I . ' . • / (0 · -· . /}ec.&e hnd , '- /J Jc /) y (){ 4'. vw~.u;., tflxv,s uOl.'t(f Of vorrvac, /'1 · fJ r . . I n (},,j /4 ; , ; f!eh'l-t'pn Ear- h/Y/) ofJ encla:sed /(efv)pr,{ 1 . ' . ~ This document co ta · · 11t?fe~l-.tn!>"'es-tha·t. ~ -of n _1nssome . ~r~. -poor quality . at the t1me of 1maging. . · ·/J}cv/(lcunn..£? c:tn cl Se vt?n (zj -~~et!- (1/ ~!Aj>p t2c.J1-/n9 ~ r'J::u :.JC .._·._ L /'f?h,e1l- 1-A-e /;:s-Jed dacvcrnen!l he .·/)Jed //;' 1/, e C()hr r- o f! · · I , . / . ·£ h/Ot--~!dfre . hr;,_c/~o¥J/e.r /hvrde hr-: /-~p ·CahrT- . - , - - - . , ; ht..-.. f- ;'.r,,.Lh6.6ecl--- ~ Cohn t.Y /he ·arbnmJ.£1rmf/vn da&e 1101: 'f41/t2V1/ . . h.s 1-o rhlhk-e c.r../ue<:- I <--7 ----------:----·""'a'.Lr_____j9'-1-'ot£__ . .L.iof.L__ _!_-h_!_!-A~e___l.LAM<2-~w~L=-·u/h'...Lm~~"'/¥-'/ ~fYh ~e · .exc 0s- e &;;_v ;/Jf:on ven1em ·e.S . ~ . / 1 ve crec-..ted. · ------~----------~--------~ill~ZO~Z_N_V_f__________________ ---'-----~--------SJV3ddV1VN\W\~~-~O l~OO~ Nl 03/\13~38'-,. - - - - - - - ·~-~~--~~.--~--~~----~----~~.~~~------~·· . -- 'l ~ . . . ·.· -~ ~~. ;- {- ';• '"" i!J£/VTITY OF Pill< TL£S ~EL~Ton J ANTHONY G, ll£t<£Fofi..DJJ'rl.d , P!to ~£ 1 fe flfiDnl!Jr R£Sf0NDENT J 1-/0NO!l..!J&L£ JIIYJ. fJD/3 0A((I'Jf.LLJ fre~·/d,M JUO GE 14 0·t-h Oa T~tcr ·Ci)lttR..T 1 O.f LrAaaotK COVLNTY f£x ,q .s J . fii&LE IJF COIVf£rJJT~ Corvr£,,JTs PliGEft) I de.(\ if y of f fA(' t j es • • . • e • • • ~ • - • fl) • • 0 4 • II ci) Tt~tble of flvdhofl/fie~ • II II 0 & e ~ 6 il 4 6 ' • () 0 1 "0Pi5i/l fJ\) ,PetiHoYl Fo-r Wr;t ot fYlm dhrnVL£ t/1nL1 dttu"I~J ,·c Uon S!r- - Vf te ~ e_ fl r • o . o o 11 4 ~ o • 8 o & e 1l e "' 'll a ~ • (3 - Lf) ~fatemen 1- ol' {I.e fC1cl6 I Cor£e. .. • 0 0 " 0 0 •• {4) flflBIJI!Y)en ~~ : In S~~rPfJortf ()f Wr/f . . I ..... ' • II w- u-f}--:g--1) (~.) Den;Otl Of 011\e Ptoces~ {ll.) The 1ritilJ JIAdfte ~biAses 0 iscfeti on/11dvocvrf-ing foy £tt~rre ReJJ'et ~e ~l!tes fed Cl ••• 0 e • ' • • • " p II 4 ll .(q) Prlll.Yer •• ~~ • ., • • o o " • ,. • (I • " ~~ 11 fJ Ji{q) D~ciOtY'Od--; 0 n • e 6 II •• 4 • fl Cl • , 0 •• ~oo) Af(;J v-tvtf; · CJtP\P+er 1 «i 1/!,xhS Civi I PrAcfit--e V\nJ. R.emeJ;e5 Cod e. -~ • i) If •~- ,o t ((e.YY\ ov Ot I and j RssiBnment- of Co\/\.n~e I (11PPet/tl) (G) in J,·tl- m e n h: : C111 w; e No·ls) :201A-'I~' 2 3 2, ;)f)J..fffin 3 , 8,3~.) ;{Oi'J..- ~2>J83LJ) ~Dia -'1i:f! &.&1. ~Oli-4f{_) 9s'1) J 20ii- If 3~ Etto ) Vinci r1oo ?- ~iw) g6 7 . (?) S~~tPPorr- Docii\()\0Yli-V\.~I 1 (Jn of CoY'APIPt,'n ~l Vrhd br,.evfit.:_ -nces.~ 1/)SV\.,·n~t- d\/\d.9e d:hrl Bob Dt;rnell V!n.J Col/\nseJ Oorv;d Croak. MBLL (Jf /111/f!IOI 0s& F. ?_d . r;gc, - (~~h . C~·(l-~ 1CJ q3 fLt LiJJY etfld Oo.U!nCtf'ShV111J g:1q .S.W.llisr;Jis-&{rex.h1:J). £n9. )~ V. CDKer; fAPP, q Disl-.1.111) ~:10 ~.IN. ~J ;)fJ7 Gjdeon V. WO!inWritJht) J/7'dv u.g. 335) &:2 ~.ct.· '712) q L.fd, . 2d 71q (1q[l3). J-ltJtin ~s V, Xer nee ) LJOLJ /A,£. 51 q J ~ 10- 1.1 ) qa ~.Cr. 51LfJq.;-1(e 3D L,Ed o ;ld Le5d.._ {iCJ7l.)~· H~rlleY V, Sfvde) /;17&_ g,w. J-.d GCt {T~x. Crfm. A~P. 10o'l), /Y)e)ende2 v. SJ-od-e; [APP. i~ Oigt. i00Ce) q2/1 £.W.d.JS!j5; SiJt fe f Y- KJ een CorP o V. Go.. f\ cirA ) 0~s ~.w. Jd J_[eg) ~t£q, g~Ol te V. m~n I~Y) ~~o boW, 2d ii~ IAoittd Stt/1 re~ v. mc Co)' ) '78 ~ F. £1!tPPo 2d i~i[e Z {)( morotnD V. ~fafe) !1~1 ~.w. Jd Ct4!5J flLJ? (Tex,. Cr; m. P, PP. lOD~), · .1tXAS C~MRI ~f C!U!Yll/llfJL PfPl!JLS iN Cfi!A~£ IVo(s). r,;_ oii- Lt'J.';b; zr. o; :1 (}1J- L''3 ") !! 32) :2 o_n- 4 ?.!!.} co.; ~O±J.-L/33.8?/1 1 ;).Oil~CfJ1.855 :J007-L/tu &t2 ;}0()7-LIJu,')qt, :lrJiJ..-LJ3L0UUi) / ) J ) ) // ?.oo'-: LJljL{, KS'-2) and 'dOll- Lt(o 7) reqq . J))J l;JI 1 ht\~ tllbV\.se;d his discreJivnj nol- Cons/deY'(nq nor rvdlhg /J\fon the ProPe;(IY t;IEd mDh'ons·) tllnd I~ [tAfforf fA- -~reOt ~t\6\}oy w/11 now ~'how fhe Cohrf the fo/Jow/ng: Ptll3e 4 J~f ~01.'-L no fef.) hDJd;n~; ~{fr~y CDntlwlin~ the\~ +ke hit~~ I Col!\~+ CD- -mm lHed re,ver~ ible exro(' I(\ C\llvwi V\0 fhe s~61 f-e to tf\h-oJIAt8 imPevmlss ibl0 he[ilriUA.Y &t~Al-emen ~s ih v' 1' o/tA~/oh oC 1-h£ ConCvon tu.HoYJ C~\IA5e) we, renJe.veJ Jlt1.d.91Yl- -enf r~vevsin~ the conviction Ctnd rem~~tnd:"'~ +~ iliW;e fo 1-he h~;u I Courf:; and J{) J/erefoy-J V, Sfvlfe No. 07-Df1-D315-GR) ho!d;n3: !l/Pelkll1f nexf J COntenJ.s fJwJ th.e ev,'dence o( drl!!!JS UPOn l!vhich h/~ COhvic~ion I!JCrs b~ed _g}muJJ houJe been -<\PPre_£!;td 9.iven the YnC\nnev- Jll wh~·ch ,} IAJCts obta/ned. Ne believed- /f fb be- tfnrettsonuble 1 exces!1/ve) !Jihd A via./c, fliJn of. dtA£; Process. fAe fr/ti I tot,rf reiecred the Ctrg111menl- bvd- whY /f did f/1)8(} f MflexPJl1ihed. v\Je Bl.rt~tctln fhe 1~6/tte. 3) fvtrf-A(!;(') is the maffer PresenH y berore ~~ e (@vu-f~ /n Wh/ch Rer -Jcrl-oY') agclin Fuces deh llill o{ dtA e Proce~~ of /til tN WAen tAt fr/al CoiAr-f r~lls to Condl!\Ct Vi h80!rin~ ·Or render .det/.sion ~f) AI~' tnoh'on!;l se~ £1/ ll/ll Vlnd Co. V, fflar.shet/1.) g:;_q S,W.1d 1s7_,1.sg [rex- /1'/:J.), g.) flit 1/IJfiL JUDGE /hjU!;t:S 01Sc~£TLonJ I !l!JJJOC!1TI/1J6 fofl- srnrr J..) /(e/cdor) ~cr;; Y'8?Luesl--ed a SfeeJY lr/t:,/ a!lJ Ae Am' /11)/ wa/t~ed llJs J ri3ht to t0 .SfeedY lf'l/cl/., ~e Slvtfe ~tl!d l!JJJ dPtYS' tJf IAe COmnletJCtfY1!317f P6\fJe ') or tl\ Cr /mlflV\ I f\tfion /f fA e /s; (//Cc/Jtstd af a fe /on YJ tiCCo Jr- defelld P111f -diY\5 fo kx. Code Grim Pro c. Art. 3 J.A. Dl the Sfeed I fr/t1 I /I 0-f. ~e/l)tfbr.) . 1 filEd ~i& moh'on for ~Peed! TriCJI (r-~hlbif f!.,) J on the J17fA JtAY of fhv,rch 101tt) fen [to) JnonfAs Av-,ve /v,Psedj Ctnd !JO fnt;J h~ts- h13eh DonJV~cfed On fhe h~~eJ. COivtSe No{~).) ;'n fAe ~/of/on for SPeedY fr/al, /(e;)V\hv) l'oJ!ovJ- -ed w/fh ~~·b fnott'on fo Dismiss O!Ae To VioluoJion Df f(;sht Tb SPee.dY Jr/C\0 [;I ed Jvd Y :l J ~ 01_ Lt , (l xJ1; b; 1-- 3 ) • J · :2) Not ·ConsiJer-ih!J ·Or rvll/nfl ()Y) /(eJIIt~or~ Pr-oPI/rl y {;JeJ moHons I~ a f'B- - f11A\!Ar OCCtA-rrentB ·Wl'~t. J/11 dB8 diM . t3oh Ovurne-11 J and /~ fAe mev;n 1/nlB the Stll\~~ is be1'n!J UllloweJ !o indeCinif!Y S/f On fend/nfJ L!ht/tv:!3eS and J JVihr Force ~eiCttDY fD fry tilnd de/end ht'mseJP Ot80t:nsl- OtJev/)' SYv/J e .C- -htAff!e3. ~elut~oor 1 .Jire.t~.s fhe Cov1-rl-~ afrenft'or. fo ExA/b/f 'l:f h/s mol-t' on (for SPeedy Tr;CJ I ln Cvrl/tse !Vo. [)_Do?- LJi&:JJi 1 I 1he moh'on Shnws fn be exetlAfed bY Refv,for on :LinlAC,vY J. ?) :l!JJ..D J /n'c,/ trias AeJd m- ~(Ay _iL).Q_o{3. 