Flores, Reynaldo


                                                 .                 711 \r \--o INFORMATION                                                                          Texas Western District Court
 Firm:                          Law Office of Britt Eastland                                    Other Courts
Firm Size:                      Solo                                                            None Reported By Attorney
Occupation:                     Private Law Practice
                                                                                                OTIIER STATES LICENSED
Practice Areas:                 Criminal
                                                                                                None Reported By Attorney
Services Provided:              Hearing impaired translation: Not Specified
                                ADA-accessible client service: Not Specified
                                Language translation: Not Specified

Foreign Language                Spanish

Law School                     Graduation Date            Degree Earned

                                                          Doctor of
St. Mary's University          05/2005.                   JuriSQ!Il_d_e~~~~(_J urjs
                                                          Doctor (J.D.)

                                         1   Against Mayra Rubio,                      used or attempted use of force you

                                         2   will find the defendant not guilty of felony. assau1;.

                                         3   I'm making those corrections.                          Other than those

                                         4   corrections,       does the State have any object to the

                                        5    charge?

                                        6                 MR.   DEMARTINO:                  No objections,      Your Honor.

                                        7                 THE COURT:                   All right.     Now,   the defense?

                                     8                  MR.     EASTLAND:                  Yes,   Your Honor.    And before we

                                    @        make those formal objections I'd like to make a motion

                                    10       for directed verdict.

                                    11                 ------~                         All right.    And based on?
                                                  /                                    ~
     \!) \          '1,
                                                                                           Based on that hardly a scintilla
rx\~                                12                  MR. EAS TLA~:
\ ·D~
   . ""'.l                                                             ~~ ....   "'"

\~                                  13                                                 presented to convict Mr.      Flores of

0~ ~
                  \J                14       these three charges.
~ ~~                              //15                  THE COURT:                     Of each of the charges?
',   ~~
      '                       /

~~                        /         16                  MR.     EASTLAND: Of each of them.
                                    17                  THE COURT:                     And that will

                                    18                          Now,             did you have a request for the
 ~"~ ,.._,        '.j
0\)                                 19       charge,   and I     will note for the record that the Court on
                                    20       its own has included,                      based on the defendant's
~~.~                               21        testimony,    unlawful restraint and necessity as a
 ~ '-'.1
              '>                   @                               Other than those additions to the
··~'.::.                           23        charge,   do you have any other request?
"                   \

                                   24                   MR.     EASTLAND:                  We have no objection to the

                                   @         unlawful restraint.                       We are formally objecting to the

                                                                       DEBRA JIMENEZ, CSR
                                                                 290TH ,TUDIC:IAL DISTRICT COURT

                     Mr. Reynaldo Flores
                     CID Garza West Transfer-Facility - -- -------- ----
_________ ___ _425_0_Bighway 202
-- ---- -- ------- --Beeville, TX 781 02-0000

      ·-   ..... -····--·-···---·-····---------·----------··-··········   ... ····-····   .    ..

                                                             TDCJ - INSTITUTIONAL DlVISIDN
                                                                  OFFICIAL LAVIN PASS
                                                                            f-~Df·1 IN I      ET RPT I VE

                                            EFFECTIVE DATE; 05/29/2014
                                            FROM-TO TIME: 07:00-08:00
                                            START DRTE: 05/29/2014 END DATE: 05/29/2014

                                         ADMIT: 01912036 FLORES,REVNALDO
                                          REASON: 7:00 MAILROOM     HOUSE: E4·-049T


                                           TITLE: COUNTROOM
       /   ....

                                                    United States Court of Appeals
                                                               FIFTH CffiCUIT
                                                            OFFICE OF THE CLERK
                   LYLE W. CAYCE                                                              · TEL. 504-310-7700
                   CLERK                                                                  · 600 S. MAESTRI PLACE
                                                                                          NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130

                                                             May 06, 2014

                  Mr. Reynaldo Flores
~~-=o===o=.coc==-#--1-9:1-2-Q3·6.,-- -#-9 615 4 3
                  CID Garza West Transfer Facility
                  4250 Highway 202 ·
                  Beeville, TX 78102-0000

                          No. 14-50061                Reynaldo Flores v. San Antonio Police
                                                      Department, et al
                                                      USDC No. 5:13-CV-2

                  Dear Mr. Flores,
                  The district court denied you in forma pauperis (IFP) status under
                  28 U.S.C. § 1915(a) (3) and FED R. APP. P. 24 (a). You have 30 days
                  from the date of this letter to pay the full $505.00 fees to the
                  distric~ court clerk, or to challenge the district .. court's denial
                  of IFP status. If you challenge the decision, you must apply to
                  this court for IFP and include a brief supporting your position.
                  Your brief may only discuss the reasons why you think the district
                  court's denial of IFP was wrong.    If you do not pay the full fees
                  or file a motion and brief with this court, we will dismiss your
                  appeal without further noti.ce, 5TH.CIR. R. 42~3.

                                                              LYLE W. CAYCE,      Cler~
                                                                .(Y)OJ-_(J ~o.J.
                                                              Mary C. Stewart, Deputy Clerk ..
.   --.....



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