( C.’ou~s¢l To faspo,v@&
779 ;SSU€S raised by way op apf,"@lavi‘/’ ar Ie§a/
docuMe,~/`h AP;J/i`cd,u?"@£ ecf$ o\~d W}/( SAa>w 771/5
Cour`l"i/.S}',vj 7`@7¢¢//7£/ €v}a/e/\/<:¢ ,'AJ 7'/¢@, {‘@@@/\0/
@Nol perp@,»./J@/*a:,uc¢ ap /¢2¢.¢) /H'S /aw>/e/* 'Wa$
vu/`co.$o/~/aé»/¢ ami `/'¢1€ H@/ £va+ Qéuse@/ H`$
discrc‘l'/a/J'oh) /’SSo/e§' /\a¢'$eol,




O,u g+a+£\$ PI`O FGS¢J 'O),upl/'vj e$,.
er' o‘p haéed,$ Co/“/>U'S, awol /14£/4 0/`¢{/\/0(¢).¢" ‘\C:»/‘
fom,‘+/ cf C:rcuMs{'a/uwsiA,¢p/`,'¢a»wé¢e¢+s,

ar ‘ + 5 +S' O,U S+a`f'e$ proposal gouo(v§s`o.d
ap auJ # TW@. 7¢;€'/`€ C/d./(MS aia/l/l/Cd~% eX¢)/`€$S_ ly
w"‘H\¢l/`€W )`\;5 S'UP/\O/~+ gram `/'/L¢M@“f,`e,u 1b 5`/'/‘5/<¢
JUl\o/~#`71@o/ Cause. a,ud has ¢`A.'Ie¢;l 73 pfe.$<:l`v‘¢
‘i'k¢jw¢,-,wl '@o'v" l`eview, Tkis .`5 T@‘f'a//y crm/v eau$, Sea
l`ea@m@,RR\/,S, P,-H\, Ll$"'l§,.

A'P,o///£a¢,uf'$ w/‘r"‘f’ CaMp/afy$ op 670.5 \7_Ul`0f éo‘n*\
way`$ Aév$e op 055<‘_"<`(/"¢/~/ of ?’A¢, Cov/~T' Aljumeui'
'.#’O/~/€,/ a~ol IA/¢P¢Pec+/‘VC A'SS',`¢S‘/'A,ua@, o.p Cp¢/,u$a.l ’
lrsume~{’#'j'u{o, _ ~

'/\/@ where iu rational 0/` éy wa e-@ Wa:\V@../` allot
app{i¢»w+"e><¢>vessly wz+k@loew h;s Suppo»r¢,¢ MO,L,.‘W
‘TO 51'/\,’/{€ Jvrw/`/f Af,o//ca,v`lv /`eli¢ol o/~) Cou/¢Jg¢,,] ‘/'@
pf`@?"ejc+' }\]3 guam/pl l‘/T" U`S, Ca~s'lc, A'M¢mj. awol 72)(.
Ca,~)s+, lyl@, 1.1'5 za~o( l.lq» _



1115 ).'w,/+ mm @1~1.~@1$ ~r'A;S cw+ n ksz 13111,113~2$
€Xl/\»E'.' 443 /- Wf`i{'op habeas forpus dual/llema/au@(¢¢“

wum_e~f#l Aéase`p{‘¢l.'scre ?L¢'Lw awol A'/jum e.v'?"#g~
IA/e-Fwec,‘f`;ve /{'$S f-S"/;a,vce G-() £o/u.vSe/, ~F)e».~ a C¢AJ+/'/uc/'UM
ap law ¢’>A) 'H\e Su[¢)`je¢`l",

' 7.1\§$ Ju'm/~ was aug u:»,(§-Pi'e.l as a /vta?""f'cr 0-@ /aw;
.See, LtCA.' Gav"`(' Cople €=l. l®$'§'/l: T¢Xi C¢J&,Cr$M.DM€-'r
gm 3551¢ Q,>® gang cc)ca); game 1 ¢~s uswa 35;' swai&
S'Q~EE¢XCNM app QCDH); "F¢LMMQM ‘\L S'/'g?('g 71 5w§i73§ C`{`€X
C’¢;M.ML». ;1@~_@3)‘ SM:n \/, Qeg~ 333 sw‘zA 1915$7(1<¥.
' +~ `I" eve ' “ ~'al( 611 '+e
_Q_£p_ `}'y/e/\ Q@c>/`) DBj,-J'I‘/],G~¢! DS`],Z’ 'Ir\/ZN \/ Dowrj 81 $§<-T
1634 (ml); Pmk¢r_\¢@/¢.AAM 337 5’ =v‘ -
Cp{‘m'vM)-: gm,ol \/12"€@| \/. 01`¢+}<€ 446 F$J 599 (571`§/'1*.200€)
_[Zl Wl\:c“l'l\ /'w[a'S, Cpu~alaMe;/+d[ NR+'~'"€» of ]'\o,é¢?.o»S peH‘i’¢'@,A/Ef`$
/":_§‘K`¢'T¢> 194 +/‘»'¢ol lay‘t';ol Ju\‘:z was ;Mpal“/`ax./T'gu's‘d"
'QOS'{' .(.`~‘¢,1 COW\T§,§, ass’c$$,'.u`$ wl`\¢ her S‘f`¢»fe four`/'@le,u§a.l
O'c l\,'»'$ z`.ue-@“pc)c+{i/€;~"'-‘-'€~§` 01$$5$'1¢¢1,<)¢:¢ a -p loa~§e/ C[a»'M¢
L,@`SQJ @N L\`.s +1\3@..1 a‘i'+¢~vey$ paflvr¢ fe challe.u§e. e£‘i’l\ef`
£¢¢\ 61qu 01 O+k@,rwise.. venire perso»`s wlw fud$aa‘/'eol
TA#+TA¢Y CoulJAJa*{'£Q--(Zz?bauo( :Mpar+;a[was\\OlQJe¢`(`zfva/}/