1n f'eferenCf:>J fo rhe moh'on. for tPeedY/1n~,/; f~e Covlff J~nle& the moft'oYJ vvil-hovtf- '6t'v1'n_g rAnY fet?lsoYJ dur;!Jg fAe lfJcrY iCe /2/J.W fried. /Jue fo frt'a I ef'ror /;/f/YV~It/1 le'd io J]e/afor!s 1!/of/on foy Steedi J/ol h~ now !uceJ;. a Po~s:,d)Je re~ frt'al !otl fAe OVeY!l 6fa/e :Joo'7J. Cr/m -ina/ 6ffen~e Pos&.iNr. DEL. C3 ft;1 LJ-1oo. 3) Re!Ot f-o(l i Ctimf101- be0 /n to llffeOJ I a de C/s/on On A/~ &..rten 1- n1P- -+ion for SPeedY Jr/()t} {txlll'b/J-- ;;z)J dl/1e Jo fhe fc,tf.f-Ae fr/al ttJ!Af'f- reP(Jt~es fo Consi'JeY' Or· fll!lle ~ .1Ae del/beY'c,fe rpf~~Ct I ·/!;' be/n!l Pr.elormed if) POtuOr oP fAe PrvseciAh''on .allollllin~' the Sf{l!te.fo ·oJ~e 3}eP .! :· RelClhv~ s,·tfh 4rnendrnent IAniJed ~ft'lte.s !And Tex/7\!: CDnsh'tV1ti'Onnl r/!3 J-d--- ·fo tJI SPeed! Trit?d. See /1(/jvK.er V W/nso/Lio'7 IA ..s;.c~~5i£'JVJl 6;cL Ji&'J-, · ~ee ZvlmO'f'odlo ~ fPlrB) gl, 1 al.so v. g,(A), .3d {fl43)) l.Y.LJ'] LTe)(. Cr:Yn.AN.10D).J. f~eg 4.) !he S)!alel nt5 1/!Jef/ce / Aowever /~nocenf) m/1/fufe!; t1Sf!i!J.tr 1-h e ~h,fe !Ander fAe B~rrker bPt}r;m c/n!3 fe;;f !){ hJAefher Re!t?Jft?f' Aht J been den1'ed ~~~~ rJ~·hf fo Sreedf fY'/!il 1!1ndefl feder?JI Vinci .fl-?d·e Con.stihttioh$ . .see /Y)e/ende2 fl. Sfc:,feJ {llpf,J.3 Did-.iqq&) 9:Z?S.W.J.d 5'15~ 5) fhe C)ocK be!:Jv!n fo r11n in CvllllS8 !Vo. (~) ~o12-!:J33J g:1,J. 1 }JJi2-lJs3J g33 1 V!nd 1012- 4!!.3, &3 '--J J fe b[/lr;,r Y 1 t-1 1 2JJ1J , C1 f frer;en frnen f lllfAe indrcl-mef1t~ { £xh,.b/~s (dl. f3. c.) J ;'n CC1vtSe /Vo. J.OiJ.- 'f:J'id~fij__ ( [x:h/h/1--{;.dJ) on fAe )LJ!A dc,i ot liff'U d.Oi:J 1 fles-1!11fn1enf- ol- IAe ind/Cfme11f J i!J Cf/~;,se No. J./)JJ-LJ:S1Jgsq Vind :l!JJ..i-LJ!!.'J.JEuo{ExAib;r.S (u_.Fi.'f.)} On fAe lsrh dUlY of Novembef' 10ii) t/1/so lfl CCthle J1Jo. :1.00'1- LJ"/ 1L&S'J Ltxftib/J-6!1)) On flte lOf), dP. '! of JIIIIY :200 7) flre_senf- -me()+ o{ f-Ae /ndict-menf. £ee £!.~ . v. mcCoY) ?grx F. SIAPP. J.d 1.1ifi.)t/tlso . ~ee St-Ptte 1/. mc,n le;Y) J.d.o £.1!1), ~d J1u. fl) I/IJ/ih lhe 1r~/c,/ CrJnrf- acf/n!1 as ar!voct1le kY' !he Sfafe1 hY not co- -nsiderin~ Or fVIf,/1!1 l!tffJn lon fu~ froPeYJY h'led C1hd ferJ;ng fYJofion ts) //.sted Uind re(t?vPd to heJrf! In A/j hlrif- of fnt1JJclAm~ -lAS) w/t/1/n Ct 'f'eV!sonCtble f-Jme rrPtrneo 1Jus Col/lv-1- ;11s.frl/\Ct fAe +Ae fr/t?tl CotAvf /n fA8 Cf t}/nYI!t: Clnd S'IV~ 1-~r. f-es. Con~/~'fehJ- W1'i-A Con~v--olliflg Llllw /n reJ~Jiion fo fr( Con..st-lt-vd---ioht>.' /(18ht ~0 SPeedY Jl7il?ll J Vlnd 1-Ae hnJ'(;l!;,J-/{ied dg/1?) y lllfld )I}]Pse of tinll!. fvn~fher d/1\e.- fo fAe Conf'l/cl- or InJ-rest-, S!t;J-ed ?uHA.'h /(e/1/)1---or~ fnotrDn foYJ Contlicf Free Co~~trbei.J R_elv.~o.,.- rec;_l/le!;r JJ,is Co\JtYt !nSI-rv.cf- fhe Tr-it?JI Co~~tr't fo remove '0/PPnin-J-pJ Col/11'1~-el DV\vl'd_ Cr-ook.br??nf--- ReJvJ-oy- Vln 'I t?ln J 1/l/J ref /e I ffli'Cl CofAr'T deetTl!J flece-s&cw y Jlflci//!)Jf.-8 J bl!lt not limit-ed fD DismL~RL WLrH ffi-EJIAOrcE. p!ZI+YtfZ I W/l£((£f0{(£ fi. tiveJY. ~ei his Wnf of rnetnd~mv.S for Vi. AtP~rih.!l /{ neCP.J."~'P!rY. 0fl lo:n IM\n I io IMJJ~~wW A"t-honY He'f"e?ov-d L!fl.bbock CO\An.t-Y.JtAi) p, O. 13 oX J.o S3~ LtAbbor;k. J T}( "YY'-IOg-3535 - I . ·----~----------~~---- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.DtCl!lf(!l1fOJIJ ;;g IJ./:. C: §17Lfu 1/v · GOOD fll£DS t: !lhf4on G. 1/er~d (J;, 1 ' -f.o._ # t'titris-t; 1 be/~9 &e.~n!lr I~CI21'Ckcqfed_i;7 Ltohback Ct7hnf1 JC,/~ In /14-hbock f!akwtx l fexv,.~ 1 declerre lAnde~ fea01/t Of feqt./U:/ fA121! fJ,e ____ _Jh_-{,L-rJ~t"'e-"-"7'~-'-'o'-U-/n_u..,;/j1'-----'-'l~ lrvte, and CtJr_rJI~,._·-----~------- .·. ' .txect41&d an J;,ntooYv './ _i.e; .: . e~-----------------------'--~~-· .... ----;-- . _. --"' .... -· ., f~l Sf!ITl Of flxfi~~ ~ - AfflfJ/t/1 L T [DLM\JIY Of LJAfJllOtK c§ In'! nt~me I~ AnfAonY G. /!ereford) Jr·J 1 am rJtJefl !wen fY- -Dne Yetif'-S /Jf t?iEe J of .S'ov1ncl 1YJ/nd1 Cr;,PabJe of mu,k/r1q f/,/s1 tLffidr11v/f 1 t~~nd fer s;on CJIJ Y f/fCC}_)Ja/n fed fJ/JA 1-A e fer cfs /A e r·e 1i1 Sf0fed. -ln t/tccordo,nce wt'IA tAe reCZIA/remenl-£ of Oh{)JPfeV~l'i OP the fex0S. Civt'l Pr(;ttJlte and lSlf L111hbock Lb!An tV Jail P.o. BoX I{)S25 LIAhbocK 1 Yx ryqt,og -3535 • • ~., i , ,-: ( .~ .r t }:, J.l't!l/; ( .:. r( • • :.. ) ' ' ............ ~·~ t ...,.._ ,'1 <1 r.. (!\ I I l)f' _ l '''i!-fFl 1r~ (Jt .• , - 'ft1 !tf£ Hl 1lt'~t~::1 L1 LE i~IO&£ Of S AJ D [.OHI( / ~ - (:7/fl C~'- it 'll ;. ::/ .~ · tJ t! .ft /} Ju.l1 f , k i': ~r [_...,(·..,,.11' '~' .!;i-e;.) t"r, ~ "P. tr 1"!"(! ... v,f,ft.~ J ~ 1 ,•rJ' in ll'h:: /; ,,. VlCt~vt:; /',f I. "·A'' f/(.i.r; t(Ji /,_,,.,. "--'~;;~~~--(_,~ t.ttu..., _ c.IJ_ 1'/.,•;_,c, f! i-L" /''-._ ·_•' V1/trf ,_ iii'.·. .... hbll ~iu·:.1. ,; IJ~e f'oi . ,~J IJ.f..' foJJoV\nt.t5.' ./' . ' ]f ltC.I~.:, bf:'t.l':· ~!} 11 , lfoor"" .c"s ::.jJtf·l'r /- fl.' · t I trI "' i'": f' · 1, 4 lfl'-1 f>.)l.'ti ·· U~fr.f;(". ," . 1u tlf f;~:rli/f • ) t/ffrlJn/;1:,4 ..J fenri/.vtS J/5Jr.J Lt·h5t-: /1/IJIJHttrs. li l~l,fhtf of .1, ... ~,..~., e;:.:.:.,·.._J iJe- .... lt.Tif'r~~~ {~--;t._~·:;p/ /o'/'. ti lli.ll._',./>." t)/ (l..-ffY!I·IJCiin.lf" l1tl P11d IJ.~;~~s- - i011 s; tirjcl 1/ e ltJ~~ll/t 1 ./.s lJtJi !Jv~ f~ hlh t i.:h t?Jfl hi:' tnf.S Dlt,e cl . 1}i,f: ~'/y !J. //. t r th1?i t~. ; i l': t-' 1 uu'r P i' t1 n in '1. t. ur· Y l!'i u:· /t_ f frs.S£, bl'J/1 ,'l ·f. L.l\ Lr\ . cc;:, u~· . f) lh'I' ,. ~. f t• ~.. ~ f..t., I v.. r'i tl. r· o_f:.! I .... [' :r ... • r, ~~ }. &.t 'J ~""~ I. ·; e.; fl'),r: J' r." I t; {) t?, .F d.~i d L.t, .......... "" :J J' ,' J -' - r ( ' - 8 • i CoL•./ •.sel I:E:_<,· At_1 Pll/tnl Di~Jf,'!:.it;JJ;t)(;· ,Jo i~liu/d eull(li'l'lt:)s· rtP-· ·- fr &:e (t f .vti; i)(l J (;~ n (I r.;\(~ vig p ·f-J t: Co nr t p. ti If JJJtJ y £'\} F("I c~ (lJ'f! cf r/,' ' 11rl'$e£,, . ~ep . IUJA Cot1t or PrnfL·5;,c;;iOfltd Rt:sPorls;b;tif-1) EC£ -· .i.~. ~ Da..~- · · 1os ~ C . f,' ;·/; ·: .~ . ~.:.,'; ~ / ( ~ ;t I :J.~' _i i'' : , ( t).., lh'' I {. I ' I (- ' . ' -· . . ,-___1 t. ~~ f- ' i·;:tf' .r ( .J> ·f ,P/"-· .; rt/ fJ ~·. I• 1;. , ' ' ·\. ( " l .~ ;., { i; f J t'". ; l p Itl .· . t' i .,; .) /{J : ·,, t J~ f 5 f I } - I :~. ' j t. "' &:·T· . ... /f. ! 'l • ,. "'" • '· •. < c.ftl?'i.C.·f /s. ,{; (r:n/r,·rl cr ,,,li t:!>f 1. ~ '•• . ,, .·.':·· .. ... '· ·---~-~---'----'----..::::.·''--' ------'--- the./ rl tit k- I icla:l f t-JAo 17/t' ,_(; f i~c e {~;'. ,vf !J/ilotrJ ;j l! Cfj~/slc~ncf of t/_ f. ~ l '£ fJ • llt'{;t!