Henry, Willie Iii

Court: Court of Appeals of Texas
Date filed: 2015-01-12
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Combined Opinion
       ·,                                            No •. _____

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Scan~ov 30, 2009 ·                                                                                                            I                                                 I
                                                                                                                         CASE No. 98575                         COUNT    SINGLE
                                                                                                                                   INCIDENT NO./TRN: 9062743064

           THE STATE OF TExAs                                                                                                                       §            IN THE       252ND       DISTRICT
           v.                                                                                                                                       §            COURT
          WILLIE HENRY III                                                                                                                          §            JEFFERSON CoUNTY, TExAs
           STATE ID No.: TX07516757                                                                                                                 §

                                                                                                                       JUDGMENT ADJUDICATING GUILT
                                                                                                                                                      Date Judgment
          Judge Presiding:                                                      HoN.               LAYNE WALKER                                       Entered:                   January 14,2009
                                                                                                                                                    ' Attorney for
          Attorney for State:                                                   PERRY THOMAS                                                          Defendant:                KEVIN LAINE
          Date of Original CommunitvBupervision Order:                                                                                                Statute for Offense:
           10/1/2007                                                                                                                                    22.02 Penal Code
          Offense for which Defendant Convicted:
          Date of Offense:
           Degree:                                                                                                                                 Plea to Motion to Adjudicate:           Findings on Deadly Weapon:
           2ND DEGREE FELONY                                                                                                                       TRUE                                    N/A
          Terms of Plea Bargain:
           Date Sentence Imposed:                                                              1/12/2009                                       Date Sentence to Commence:           1112/2009
           Punishment and Place
           of Confinement:                                                                     18 YEARS INSTITUTIONAL DIVISION, TDCJ
                                                                                                                        THIS SEI\!TENCE SHALL RUN        CONCURRENTLY.
                             D           SENTENCE OF CONFINEMENT SUSPENDED, DEFENDANT PLACED ON COMMUNJTY SUPERVISION FOR                                                                                     N/A

                                                             Court Costs:                                                         Resti~       Restitution Payable to:

                                                                                                                                               0   VICTIM (see below)        181 AGENCY/AGENT (see below}
                                                                                                                                                                             JEFFERSON COUNTY COMMUNITY
                                                                                                                                                                             SUPERVISION AND CORRECTIONS
                                                                                                                                                                             820 NECHES ST
                                                                                                                                                                             BEAUMONT TX :77701
                                                                                                                                                                             ADMININSTRATIVE FINANCIAL
            $NIA                                             $863.00                                                  $ N/A                                                  OBLIGATJONS $1317;00

            Sex Offender Registration Requirements do :not ·apply to the Defendant. TEx. CODE CRIM. PRoc. chapter 62
            The age ofthe victim at the time of the offense was                                                                          N/A

                                                                                                                         CAUSE 1198675                                         Pagelo£2                                 53

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Scanned Nov 3o 5 2009 ·
     Sex Offender Registration Requirements do not apply to the Defendant. TEX. CoDE CRIM. PRoc. chapter 62
     The age of the victim at the time of the offense was                                 N/A

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~PTD'lBER 7, 2006
                                                                                                               ,.   :

i 53)( DA NO. 7 8 0 0 0)                                                                                                                  CAUSE NO.
lE STATE OF TEXAS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  1
                                                                                                                                          SEXUAL ASSAULT                                                                                           1
)   .                                                                        '06 SEP -7 A11 :03                                           SEC. 2'2. 011 (a) ( :L) (A)                                                                     ~:

                                                                                                                                          2ND DEGREE FELoNY                                                             Acri·~i                        1
                                                                          c> ..                                                                                                                                             ,-.....,).'                .
1MB) (DOB: 6-25-67)                                                                                                                       REINDICTED FROM #86400                                                               _,-                         1
                                                                                     I N D I                9       7 M E N T.