4 // . '

U/uf`ea$o;uab(€ app/mm ‘HOA/ @-{3 C/€a/`/y as+aé~»l£'sh@o( ~¢:»,,,laral ~
‘AW, Sucl\, as coulcll be addrzsseol €v'¢'“ U”°la'r. "H‘e'
d}(>@¢re/v`w..l S"‘{`auo[aéol o@rev}e»u Ma~ola‘f¢¢»[ by T'Ae A'N+¢’“'

`r¢r¢‘@r}$.v\ u~cl eppec+:°'¢ Dé°~'H‘ Pe")“[{'? ac+'(A'LD£'Al-QZ=`



._g‘;dc./h§ ;1;15‘1 (01>¢1),

/ + 0 ' $,’. 010 S+a`t’¢‘?> Cozd¢(w$;e¢u O-D law
#7'“/1/‘_€€, 7`7\¢>/ ljuo‘f"e. "/'/1¢ 2 prop 5 op,.i`[e.xel_b_(’
W@SU 1311 WGLS._£€£,'_AXZLLQ_&L/Z wde
ka‘f'¢ 316 SWQA §§ 6'5»5§ ~7"’;:>(,~ CHM~@£ACL?_)_¢' 5’6' '-
A,of//C£M+ /0/0\/@$ éa'{'k pf‘mvj‘ S,, 561 Wf;¢' op #“颓$
Cofpus £1,/~10( /I/leMe»-ra~alu/“ A'I`@uM€A/}'#:fw"a

A S’f'ruc_fw»( arrow has /\ap,o.w€¢/ 1`1~ 1153 CGS"~,
B,“.-,._g J'-¢(~or, C<’.I‘?La»(u ef`f`ol`$ ;N `1'140_ +Mo.,{/b/`OC¢$§
heiden/115 ole,v§o,»( op 1`551»',` `/'@ ,~(MparT¢'Q/I decfsleau°
Ma/(er arc 50 basic ‘To £a§r~ +`r~§a( a$' `l"© 012'0'}/


kMM'eSS €Fm/” review \/jr‘§{l 'v¢ Dr¢{'k¢ ‘/‘/é F$o[
545 /';T“C;¢~ &@oé) 1;¢] @ 599
AP@/»'c¢w% l`€l;e¢" GAJ C@u/v$¢l 1b Ma.£(e. />i‘@ Pess?oua#l
reaso,ua£/e olec:is i`o~s durf~§ \/@w diem 4 .Jw¢¢ S')z+e¢(
}`(’. gould Ala`!"éc pa;{` U/d€ alvaca.// /.WA;'¢[,\ ol;_$ 'oa,[:#py`$
Jurar L~`[ law gee RRVS'/ R/lr(, L.) ",QS, £xkiL;"Z_g_,
Tk‘.s is a. ‘Pv~JaMeA/'ra,l er¢`@r deuy$'u a leja//l/'
Ca,us`{’§‘i'u`/`ej J:) r>/,_£»,_(M,¢_/__\/ _S`/"a, c 7[ 5 du B_LS'(?L€X
__C_~»~.@.»,».awa): v:@'l ~/. QE;@ME;;£M_QO_©_
L@ok!~§ aj' TAo_ ~pa¢‘l"s amf Tk¢ ev}'ale,.v¢e, Svl"`vv~allu
`H,LJ$ e.r(‘of` /"_u 7('/\<»_ record Pac,i #ON¢,' TN¢».{ fau,u$<>[
oli¢l uo`[' €yercise N@ S"l"rike$ olvf‘)~j v@§ l‘ o(`)r¢,_-)(;:éhcl,,
_'H:£_;"i'k¢+c Wc\$ 31 J¢»¢~al‘>' Ie-@+.r/u pawl Wke,v ]'\e. pleC¢';-le¢l
gai'.`l"¢ §`("m`ke, J.;)'Pa:\$t7 per Cause. or @‘/’herw{$e'.
Q¢,'f"`#§ ', 'Jur¢>"#7 S+A‘l'eMeu't'waS and UA/e u§v@ca[
§`/\/O¢I/M §@(‘l">/[/}xe Coulol No`f'B€-pair.£_~g_{;:_£i: Tl‘}`a.l
C@u,us@,l acl<,u°v_;[€,ol eS Tl'\;$ Ju-"¢')I` g;'o.$ )'AJ A;S
a@c?olo.u;‘\’ 0~./~)¢>1 5[0./4€9 `HL€ S+"Uc+”¢'l e'.`"¢" ON his
C,I:e,fi',/'\ §v.{~(:' admi+‘{`ecl UN¢ u;\/Oca.[ S‘f'a.`('e/Hé~`/'a~p B;a$

b a_ ¢>‘|’e_u+ia[`lurop olis ua/;#P`$ kim la law 011/cwip
`H\Y:SJCMI` ou a/JY Ju?>' "§ UA/ ez,/“;CG[/ _é_c___¢.? +¢t)§e Tr`la?
c@¢,~.sel s+@.ees ;,, ms A»N‘:Jav)+ md hamm ~@T‘
5~{'1\{1<¢: \Ju¢¢?e~#V as per My lill'&u+_§/de\@@,yola~+$ _
r@Zue:>‘T,,/’He S+af'¢‘s he acluis¢»,¢.l CISGuT/olepeuc_lav"`
`onc.`t' if wav[ol 52 §.»~J A:_S L€S+ ;AJ?'/'e¢eS'/` 13 §7['/‘/'/(€
JU|`O{`?F?¢ k