_ ncl't'j P ( ;/ hl~!; Is{; f f1 . , ·J d_erHe (I · cJL.~t:: l' l'r-oceSS '. v C. { !, tYrnrJ:c. · ~Lr: (' t !:::'.r1Pr1; il. j f/l/r:,i1t.~Jr1Dlf t ___., __ ,._.,...... ___..-o:~--- ... ........... _ ... ....,.....-..IOt~ ;..a _ _ _.. ,, ..... _ ) 31J~ ~LS, .]~5 J ~'J S.C/. ?Cjll ~j' L,(J, )({ 7!;/ {ttJ(;J)a ;-; . r . 1/ (:'e· J t.nrlt ,n f 111!· · _c, I /i(>./ l)r-r .:Jlt- .ss /Y be dt:,. ir.rl tl~~ ~. Pt't•f ess [). 'P /;-.,.~·,.~ i,.,.,l M ~ f !iii Ci"" r I. l/" l d 11 .n,,...J (;~.,(.0;/ /;j·.rJ ,/1 -:.~£. r ... ( . ~I l}.ro-j\t.',.,., I 111/:.:,').re /".tnj ',f; 1\t ' ' • ·l-" d ; I --'4..1,. ....:;J [II (1 {).\y 'e·11QD " :'•. ,· ~~ l\t u -"' c a~"!(r r:>: l'r·'ur: .. i:v1( I rr t£ ,r. ; ; ,.t rf r!J.,~. 1i.., 1 . , ' l __ , 't ,.,, !<"'..:.,;· ll:.; I"{( l !! · ,. . I' t' _err. ~; nn fer!A /ItS tid' pl!t-.1 Orn' f 0 bl! r~rrf)/A eA dv t . rf)rt:c~·~·!;., rYt{ t1t i·.~ 1 (Jtt e~-'(!11 Yt61tt lfrtfrr· by Cui' {-;;ffJe!Jrl}f! 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J.) tJnil J,r,~: Lrt: ff'!. c/vi/1 f /_( {'iii (:.;"[·nlnW t~li'l J>li Yil:: f t 1>1 li:nP/'ir;rnh}. its l't!;,~~l'ltvt)Y 5Mrwr;ntf:·k.~J. b/ fAtjt/,';1) f{1d:.- 0 . '; :·:•: .. .. r~ifi;it~f,;~j~l[£;,:. i;;';s');:~t~::.~. d~~;,ji:r;~f;Jj: :, :~L;,:& ~.;r~~:jt~~::; ;g~i~~~~1~; f},C11-. il/cli is tonsiSJ'i:ni~tivilh dlilt' Aoit$-:S'~!?.etord£· t·vifj nlf~{)i;)1di-v __ .£'};,r..;/)};>: {)f.:l 1Ctt"E. ·f}:tli clt.(·ncinnl. ~.~· [;VD_[f;E,;v(J qi};)l4ntiihlt .lo r;,flm>d:l'tJt)ti•l,~-t~·fc;';·til,ncJ _i}ll:. rt {(j.v·e £.hNiid ·/1pt ve bP!!fl Pi {(urdc~/i)Al 1 (/!r:;nrt I IJ );riVP · COiti'nseJ.filt~tjf):J~ltr/,·2 :.:.=. ::·· in ~.lHh : :·. ': Ca{1 n~ bY t hcl'f· gr'n 0 Pul/fliordl ... ·· I ,. •• • • ·. -:·~·.::···:.: .. :• ~ /r·r·e P-t1l''(t f.)f: /it:tll/7 f '' ' =r=r=..d l'f._r; i-t if ,') t:1. . ( c ;·, r..Jt/Li- j . . Cl!:.'~· e /'-I'; t')10 ·- '' , ,,._,.- t r, L r· l-'JJIJ J;I;CJ ._ {i\.iOh) I!) .-· . (/tJI'Yt /i;.r,;_~ O{ [ll.lfi.n}:ss·f!S !J/{eSSifr·Y fo:J,/s c/e/~:'nSt:; t';nd /{n(J de/r,'/ t,:1f/J( h~·,r/U~/ · · lrnPN;'i'-:_,.·[ib.:J~~~ ot DN-·o . tfti/·J /-n Zten:~a Ai:'ii5tir ;,:er.' ,s>ndlt v. NvtJE·I, J'l s.t; . . 5?5J,';)r!~~- U.S. 3'7 1/ ; )_i l.Ecl, .2ti.G07. Dcl>~'~drnJ- ~~tiS tWf >--..Jr;l>it! );/_r S/xll)/ ·.· -·;4l/Yf;~1-dmhd-' rishf i D Ct .S'fJercl Y fr/r..J ·1 S·l.;; .J3r1r< Xl,~ l~ h[Jn..GI) J ·. 0] -~·.t-1 . .2i.fJ. ./ .. ,.\, ··; .Cj.!J11"'0'1- ,.,,,·t· I'' ··(.11/)m·')··· ·--.- · ·. L){'[{;·.. ?I.e:..; l'.c•.L• 70i>·jl (1 '?D nr. i L./ _'II '1( . , _ .,a,;;];'j-}·,:·,.'} l!!iD 1 l-.i'J-~i/'iJ..i)tJJ il/J,,Lt, L.il;,u _,,.!~· '!•->· -·~.!;.UI.Ln!.{., <-.~flitl'?f}i ·_;tit·torrfi.·lj dt-11' llC {f~S'·_.;YiJ'; ~;} chtt· ·.·{· oU;·t!fe .0 f fr, !..-ll [1.$ respe tl1'v·fl Y . , fk·l'~;:, ;.-,(~ n:r et d bY -lht ,~-fn/h'd _,f/tf! rP:r.: C! rJ d 7/!Jt(~,· CtJri ~'1/U-d/rlf'lS,, ' .t . .~ j .... ' -~·· \ --~-----------~--------- ------- -----~---------~-----·-·--···· ·-- --- .. --~-rr~ ,._L_ ' - \f11t/td 6ot1rl rett!ited ia tonsiclt(' tilJ(Il-t:rl& !t~lt/.l) t:t lllb)h/J;J IJ .. ' ) ·.uvV,,.,~ '1,: .j·,·"' '"f (;' r· ') ·1 ~?.;., 'e· -1 '·. , .. . c t ar} 1t._.) ,i/, .s·,., tt,1·t 1 a(}-',7- ;, s· f!tt,,_I :"··jd J I ; ; f'J".;, 8 i ! .-, ;/!·;·(• . I -;- .. ) , · •' [: 1/; I~ (/,,.:)J.-'I.n._;/- - !lfflf., ;,j l ;7, , lj) Li 1/J ~- /!ex. /i.P/), -//oN·~: /on {L:;f. _L]/S /,] j ~j'J) ) (or-/.'J. /}tJteecl/rJ 0) J ;r 1J/ it. . . _ . . /- .- / :. . . .· . ,} ,, i ,. r, 1. 1 ~-- . 1 0 . : , . 1 ,..... _ : . 1 • . 1-'ViitO ·fll. i//vt11Jll J.S' 1/IHI.r// l;l[d i/1/}{t lt!?d!/J!.i /::){:/otl: {t /tili/{t;t::1;.r/. . r . . • I 1 I !Jrt !/! d 0 qII' in') ('Of} s I dudltn a!] rl r 11 I/;; 9 /;1>5 on. /), ta) llJ Dk'~ ~ . . . l!J·J/·us'fEr/111/ .4t!.J ttr1cl /J1C1nc/Ctt'I'UtS' l!lt1 Y IS.S'lif Jo /5 ft ·----·------------ ·corn Pel. lAe ir/al Ji:ul5e fo Cicl, £'ee £'r;1 (el/·- )(/een (o,~f. /1, G~Jr ( it-i r 1] 'HJ .5 ' !·1/. ) d :n g I :u; q ( 7e )( ' ll fp, - !:,/vJ !Jri/{l;i·11 'D 1177) (Off'S, Pr ace t (/;>-, 5) ~I e.e cdsl) lll lJ LL./ Ul nri Co j!, lf'l::.1 rSlitt /J J I 8) 1/ ~J,Jy, ,J r_l 1S? 1 ~258 (!ex. J0t;J.) ( f/p/J;;-.,!3 :· fr/ftl Cotm-~/ t1bi/t£td J !. J ' ,.,. - r!' . It B (J I ( crL' l /{) t) b '/ / t 1- l'i.g I(/ s· t 0 ..On d f.t t / /Jt: Ou:·~; rJ _ij. {/ //._. ,t{~/Jd {' ( I I ·,. I ' ' . i i . .. . ( ' ' I ( . i I . . • .. • ''· . I dc.r/:;i:orl Or! /YJol/t)ll ).; lVeveriAe!t-S:S') t71 IJ!/9C!nl C~'/innof bt derut'd 0 cce:.s·s· I!J !At L'DiMii 5'11-nr)'! becr,~/}s'f he i.s an l/1/ri.Cde. ' see Jfv,Jsor! II /r;'l/rrJer I '/{v.f (;f,S,. 5_17 J SJ3, . "I l'' f . ~ l I. j ~}I,['). Lj .J J. , 1 .0.) J ,{ / '.} u ~~, ._ . ~- a J ''"· oi . .Joti'n 1 ..5 (1 _L. , 1 JtJLij',· ,5 , J J]/;c ..liols /1, //??1 riJ'n ) ?7li J, . , ' ' I ( l _,·'. 1'\ )·' ·U~J·.I· : . (( /) _l ~!, • 1-A 1 I,~ .. , !l'7 LJ c/. __} 1 t' -·~-X , ') ' . 1 i p \. f.-l)£) .1 1 " - ... _ :.,-· "J.{~i.t"' _L I I _y 1 , . ,. 'IJ Vi;)&-1 ,:, , /' ") Io ·1 • ~-~~) {..p WJJ£1~£ fDfi.E 1 ~f[!!JlSFS) {fJ/V!/l0£12 lO i Oefe;Jo~;, nl l?">"f-J . . .-;. I i \I(' /..) Colllr t uv/J I !J I L· rri J-f.-. <'i k f ~· rrE !:,'a rJ,.((,,-~r.I.!:Jir !YJc-~l:.p(t~'pni [V;dr-nte I;~ ~'1/ierJti(J t7( )hiS' /;~1.:k.m· . --·<, .... t. ,fr:.::PlCThiilJ ~- ;· i1 ... · 1'1 y ,, 'J'- ....... t 1-Jl; i :- I f'1:j: ;: Ld_ . ..L I LuV !L . •1:: u: (';' /} 1u_a'· ,·. VJ. l · .:.[.!<.. . -~. . . ·(,•i I! i• . I Ii I L o n r .1 !'/;/i/ 0/i d,~,,.Jc t){..,1)1"' CiJ'-·Ot'l(.> . . l( ,t'l.J f'·,.-l·'·v Ll. _ _ . ("/)fJy· '-~1 .J.J [7lf·-, r.·t' /~[-.'t'''~c;{l,,>,r:.;. - '- ~ t rfr.;·t·r'·'(''·t ··~'·' .I. . '!~:.. ;'~v.,r.rftl L/·Jt:'Af' 'I I ll'l~i ,·· . t _j • .IUl,..Ul • ;.• ·~ tJ.vOl/![~biP fo l·he Di~~} .'i.tl- fhtD/f'!t=}_{ o(//te·j Lt·liJl)ork-(Otflhf-1, bY Un if e{t 5!-rle s Inc,,'/ : .}. . ::·. ill 0:;\ 11tD, - - - - - - - - - - - _ . ; . . - - - - - - - - - ,,, . rr.., i ., i , "'" 'I [{'!171/' .:./F'I 7 !.1 Dt' LU!I('Jt tYf/{t 1. II--~~---------- - - ·-·--- l -.~ 'l i r'j trl' LiJ!,. 'r .·r • . {I (. J . . . _· ') ': ' - I ·/!/] I • • ', J I){ ~.> '\, {I!L·-·i t1 . L: · 1( t; !! Cr;'Oil ~\£! lt:l['{.':)iJ~j ·/<.i;i./Jfi~.! I litlf. J' /\ ' ~(;J(J } 1 Df!t/r: l.S'. I /lf) r1 . ·-·· {'\ /[\,.. 'if-.- ,~ !_') l ( U!'ih/Vj L iJ..)J I ..JJ: h L ;_-_ J 1 " ------·--'!""---- J/;iubf:. Pi{ EST crni;;- .H. . ~~tJit.