CHRIS DANIEL H ..\RRIS COlINT\' DISTRICT CI.ERK FILED IN December 15,2014 14th COURT OF APPEALS HOUSTON, TEXAS 1/7/2015 3:37:36 PM HONORABLE KRISTIN GUINEY CHRISTOPHER A. PRINE I79TH DISTRICT COURT Clerk HARRIS COUNTY Defendant's Name: GEORGE CASTILLO Cause No: 1393207 Court: I 79TH DISTRICT COURT Please note the following appeal updates on the above mentioned cause: Notice of Appeal Filed Date: 12-11-14 Sentence 'Imposed Date: 12-11-14 Court of Appeals Assignment: Fourteenth Court of Appeals Appeal Attorney of Record: TO BE DETERMINED Criminal Post Trial Deputy CC: Devon Anderson District Attorney Appellate Division Harris County, Texas RENEE REAGAN (DELIVERED VIA E-MAIL) This is your notice to inform any and all, substitute reporters in this cause. 1201 Franklin P.O. Box 4651 Houston, Texas 77210-4651 ,., . -' Cause No. l?l732tJ7 __ J., .,:.... .. THE STATE OF TEXAS ~~~.~~~~~(e-r6l~~k~·O~~~~~~~------------ . . . .-- District Court I -~\~11 County Criminal Court at Law No. _ __ Harris County, Texas NOTICE OF ApPEAL TO THE HONORABLE JUDGE OF SAID COURT: On i .4, IilEt .t I 28M" NOTIc'E oF~pphL'Ofhis conviction .. (daie), the defendant in the above numbered and style_...r:-.o::- Tbe ~ned attorney (cbeck appropriate box): o MOVES to withdraw. (\ J(' fl /" . ~VISES the court that he will CONTINUE to represent the defendant on appeal. tI/~cY y~ Date t=i I-"7/W / , +- ---JO=:6I-::;:::::;S;;l,~p6::f.p=se7f=J Attorney (Signature) =O~eisi:ii:.z:at?r~Jw~~~I7;L-_ / '=ezYl.6-f (!d~lI{) Q:. 51 J. Defendant (P~nted name) rney (printed name) 11 SOU 7.,/) 0 State Bar Number ZI ~ tf)a /'n S; «?rcb MIA'IR7;Y Address ~t %( J 1? - 9- {tj -te j'3c. Telepbone Number Tbe defendant (cbeck all tbat apply): ~ESENTS to the court that he is presently INDIGENT and ASKS the court to immediately APPOINT appellate counsel to represent him. ~KS the Court to ORDER that a free record be provided to him. o AsKS the court to set BAIL. Accordingly, Appellant ASKS the Court to conduct a hearing, make findings, and enter an Order Granting the requested relief. By Deputy District Clerk of Harris County, Texas _ _ _ _ _---:::;;~'------'----------- http://hcdco-intranetlCriminaUCriminal Courts/SOPs and Forms Library/Criminal FormsINotice of Appeal (2 pages-wout Affirmation).docPage I of2 1109/08 ·-ii .. :;;- ". ~ ORDER On tlE:C \ \ 1m4 the Court conducted a hearing and FINDS that defendant I appellant [] IS NO indigent at this time. S indigent for the purpose of [] employing counsel [] paying for a clerk's and court reporter's record. ~Ying counselor paying for a clerk's and court reporter's record. .d1 ' . 6 _ The Court ORDERS that ~ 1s/6fM~ [J Counsel's motion to withdraw~ DENIED. [J Defendant I appellant's motion (to ~igent) is DENIED. ~efendant's I appellant's motion i~and . ~ (attorney's name & bar card number) . V'is APPOINTED to represent defendant I appellant on appeal. . ,,( The COURT REPORTER is ORDERED to prepare and file the reporter's record without charge to ~fendant I appellant. . . BAIL IS: [J SET at $ ______________ [J To CONTINUE as presently set. ~DENIED and is SET ~t NO BOND. (Felony Only) DATE SIGNED: DEC 1 1 2014 htlp:llhcdco-inuanetlCriminai/Criminal CourtslSOPs and Forms Libnuy/Criminal FormsINolice of Appeal (2 pages-woul Affirmalion).docPage 2 of2 1109/08 \ , " . Cause No. --='-::;3"""".C;.....;;.o....:;1_O_.1-_ __ THE STATE OF TEXAS 1N THE 179TB DISTRICT COL'RT •... .'.,' . ... .... ,' .. ...::-. . .. v. . COT.RllY.CltNTH:kb·~O.uP.: .~._. ~ • .." .....;.,. . ' .~4 r-'-';:,' - ....~.~.~~. r.;. -_. '.;. :':-_"'::;~_"'-_" I ~." _.~ ...... ~~ _ "'_ . 0 is a pea-bargain case, but the trial court has given permission to appeal, and' the d~t~~dant has the right of ~, _:' ">'". '.; ..... )!pp~al. [or] .... ~.~. < ••_ ..• :,L" .•; • ", :. "'''':'. . 1.0... ·._ .. • • .. '. I .......' ~.".~ ,.. .~. is a plea-bargain case, and the defendant has NO right of appeaL [or] '.~ .~' .. ~;... ~. ::.. ~:. : '. ::~.:':.' :~;;·~~P. .~~.defen~ant has waived the right of appeal. -- _ . .cati~n .:¢.is.cerf is made subsequ~ntto:,!U~Y9catj(;m .... -_.:' ,. ofpiob~tion . . or ~djudication -..' of~~il~ .' .. ..:;;·:7t~~.~ .. ..... ... ... ..' ,,: , . JAN 0 9. 2014 ....... .0 . ! .~~. : ••.. : :.; '.~ ... - . -.' ....:.. t ".'. .:. .. - . ;: ....- ~: .~:... :r-. . '~.~:." .,.: . ~. ':'.' :: ~c··~\·hay~·~eceiy~d a~o . of this;.·cert.ificati"Oli~>Ihaye 'a;lsq, bee;:'i;forme(i-:~f" my rights .6~nc.~·i~g ari~ ~pp~anlthis "'criminal case, iDClu'ding any right to file'iiPro'-se petition foi'discretionary I:evjew pursuanft.c{Rule 68 'ofthe'Texas' . Rules of Appellate Procedure. I have been·.admonished that my attorn~ must mail a copy of the. court of appeals' . . judgment and opinion to my hist known address and that I have only' .30 days in which to· -file pro se petition of a " discretionary' review in the court· of appeals. TEX. R. APP. P. 68.2.. I acknowledge that, if I wish to appeal this . ... ". .' case and if I ~ entitled to do so, it is my duty to inform. ~y appellate.. a~qqt:..~X, ~~ wr~tt~~_cE>mm1:ll1icatio~, of any . :.... :y:', ... ; . ··ch~g~jn the address at .which I am currently living or any change in my cUrierit·pr:i~~!l,-u!f.:~t;:.):,YE~rrs~~:.that, ,:,; lose . :,' .0;:: . - . .. ",- . . -. '--~~"'Decause 9f app~nate ·de.~dtines~ if! fail tci: timely inform}ny appellate' a Q. .ey 0 the :