A`I'TMS peiu"' a~y reaso~aéle /o.wye"` woo/al
have pu+ kf$ Cl$e~‘l`c>~ fl§e becomiin é~}/ waiver*/
T)\a,'f'TAe, C/;e~‘fwa~l"eo( T@ WOLW@- G~‘QJA)c[aMeu‘/'o.’
Co,\)_s+$+u+£o~al f‘}§ k`l' `/'0 /’Mpar+)'a.( Jur>/,,I amos A/Q`('
SaV I wau+e¢l Ju{`of` 1457 op MY JU!`>/ q~pl (,U¢/["]'e$'r:@)/
u~ole~'\ peua|+'>/ ap pumqu 72 $aMe,

\A/£le./\/ I Wgu+co@ 73 go T@ Tr\¢»( ANO( N°`[' T@‘/(@'
&(pleo. Ae,¢>,(/ "]'¢\‘,a,( Cov»$al »p.)`i’/v\e con T¢\e fecal\el
gee RRV7, P,"f, L,Q~?>,~ P,i@¢ i.}g`z,. \A/L\}/ woo 1401 he No`r
pu‘|’,¢¢¢ am f`ea.@¢~o{ a`{’ /uy Supp@$!olly PCZveS"" 779


Ke@p Juror 1'+'7., Lod>/(':)\Jj a'l"' a[/ M,"}’fj a'i`.'uj
Cc'f(’,uM$+aA/ce$ S.)N\@U,~el,"»)j T'A.">' Sf'ru¢,i'uq[ €N‘¢»/`
ginle C@.~v.‘.A/ce choy Copr‘(' "/'k.'$ e/`I‘O/` p/`€ UJ;C¢C£
‘f’l\€ ep+£re `I"rial process and SLM\J fm ‘77\¢'$ 4
lael/ww?-z>!" eu+S§ol€. T/§.e /‘€a$opalz[@ NO/`M£$ ”‘() ‘3"/
ef"k,'@,@l a‘l‘"i'av~~e>/,

`r"ke Case /aw )/S 4 €¢)A+/'uuu/M duval §/~J Vl'o[a{';co.d
op Cieafly es?"a`L/fs/\€J 57'¢17‘<,.fea/era/,a,/~)o[$)upf@#&
C@ur`lrmyl$/u§ S §ee, Tc§.(:g,'!@.. C°r.'&.`proc,.» 35. 16 C®(S> =FZC>Q_L‘
qu.les v afge 353 Sw§£l jazéfexlcr,-'.…up/2¢//),'_&191¢4§;
v\s+@:r¢ 71 swz¢! `73§(`1"¢>(@»/,4! § 7‘/@’_\&§

G@v"?"€ode. él.I@SC’"/),’ S,Mi‘l’lx ’\/ Dea.,ull?>;g §M§é 131 553
@12:,1 6a app‘@@rf Wm\ am); 51";1“¢ ./ 0;9{< 64 5“/3,,1
_élQ_,5133,543§[157(7`¢><.¢1/>,0, 7"y/e/~ ;2@@/)/" y‘//~Q;.'l \/\ D[~c_,:~[qg(¢k
444 Fjg §q§£s'mc;»g@@é)’; ‘Irv/~ v. DQUA"§ <¢,,1")§39
()q 40 alia pmm v. alma e~ 6>7 s;¢.f ¢'/és(/q;z) (pe»

14 li edf Oé'ev/$ To The accw$ad‘ FJ`AfeMeu-[`Ma.ole.

Ly 1155 `VMQ,( Cau,vs@,l i.u k§s £PP.'O‘a\/§ , No Wl\erc_ §N
T‘\e (`Ce.ot~¢\ <9¢` by S'»"¢j.uea( Wa,<,\/e¢` Uhol a.pp/-‘L'a.u+


t |`¢-;:ZU€§?"f/»A,+Ju¢@/~ ¢1;7 é¢ /€-C"f`a.a.) F¢LAJQ,{, Le@}(;/uj

T\ge ‘l`,‘/'¢IF+Y op 7"')\< CH`CQM F>‘f`Q,uc'.@,‘.'> SuN~eup<_J.`¢
T/L"S error and 7"/»@. parpo/uo@ ev‘ aA/¢i€ op 7"/1¢ €V/o/e,uce
A)@ Co.wpe‘l`e~i' 7'/~£'¢»[ 5‘/'/~¢~/'€3)/ C¢w L')e C@~¢/vo?e¢>¥ l>')/

PUH/,;:J.Z 61 é§o.S \)r.)/*cpr ou 7"/'\¢ fa")€[~ 7
, is 38 a S+PUC+UG-.( cu~'¢)lame,u‘l'#( 60~5`{’[`{'0"{70»)¢¢{