- ?t:n rn;z.J_ ,20/'J. Ln?,a•n, 2DI?- 4B83Ly C11Ll.i'£ /10. _ _f6rJ.t;?..'U4fdiV. ·ott 4 ?.?.&50J '10il4neutt; ;z.oo,lfllt8.5'7 ()f ·r. . d '• l- • ti: X u.S JN /JJ£ .i '101-h DIST,11CT {/)li/;1 T '/·" It _') • Of j· n!11'1..-;lJD.tlV'; f'FV~r·.- fi-IJ,;.c-,,i.',.l ~- n . , D-.lh .17t. ·1!:.t<.t:..1 l.Jt?..ii .,..1 Jf<.. i LWZ;~OL'H CtJ!ANTY; TEXI-)3 i. Jl10TLOW !:12. Ellu E!>JlNG /';' . f(i:VILI;VG .fJ fNE /-/l/;VO!Z/1 !2L£ JuDGE. OF g/JID l'tJU:t T~' Nov.J (om!:'..~ ; r1lJTf-) Ot/Y 6', NEtZ EJOti.D Jl< .. J Dt: fl,nr1c1!1 }-) Rr qur_g},j,_cj P !{rdir/!3; lirul in SiliP.PtirJ 1-J,ti-:lCl .5A o t·v'.5' .: 1.) O(J. fl:L c/cril' ot /lltrrtA -· _2 ~}-A c:./2v l't-_ !r:'/1c!t-ln { .!J·nimdlf'd /i/J' ll}(;Ji/Ji'i i [)( . (i . • .~0J~Lt33cd2 ,a0t,;zJt33!JgulQ!:J..4318~/-£, ; ·- ' . -~·. ~ r·ot ~;rt..etl! lord 111 1.'r·~c·;s·~~ !Vtl,' :!.D,':?.tt1"tflu~"flp. fl$C~~~!Ii·re1tAes:t"n.g n ~'Pl'~tJY 1 , ·.. . 'lt/t;/. ;'}·~ t-Lt/i/;9 hr~-~ bttn ;!;~·&·ttd ;,~ tt'~/en';nte Ia !)tltnt~(,n fs· Jno/-1!>n ior:6!;'ft'r)l · rr/r:,). Iii lAr:· ,;.1 ii'f'.~f of Jt{~!-/U' L)lft:;'Jcli:rd f'p~·/,il!.'f Ci i?Mki.9 ht li1t,!1P ~'111/Ju~;;., lf;;(ip) J f,VOd'\ .• ). ·; £ rlc~ 'Is I;JI!or-.1 ,;'1!3 i!ui ;1ltJi/tln k e:'n~Jrtl/h[J ·J<,,.liJiJ3, For- fj,p. {thn f .rwi /!) . 1 ·. JSSt/! (' (I!·. !"[,: ,, j·/ e /f )i {tt/f)fli J(I dtltl v j, ~· h'tt: ;), )/r /i!,ltd {CittSl /5') .tiriri ,~:·'f'Jt'ld/t:; I{ ·. i)-,r. Ocfencft,nf· ;~·1 t~"f!I?I":'I;!;:: I1~'~~ l/·.,p l>t·ui{s· r>;nd Oti!- tol. 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' /j , .l I I I lJePttf' t!-')tn·f 01 vrln!J/)P;/ dt1.f;f/ce M)hl!.re _I C;rn tJfJf rl!rl1llled rD I '\_ ·. p ~'f. v ,r, (... i'/ f I J 1 VI If)If/rni I .,.,I lJ.. 1II t:...fJ &I I .''VI ~ V>l~ i/ I I t./! / - I 1J (Q.) l"l}l1vt? /10 S/ourct' ·ol· J;!·;c01nP llor .!JflOl45t1/ ;~Ct'tli'F~ {.3J . z· A;;tilf. ·. P· ~s . _ Crl!dt!ed fo /he i.c;r fJ,e .ft,,t;·JtdfJ lrt·,_£) li1t?~ ( Lt,) DMrJ~)!J ln/ IJ1l'to'Cercd/(Jn 1.~-} IAe lext/8 Defli/ftnt'ni' ot c~"Jirnl7til Ji~.~; ht;e .I Attt!P .Yl~('eJiltrl af,/)rtJX ;tY/(7/B) Y ~3o...tz.o.___ Per f!Jt)t7!/; £1s qi'{L£; ·- I , ,__ .f:-.,1~1·' I(\u}/7/·fJ~(f'>f' I / .. ' L .. I 'i7t''}d' v .- ..:; l/ I frJ-'J'I~('I jl' , [;,._ . I(/-=> . . . {5, }>1' ~.11e ;.fJ,er (Jtl'l o l7t.Jr Aaile t1n l~fre.£1 ifl f/in Y re~)fY) _gf!Jtk~ bo;)r/~· 1tJr \.. /pOit Jj{ fltCOUnf_g 1 Ctnd 1' fCte/t/1! /JO /ntrpJ·J- Or-tkt~idt,it/ inCOine {-vrrJ flt;lJ5o~n"lY?, 16) t1 ·• y-- I -Z. tv/! ue . J aePenrlen ; 1 r.S, · · . I . · f::zJ.1 11.;/Jtlf lrdt-!/ rlebls. L1P.rYllft{)x/mt11e/Y ll.S!L.Qf2._CmarJ..m.~it ( B~) 1 r/we if2.d2.TL_~~ Prs v·e~;h'f-h f/t!n, . . . . (OJ,) lrJY lfiDnHriY ex Per'l.~ef. C!re f/lflrox/rnolle) y J./Jd~IL- .. r1 :I /Jnf);r~nY G. 1/lr!!li)trl.TtL ·J, be/nE fte£·enJlY ;/·;Ct:rce,;-Cdf!r.i [lf f),f f4JI~/-,I rl Nc: .9he_5 IAnif of -!Ae. TexC'IS DefJA(fmen+ . c __ ·r , ,.; , {j~,i'nirj(-.j J/tf;t/ce J in . l • or ~~\ r (), , C ,DJ.l /£ LL .'Ovlnf y·) I BxtilS I vt;r l r y r7; j'J{) uf? l'JC'if t:: {//flue( ferJ(i] ,tY 0 rmr_!,L~rl !ltd· IJ1e fote ~uJ!'ng £Jc1 fernr!nl£ 11ft frt·1 e t/;r~A torrPtl·" ExeCI-itfd on lhis f/1 t . p-~~IAdtl\ Y rJ{ ~&~-- ~ Df 1 -J. \ .3~3Yltltt'\( e: ""-~VJ;t:: -.!&'&:::1;;;!--: Pril1 i-eJ nO!ll(! l!i. ~~~~..,._,.,J,J~ ----· 3 I ')._ 7 . I Lt , CAC-~E No. {s) , filE ~TfiTE Of TtX!JS iJV TNt 1i;or;1 D1sr~J..rtr cour .'. . i- ~ ~ ,, ~ . ' ·: - ' 'i; ' ~ . ,.:~~~~iv.:~:~:~·-~~~ ~-,:~; r) ; . -·: 'THE --~~!filE. Ol·f{){fJs ··: - i • . . ,.: !t.Nr·r,«t:Jlfdf:.J?'liJJjFfi/!JC[ CfJUft.tft .' . --:··- ··w..-~!,_,{;~· ·"· . .. . , . ·. . ' ., ...\ dri.-~ .':· . .:T-; ~~-:~,!,<( '~c i .: >~m~m~v~ ''§bll6E ~~~~tmf :··-~-- ..,_·,~~·-::.~·--. . __ y-.. ·_, ·or·. -'·~/.tfJ'·~~·-n··r·· ,~,~- --·. ·. T·l·TAL ~ ,_)rt l 01 II<~~ ·-:r, lv .: _,, .. \ r . . :r~;.~.,:,;:,,.> . . \, \ '• '·····: •. --·~~~~_,..~~.~,...,...-::i--....-'"'--"'"'~""'""7·····/ -~~.,.=~q:"~-~:-' . .,. . . . . . .~ ·.\. - i( -j_pT!I£ 11_:91:~~~-~:I_UlL£.Jbit)Gf. ~yF· ~~l/10 C{J.u/1.1: .. ,. .. / L_/ ., / ''•.,.~.,: • .. ,... '1')1 I lv_· -/'- . fj'. ., j' (1 11 '1 ., L'f~ . '~ ".· 1,.~. "(''!r (.' I . 'l" fiiA<'·~.·fr-..i;.Jii) f r.J,-~ I ~-I /,;,I~ ~., .•"':;. ':··' r.:AIIlL-S li 1 ~'1rt- i e.' t!it.tltfl'r /' 1 ., J fl· tif!it•O()J 1.'?.-<0:·.1t ,-_e, ~tO Ci_.1'UI•i .. c l/f.1•r. .11 !/.'J < {'l . .r/flf-pj~~ ·}};; ; fl')vtion loJJ~~mis~ D~e 1o WoiCfiiiJn Ot.lsht fo SiPeedY h·/c,/, Ctncl \ '/! ~ .in •• ·'i< •• ~~~?Ptir ;;JDC1 g reS!'e c/ ~I ill )9/, 0~ to .Jf,; fi Co~rf j;,;. fo~r in • • ' IAfi ON 'j : ·... / '• '~j 1 ' ~. . . . ,~·~ " ~ .. .!'' l··,' · · .,_ , : \ ·I\ 'rncru,qL' r!AcKuoulnJ()il' . . \ f .~:' \ • ' ~{ !-(! \. l ... . . \..· . ~~. "j 'i , : t . . ' , J • ' / ' •• • , , • 1 j . . ,.· ''· fle/l ,.,-:,. r1·J~,"~~{:f (h'·•l'-/:tq]"';)-'~~t·~·<'"''*' '..,,J,:;:~;/·'',;~~~:V~·u;"'';:_:-r:L P'1'"bf!.rJii"'''·YtX"'j{'"1·'''1f't·'·j'IJJ ;' ~jfp f 'f· ;· 1i1 /J;li_;({1h[Jilf ., .r·",~"·,1<.--.:t'~~t1CJ,~.: ' , ·1'f!iJ-D . ' . - · · I ! ·1.1'1···, ·;:·<<.· ,/,~·. -.; . :·} ... ,.. ·:~e,piit!~d jc1iis~, .l /~< .-.1LDlJ.':~:. 11he· Chc1r!1:e.·s .. _a_!:.l.f/ttr:~·< l(etf{i?ri.~ Co!!st~~' .tit: tt~tf.dd,JJ.~. ~(r;ces-f lrl tt1 No is l. Jf/!~:3 ~~/'~',e. PerioJ ~ e~,(u;:; 'I~ ~p~'~' lo. ~ 0J. ~·, ~:r/ ' '- \ i . }Mat{)ll~eh ,~,il' f1. Q.tf,,l/,1;;/A~: /§;n;(,)kd :r116?rtMt'l( , {J.m (m,i.~tl'(J} ~ 1)y 13/it'!J~),. y • ., ~ ·--/- .? '· iJI~(ii ~- , ·! fJabJt-i.ll/J~~~r1~·j · L ·fo~:J:; ;_·r · ,.lf1"':,f~t: ·i< · .: .. --~iii/if . ·it··:. · · .: ···, ..: ·\.~:r··:_ r~vt~d,~·-.£J. urr~JI-tn~a ' · del. litJ11Jj,.r;tnd ·. · 1-o ····/ .. ".. 1 ·r';··-' :: are 1 • : •• • .• •· · • • -·\,~;r·-.·:·i.VtJi/'(:~j?~.-fJ.oil~:~;,tf!j).~. uti.J~Yt l:cled Ct;ln.t ~ .5/(a.:o}j}: ~·S:/1'1:( f feflt~ / tr/tnes. ·• j> ll i ::·,. g·_. ,"i ll-~ ,: · · . · ·· · /) · .I L ·r~, ., : l · ··· '''"'7fl~t1?,.. .,:vH·· ,: ·"' -t:A · · · ·1•~er Ho'r1'' 1~• ·t~ ttvrP/J ~lj': S~tiJaX·rr ~~/ olf:';i{!~'l'ti;.!!fit41f!j~t;,,!'vlMn ·/gr i:frBt;i · .1 · · I -.· ,·. .\.friAtl~St~: ~~~,/k Cof··r J . .. . -....-· , ,. .,_//T~:~_,~. -, . . .. t.. ?.;<~){.Jiji1ii~·jj·:~e::,,' )~;S f7YriJtive f~s~tJ ffom ~~ i~e ier;ld~i ·. . ,)J' .tJlcu/;arfested tlad: t/JthtJ;J !'or .IJ,e.J~;I6 b.;l!7Jth£,Jke, Ji;u ffi~~~-i .. . ' hffl.v~ '?tSiel: /; ~ ·. r.j;:1N ,?/A~4 vr;,;s L~'l 'tlrd [/.,;,~~e~s) 1)/ itJ/ fl it/ DI}J /) ·. - ·. ' .. ""f/. :·t·r-·-' . '''j' .. ' :..,','l'i)'. . .