Alan Nelson Crotts v. Jessalyn Elizabeth Cole

ACCEPTED 14-14-00094-CV FOURTEENTH COURT OF APPEALS HOUSTON, TEXAS 1/4/2015 9:25:17 PM CHRISTOPHER PRINE CLERK NO. l4-14-00094-CV FILED IN IN THE 14THCOURTOF APPEALSOF TEXAS 14th COURT OF APPEALS HOUSTON, TEXAS 1/4/2015 9:25:17 PM AT HOUSTON CHRISTOPHER A. PRINE Clerk $ Alan Nelson Crotts,Appellant S Cause No. 73363 $ Vs. In the l4ghDistrict Court of $ JessalynElizabeth Cole, Brczoria County, Texas Appellee $ On appealfrom the I49thJudicial District Court of BrazoriaCounty,Texas REPLYBRIEF OF APPELLANTTO AMENDED BKIEF OF APPELLEE Alan NelsonCrotts.Pro Se 19910GrandBluffGrove Richmond"Texas 77407 REPLY BRIEF OF APPELLANT TO AMENDED BRIEF OF APPELLEE TheAPPELLANT,Alan NelsonCrotts, respondsasfollows to the AMENDED BRIEF OF APPELLEE: l. TheAMENDED BRIEF OF APPELLEEfails, in r,vhole,to adequatelyrespondto the issuespresented by the Appellantin the lsr AMENDED BRIEFOF APPELLANT. It containsirrelevantinformationand,in someparts,falseinformation. The formatitself seemsto be intendedto confusethis Courtasto the logical sequences of eventsin termsof their on the outcomeof prior events. dependency the Appelleecontendsthatthe NOTICE OF APPEAL wasfiled late To demonstrate, it wasn'tfiled within 30 daysof the October14th,201,3 because dismissal.This assertions disregardsthe combinedeffectof the lsr AMENDED MOTION TO REINSTATEAND MOTION TO QUASHandthe ORDERON MOTION TO REINSTATE. The lsr aIWENDED MOTION TO REINSTATEAND MOTION TO QUASHeffectivelyextendedtheplenary powerof the trial court,pursuantto Rule329b(S)of the TexasRulesof Civil Procedure,andthe ORDERON MOTION TO REINSTATEeffectivelyput the casebackon the docket. 2. To clarify the actualsissuesat handandeliminatethe confusioncausedby the AMENDED BRIEF OF APPELLEE,the actualtimelineandthe effectof filings which the Appellantcontendsis appropriatearelistedbelow. Only filings relevantto AMENDED BRIEF OF APPELLEEareincluded. l) ORIGINAL PETITION- Initiatedlawsuit. 07112/2013, Page2 of 9 2) DEFENDANT'SRULE 9lA MOTION TO DISMISS- set 0911812013, hearingfor a dismissalpursuantto Rule9l a of the TexasRulesof Civil Procedure. 3) OBJECTIONTO MOTIONTO DISMISS* setforthclear rc10712013, andlogicalobjections to DEFENDANT'SRULE 91A MOTIONTO DISMISS,which included,but werenot limited to, validity of causesof actionsanddeficienciesin the serviceof this motion. 4) ORDEROF DISMISSAL- Dismissedthe suitpursuantto 1011412013, Rule9Ia of the TexasRulesof Civil Procedure,andonly that rule, which affecteda final dispositionon the case. 5) l0ll4l20l3, MOTIONTO REINSTATE- Requested thecaseto be reinstatedunderRule l65a ofthe TexasRulesof Civil Procedure.Exceptfor settinga hearingdate,this motionwaswithout effectbecausethe casewasnot dismissedunder Rule 165a.Theplenarypowerof the trial courtwasnot affectedby this motion. 6) llll2l20l3, lsr AMENDED MOTION TO REINSTATEAND MOTION TO QUASH- Effectivelyextendedthe plenarypowerof the trial courtthrough December12th,2013.This motionstatedon page2 (C.R.54) andpage3 (C.R.55)that this suit wasnot eligiblefor dismissalunderRule 9la. On page4 (C.R.56),the Appellantstatedthat Rule 91arequiredthe trial courtto denyDEFENDANT'SRULE 91A MOTIONTO DISMISS.ThClSTAMENDEDMOTIONTO REINSTATEAND MOTION TO QUASHalsorequested the ORDEROF DISMISSALsignedon October null andvoid on page5 (C.R.57). l4'h,2013,toberendered Page3 of 9 7) 1210612013, ORDER ON MOTION TO REINSTATE - Placedthe case back on the docket as to the causesof action for Breach of Contract and Defamation of Characterpursuantto Rule 9la. 3. In referenceto the effect of the filings cited above, the AMENDED BRIEF OF APPELLEE