€H`@{` 50 é¢z.S¢`C 7(`0 771-c 471‘@1~¢1 /‘/ndhc/v//ze.~¢'
r;jk+$¢ 7"/\;.$ `/v¢~vr was ahs gun/1455ch 571/ads By l‘wi$

v Ou.\,u S‘{'o.'['e,m@_u`(“\\/\/O. 1514 So/~¢~>/”ke C',w\ol ,u¢»T

191 foam RRV%. 'F.m, L:?_>-z§j: €,_&,;_y:rj:l v.f)p_¢_»,jl Tlr\e_ €Mph_\>pe¢~ Ug¢ op a TUNJ
SBSN¢Ll , Tl\ere'pO/‘ preseu‘f` /c§o./ au?"/\a/~H’>/
c>¢` faw. ‘jv$+;py}”j au '¢l`leg¢.l S+Qp, ar 7"Aa'/' his C`a~)A:.Se/S
Fa§ lure 7('@ Gé\]ee,l" was a v§aé/e SIL/\a`['€jy ,

Apf)l(CQA/+ Cod+c’.v&€$ fire `Gou:erAJMeA/T'£&a./‘S ‘/"/,Q
éu(`olO/J 013/ibewst Tlm,{' 7"}\.2_ `/`l‘a~»Q-P,'c. 57"¢)0 WQS,
cOHS`H+Uj';ONa[ wL\e¢/u 7_//\,'€. Sf`o'p aNol gearc"\ we he
CO/JO[\)C,T€£Q UJ;T"\@U'{F ab war(\g,`j+‘

/4%>/)’(;@.01"5 A'f?"oruey 01§0( N@‘l" Co.l( S+a.'l'e Tl`wper To
Suppr`ess$e.u hearing ‘l"'/»g_?’ac,'/"ua//l, /jto.a/e TA¢ 77a-epic
S-rdf). bd k£:/\/ +¢Le ,C@>NS+¢‘Tu+)@Na[f'/'>/ O-p ‘/'Aa‘f’ _S"/'@/]
WG\S fm @U°$`H@/“» `f/w+a'/a,ue rig uA)/`ea.s¢»,\méle.»
/\/@w/App/}ca,u+¢l;{`ec+ "Hu"$ COL)¢“+S a`/'?"e,u‘/'fc»,~l 70 fha
1700/530 S'f'n+£M@¢Ji/"a.‘/' T/*Fa / \>\/@7"// §uppf`€_$$}`¢p,d
h£av'\!,.;j RR\/q p l§ L i;l""7, T/"dope/_~ S?"a‘i’e$ ou `H\e

'[‘ece¢~p\ na‘l"\‘|"ke. QZISCFG+}`@A) T@ final pfaéaélq C¢wse

was up ToM€.//Wl\§ok was effe~@[e¢i USC ap
`}'ur,u §.'5»)@[,,/1/(0¢1()'4)3 T’l\¢ Sub`)ea"i`{a/e ¢'/J`l('ep'[' op
ne S'f`cvp U,AJ Fau/uoleo!\ 'r¢\e r€aSO/») per +he S'{'e»pw¢;g
/\}O+O\\/;o|a,'£lo/J 0-0‘{'£¥¢1$ $-\La'i'e /aw, 7

`H\p_ §‘l"ep epa V€,Lv.§cl€ A.No( ole`/'e,u+.`o,u op 'i'I'.S'
UCCUP¢AM+$ do.u.s‘|(‘;+u+e$ 6a SeZ`zur‘e (/Nole¢ 7"/\€_ L/L\
AM¢~JMe,J+/c/.s. v. £»:51\¢… 333 F301 §@Q goé;s#\
QM /;!Odee/` L`¢Cl Po[§¢¢, o-€').{’,`Ce¢`/M.Ay S+OP
&th'\;c.‘e '¢-(’ ha has p(‘béwz,S/€ Cau$c’. T'@ Le.[z‘c'\/e

a 1'/‘¢110-0.‘0 V,'oia.T'¢'a// has c‘DC,CQ/\e`¢»("`ULS, ’\/i {}Q{_Q,
444 FBA 58@594(9“ w awé)_ ci+,'~j WA»¢A_L_
U.S. Hé S`c.`{' l7éq (fqé°lé)f Tl\e rule a¢T¢'cu[¢z,‘l"¢¢( ky

`H/\e Sup'/‘c»le COHJH’ ,",.u \A/k/\eA/ fo\/,'Je law
€N£qrge,//Le.u+ C>'@O~"$ bm& [,_¢a,Wa T`@ CO/Jald€+
SeAl~clL-eS dual §e§;uf€$ f`e,jo,ro{ [€SS op wl»\€/'/le/*

TL\@-i'¢` Sv‘°Je~¢+f'\/¢ iu`l'e~i' C@rres po.~o@s To fha
L€§¢~\ Jus+'»@ic,a'(`\‘@,u$ -\E’¢,r 1"'¢`, e,’,~ a¢{-,-'@,ug ,J¢_S, \/¢M'!le,\
1443 )'=.3@\ awle é>"* £;» m 93 mm \OI;p me mo +ha+
leeway is '}'lm+ flue [e al \/yg?"/~P,’caf'i`e,\/ /1/11/51‘ be
OEJec`/'.‘ue,['{ 3¥`00/\/01€3//’0' CCH':A)§ \A/A/‘e,u 517 ('/§ [¢D
313-"|"(>¢ I‘p file alledj@ol +/`a-»()c¢((, :\;/'a/a.`/'l{o/`/ -DOI\M:A) T/\€
baS;S abpka ~S+O,A was /\Jd+o~ \/;0[¢»+¢(0/~/ 0'(2 S+a¥€,
LavJ, ‘H\e,re {s .u@ oEJec`l'/ve La_s,`$ par Jus`f°,`¥())/fl;/j
716 sum Se.¢ /.,/ (cr~r/,/j QQQJW:N m J,_,zww~ 132 sol
Ié;zi 173 (s""‘ c;» /Cz/
0’(`7`_¢\¢ c-p-é?»"cer$ $‘/’vp ap 4 fda-pcuol Q/J+$j V£l§¢}c[€ _
MU$T‘S+A/.)ap @J\‘pa[( §a.$eoe o/J w[w.`l'keo" `f'¢le, cale-\pe~@¥ay+]
Vfo[a:l‘e$l fian [.a.w if cafe 444 F`:._g¢/@é?q.!