                  IN THE NAME AND BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF ·TEXAS:                                                                                                                                                                                     1

                                                                                                COUNT I                                                                                                                                                        1

                               THE          GRAND               JURORS                 for           the                c~mnty             of           Jefferson,                               State
                  aforesaid,                      duly           organized                      as         such             at           the          July                Term, · A.D.,
                  2005,              of the Cr:irninal                             District Court of                                        Jefferson County,                                               in

                  said County and State,                                               upon oath in said Court                                                         present                       that                                                          1

                  WILLIE               HENRY,.               III,                hereafter                          styled               the           Defendant,                              on           or                                                     1

                  about              the 1st day of May,                                          Two Thousand,                               and           anterior                         to          the

                  presentment of this indictment,                                                              in the County of Jefferson and
                   State             of       Texas,               did         then            and there ,..cmmally .assault                                                               BARBARA
                   li'JHEP.R'!               D:SP..N,               hereafter                           stvled                     the                  Complainant,                                         by
              A                                                                                    ~~c~lefS i{'
              p\intentionally                               and          knowing 1 y                    c au sin q                ·-t:-t:hft->e-E---;:p:ne~I'ttte~t;.,Jri;.ia;.;tt;,J.;J,J.o~nR-~o~ft:-...:t8h!'Te-e-                                                      1

         ~·        fema l        P     sexuei.J organ of the Complainc::nt by inserting hj s sexual-;.                                                                                                                                                                     1

         1         0 ~-!CJ..W..Li.Lt.l..lh;.;.G-c~U,..;,t-+.t..,~-~h..._e.__-~.c-'-O..uD.J...:S::uP;;..~D~t~..___;Q!..!...!,_f----1tjl.s_e_~C:.J.oo~IDJ.t.pw.1-L-aui--'-n.u:;a;w.D..wt._,_,._.-a00--tiTe

                   Defendant                    c~ed                         the          Cornpla~nant                        to         subrni L to                         such sexual
                   ~1e                                            nuc-;:;s:Pe~i'ioff-prrlhrvy1'>s-i-ieen-a-11-.,-..;:fJ.f..c::t..r:c e      and            violence
                  · tbr:eate.H:-ing                    Cornplalnant                        with             Llre         use             of        force                 and             violence-,

                   cHJtr~c Cornp l a i~?, s:~~                                                            Ave! ;·  .+1"-:rvr \r                                  1                                                                                                             1

                                                                            · e- r                /f-l' s-· ~')-+"-elf'..                                                                                                                                                          1
                                              COUNT II
              THE   GRAND     JURORS              thP.- County    of      Jefferson,             State
      aforesaid,      duly _organized         as    such ·at     the     July       Term,        A. D.,

      2005,    of the Criminal District Court -of Jefferson County,                                  in

      said· County and State,              upon oath· in said Court present that

      WILLIE HENRY,         III, hereafter -styt·ed the Defendant,                  on or about

      the     1st    day     of     May,   Two Thous~nd,         and     anterior           to     the

      presentment of this indictment, in the c6unty of Jefferson and

      State of Texas~             did then and there         s,exually assault BARBARA
      WHERRY        PEAN,         hereafter        styled      the.      Complainant,               by
      intentionally· and            knowingly. causing        the. penetr_ation             of     the

      female sexual organ of the Complainant by inserting his sexual

      organ,    and    the ·Defendant            was _a.    clergyman         who   caused         the

      Complainant       to        submit   and     P~J;ticipa~e       . by.   ~xploitin9           the

      Complainant's         emotional      dependency· on        the     clergyman          in     the

      clergyman's professional character as spiritual advisor,



                   0                                                               ..                                            ~

                                   DOCKET.wCRIMINAL DISTRICT COURT                                                                9'8515

       BONDSMEN:                           OUT OF COUNTY EiOND   :w, 000

        NUMBER                          PARTIES                                ATIORNEYt:                              OFFENSE

           98575                   THE STATE OF TEXAS                                       SEXUt"1L. ASSAULT   REINDICTED FROM .86400

                                    WILLIE HENRY III                           BMB

                                                                 ORDERS OF COURT                                                 VOL.   I PAGE

_,f                           ~·
~-                            ~A
        . -0036

                                           ~.           ~-           ;II                                                                                  CRIMINAL DOCKET                                                                                                                       l.()

