George Castillo v. State

                                      CHRIS DANIEL
                                 H ..\RRIS COlINT\' DISTRICT CI.ERK

                                                                                     FILED IN
 December 15,2014                                                             14th COURT OF APPEALS
                                                                                 HOUSTON, TEXAS
                                                                               1/7/2015 3:37:36 PM
                                                                              CHRISTOPHER A. PRINE
 I79TH DISTRICT COURT                                                                  Clerk

 Defendant's Name: GEORGE CASTILLO

 Cause No: 1393207


Please note the following appeal updates on the above mentioned cause:

Notice of Appeal Filed Date: 12-11-14
Sentence 'Imposed Date: 12-11-14
Court of Appeals Assignment: Fourteenth Court of Appeals
Appeal Attorney of Record: TO BE DETERMINED

Criminal Post Trial Deputy

CC: Devon Anderson
    District Attorney
    Appellate Division
    Harris County, Texas


This is your notice to inform any and all, substitute reporters in this cause.

                    1201 Franklin P.O. Box 4651   Houston, Texas 77210-4651
                ,., . -'                                              Cause No.        l?l732tJ7
               __ J.,
.,:....   ..                                                          THE STATE OF TEXAS

                                           . . . .-- District Court I
                                       -~\~11                                County Criminal Court at Law No. _ __

                                                                        Harris County, Texas

                                                                         NOTICE OF ApPEAL


               On           i   .4, IilEt .t I 28M"
               NOTIc'E oF~pphL'Ofhis conviction ..
                                                                   (daie), the defendant in the above numbered and style_...r:-.o::-

               Tbe ~ned attorney (cbeck appropriate box):
                        o       MOVES to withdraw.                                                                                      (\       J('   fl    /"
                  .     ~VISES the court that he will CONTINUE to represent the defendant on appeal.                                    tI/~cY              y~
                            t=i       I-"7/W / , +-                                     ---JO=:6I-::;:::::;S;;l,~p6::f.p=se7f=J
                                                                                        Attorney (Signature)

                        '=ezYl.6-f          (!d~lI{)                                                         Q:. 51                                    J.
               Defendant (P~nted name)                                                        rney (printed name)
                                                                                                  11 SOU 7.,/) 0
                                                                                        State Bar Number
                                                                                           ZI ~ tf)a /'n S; «?rcb MIA'IR7;Y
                                                                                        Address                                                                ~t   %(
                                                                                              J   1? -       9- {tj     -te j'3c.
                                                                                        Telepbone Number
               Tbe defendant (cbeck all tbat apply):
                        ~ESENTS to the court that he is presently INDIGENT and ASKS the court to immediately APPOINT
                                appellate counsel to represent him.
                        ~KS the Court to ORDER that a free record be provided to him.
                        o       AsKS the court to set BAIL.
                      Accordingly, Appellant ASKS the Court to conduct a hearing, make findings, and enter an Order
               Granting the requested relief.

               By Deputy District Clerk of Harris County, Texas _ _ _ _ _---:::;;~'------'-----------

               http://hcdco-intranetlCriminaUCriminal Courts/SOPs and Forms Library/Criminal FormsINotice of Appeal (2 pages-wout Affirmation).docPage I of2

 :;;-   ". ~                                                              ORDER

                            On        tlE:C \ \ 1m4     the Court conducted a hearing and FINDS that defendant I appellant

                            [] IS NO indigent at this time.
                                 S indigent for the purpose of
                                     [] employing counsel
                                     [] paying for a clerk's and court reporter's record.
                                 ~Ying counselor paying for a clerk's and court reporter's record.                                .d1 ' .         6    _

        The Court ORDERS that                               ~                                                                   1s/6fM~
                [J          Counsel's motion to withdraw~ DENIED.
                [J          Defendant I appellant's motion (to ~igent) is DENIED.
         ~efendant's I appellant's motion i~and                                                           .
                              ~                                                      (attorney's name & bar card number)
                            . V'is APPOINTED to represent defendant I appellant on appeal.
                      .          ,,( The COURT REPORTER is ORDERED to prepare and file the reporter's record without charge to
                            ~fendant I appellant.                                                    . .
        BAIL IS:
                [J          SET at $ ______________