A~/)/)/a'a&'u+ dau+e:u‘v($' .»\J@`r /‘eZues+;uj\ fha 'é\/JolC'-‘»UC€
be Supp.~es$e¢( a §vpp¢~ezs,`e,d Aea#"/Jj Ly way G-C
dl:ju$~j pe"+'!»-'d{`€ law calls avf`s;`ol.e `f//Le.w»‘ale~
f`a.u§v_ al(¢Jlo1 have é¢je,u 5(7,('\0'€)€/‘€.4/+
555 ¢_',u+ 7"¢»¢ ev;olé#rle,, `/'/»al" would /MV€ 5€"-/‘/
.S'vpp¢es$ fed,

/4#/5¢¢1~`(’019`1¢5('$ '1"¢ 51"4{'¢$ proposeoi Co/~/c/vsl¢u
O'Dlaw ¢Fé as$e/"l"f,wj ‘i"lw,'t' app/faa,u`/"was jive»/
a Pull a,u¢>( -pa!~(` hearing @,u ab M@?“/o,u 70 5’1,),0/)/‘655,
w;+h@.,+ -H»_¢ f@:,+/M@~y op +h¢ §faf@, hamm nn
Ma,ale `/'Ae ac,`{'ua,[ 51"0-/0\\& S’JB$`/'a,u+fa{ ~P¢v,u@[q,+»'a,d
JUS+§»()>,[N§ Cad$a, ~.'~ ?QQ$+"O/~/// De-(>e,uo[a‘/\J"' chi@\
,A/o“/L howe /?\ao[ 61 '1@0/ dA/o/ 'F¢L;/‘ /1€¢2¢/*/,05‘ WA¢`CL\
G.oU_$ Up fo dév$e'@'@ @/;sé/`c‘f"do,/~J ap £eu»*'/;Ml~ji/Mép+
¢[;lop wp;_{' &N¢l ,j',./e-@-@e¢`{'fx/e 455.~"57€1¢/¢2@. 047


Ca¢,).'\/.Se( Ar§uMe,u?"#:l ap wY`;+`



A .`)


_,_l/_P¢/¢dap+££‘le¢f$J B>, a/W@_//a?"¢ damage/§
5:5..0¢¢,1'¢)¥‘¢>', 5’/{@, asserted a CaM/>/e,`f'e S‘fucly fdi/¢'¢’-u/
ami aM¢/YS;S »<,\L’ T‘A¢ rec,@¢p{ winch /‘csulf'eJ/'.A)\\No
@Wu¢`é|e naou \Do(` appea‘~” §ee, f{'A/o/ers [~:/‘/e.()i /'/OW`°
foupsc),l C',"l’eo[ +ha.`.(' T'H‘Q,{ daupfal dial /u@+ _/l/La/(€,
AN>/ a/‘Fu/»L¢,u'('s‘ 513 TO WA¢/ `/'A¢ ec//a/@/UC€ Sjkvu[¢j

see AM,/M way P,z Lz»¢/ €.»/ /{,ueuJ/eolj'€
Thq,'(' gagle 'L\a.ue_ M@ve.z[ her re aljs/c Tr‘/'a{ C'¢:)u.u$el$
:_~e€@ea{'lva/ess as apposr P;"(f~j du
duel@l`§ L¢*Je@wke/u A/@,~J"pv*£~/a)i@v‘.`> ;SSUQS exis+eo\
~@O*‘ @~PF@¢~( L¢»Ml»¢wi \/~ 'y»~a'~’§l>\ §A§ F@»l 1‘(‘7§(§”‘j

°N`l 89

FA'.[\)(`€. Ta) R¢MS¢ i/'n` AMeM£Me/¢J+ V¢"e la.`{`¢‘O/Jf

Al),wZ/a'l'¢, C`cw,use(, /_)l‘a%um$~j COMF€,+¢,-{~_§k@d/ol
kave. Co.u<’,luclecl T'ko.'t"§ reaSo,\/aél€ a'+‘{'&»*~ eY/wod/D(
have FO..:$@J $0.44¢` '@0*“/\4 010 al" uMe/~J+S wh@,v»e,
A(‘§UMeA/fs exis‘/'¢»! had "l’.*!a / C@uus@( per#@>/‘_M@<>Q
&u' ;~V€§T;ja‘(_.-'@N t `\,Ul}»a,'t' ge €'\/é/` }N')`¢ L/n` /{Me~c>l¢,
\/I@[o.+/o,u A/i/I/»'Ca,uf d§$é#f§ a?Lf/»\,`S`M@,¢/ze,u`i"
App¢»,lla`{'@ _Cm,),u$e( dea/fell have A,J”{ §’\,\_,,_,(0( kaye
/V\@~Og€ fire dcf'§\/M €)\J{' ‘g@/` l\e/` c{¢'c.u+ [>Y way OP`TW¢_¢'
80\)~<5¢:($' §,u@,-(’@e¢:+fveA/CS'S mud /o'f I`a`¢seol fhe,o{em"{’j
ON ['\,€.{‘ @U)/Va