· :. . . "~-, ... .. ( f ' ..•.,,.. . . . ; ,. /ill .. ' · . lo {)eJ. boJ:t) t1rli 1/Vo}t/!.U. b)~k kt)J,f fvftil!nJ C)ars-e /~, 2oi';t-,i,;_..l \. ·•.'.·; .....• _' -~ \ }~. . •>,,_< '' . , ~ ..... ,.,.. ,~. ---~:::,~~.,~:,:c::·~:.... '::-::~~' ~i~>~:i <~Li': y•'~i~:;~; """.._::;)' '··"11 •\•,.~• 1 \t ... "'~:':$~~. .:."~~~~~;,._+t..,·~: . ~,···~,\:~"-.':~~r-.,-, . . . ,_~~·~';";"'' ~~, ;.ff:.._,.~:r- ·'1~· r, '• ~· o • ···' ~)~'::< . .r •·' f·Jy·' :n~f'6'-l(lf) -:: .- '•i':';,:'j•:::,'• ;• ' "·e ~- 1hvun lip/);..-· .i1 .·~: :""''i~'""it~::m:> ""'~~"';-"~:~-~l\ ·~·:'':. v r:. ,, .I :f". \. .,. ;_\··.·.·iii'1~M·;:,.'_' ' ·• ___.J., .., ,, k1-· . :-_. ( ;i;d,.J, ~. ;'l)c-""rl!v .:~r~ 11{..· 0c. ~ - he"·' ·; IA·~· fJ --- tetv1 ~ i l:A.IUF-J~viJ.~ lt..Vi.I J.l(.Jitl YS '.VI b'I(JI rt5 .. ! :- '\ /}· .... ·~:• .. "'/'. ·. . . . . . . ~-- ·~·· . . ~ .. , _ ;,.':_:~ ":."· : ~~--.~· ~··· ., -,,~,. '. .-:... :- )~."- ':1·-- -·~)/fi[:(~rJ~ tl.5ht.s BfeeJY -h"'iO!l g1At1 rfilnleid bf1),e ~S/xfh ·nj~(~.:er~lrne:nt lo .Jo li1. / . _;¥;.. i ,: . .' •• '~,, • • • . •; . • . - • •• • • : ·- .., .. ··\ ·.'·; ~n;~e :U,s·.; Cons lih-dion cmJ flr·ticie I~ it) of I:Ae leJ<(I(s. Co_n,~.tifvJ!o;1~) ll.S. t{!ell- · )·/~ >a~ llf'ticle 1. or ' ~' H.e 1t¥t?tS Code or Cr;rn ihal fr ()I} ~d lA re ) IA/1 'Ciw·f' .. \,\ .~.. • __,:, '.• . . . .! , , . '{1~; . :, ... , ·.~ -, .;··.~·. r• , f '· l >}·. S~14~Jj, dr's miS:~ wifh fr eJ'11 d.:c e fA e :ch(!'. (-~ e!: ilt % i r~GJ Jlere io.Pd .In UII ! .,"~ tl:~ .~hove /;:~·ted tl!0:'5e 11ld!jJ. " · : . >"··, :·: . _"· . . ·, . '. : . ·. ' ' .9}1he, ~UPNrr1e C;~;thf_i? !;/c./·ed //,c,t,"on ils h,aJ /),e !.'PetdY, Tr/a/ C)(;,,£e . is- l·~·rtll'en wHA·.:.!J~~;~l/·:.it;,~-~)iclflr~·..l~;t;l/ I~Jftt! /ilerc-;}/1; /1 i~v't)r11d fo,!;,~ l!e .. . . r: . ·.. ~~--.. 1 .... •..·• '.::•• - .,. .. _,.,. .ft?t e Jof11. ....f . .;· .......::... ~: . . . ~--. ,,,,,,,~;::: ~ .~ •• ~ •. ·-·-- ••• 1.~ ••. J1f.-1,!.."~-~~--~::.c-: "·' -~· •• , . ,.. -" ."''•' . ... -· .... ,·. ,. ··.<~ :~'~ ·>. ·.:~;<~:~ •1 ;: .•• ... ,~''·~~·~-;~,,-,~~·~~,~·~•·:":~:~·:~~;~.~'.< . :· . ·~:~:~:~~?:::.:···~_:::~~ --~· •~·:;;.:,_:f.'!~r~y . ~~· . . ::·:·..-_.;,:·/:!:·::_::~ ····.'·: ,;:~~:~::!:·~: ~:.:~:~::.~·. :~: . ~ ~--~~':'.go 11e.rnn iil'l ('· fo ·-de 1~. ·, ·!he 7,:~ic·( 1 tJf. ·~ift~· . . }3,{:(:1/i·.se-,r· ·fv t flo j-_;i;Ja!/(;li (/It, fr)/)1. -. "'> :': : ' . . . .,. : '' ' .. . . . ...;. >:. .~ ~: .. ··-~· .;, ....·. ,· · -. . . ~. ·'. 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Bci (}(: ~~·; -.~0 7 f;t,5. al 5·gt·. -~';Veul rvJ 0 f'Bfi!;( n.s nol f!Jln b~1lrd~Je /;_, CDn.5( iDr;tS 1 de.~{~'h Df -IAe ~JcJe }o ~.:/a/r;..Y lr/nl S}/11 t;lffi5f)5· t7:5Jr~,t'nsl IAe .$'/r,tr keclt~-L~e . -··'1... ". ~, . /)~e b'd/'/tnt_Jt ,Pt5PO/l9t'ul/JY (~ir ~t·ith cont~,·HtHI!~ t~es}· :1\)_/hl -lf..e S'i{lfe. :ftf. [)..) i..He(_~ 1 'IJ1e tthr:-Nl EJt· IAe -~"ev lh- Ye/ir ) ll,rFe ~ /e11r / t:Jn,i IY~H> ·Ye0[ 1de!11) . , .- \ I In 11\t: /;.~~t-etl Cc:se./!~) IS rntuhf> CJl.fr/IJJ~c}tl I:)I:! lo ,~le ""{)fri le ~ fJ. . i,.,,' ;,~f) n·f', . -·- ·.JJJ· . 11 / ) Jr r"t: l• I [ . [J I l; f...:..j f, (.J .. , ~-- C,[!/'.>1 ;~' " •t!) 1P"n.11/l' /,, r, 1.1 ,..._ v J, · !,/; 'f J lJ /I wft'J/t:',, !'; C/ 1 '/'it.: fiJ. .. f ·Jj _f' .,, /J ' lttlehY tl/ tt)/;ert t!Lt~~1fs~ r:..l~'l !r.J t'il {_,,;."'..,- (l (' f1 '' ...!.1, ~)v;dAJVU:.[J !.1 ·· I 1· c1 I .. ·..... ~~-- --- .. ... ,..... ._. _. .. --:.--- ·_·;·; : . -·; .. '·,__ '.,............\.. ; . 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J -. f) 1/ r.. _'''; L ··.1f..:;;l.) 1.· 1 -rLt· ·· ·) ( ,. 1 1 1 ._.fJt!l-'l/li 1 , D£ I) t'':-' - • ...>t .:•.:..f~ '·'..1 J.'II .t; t•t,rut· ... _ ~~~hf--tiefc·:.l,Jr,n /.~... t"))l!'r:J) /k: Si tti! /nil/ h'gJ) -'~, 0 r,,\,!t-t5 rles·~·qnrd lo fro Jed.)) 8t;rkt!i' :r ~,17 ~,....~-- u,S, cd' '(;JJ:·) ~1:- -~·, Cf. 2ltd. 2!Jiilf2[..C).!Jf21. 'J gi; S~tJ, 2rl !?JI u5J I ,7Jlt _g,;:PrE/Y)e:: Co;·\(! );r;-~s. t'denUft•eJ- IJ.ree . ~ _t;l.lf}l t'n lretJs: JJ Jr) "fr:evr:nt OfPre.s.sivf . ' l'n~lr;/1/ . . Jfi[C'i ( Ct'rt~ I/ !71~·-,) /) lo .rru>Jm/:?1! fln)f /ttY (fllrl ron t/!rn tJI /),p f)Crti 5trJ 1 ) 0/J.;f 3) , ...and /n',hf.n/1 !/t 11)~-:~ibl'l!:O lC.-:-.1 lJ.e r4·ftn.se t-~..l!Jlbr- "'--, !>nf;f!irerl. /JI11A'h'-,~ 11/J7i(.~; .~-'--·-tt1 SSi J f);? !;,Cf-., 1/i]~}) J;[jaJ{ji+JJ}_tl.J gy S'~t1h . .3d liTiis2, of /),e iArt"f- --~~~{;t'f,'f~ · -tttee (£ oP ii.· . :.... ,(-~:;" .. ".· .. ., ·· . · '", ....'· .. ' : :>. ~: c:.: ·. ··:~·.;· r_·<·d·~n;::>\f(~:,~:'' ".·::\· ' :":/:;~~;; . -·-·~. · ·~. ::_.J1~;'~!~._r ·.~.-~;~-f · - .~/ .·•· · · ~IAe: f~S'S ihiJ)f J IAc,J .ffte !/! cc Vli:ed £. de fen.se ?viii be ~~~:aCt/red lS . fett~~;~ed ···~ . . . ' . · >Cfs. ~)Jd~ nJ~1.~'l ~erJot·Lr;, hetC!t'l£e ~, fAe lnAbl//1-Y tJf C1 de hndlt~-; Vlde t1Aflfel1 _ 1 ·~. • \ ', ' ·..,,.,.,_ '', I ' ' • ' -,,~· ', ·.;; ;•' ~,,,:., • '·. •: , .. ~~ fre-P~'re ill£ (f/lse ~ket/1)£ IAe or 'lt)'~·tnl/rt 9Y>leml ~ '/),J'rness \' - . . . . . ~- <· ·\ Dr1ilfJ11p' ;:~-~· S::W'..,. }~. -e;-1-_31$ f CZI!lo/;t,g. ll~tNer~~~./(lli'!:~o t;o.r; M..s, c1'1 .s·3·q).; 1 · · ·. · g·re,d1~o. ,;2Mm0fv.oo,-J9•£.w.3d CiTU$J.; · ···. - . ,, . . ·_. .... ·, . , . . •-.. ····. , - - ·, . ··:·· . .. . . . . , , -. ~ ·... -.. . ,.;..,.:···,: .. . . :,t' ''J}' \ /Ju~·;Jiertford [; Ab iJ,yxio fresenf 01 d&'fm£e is dr~rnMI;:~lltl;nP~.~e!f · ·b.'l )ke· .e~1rt?.orJ,·nfilrY JenCJiA of' l/me WAhh- '!Jt?Js Pv;J;S·ecl. 1/etef~rd-~ .:•.• (/Jtml)rY Df j)~\e' evetrf!'. £,Jity((}(/l~{'l/n0 At£ t1tre~·l On l-Aese.: CA!/,;_1es liCtll f'v,ded, '• See ·Bt1f~:;;-lf07 b/..5, flf 532.: ' .. \ ,Y - ~~ '·\. • .,~·· ' ( ; C() . S.Cf, ,2 lid.. lven . SOJ {I ' ;:?:-ofey : ·' sf;:-~Jt "ln/:-11 . , - fAnvdls/s. do~P .nol 'r,e?.J.-1/·~·t 'IAt defelldtir'. . l- /o 't1.5sei4-- Ctt~'l _c;pu:/~'t ~~d/Jtdt'ce \ ' ': :\·· . .• -~:----- .. ·::··:;·.~.. -=~·;-- ~.:::_::. · .. > • > •• • • • •• ••• ' ..:,, > :... • • • - • ..... . .l::tl: f?dl fD. n1~r/f •. re}l:e{, ·• · \ •• • ---2~lrnor-cir1D) lilt ·J;~·~J:'".]/i:..;;;p-::,.~stfJ.:~· • • .. • ' ' ' - ' -·· c • • • ,."" •.• ; . ' >~~. ·JA/s. 1~ bef.;tilh~e' ~ . . vi'n·/ cleJr1 y ot· Jh ord/nf'lle /et: 6fi1 lf\n J1f1ve !i1 J~ieler/o~:s· r~rrerJ, .on lJ. ., ltinJ /f), tvIii v_t; . 111 nP,rJ-/cr11ldb Je. JJ2af)J;.e,_ .~-. lln~MlaJ .919 IA.