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Texas 77340 Texas 75861 TDCJ-CID Region Ill 400 Darrington Road Rosharon, Texas 77583 TDCJ-CID Region IV TDCJ-CID Region VI HC02 Box 965 4616 West Howard Lane Beeville, Texas Austin, Texas 78720 78102 TDCJ-CID Region V 304 W 6th St Plainview, Texas 79072 ----- __j ,, J: ,.rll.t~·_li· ,· 1' ,.· .-/· ly·'l -··.~· ,;;.~..-.: 4 .cv_'-TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF.CRIMINAli JUSTICE ;-.~4:'\; ' ,~:. OFFENDER ORIENTATION HANDBOOK :i>- '.-f' t< . . ..:·-/ ,• as '··~,;}. Gs: Approved by the \ Director of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Correctional Institutions Division I i-2o2 (rev.11/04) :I .,, 'I I their Projected Release Date (minimum expiration date). If the offender is serving consecutive sentences, he may be approved for parole on a specific cause number that is eligible for review (CU-FI) or the BPP may deny parole for a specific cause number (CU-NR). Offenders who are denied parole and are given serve-ails will be released to Mandatory Supervision (MS) on their Projected Release Dates (minimum expiration dates). If an offender has no Projected Release Date and is given a serve-all, he will serve his/her entire sentence in calendar time and will be discharged from the TDCJ on his/her maximum expiration date. Parole and Mandatory Supervision. allow an offender to be released from custody to the supervision of a Parole Division District Parole Officer. Parole and Mandatory Supervision rules are· the same. In order to complete the required period of Parole or Mandatory Supervision, the releasee must meet the requirements of supervision. In addition to the General Conditions of parole and mandatory supervision, the BPP may also impose Special Conditions requiring treatment and other program participation, travel and contact restrictions, and restitution reimbursement, Electronic Monitoring may also be imposed by the BPP. Discharge from Parole or Mandatory Supervision occurs on the maximum expiration date of the offenders sentence. B. THE PAROLE INTERVIEW Offenders do not have to apply for parole or mandatory release consideration. Offenders do not have to hire attorneys or parole consultants to represent them in the parole process or to check on their parole status. ·All offenders will receive initial parole interviews regardless of disciplinary status· (good time lost/class demotion); however, to be eligible for subsequent parole interviews offenders must be classified in the same or higher time e·arning status assigned to them when they entered TDCJ and must not have had any major disciplinaries in the six-month period prior to the dates they are reviewed for parole which resulted in loss of good time or reduction in class below entry. level. During the parole interview offenders are given the opportunity to present parole release plans and employment plans. Release Plans to their family and friends are preferable due to limited halfway house space available. The law: [Tex. Gov t Code Ann. I 508.181 (West 1997)] requires that offenders must reside in their Legal County of Residence after release. Legal County of Residence is :defined as the county where the offender was living when he committed ihe·. present offense. If an offender is incarcerated for multiple offenses, the legai county of residence is determined by the residence at the time of the most recent present offense. Offenders who are called to the unit parole office should bring the names, complete addresses, including accurate zip codes and phone numbers of the person(s) in the Legal County of Residence with whom they intend to reside while on Parole or Mandatory Supervision. If the offender cannot provide addresses in his/her Legal County of Residence, alternate1 addresses (including out-of-state release plans) may be submitted and the BPP will decide whether or not to allow the offender to be released to a non-county of residence. Out-of- state plans must be accepted by the state to which placement has been requested (via Interstate Compact Agreement). Since all parole plans are verified by parole officers, it is important for them to be provided with complete and accurate addresses and phone numbers (home, work, day, night, and weekend phone numbers) so they can quickly verify each offenders parole plan. The BPP may require electronic monitoring as a condition of release. In the event this condition is imposed, special equipment must be installed in the residence. Prior to the offenders release, the sponsor must sign an agreement to remove all features from the phones (call forwarding, caller ID, call waiting, etc). The BPP may require halfway house placement as a special condition of an offenders release. When an offender has been interviewed for parole 55 ,. consideration, a7report is submitted to the BPP for a decision. When a decision is reached, the offender is informed of the decision. Remember, offenders do not have to apply for parole consideration. An offender DOES NOT have to be iA physical custody of TDCJ to be paroled. Texas law authorizes Parole in Absentia {PIA):' PIA is the parole release of TDCJ sentenced offenders from other holding facilities, including jails, contract facilities, and federal/other state prisons. C. PAROLE ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS Offenders serving ·sentences for offenses that precede the 701h legislature should contact their Unit: Institutional Parole Officer in reference to specific eligibility requirements. . : The following is a listing of parole eligibility requirements (including 3g and Non- Mandatory Supervision offenses) separated by Legislatures. 1. ·.··70th Legislature Requirements (Offense dates 9-1-87 to 8- 31-92):[Article 42.18, Texas Code of Criminal Procedure (TCCP)]. J: a'. Most offenders under this law become parole eligible when their flat time served and good time credits combine to equal one-fourth of their total sentences. Fifteen years total flat time and good time credit is the maximum requirement in this example. (Flat time served · + good time credits = one-fourth of sentence = parole eligibility.)
Brooks, Ronnie Ray
Combined Opinion