Faj'lvr`< 1b R@.’s$a §§a$ TFOF Gl`ou~ol:

W',H`;U A»/,p@,llai’¢ C;@u/Jsel§ /4-,00!@¢5 bMe,-C 5k2
,ng'l'l@/Jea[ `hlfa,l Co~uus,@(‘$ /(/~:H'.~’a.{ Cl/uz(le.u§e Tw
#7 Ju'rc>l` f¢\e/u l'\l§ W}i'l'\oll‘a.w, pfoM `{'L\¢ C'Lm-((€.Uje,.
Sk¢», `H,Lel/ -QA¢((S +@ Ma¢/'\L'$G,~/ £/[ '7('¢»€ M¢+v$f£+;A/j
CIFC¢/M ST'A~ccS §um\cw.urj ;~j #7 @>£as A~./ 771@.
`5#;»,7£¢$ CoA/C€_/`A/ Ove¢` H§S €a',Z`Iv"<’_ 7"@ aNqueF Y¢s Q/~NO
ANJ `rL`¢ 'Qa¢+ h€ Cou/O/ »UO'(" be /"e)aal¢'),‘/»r+a`rgol Up@,d 4
ZU@§+.‘;¢,L;S_ fhwa §`/'a‘/'é’_ a,.,,,/ C¢wf-r¢


'AFlo/'rcdy+rA/°W dir'e‘~°'+$ `/,¢\;S cou'.*+ rev //,ypH`\/§C>{Ua.[
V@ir 0(;/`€ RRV§, P.)@q, rita dovr'f¢{~pl pfo$¢(;¢»+e.l`
b<§i,v T¢g f\£.l¢a.é}[:{’q,`("c',1//,-
L[B_“l$- ch'\/`"’;+__B_,__» `Hw’$ is a S+ru<-,`f'u@,( c'_»r/\@r`
f'/»J' has Ae<»,,u averl.@ol/0¢ PFO£)aé/v$('r cwa 'Pa(§@, T/‘a-O-(),!e. V¢‘O[Zl?a'=`®.d

I+}S Ll)¢’/[( `€S+QL";S[¢£J (i.U £o.GS+:'("\/+z(!).h|al law op
a deca»olau"¢`$ r\'@§k'¢' 'f'@ @.,u jMpa/+fa( Jufy, wham/lea
)(Now~ lo$o.S Jol`@l‘ has lacey }MpQ,u<’_//e¢{ marie ;S
ap ~€3;'0§]00$ \/i@/a,`['fc>,v ap fhaf /‘{5[»1',- "l"lie 5'“/'@%€$
c\f§u,~ne~+' @N<;e aja¢’,u r@@vi/\¢% f/\."§ 60er 7'@
dis re awol fha law ‘/'/u»‘f' p/‘@?L@¢:TS us a// \@/‘o,M ad
,‘A;d} 4’@&"€/~/‘1" C@v»“`t', 7"/»¢ Shz?"e and depe.uo{a.v?"@w/V
CouA/Sal €O(U<>¢L+'@¢{ @‘t’ law whw C[a}M wi'l'|/~.@w'{"
Pre»@£` or` racew! 'H»al" Th.»‘$ error/was L»»"s C/fc$/`V$/
depeuola,vf$ “Pau/'/_.

IN pvr+ker ‘viala+»'o»/ epa perso,us’ Co,usfi)i'vf,`oA/a(

f‘i§k"' '{'@ aMeaA/S.~F €ul( appeal wl».`¢(,\ Comj)c»>»u,uo/@¢/
egrej’;ou$ kam/4 v¢>O/\J €:’jv"@'j<°ods /'wch-¢ 116

l l

§+¢d'e, woulo@ aged/o hawaii C`,or‘f' ¢,[,stejarol A M,,§T'
BaS}c f`§"$k"' fe) F@P/`LS§'“T“‘+""“"J é\/ aN a'?l'?"'afpey
-l~".'i."~§» am A~o(ers bria¥)`$‘l‘¢.'l'/u§ S`L\e_ Co.)(¢>i u@T'.é’,‘_W(
Ca.\)SQ//Ta l*apf‘e$cv+ 01 Pef`$¢>zv was au éjrejic')ds
/,v\e,~£¢,[ ap bua pro¢l€§$.\ which lewa?l'i\er C[."e,»d+
P(\e,Jvcl&v,eo( Se@or€ `/'A¢_ 1371 Cou/‘?"O~P appea[$'
duval )/\»`S Owu /A/e-{)-¢’e¢+,"ve /M‘@ Se repre$e,u`f'a*

-T¢"au d) id al FFe,e/`l"apf¢a,('


LU"Le‘r-c-p@fa prem‘\':>§$ C¢'/a.)s)'czl~»L/‘¢z:,=lj /'(',vllf)/¢»'Tcac,ujk
/N`a\/S fAQ`/'TAF’S A@AJ¢»/~aé/e gourfw)'// Se.e f/¢¢/?"'
He /@w 01@~7"/»¢. /¢q,u¢./ /5 fr\ye, a~a/ Corre¢+ dawn
750 7'%6 /d.sf al@`/ZL/'/ fe each of fée )]SSU€'S
&PPHM~T Oé\; ecT$ /’¢ /ie,/~e,,"/~), fhwa {’are.
appi;¢&uf/)/`¢L)/§ f/A,¢,?i"?"/\/'S' /1@,(/@¢\@,§'/& C§.-.)/‘T'c
loeme €M¢:)/ )€e,./fe~£ 7¢'@ Agjra,yf’ea/ @AJ f/l"$
/-/aéea.s @0""/0¢/5 app/er ar‘f, //,¢3‘7,