·s. }5) Jv ~-;;_ ?j 1~ u: S. jgg 1 .18 L•Ed, :J J183 ftf(l3 ) {fer C~,m'v,m ) L''llfhlit, n I/; {;,,-;.,;re lo Ciit anY·l· ,_· • • • • • > SP.t'c; (J·c IderrHJ.n £'}((1 LJe ) Pr. eiv·Jd ice.,. lA.(!} is ) JmPflir nl(n f of h/.s VliJh//t /p ~\:~~ .\ \. ··~-.- ... ~ . . .. - . . ;~ . . ... :..: Pre-.seirf 'f>olenf/~J defehces:~ do.se ht;d doDr() .h/.r. cl{tjj'm J(/n{t f:kft'S~I·~e- defA . y) "'·~~. . ·-.s~~~ ·~..-····· -,.· -. -.: . -. :· . · . ;:~r./:. -'l J <·. " '• ·"·•-, Cc1n c·o1n fr:orn /5t: fJI !r,'A I~ ri: /;~b/lt! 'I /n nnt(/eh /;/lliblt kvltY5 .'). )flo)·~:~};i,~j;}JAe;::·:; • l J • I .' . ' ·' :-' ' ' ~. ·,. '' / •. ;.~ 1.:,~~1~~··:; ••· • ' ttnkurlt\ t!hle (I/1J /lin/Jen!Jl/(;blt ncdhrf of fJ.e frt514med A(i,ffn ;~ !Jnff~·fxac:..· . . ... :.:\ ·t 1 i,_ ' .. . . . ·> • - erbcdecl' by /)e tYI/Pa.ord/nt?trY AtssPJ.?)t; /;mt: releV11t11 Aere, /Is !he or Sl!,fremP. Cmi\ rl- ht11s £Ill /d:... · [T]hDll\ gh Jimt C/Jln I;H lht f:fl Sf (A 'JAin ~F"t ,·JJ.e.v- s/rle " I Ont { vlhnr)f. St;nt:r?) I y be $1/lre t'\/},(th ot IAtnn';>il },[,~ hr It-](1/ted tnOrt !JliVerel~~ tJu-1$ J t'V'/!;·gent(Ft//1 htAve t(} ;, .• . • ....• ., • ·~·. ~. d, '·· ·, . ', . ;~ ,j .. .. ·. -.. >)~\·f.'eco~n/:2e ./}lt;J exceSS/lie dele.! of. frt:5i"mPf/ve)Y CornPromi~:;ei. fA~ rr:/I.'Ahi:l/fY (···~::.f1· fr:i'hl· )n !f'JtiJ5 IJd,J ne fiAt~ Pr1r f Y ~·drml~:/y~ · [·/JI·n Prove f)r, (oy lht-tt rrivdfer; ~- . e;WiliJr··,£1~c1' Pre!;~illlPIIve PreihdJ'te C/ilhnf1t Cdrmt/. c~;~rrY 0: s'ix)}., l~n"~b1({i~enF \" ICJr.:,jrn itv/fKouf reGV~rd lo lJ-..r: Ofht!r B{;\(,~et· CrNerlf'u ,, H /s r)c-,(r or the g.l)~J~rKer ~ IJD? ·~f.S, .cd 5'3;') 1J. s·,tl:2J~1·J ,:· . • . • ~ .:'.ZlJtfh OrOin 0 ' . . J ELJ. ~;.;..~.' .J.d Pi J &52~ lJ,e ~.. Cov,rf , a( cr JfYl;hM JI~PPt'cd!: r , , flCtS C1C krwvJ- ::,·1 e1e} J ill be, Pre J.l/icl iCed bY )A e COl~-/c+Y vr.n~J _s~i!;f/c lon h&1nj lnlJ IJver )lltn '· ... ... bectlhSf of J~e.Pend/nB thc,r!:Je. #vt!J ra' q·t}"' si.~lr.J,.. 1d- {?)I ) 23 -.... j A •. ·., • / 4)'._. Blit~e J On. }J,c Cr;m bin f! d frein Jiw inf, e1' en I ;i,· SN:h Ill /e nc,d/,1; de ;J,~ Lr • \ Tlil $ · iJt, cl· or /Ill I!J 5rL~ r · 1 hf!t/il!J . '/ tv vr.'-Jt1 "' Ci , Jh.<'f • •, (if , , 1 r' r· , , , · 1 f l'l (!. ..> Pt7'f {111 t for t irlt1; n :'i l/1 V1/) 111 1· ,· pn. < !. ; \ E. :.1$c:tlc1·nc;/,g . 1) /~)eM,/( { JJ.e firsJ fR.~Ion Je11BIA ofiAe JeM1 h/f/.QJ.r; heP.ri/Y iiBflin£1 · . l~gt Shl\fe,.' ' t';~ 6e~> . Da.fj~e t+ S05 . IJI.$, 'nl t{S7 /l:l s,cl. J(;PJ~~l deJiJ,'! of eiBAI· anJ .· / J J '.~?"~On t- bVi If 'Yfl?IY'S from•"''/ndit l~eilt IIJ lr/Pi J 11 cJetl r!Y ~u({lc/tl1 f I/ !J) /,1/ttttCin~d·.>;·. ..,, . 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'··, ' '\. \_ ............. . ."<[J. /1 flCil!E t)f SE,.~ Yltl ·, ·, fhis · ;{l~ 'cer.f/IY lhM ~n _ J~-=--- 'P .l!zi't , t1 b·v1e · ' and Co (I r ec·f ., (}0 i'Y Ttxag 7ut97 1 hfiHwnY G. /lereforJ Jr > belnB fresenfJYiflcarcerafed 1~ TOCJ N1A9he£. tin if i11 CorYell Couni:Y, Jei.CtB ·declare 1Ar7der fena HY tJf . 1. PedtMY +hur +he ~reBoir1B is fr·ue £Ar1d correuf. . M.. __ , 1 E.X'etV\1-ed Oil J~fliAQf'Y 17 ~DID ~ J~ 8i5n~h{(e ..• ~NTJ-/011/Y Gl0/<6£ Hf!(tf/JIv/1/t J Tx 7Ct5ti7 i /)er)fJlre lAnder fena/fY of fiArJMf'Y fAt CtJnfenls· of fAe lore9t!Jh9 ;11ofloo fo be frt1e and Correcf. lin fA.o11Y Nerelurcl /1/fn:a JltABheB fl,f,2 t!:,ux '-'14DO Gvdesvillt 1 r.x 7&51'7 [fl!JS£ /1/o. 1/V TJ/E 1 '10TJI /Ji!)/r/cf torArl Vs. oF ~NTHDNY GEOf'h~[l Cc"'~;e) t?t11d PreJ'~~tdJ·ce fhe De{endou1f- /n Prevenh'n'3 h/m viii ef!et:f,·ve defense On /J/ret-1 lltfet;/, 3) /l fr/ol Co/11rf /s· retiJ.v11'rpd fo cons/c)~y- Ctnd rt;,/e f1flon t1 !fJult'vn WifAir; PI t"tt1SOhCth)e f/me. J2arnes' v. S,fezle 1 83z ._5',W, :=4G<200G (Fl) . Karen Jordan is removed as attorney of record for the ~use number listed above and Allisonk f!J/fJJI) Clayton IS assigned as attorney of record for the above listed cause number. / ATTORNEY'S TELEPHONE NUMBER: 773-6029 · ATTORNEY'S ADDRESS: 4613 l20th St. BONDCONWANY: ~JAa Assignment approved by:. :George H. Nelson, Chief Defender Lubbock Private Defenders' Office 1504 Main Street Lubbock, Texas 79401 ~~~~~UIIIII!IIII n . 02900125573271 NOTC - NOTICE . Case No: 20074l6291 NO. 2012 433832 THE STATE OF TEXAS VS. Bond: $20,000 ANTHONY HEREFORD JR Date Prepared: January 09, 2012 · Reft#: 900191529 PID: 162702 DOB: 05/09/1985 Agency/Rpt#: LPD 111-38858 Felony Charge: · PCS P 1 WIINT l-4G DFZ Arrest Date: I I District Court No: Prior Cause No: IN THE NAME AND BY UTHORITY OF THE STATE OF TEXAS, The duly organized Grand Jury of the District Court of Lubbock County, Texas, presents in and to said Court that: · In Lubbock County, Texas, ANTHONY HEREFORD JR, hereafter styled the Defendant, heretofore on or about the 6th day of September, A.D. 2011, did then and there knowingly possess, with intent to deliver, a controlled substance, namely, cocaine, in an amount of one gram or more but less than four grams; And it is further presented in and to said Court that the defendant committed the above offense within 1,000 feet of the premises of a school, further described as Isles Elementary School ; Enhancement And it is further presented in and to said Court that, prior to the comnrission of the aforesaid offense, on the 13th day of r January, 2005, in cause number 2003-40 l,707 in the 140th District Court of Lubbock. County, Texas, the defendant was convicted of the felony offense of Possession of a Controlled Subsance with Intent to Deliver; 1 ·o· ""' -u ~ (') -< ? AGAINST THE PEACE AND DIGNITY OF THE STATE F.JJI£ THIS~ DAY OF -----;U~.2:l-~=o==~_,, A.D. 20 I Z/ 7 PRESENTED INDIC1MENT/ORIGINAL 2011012527 NO. 2011432860 THE STATE OF TEXAS vs. Bond: $5,000 ANTHONY HEREFORD JR Date Prepared: November 01,2011 Ref#: 900189661 PID: 162702 DOB: 05/09/1985 Agency/Rpt#: LPD /11-41815 Felony Charge: District Court No: ) t/0 PCS PGl WIINT DEL '~ c~ .,,, .., AGAINST THE PEACE AND DIGNITY OF THE ST.A 1_0 . n j _ . · WGLh ~~f\9~{; . Foreman of the Grand Jury ·· . PRESENTED THIS r- I~ . ~~ "'... -V . DAY OF_·-~....