OFFICIAL NOTICE FROM COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS OF TEXAS P.O. BOX 12308, CAPITOL STATION, AUSTIN, TEXAS 78711 -£t ES F°^ OFFICIAL BUSINESS -a STATE OF TEXAS; < PENALTY FOR f -. 02 1R $ 00.28s 11/7/2014 PRIVATE USE rJ&A Case^Na^09-t4-0(J3381-eR JONES, JOE EDWARD Tr. Gt. ISfcPB^^Bi MAILED FROM ZIP ^R^AjfjU A On this day, this Court has granted the^Appelfant's Pro Se motion for an extension of time in which to file the Petition for Discretionary Review. The time to file the petition has been extended to Tuesday, December 30, 2014. NO FURTHER EXTENSIONS WILL BE ENTERTAINED. NOTE: Petition For Discretionary Review must be filed with The Court of Criminal Appeals. Abel Acosta, Clerk ICO JONES / y> i? 103 Z', AON 80££ 0£**3L.p.? sLQ'QQ $ / f z5* IT ssmfings- k '.,1 $•: CITAkRD, RD ^ff^ii'il'-'illHu'i'1'1!!-''!