;i pesloa<;`/’@)//y SuIsM}‘ffec/
C€i`ibip»'éa+é O@ SCWV¢"C¢C,

f CH/uj MA;K Bo.~l,uo.!~el §'/"a`('¢ UAJJ@,(\ PQN¢>.H“}, O.()
Pur`)uf"\/.‘[’L\a.,+f¢\e.~‘pac`t'§ ke/`€§N' UL/`L _`{"r‘ue_ nude
C@N*ac_‘(' "l"@ +Lce, ées"'/' a~@/vt}/ KNOw/¢'loej&.» 14
`['/\ve. swap Cwl`evj’ Copy ~a/’ &><|/\€L-.M"S Beccwse
N@ access 7’¢> CO/)Ie/‘ has [)ee.,u P@/‘war@(e@/
7"@ OpFGSSJA)S par`f'»`es a*` Ao/df€$§ éQ/ow,
CNM).A)¢.{ D)$'{‘f¢`c‘{' A'T'f'ar.ue}/ a-¢¥’v’ce ¢"/;a'¢»/jé> Caw,v"'f
C¢wri'ko»us'e. /UO Nb C/esA/el\ ”SM -@la»e)" Ed-',ué»e/\j
p`@~ 9>@_>< 1130 el @a,,:h,l §+@+;w// AC,S+;A,, ~7;/~7§71/

€_)(¢Qu`l'eolo.v `H'\§"> _Q~H`O{&Y ap Decem (°€J` 30/£/(

il M)¢ZMM




l is that you came into contact with that person?

A. Okay. On that day, I got a phone call from
our DPS narcotic agents. I was asked to stop a4
'vehicle for them that was a white Ford pickup with a
travel trailer on the back. l was;toi%$that5£&e
vehicle had narcotics in the back- and they needed one

.of the uniformed officers to make a traffic s§op.

""*--..~_.»_\-_. ,-',. . .._.

Q. Let me interrupt you right there. When you
got that call, did they tell you for what reason you

were going'to make the stop and how you\were going to

make the stop?

A. They told me the reasons why I needed to

.13 make the”stop{ bugmthe discretion to find the

14 probable cause was up to me. -

15 Q. So, it was up to you to find a traffic

15 violation if there‘was one?

17‘ A. Yes, ma'am.

18 1 Q. Okay. Go ahead.

19 A. Once I met with the narcotics officers, we
20 were ~- they already had eyes on the vehicle because
21 the vehicle kept going in different directions and
22 they wanted to know exactly what the direction of

23 travel that vehicle was going to make before I go and
24 make the traffic stop. At the time they told me to

25 §o ahead and make the traffic stop, I was on FM 1015



E)/A;é,-‘?L # 1 m



June 25, 2012




Ms. Dorian E. Ramirez, Clefi_
Court of Appeals
Thirteenth Sup



Judicial District y 1thOUR-TUFAPPEALS

Hidalgo unty Administration Building
Edi rg, Texas 78539

RE: Cause No. l3-ll-00740-CR, styled
Cling Mark Baynard vs. The State1of Texas


Dear Ms. Ramirez:

Appellant, through counsel Brandy M. Wingate, submitted a
brief in the above- -referenced case on June 13, 2012.

On June 15, 2012', you sent MMS; a11/\71ngate a postcard noting that
; pointing out that said brief Wcomply w1 h-TEX’ Rj
, _ W138 1"% W) Wb)hKC)F(dW;KYFJYh» , - 11and asking Ms. Win-
gate to submit an amended brief within ten days of the date of




.351\'_`1 pOStC ald.

On June 20, 2012, Appellant, through Ms. Wingate, submitted
an amended brief.

The State has reviewed said amended brief; has not€d that Ms.
Wingate has indicated that she has reviewed the record on appeal
in 'this case and has concluded that 'there are rm) issues which
would warrant appellate review; and has observed that Ms. Wingate
has, accordingly/ submitted an Anders brief. ~

It has also noted that Ms. Wingate has met her obligations
under~ Anders V. California, 386 U.S. 738, 87 S.Ct. 1396, 18

H|DALGO COUNW COURTHOUSE- 100 N. CLOSNER, ROOM 303- ED|NBURG, TEXAS 78539- (956) 318- 2300- FAX (956) 318- 2301

€>1111+ 1152 1051 1009

1131/0 '"1-'~0

L.Ed.2d 493_(1967) to review the record; explain why she believed
that an appeal would be frivolous; present any' arguable issues
raised by the record; provide a copy of her brief to Appellant;
and inform Appellant of his right to review the record below and
dfile a pro se brief.

The State has likewise observed that the brief submitted by
Ms. Wingate includes a request that she be allowed to withdraw
from this case. '

Based on the fact that Ms. Wingate has filed an §nders_brief
and the additional circumstances mentioned above, the State will
not be filing a formal brief in this case at this time. '

_ The State, however, recognizes that Ms. Wingate has not yet
been allowed to withdraw and that Appellant Cling Mark Baynard has
the right to file a pro se brief;

Accordingly, the State reserves the right to file a brief re-
sponding to any pro se brief Appellant might file, any revised
brief which Ms. Wingate might file, and any brief which might be
filed. by any new appellate counsel who might =be appointed to
handle this case. ' ~

Furthermore, based on its own review of the trial record, the
State submits (l) that counsel’s assessment that this appeal is
frivolous is accurate and (2) that Appellant Cling Mark Baynard’s
conviction and sentence should be affirmed in all respects.

