FILED IN COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS PD-1661-14 RECEIVED IN COURT OF CRIMINALAPPEALS December 30, 2014 December 30, 2014 ABELACOSTA, CLERK NO. ABELACOSTA. CLERK MARCO POLO § IN THE COURT OF MEDINA-GONZALEZ § PC VS. § CRIMINALAPPEALS |^o^f § STATE OF TEXAS § OF TEXAS . SUPPLEMENTAL MOTION TO EXTEND TIME TO FILE PETITION FOR DISCRETIONARY REVIEW . ^\a,%^ ^U^ TO THE HONORABLE JUDGES OF SAID COURT: Now comes Marco Polo Medina-Gonzalez, Appellant by and through undersigned Appellate Counsel in the above styled and numbered cause, and moves for an extension of time of 90 days or sufficient time as described herein below to file a petition for discretionary review, and for good cause shows the following: 1. On Monday, December 22, 2014, Appellate Counsel learned that Medina filed an application for writ of habeas corpus under Art. 11.07. 2. The Honorable 54th District Court has designated as issue number one Appellant's allegation of ineffective assistance of counsel by Appellate Counsel. 3. Appellate Counsel has been ordered to provide a responsive brief on or before January 21, 2015 and the Court will render an order on or before February 4, 2015. 4. Appellate Counsel submits that the above mentioned matter should be resolved before the deadline of filing the PDR. 5. Appellate Counsel is uncertain of the customary timeframe for this Honorable Court to consider said matters once findings are received from the Honorable 54th District Court. 6. Appellate Counsel requests that the Court a sufficient period for the Habeas matter to be resolved and requests said period to be at least 90 days as previously requested. PRAYER WHEREFORE PREMISES CONSIDERED, MARCO POLO MEDINA-GONZALEZ prays that the Court will grant a continuance for a period of at least 90 days but sufficient enough that the Habeas matter may be resolved before the date of submission. Respectfully submitted, Law Office of Denton B. Lessman 100 N. 6th Street, Ste. 702 Waco, TX 76701 Tel: (254) 776-4544 Fax:(254)776-4551 p Digitally signed by Denton B. l> Lessman DN: cn=Denton B. Lessman, £}£/%— >,o=Law Office of Denton B. tessman, ou,, Bv: ,#' c=US « t>. A ™ t "'^ Date: 2014.12.22 19:02:24-06'00' Denton B. Lessman State Bar No. 24042474 Attorney for Marco Polo Medina-Gonzalez * CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE This is to certify that on December 22, 2014, a true and correct copy of the above and foregoing document was served on the District Attorney's Office, McLennan County, Texas, by electronic service through the Electronic Filing ( Digitally signed by Denton B. -» r Lessman Manager. ^-^ rj ^y ^DN:cn=DentonB. Lessman, o=Law — Office of Denton B. Lessman, ou, "*, c=US Date: 2014.12.22 19:02:37 -06'00' Denton B. Lessman cMcN,,nJoia-aim-caA ^?i (The Clerk of the convicting court will fill this line in.) *<%/>, IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS OF mX^W/'Z Au-ri ' *$ APPLICATION FOR AWRIT OF HABEAS CORPUSpfe f °- * SEEKING RELIEF FROM FINAL FELONY CONVICTM>N ^ UNDER CODE OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE, ARTICLE 11.07 NAME: Mateo ftc>l& ,Merv&.cM g,x. DATE OF BIRTH: FpWu,sxy \\t W33 PLACE OF CONFINEMENT: J&mfta N, AWred—Uatfc.— TDCJ-CID NUMBER: WOTftttl SID NUMBER: (1) This application concerns (cheek all that apply): £L--'a conviction • parole L^U-'a sentence • mandatory supervision • time credit D out-of-time appeal or petition for discretionary review (2) What district court entered the judgment of the conviction you want relief from? (Include the court number and county.) (3) What was the case number in the trial court? u : Effective: January 1. 2014 muni mi Rev. 01/14/1.4 (5) Were you represented by counsel? If yes, provide the attorney's name: t)<>.nlrftn Pe-nfvy Ql» _;.£ SSOXIXX . _—_ (6) What was the date that the judgment was entered? Qcfaster ^cJ -Le>\% (7) For what offense were you convicted and what was the sentence? .,b.v_fr _— NuHen \_ oHex-ccdi Wnr\ \unt-y> _ <*<__fc O? 'W_rj ,n G Y__c btetftfe, _______t ___ ___J__ ^*AS _ Ou.fc o<-e.ie3_ ___^__g-S ___-_ S g-QTYMSOerl q «a.cs_n ne>_ ^osb_m-y •A__.\in_ _____ Keener ^\o\o__„ __£ Vjmfcfict Stas.__% CoTObfcujb-^ VjaVifco he &hc_gi_._. __m_ Vu.tA4n s _____x_e no s ___£_, _o_L _ da,-. bh_.e Aasa fio_ ___si: ____£_£— -fry-*-- Sm-_ f>o +*_<__ s a^ag ao a sk^foa. \q 2 oeneA g-ode. fc-us-fc. -tt_AU£. Z. Me\__WAH CC-HT-f , "TE.XAS Pe_v_v_n<_c \D£.1VTU_Ht& Ci_N-r.At.__. APPUCA1SOM Fos, A ^R\T OT- HAQE.A5 CORPUS _i__KUSG> Psg._\E.F P«cN\ ^\^AL_^£_gA. _WX c.o,-AM\e-xvov«» LinO.b, c._so_ «_* CRWiNftu 9:p._c-s_ uh_ \\. 07 To -VH£. S-\onop.Aja_.e ~.\ _oc_e. _? sa\q causer '. CamiiS b4<_\N AAticCo 9 ~>\o N\e.«.<: \\n»a\ 9tv_ce;_u.<.-€_ ArbAcAe U. Q V .. Lev t5tt\fc\ov\_v 'wov_\«\ SViov* u.v\ti_ -eve. C« ^c. Uo\*j..'S X. STA-t£jV\_KT R_G,A?.OVVAC- ^USASOxOAOMi *\V\«- C_v«;fc. Ws ju«v_4\vctva«-\ <3m<_c b.Vv«_ Subject mattes av\d tV\_ pattxes ipucsu_v\t_ fcj_ 3 Oo") «*'*-» U.a-7, See aVso 'In 9,g. 9\p<_y \.o 3 5, SW. 3d 1-7 , ^\ C "V«.x. Ay^j , \U<_<,«_ O.•© rT f\_._,A«?.OVHCb ~vvu_ AP._.UM£.wrC vWivw-ib. __ Ved,. R. A^u 9. -<* CM C"A1 Cc) , ec*> •?• -£• a C> S3H F. 3A 7:15 Q D, C.c«,-ZOOii). On 7emu^y -M, 2oa^ 9^Uomci«i v_»r\rt.*_ \w_ / U 1^*3 _T-ec*_toy 'vJM.«i\Hvrvc, toy _'te>:J«.e <_,_ri fc_c «=•© en toa XswvU—r J«*VU_*^, ,„,_. 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SU^san 3.'^ A '»5-J. C 5* cur. loo:3 ) Q ^t^cfc. ec^-h. <=-\c>»ac«tu_-it_ Vic_<<_. e s __bUs V\e.<4 t, « fte?ood^an««. .** <*«• «^A*«*«- <*»«*. tine ^wwW *H_ V-W5 \____. ^_s se«_ ^^.^waano^ g*n^.t;«Wy/. ^3 f, aA V"0:J C St_\c«,v<* Bu««..] ; Cf C- >^. Cro^a Ce.obrc\ ret:<^<-u-m g-gt^. *3