__:_uv_- l\ _ _ __,, A.D~ 20_ _ INDICTMENT/ORIGINAL NO. 2012 4 3 3 8 3 3 THE STATE OF TEXAS vs. Bond: $ZO,OOO ANmONY HEREFORD JR Date Prepared: January 09,2012 Ref#: 900191528 PID: 162702 DOB: 05/0911985 Agency/Rpt#: LPD I 11-39969 Felony Charge: PCS PGl WIINT l-4G DFZ Arrest Date: I I District Court No: /.!J~) Prior Cause IN THE NAME AND BYA"''friiORITY OF THE STATE OF~~~ The duly organized Grand Jury of the District Court of Lubbock County, Texas, presents in and to said Court that In Lubbock County, Texas, ANTHONY HEREFORD JR, hereafter styled the Defendant, heretofore on or about the 14th day of September, A.D. 2011, did then and there knowingly possess, with intent to deliver, a controlled substance, namely, cocaine, in an amount of one gram or more but less thim four grams; And it is further presented in and to said Court that the defendant committed the above offense within 1,000 feet of the premises the premises of a school, further descrubed as Shapes Learning Academy; Enhancement And it is further presented in and to said Court that, prior to the commission of the aforesaid offense, on the 13th day of January, 2005, in cause number 2003-401,707 in the I40th District Court of Lubbock County, Texas, the defendant was convicted of the felony offense of Possession of a Controlled Substance with Intent to Deliver; ~·· ... = r' • - t -·· ·~ sl CJ1. !C J "'• ... -a AGAINST THE PEACE AND DIGNITY OF THE STATE Fo~dii PRESENTED THIS 4 DAY OF --~-f-"..,.....,"""""'-?.....,·7 - - - ' A.D. 20 f2..- INDICTMENT/ORlGINAL No2012 433834 THE STATE OF TEXAS vs. Bond: $20,000 ANTHONY HEREFORD JR Date Prepared: January 09, 2012 Ref#: 900191527 PID: 162702 DOB: 05/09/1985 Agency/Rpt#: LPD /11-41123 Felony Charge: W/INT 1-4G DFZ Arrest Date: I I District Court No: -Prior Cause No: IN THE NAME AND BY AUTHORITY OF, THE STATE OF TEXAS, The duly organized Grand Jury of the District Court of Lubbock Cowtty, Texas, presents in and to said Court that: In Lubbock Cowtty, Texas, ANTHONY HEREFORD JR, hereafter styled the Defendant, heretofore on or abOut the 22nd day of September, A.D. 2011, did then and there knowingly possess, with intent to deliver, a controlled substance, namely, cocaine, in an amount of one gram or more but less than four grams; And it is further presented in and to said Court that the defendant committed the above offense within 1,000 feet a playground , to-wit: Lusk Park. Enhancement And it is further presented in and to said Court, that prior to the commission of the aforesaid offense, on the 13th day of January, 2005, in cause number 2003-401,707 in the I 40th District Court of Lubbock Cowtty, Texas, the defendant was convicted of the felony offense of Possession of a Controlled Substance with Intent to Deliver; 11111111111111~1 o::: 90 0 191S:27009 INDT - INDI<:'11v1F.',N'T' FJLED [1JST C\il.IRT c~se No: ~Ol24J3B34 .~:. .. :. AGAINST THE PEACE AND DIGNITY OF THE STATE PRESENfED THIS J.d._ DAY OF -~U;~=::::__::._c=-r-__,A.D. 20 { Z.,·· INDICIMENT/ORIGINAL (!xA/b if U d) • NO. 2012 434661 THE STATE OF TEXAS vs. Bond: $50,000 ANTHONY HEREFORD Date Prepared: Aprilll, 2012 Ref#: 900196005 PID: 162702 DOB: 0510911985 Agency!Rpt#: LPD /12-7276 Felony Chmge: EVADE ARREST/DE~ Ane.t Ore I I District Court No: . \ _JA1 - Prior Cause IN THE NAME AND BY AUTHO~ oJ THE STATE OFT~~~ The duly organized Grand Jmy of the District Court of Lubbock County, Texas, presents in and to said Court that: In Lubbock County, Texas. ANTHONY HEREFORD, hereafter styled the Defendant, heretofore on or about the 1st day of March, A.D. 2012, did then and there, while using a motor vehicle, intentionally flee from JASON NUSS, a person the defendant knew was a peace officer who was attempting lawfully to arrest or detain the defendant; . - Cl 0 -<. ~- ,llllll,llllllll~I ltrf:•T - (';.:..Dt-=: No: INr•LCTJ·~EH'l' ;.>!_ll ?4 f'I L!:~ [• L>I.ST CULIF.T ?-4 6 r';J f :-o. > J:III :::0 N U1 I I J :X 1 ·-..,_ I ~ t 0 c· UJ '"'c -.;: .... 0!=' -< AGAINST THE PEACE AND DIGNITY OF THE STATE PRESENTED THIS . d D A Y OF ---t;~~--6-_~'==-----· A.D. 20_jz, INDICTMENT/ORIGINAL ?007-444857~ NO. _ _ _ _ __ TilE STATE OF TEXAS vs. ANTHONY G HEREFORD JR PID: 162,702 DOB: 05/09/1985 Misdemeanor Cba!ge: POSS MARIHUANA < 2 OZ IN TilE NAME AND BY AUI'HORITY OF TilE STATE OF TEXAS: Comes now the undersigned Assistant Criminal District Attorney of Lubbock County, Texas, in behalf of the State ofTexas, and presents in and to the Cotmty Court at Law No. of Lubbock County, Texas, 1hat in Lubbock County, Texas, ANTHONY HEREFORD JR, hereafter styled the Defendant, heretofore on or about 21st day of April, A.D. 2007, did then and there intentionally and knowingly possess a usable quantity of marihuana of not more than two otmces; AGAINST THE PEACE AND DIGNITY OF THE STATE. Assistant . of Lubbock C3ti-RJI~ INFORMATION 2011012527 No.2011432859 1HE STATE OF TEXAS vs. Bond: $10,000 ANTHONY HEREFORD JR Date Prepared: November 01,2011 Ref#: 900189660 PID: 162702 DOB: 05/09/1985 Agency/Rpt#: LPD /11-41815 Felony Charge: BURG HAB WIINT OTH FELONY Arrest Date: 09/28/2011 Di>trict Court No' . . / ~ · ~~ Ca= IN THE NAME AND BY UIHORITY OF THE STATE OF TEXAS, The duly organized Grand Jury of the District Court of Lubbock County, Texas, presents in and to said Court that: In Lubbock County, Texas, ANTHONY HEREFORD JR, hereafter styled the Defendant, heretofore on or about the 28th day of September, A.D. 2011, did then and there, with intent to conmrit the felony offense of Possession of a Controlled. Substance, enter a habitation, without the effective consent of HENRETTA MITCHELL, the owner thereof. ~.·<• . ·. ·. -J . ~ f.>; ~.:' U1 ··!; g~--:; U1 --· C:J Foreman of the Grand Jury PRESENTED T i l l S £ DAY OF --\~~LJ~~=-l,J..:.=_ _,, A.D. 20_1_\_ INDICTMENT/ORIGINAL ., ~-. NO. 2C07 416857 .· . :~: TilE STATE OF TEXAS vs... Bail: S2St000 ANTIIONY G HEREFORD JR Date Prepared: June 20. 2007. Ref#: 900128800 PID: 162,702 DOB: 05/09/l9S5 LPD I 07-26068 Agency/RptJ#: Felony Charge: EVAD . . STIDET W!VEli . Arrest Date: District Court No: . - Prior Cause No: IN THE NAME AND B A OR.ITY OF TilE STATE OF TEXAS, The duly Qljank.ed,~Jury,ofthe District Court of Lubbock County, Texas, presents in Qd to said Court that In Lubbock County,.:T~xas,:ANTB:o'NY_IIEREFORD JR, hereafter styled the Defendant. heretofore on or about the 19th day of May, . A.D. 2007, did then and there inteniiorially flee from Tony Williams, a peaCe officer, who the defendant kDew to be a peace officer .· attempting to lawfully arrest and detain the said defendant, and further the said defendant used a vehicle while the actor was in Oight; AGAINST Tiffi PEACE AND DIGNITY OF THE STATE. .Ftd{;~hey. _.