                [J          To CONTINUE as presently set.
               ~DENIED and is SET ~t NO BOND. (Felony Only)

        DATE SIGNED:                                   DEC 1 1 2014

        htlp:llhcdco-inuanetlCriminai/Criminal CourtslSOPs and Forms Libnuy/Criminal FormsINolice of Appeal (2 pages-woul Affirmalion).docPage 2 of2
                    \   ,
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                                                                                           Cause No.                                 --='-::;3"""".C;.....;;.o....:;1_O_.1-_ __
                             THE STATE OF TEXAS                                                                                                                                           1N THE 179TB DISTRICT COL'RT
                                            .'.,'   .                                                    ... ....                                 ,'     ..       ...::-.                                                                                                                                                . ..
                             v.                                                                                                                                                        . COT.RllY.CltNTH:kb·~O.uP.: .~._.
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               .            0            is a pea-bargain case, but the trial court has given permission to appeal, and' the d~t~~dant has the right of
          ~,        _:' ">'". '.; ..... )!pp~al. [or]                   ....    ~.~.                               < ••_ ..•         :,L" .•; •                                                                  ",    :.                                              "'''':'. .                                                         1.0... ·._ ..

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 • • .. '. I .......'        ~.".~       ,..       .~.

                                              is a plea-bargain case, and the defendant has NO right of appeaL [or]                                                                                                                                                    '.~ .~' .. ~;... ~.       ::.. ~:. : '.

      ::~.:':.' :~;;·~~P.                     .~~.defen~ant has waived the right of appeal.

                                             -- _ . .cati~n
                                             .:¢.is.cerf    is made subsequ~ntto:,!U~Y9catj(;m
                                                         ....                   -_.:'      ,.  ofpiob~tion
                                                                                                  . . or ~djudication                                                   -..'
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  .' ..
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             .. ..... ...
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ... ..' ,,:                                 ,

                                                                                                                                                                                . JAN 0 9. 2014
                                                                                                                                               .......                                                                                          .0    . ! .~~.     :    ••.. :     :.; '.~           ...

                                                                                                                                              . -.' ....:..
                                                                                                                                                 t ".'.                                                    .:.   .. - .                        ;: ....- ~:        .~:... :r-. .                          '~.~:."          .,.:

   . ~. ':'.' :: ~c··~\·hay~·~eceiy~d a~o . of this;.·cert.ificati"Oli~>Ihaye 'a;lsq, bee;:'i;forme(i-:~f" my rights .6~nc.~·i~g ari~ ~pp~anlthis
                    "'criminal case, iDClu'ding any right                                   to file'iiPro'-se
                                                                            petition foi'discretionary I:evjew pursuanft.c{Rule 68 'ofthe'Texas'
                    . Rules of Appellate Procedure. I have been·.admonished that my attorn~ must mail a copy of the. court of appeals'
                 . . judgment and opinion to my hist known address and that I have only' .30 days in which to· -file pro se petition of                                                                                                                                                 a
              "       discretionary' review in the court· of appeals. TEX. R. APP. P. 68.2.. I acknowledge that, if I wish to appeal this
     . ... ". .' case and if I ~ entitled to do so, it is my duty to inform. ~y appellate.. a~qqt:..~X, ~~ wr~tt~~_cE>mm1:ll1icatio~, of any .
:.... :y:', ... ; . ··ch~g~jn the address at .which I am currently living or any change in my cUrierit·pr:i~~!l,-u!f.:~t;:.):,YE~rrs~~:.that,

                    ,:,; lose  .                             :,' .0;:: . - . .. ",- . . -.
               '--~~"'Decause 9f app~nate ·de.~dtines~ if! fail tci: timely inform}ny appellate' a Q. .ey 0
                           the :