Although this letter indicates that the State does not intend
to submit a brief in this case at this time, it deals with the
'State’s response to a defense brief. Accordingly, I have enclosed
'five copies of this letter along with the original{

By copy of this letter, Ms. Wingate_and Appellant Cling Mark
Baynard have been notified of this correspondence.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Respectfully Yours, J¢é€Z//

§§:Z;Z:HQ¢& fcij?.i;;&é?/

Criminal District Attorney
Hidalgo County, Texas

511/111 1a 1011-010





mean, I understand that -- you know, l will try to be
fair obviously. I'want to be fair to the <-,
especially both sides. l n

MS. SALINAS: But we do have to
envision a scenario where it would be close maybe and'
you did not hear evidence from the defense.. We do

need an answer one way or_§ggwg§h§r$ yes or no, as to


whether or not you could be fair. We wish we could
take, "I need to think about it“ or "I'm not sure,"
but we really can't.


_______` ,.





y .
:; 11_6.'::..“ j_,,_.f:.,.~,‘.:-;',.. ~






Ms; sAL;NAs= rou'think at this time

you would not be able to be fair in this case because

you' re doubtful?

PRo-sPEcTIvE` JUROR- 1 guess 1'11 igan

-_towards»saying~that ib'would b§ diffigul§ to be f…air,


.. rsys.,,»..,t,.,___'_¢__. ._,.. ,.»


MS. SALINAS: Are you saying you would

~ WW-\»,-,r _-_?,».~\--v -»m».. _H- n'~'~ -*~'\-‘-"" ' ` M '-'
not be fair? And I do have to commit you to ask you

.. -J

Mm.»t,ee. .W*“"""' "

to answer yes or no.

W_M.Mz-r-:;“_h ______,__ .

1., _ ` PRosPEcTIvE:JURoR= _No,' arm sorry.
MS. SALINAS: Oka_y.‘ That's fine.

Don't be sorry. There' s lots of other jurors to

choose from. Don't worry about it.





No error was preserved with respect to the admission of the video of the
traffic stop, Appellant’s statements on the video, or the marijuana recovered as a
result of the traffic stop .`
suppressioneitheman]ua_` j `
motions ‘ln any event, ;.Alr)pellant's counsel admitted during opening statement that
Appellant was driving the truck that was carrying marijuana.~ 8 RR 147. Appellant’s
argument was that he did not know that the marijuana was contained in the trailer.
8 RR 147. During Officer Villafranca’s testimony at trial, he twice mentioned that
marijuana was recovered from Appellant’s truck, and no objection was raised. 8 RR
181»82. The State offered exhibit 4 and iiA, which was a copy of Trooper Tijerina’s
in-car video showing the traffic stop. 8 RR 184. When the video was offered,
Appellant’s counsel stated, “We have no objection.” 8 RR 184. Additionally, when
the DPS crime lab reports were admitted into evidence showing that the bundles
discovered during the traffic stop contained marijuana, Appellant’s counsel again
stated he had no objection. 8 RR 224; 12', RR SX 28, 29.

When a pretrial motion to suppress is overruled, a defendant need not
object again when the evidence is offered at trial. However, where defense counsel
affirmatively states that he has “no objection,” any error in admitting the evidence is
waived. Holmes v. State, 248 S.W.3d 194, 200 (Tex. Crim. App. 2008); Swain v.
State, 181 S.W.3d 359, 368 (Tex. Crim. App._ZOOS); Moody v. State, 827 S.W.Zd

875, 889 (Tex. Crim. App. 1992) (statem.ent of “no objection”_ to offered evidence

gam+e% ”


Cling naacl`l<' éay,ubtf_of 1730[759 COURT(§ECEWED'N

%al spur 541 v . JANO”/‘zms
A/pl@,/Lj/f@ / 717( 76;/@7

D@.f@; /;1 v sav 30/~¢/

C/&i`i< op Courl' per _
Cout"l_e-pc/`iw\l_va( appeal$
P,@, gas isaacs

Capif'@f §l’a‘l"fo/\/

A'vfl"'~/ frx, 7?7//

Abe| Acosta, Clerk

RE‘ -€'fffNj O[>Je¢‘i`..‘o,u§' fe »Ciusf,c'iwbs ap -CA<‘/_f'>",
Coiuefusi` o@[mu, Aw)/ /QecoM/¢@M@{ei';b/‘s'
72 Z/l//`}f'@@/smées$ Corj)u$ //,@7 1(/\/ gauge ,A/dr
CR-/Qs»/-~/!»s'é/)/f wlz»ga,¢/@s{-a li

D e_c)cl\ C{@~/‘f(

please .C);(e. e~c(o$e¢)(_oé»Jec+¢€o/~JS fe Sf'a+.g,j
p§,-'¢>UN~SS O“c 'é)‘%\""/'t"/ C@M"’lus"osu d'@LQ‘-Qr d..uof
/‘QCOMMP_A/o[e/T'/"®A/ @,A/ ,4/1>/ w/`c:f"¢)‘-\£ /lad€ma.¢§
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