questionswhether lsr AMENDED MOTION TO REINSTATE AND MOTION TO QUASH constitutesa motion to correct, modify, or otherwise reform a judgment. Upon examining the definitions of ocorrect'and 'reform' againstthe definition of oquash',there is clear congruency. To demonstrate,correctmeans" changeso that it is right, true, proper, etc...". Reform is defined as " improve (someoneor something)by removing or correctingfaults, problems,etc.. .". And quashmeansto 'otonulliff especiallyby judicial action.. .'0. To further assistthis Court, the term nulliff is synonymouswith abrogate,rescind, void, or vacate. Based on thesedefinitions, it would be contrary to English languageto assertthat a motion to quash does not constitute a motion to correct. To wit, the quashing of an order that is entirely invalid absolutely constitutesa correction or reform of that order. Furthermore,a motion is to be determinedby its substanca,not title (.Rashv. Barrios,56 S.W. 3d, 88, 93 (Tex. App.- Houston[4tr Dist.] 200l, pet. denied). The ISTAMENDED MOTION TO REINSTATE AND MOTION TO QUASH is clearly intended, in part, to show the trial court that the dismissal under Rule 91a was improper and that this effor neededto be corrected. Pursuantto the above and Rule 329b(g),the filing the lsr AMENDED MOTION TO REINSTATE AND MOTION TO QUASH effectively extendedthe trial courtosplenary power Page4 of 9 for 30 days. Thetrial courthasconcurredwith this assertion,asit interpretedthe motionasa requestto corrector refofin an improperjudgmentandactedaccordingly. 4. In referenceto the effect of the filings cited above, the AMENDED BRIEF OF on page15that".,.two of theoriginalcausesof actionthatwere APPELLEEacknowledges undertheRuleglamotion..." werereinstated.As asserted dismissedon October14ft.,2013 in the l sr AMENDED BRIEF OF APPELLANT' regardless of any citationof Rule 165a,the case wasproperlyreinstatedunderthe authorityof Rule 9l a becausethat is the Rulethe casewas improperlydismissedunder. Justasthe natureof a motionis determinedby its substance, the Appellantassertsthatthis rule appliesto courtordersaswell. It is throughthe substance thatthe trial courtspecificallymadesureto includein the ORDERON MOTION TO REINSTATEthat the intentof that courtis madeclear- o'onlyasto the Causesof Action allegingDefamationand Breachof Contract". It is uncontestable thatthe trial courtincludedthesewordsin responseto the Rule9la issuespresented by the Appellate. 5. On page14of theAMENDED BRIEF OF APPELLEE,the Appelleestatesthe DEFENDANT'SRULE 9lA MOTION TO DISMISSwasappropriately granted.Thetrail court this to be untruethroughthe ORDERON MOTION TO hasalreadyacknowledged REINSTATE. 6. The AMENDED BRIEF OF APPELLEEalsocontendsthat theNOTICE OF APPEAL was not filed in a timely manner. Pursuantto the timeline and effect of the filings presentin item 2 above,this Court can clearly seethis to be false. 7. In severalplacesthe Appellee attemptsto import motive to the Appellant's filings, This is improper. The Appellant assertsthat the motive for each filing is clear within the Page5 of 9 of the filing. It shouldalsobe notedthat the effectof certainfilings is separatefrom substance the motivefor the filings. For example,a party doesnot needto intendfor a motionto corrector modiff ajudgmentto extendthe plenarypowerof the court,that is simplythe effectof the motion. 8. Item 14on page37 of the AMENDED BRIEFOF APPELLEEis irrelevant becausethe trial courthasalreadyacknowledged that the dismissalunderRule 9la was improper. 