                                                              rI                                                                                                                                                                                                                      .
                      DATEOFORDERS                            "                                                                                                            ORDERSOFCOURT_:_(Continued)                                         ~                                      VOL. PAGE

                        n 11
                      Month     DaY    Y ~ear
                                          /L Court order entered regarding anegea pronatiOn VIO•                                                                                                         __.../                                                                                    )
                            I J        0V       l~tion. The Disn ;                                                                                                                                                                ~;_~ ~ !J·'i i<~ ~;;;~ (L :. J

                               11 1 II\ Ci                                                                                                                                   Reeeive4fromth~f~f~ecound..
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       .   ~·
                           I   l/c}__ fV (.
                                                        Defendant found guilty by the Court. The Court as-
                                                        sessed the· defendant's punishment at confinem nt
                                                        in the Institutional Division of the Texas ~r /                                                f:
                                                                                                                                                                                             --     •   -l
                                                                                                                                                                             .,...,...., G...iJnCI4 """" •_.,..
                                                        ment of Criminal Justice for a term of !LA ":/                                                 :..-c                                         1       Y\f\n          1
                                                        Y"dl~.                                     UUIY                  LU                       :f\..._.1                   ..                  --;iif "\/1       .,.
                                                        years 'confinement in the Institutional DivisiorUf                                                                    -                      T/ 1         ,....--nil A- ~
                                                        tha Tavoo n.                                         nf r.imin        '""""'                                                                    V ~~              f V ~!+11/

                                                                          -.    ,..
                                                ".~ @";3 ~'t. ~~~; ~~:~ ~~;'..:l ui'~
                                                                                      ~,.,.   •.   ~..::.•

                                                                                                                                                   :::<:....:~ ;:~·   .·~ ' ~..\ fl r,..SIS 0'1 o-, o6                                                vs.
                                                                                                                                                        ~u~ t         b      J:M--     e~      _.  vvl.irr.A   A:n~~~ld-ltJD
                                                                        t..J·\\~     \-l,Jn vt--. Lt1                         ~

                      DATE OF ORDERS
                                                                                                                 ORDERS OF COURT                                                                                         VOL.   PAGE
                  Moa.tb       0.,      Year

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                                                                                                      MARY REISWIG
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     1                              REPORTER'S RECORD
     2                               VOLtJME 2 OF
     3                      TRIAL COURT CAUSE NO. 98575

          THE STATE OF TEXAS                        *       IN THE 252ND DISTRICT
     6                                              *
     7    vs.                                       *       COURT OF
     8                                              *
          WILLIE HENRY, III                                 JEFFERSON COUNTY, TEXAS

                                   PLEA OF NO CONTEST
                        *    * •   * * * * * • * • • * * •

14       On the 27th day of August, 2007, the following proceedings
15       came on to be heard in the above-entitled and numbered
16       cause before the Honorable Layne Walker, Judge Presiding,
17       held in Beaumont, Jefferson County, Texas:
19       Proceedings reported by Machine Shorthand.
                               AP P E ARANC E S
22        MR. PERRY THOMAS                              kR. AUDWIN SAMUEL
         SBOT NO. 19849120                              SBOT NO. 00791595
23       Assistant District Attorney                    Attorney At Law
         1001 Pearl                                     505 Milam
24       Beaumont, Texas 77701                          Beaumont, Texas 77701

                                   252ND DISTRICT COURT
     1                                 VOLUME 2
     2                       PLEA OF NO CONTEST
     3                                                  PAGE
     4   Case Called                                      1

     5   Defendant Pleads No Contest                      2

     6   Case Reset                                       3
     7   Reporter's Certificate                           4













                              ~~52ND   DISTRICT COURT

     1                                                        8 I 2 71 Oi'