· . t'' . . PRESENTED TillS \. 0 DAY OF -~~\J.._\..!!!!o-'«.:1.----...;.,--·.•,....J, AJ). 20~ ! . ' :-:1 1':'1 ,...;, -< v (" VI c:::» -: .. ·.· -- _... c:::» j ~-~~~; )..,. <-~ c= ' - ·.·. 11111111111111111 ~ n - I . ·- .- .. ·· -· .... ... " 02900128800008 ::r- . -- INDT - INDICTMENT FILED DIS'l' COURT }7-'' :a: L Case No: 20074Hi857 }-. ,·_. -.1 n ~-: -,~":;· ,.. -. • ~ J' z:- ·o "'f -·-- -- <'1 c.; INDICTMENT/ORIGDIIAL : .. : .·.· .. -·.·. (f>Ch i bi .y '7 11) Stat~ Commission ·on-Judicial Conduct Officers Executive Director Tom Cunningham, Chair . Seana Willing Steven L. Seider, Vice Chair Patti H. Johnson, Secretary Members Sid Harle Karry K. Matson Joel P. Baker Edward J. Spillane, Ill Martha M. Hernandez December 27, 2012 Diane D. Threadgill M. Sue Kurita David Gaultney Vakrie E. Ertz Ricky A. Raven CONFIDENTIAL / '~ --~~- ----~- ~-- ---~·-.C..-------~-~·--·----·-··-.:.....-..L.-~---------·-·-----'-~----·-----···-----·····---·- - - ~~_,.__,_,A_.II/fl~- ~AniJt.-hlTG·r~rcccfurd)c --- -··· Lubbock County Jail 144054 PO Box 10535 Lt1bbock TX 79408-3535 Re: CJC No. 13-0329-DI Dear Mr. Hereford: We have received·your complaint against a Texas judge. All complaints receive a thorough review and investigation relevant to the allegations, and are presented to the Commission. After its consideration, the Co"inmission may dismiss a complaint, impose sanctions against a judge, or take other appropriate acti9~. The Commission's actions are governed by Article V, Section 1-a of the Texas Constitution an~ Chapter 33 of the Texas Government Code. Please be adV:ised that our proceedings are .confidential. We are prohibited by Section 33.033(c) of the Texa~. Government Code from identifying by name the judge against whom you have · filed a complaint. In ;order to assist us with our investigation, please reference the above-listed CJC case number in all future correspondence. Additionally, if you intend to submit additional documents \. for our consideration, . ple~~e send . photocopies. '\ ~ ~~o.....--~--: ;~~!(.: ." Anthony Hereford #144054 P.O. Box 10535 Lubbock, Texas. 79408 ...... _ ... ,..:. Re: S0121228128 Anthony Hereford- David Matthew Crook Dear Mr. Hereford: The Oft1ce of the Chief Disciplinary Counsel of the State Bar of Texas has received your grievance against the above named lawyer. Lawyers licensed in Texas are governed by the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct, and 1nay only be disciplined when their conduct is in violation of one or more of the disciplinary rules. After examining your grievance, this office has determined that the .information alleged does not d_emonstrate professional misconduct or an attorney disability. Accordingly, this grievance has been classified as an Inquiry and has been dismissed. You may appeal this determination to the Board of Disciplinary Appeals. Your appeal must be submitted directly to the Board in writing, using the enclosed form~ within thirty (30) days of receipt of this notice. ' Instead of filing an appeal with the Board of Disciplinary Appeals, you may amend your grievance and re-file it with additional information, within twenty (20) days of receipt of this notice.· Please note that, while you have the option of appealing the dismissal of your grievance .Q! amending andre-filing-it with additional information, you may not take both actions simultaneously. The State Bar of Texas maintains the Client-Attorney Assistance Program (CAAP). You may have already visited with the staff of that program prior to filing your grievance. Pursuant to the State Bar Act, all dismissed grievances (other than where the person complained about is deceased, disbarred, or not a lawyer) shall be referred to· CAAP. In accordance with that requirement, please be advised that CAAP can attempt to resolve your matter through mediation or other dispute resolution procedures. CAAP_· is not a contiimation ofthe attorney disciplinary process and participation by both you and the iit1omey is voluntary .. Should you desire to pursue that process, you may contact CAAP· at 1-800-932-: ' 1900. '. . P. 0. Box 12487, Austin, Texas 78711-2487, (512) 427-1350, (877) 953-5535, fax: (512) 427-4167 (?KA;b;+ ? C) State Commission on Judicial Conduct Officers Executive Director Steven L. Seider, Chair Seana Willing M. Sue Kurita, Vice Chair Valerie E. Ertz, Secretary Members Patti H. Johnson Joel P. Baker Edward J. Spillane, III Martha M. Hernandez Diane D. Threadgill October 10,2014 Ricky A. Raven Demetrius·K. Bivins Douglas S. Lang Orlinda L. Naranjo David M. Russell CONFIDENTIAL Anthony George Hereford Jr Hughes Unit 1864452 Rt 2 Box 4400 Gatesville TX 76597-1010 Re: CJC No. 15-0124-DI Dear Mr. Hereford: . . . . We have received your complaint against a Texas judge. All complaints receive a thorough review and investigation releVant to the allegations, and are presented to the Commission. After its consideration, the Commission may dismiss a complaint, impose sanctions against a judge, or take other appropriate action. The Commission's actions are governed by Article V, Section 1-a of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 33 ofthe Texas Government Code. Please be advised that our proceedings are confidential. We are prohibited by Section 33.033(c) of the Texas Government Code from identifying by name the judge against whom you have filed a complaint. In order to assist us with our investigation, please reference the above-listed CJC case number in all future correspondence. Additionally, if you intend to submit additional documents for our consideration, please send photocopies. · For your additional assistance, we have enclosed an information sheet that will explain more completely the process involved in investigating allegations of judicial misconduct. We will inform you in writing of the Commission's action on your complaint. If you have· any questions or need additional information, please contact our office. When calling, please mention the above-listed CJC case number so as to expedite your phone call. STATE COMMISSION ON JUDICIAL CONDUCT Enclosure PO Box 12265 (512) 463-5533 Austin TX 78711-2265 www.scjc.state.tx.gov Toll-Free (877) 228-5750
Hereford, Anthony Jr.
Combined Opinion