9. Item l5 on page38 of the AMENDED BRIEFOF APPELLEEis falseand irrelevant. The Appellant has the right to presenttwo argumentsbefore the court. The Appellate made argumentsrelated to Rule l65aand Rule 91a becausethe Appellate was confused as to the basis for the dismissal. The Appellate knew that the casecould not be dismissedunder either rule, but yet it was. At the hearing on November l2h,z}l3,the arguedonly those reasons related to Rule 9la becauseno notice of hearing for a dismissal under Rule l65awas ever issued. As to the attachedorder, the Appellate is aware the trial court has the authority to amend a proposedorder and designedit to allow the trial court to easily remove or cross-outany citations to the irrelevantruleoRule 91a versusRule 165a, 10. Item 16 on page 39 of the AMENDED BRIEF OF APPELLEE is also without merit.TheAppellant's lsr AMENDEDMorIoN To REINSTATE AND MoTIoN To QUASH assertedthat the ORDER OF DISMISSAL signedon October l4th, 2013, should be wholly voided. After hearing the argumentsat the hearing, the trial court determinedthat only two of the causesof action were valid, so the order could not be wholl,y voided. The Appellant Page6 of 9 did not contestthat decision,but that would not logically constitutea waiverof withdrawalof thatmotion. In short,havinga motiondenieddoesnot constitutea withdrawalof that motion. Theabovenotwithstanding, the motionto quashwaseffectivelygrantedin part by the trial court. I l. In Item 17on page40 of the AMENDED BRIEF OF APPELLEEthe appellee contendsthe ls AMENDED BRIEF OF APPELLANT containsan argumentthat wasnot presented to the trial court. Specifically,the argumentthat a time extendingmotion,otherthan the MOTION TO REINSTATE,wasfiled wasnot presented to the trial court. This contentionis moot becausethe Appellantdid not presentthis argumentin the lst AMENDED BRIEF OF APPELLANT. t2. In Item 18on page40 of theAMENDED BRIEF OF APPELLEEthe Appellee contendsthat the lst AMENDED BRIEF OF APPELLANT doesnot conformto Rule 35.1(h) andRule 38.I (i) of the TexasRulesof AppellateProcedure.This Courtknowsthis to be false becausethe ls AMENDED BRIEF OF APPELLANT hasalreadybeenmeasuredagainstthe standards setforth in Rule38.1in response to the APPELLEE'SSECONDMOTION FOR INVOLI.INTARYDISMISSAL. 13. In Item 19on page40 of theAMENDED BRIEF OF APPELLEEcomplainsthat the I't AMENDED BRIEF OF APPELLANT did not challengeany of the trial court'sfinding of fact. This is entirelyirrelevant. The Appellantagreeswith the factspresented by the trial court in the FINDINGSOF FACT AND CONCLUSIONSOF LAW, with thepossibleexceptionof Items3 and4, but hascontestedthe basisfor the trial court'sconclusionsandits decisionto sign theORDEROF DISMISSALon Januarv27th.2014. Page7 of9 PRAYER TheAPPELLANT praysthe Courtacknowledgethe counter-points arguedin this REPLY BRIEF OF APPELLANT TO AMENDED BRIEF OF APPELLEEandgrantthe relief in the BRIEF OF APPELLANT andany otherrelief to which the Appellantmay be requested entitled. RespectfullySubmitted, Alan N. Crotts, Pro Se 19910GrandBluff Grove Richmond,Texas 77407 Telephone:(281)384-0350 Page8 of 9 CERTIFICATE OF SERWCE This certifiesthat the undersignedservedthis REPLY BRIEF OF APPELLANT TO AMENDED BzuEFOF APPELLEEonJESSALYNELIZABETH COLE,Appellee,by sending it to leadcounselfor Appellee,RAYMOND COLE,at P.O.BOX 375,BAY CITY, TEXAS 77404by CERTIFIEDRETURNRECEIPTMAIL on Month/ Dayl Year Alan N. Crotts, Pro Se CERTIFICATE OF',COMPLIAFICEWITH APPELLATE RULE 9.4(i) I certifuthatthis documentcontains11695words,asindicatedby the word-countfunction usedto prepareit, andexcludingthe caption,signature,proof of of the computerprogrerm service,certification,andcertificateof complianceasprovidedby AppellateRule 9.4(i). Alan N. Crotts.Pro Se Page9 of 9