     2                      THE COUF!T:     Good afternoon, sir.              Other than
     3    your hand, are you doing okay?
     4                      THE DEFENDANT:       Yes, sir.
     5                      THE COURT:      Are you Willie Henry, III?
     6                      THE DEFENDANT:       Yes, sir.
     7                      THE COURT:      Mr. Samuel, will he waive the
     8   formal reading?
     9                     MR. SAMUEL:       Yes, sir, he will, Your Honor.
 10                        THE COURT:       Mr. Henry, the       ind~ctment      in your
11       case alleges that on or about --
12                         Well, is there any motions
13                         MR. THOMAS:       There's a motion, Your Honor, to
14       amend       proceed only on Count         1   of this indictment and
15       amend Count 1 of the indictment to insert the word -·
16       after intentionally and knowingly, insert "and recklessly"
17       and above that, the word "sexually" -- when it says
18       sex ua 11 y ass au 1 t , e l i mi nate the word " sex ua 1 l y . "     Then
19       after the word "causing," eliminate the rest of the
20       indictment and submit it ·· submit that it reads serious
21       bodily injury to the complainant by the use of his hands.
22                        THE COURT:      Is there any objection to that?
23                        MR. SAMU E/_:     No objection to the amendment.
24                        THE COURT:       The indictment will be amended.
25       I'm initialing that and putting today's date on that.

                                      2:52ND DISTRICT COURT

     1                    The indictment in your case alleges that on
     2    .or about the 1st day of May of 2000, that you committed
     3    the offense of aggravated assault -- well, this indictment
     4    says "sexual" assault.        I am amending the indictment to

     5    the offense of "aggravated" assault --
     6                    MR. SAMUEL:     Under Section 22
     7                   THE COURT:     That's all right.    I'm going to
     B   go with aggravated assault.
     9                   To this indictment, sir, do you enter into a
 10      plea of gui 1 ty' or not gui 1 ty?
11                       THE DEFENDANT:       No contest.
12                       THE COURT:     Have you entered into your plea
13       of no contest of your own free choice?
14                       THE DEFENDANT:       Yes, sir.
15                       THE COURT:     And is this your signature here?
16                       THE DEFENDANT:       Yes, sir, the best I couid
17       do, yes, sir.
18                       THE COURT:     And prior to signing this
19       document, did you read it and did Mr. Samuel explain it to
20       you to your full and complete satisfaction?
21                       THE DEFENDANT:     Yes, sir.
22                       THE COURT:     ·oo you have any questions about
23       it?
24                       THE DEFENDANT:     No, sir.
25                       THE COURT:     State's tendered No. 1.

                                  252ND DISTRICT COURT

         1                    MR., SA:1liEL:    There's no objection, Your
         2    Honor.     That will be under 22.02.
         3                    THE   cou~:T:    State Is 1 Is admitted.
         4                    Any evidence that he's incompetent?
         5                    MR. SAMUEL:       There's none, Your Honor.
         6                    THE COURT:       Sir, you've entered into a

         7   proposed plea bargain agreement with The State.             The
         8   proposal is that I de'fer all findings of gui 1 t, place you
         9   on probation for a three-year period and assess a
    10       ?50-dollar fine.       ts   that· your understanding of the
    11       agreement?
    12                       THE DEFENDANT:        Yes, sir.
    13                       THE COURT:        Is that what you want me to do?
    14                       THE DEFENDANT:        Yes, sir.
    15                       THE COURT:        I'm going to accept your plea,
    16       reset you for sentencing on October 1st at 9:30.             I'll get
    17       a P.S.I. report, and I'll see you at that time.             Have a
    18       good day.




                                         252ND DISTRICT COURT
,.        .

          1                              REPORTER'S REC
          2                               VOLUME 3 OF
          3                       TRlAL COURT CAUSE NO · 98575

               THE STATE OF   TEXA~                *
          6                                        *
          7    VS.                                 *           T   OF
          8                                        *
               WILLIE HENRY, III                   *           ERSON COUNTY, TEXAS

                              **      '************
                              **      '************

     14       On the 1st day of    O~tober,     2007, the     allowing proceedings
     15       came on to be heard in the above-entitled and numbered
     16       cause before the Ho11orable Layne Wal                     Presiding,
     17       held in Beaumont,    J1~fferson   County,        as:
     18                                                                              0

     19       Proceedings reporte