Magalde, Fernando

PD-0114-15 IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS OF TEXAS FERNANDO MAGALDE § Appellant § CAUSE NO 08-12-00064-CR § V- • & 08-12^00065-CR § THE STATE OF TEXAS Appellee § FILED IN MDTION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME TO FILE CRIMINAL APPEALS PETITION FOR DISCRETIONARY REVIEW ,._,_ n„„,„ : ; FEB 02 ^j Abel Acosta, Clerk TO THE HONORABLE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS COMES Now, The Appellant Fernando Magalde Pro se to file this Motion for an extension of time of 90 days to prepare and file his out of time motion and /Petition for Discretionary Review/In support thereof will show the court the following I On January 14/2015/The court of Criminal Appeals recently ruled d>n favor of the .^Appellant granting his Application*! for Writ of Habeas pursuant to Article 11.07 T-C.C.P An the Opportunity to file an Out-of-time petition for Discretionary Review of the judgment of the 8th Court of Appeals that affirmed his Conviction in TC NO 20110D06141/TC NO 20110D05035 from the 120th District Court of El Paso County ,the order requires that the petition _• be filed 30 days after the mandate has issued -Writ NO 82/561-®! RECEIVEDIN 0URT OF CRIMINAL APPEAL JAN 29 2015 Abel Acosta, Clerk II Therefore totadeqaatelyy discharge his Responsibilities Applicant Respectforly seeks an extension of 90 days,the additional time will allow hi™;to review court Documents and Determine the best approch in preparing his petition and the arqument of the issues presented therein / / as Such this motion is made in good faith and is in no way meant to delay of hinder the appellate process, / Appellant is pro se and without Counsel and needs the addition time to Conduct Research ancf Case Laws in an efforded to provide the court with a Meaningful arqument for review PRAfER Wherefore Premises Considered, Appellant motion for an extension of time and qrant the relief prayed for herein Respectfully Submitted Fernando Maqalde TDCJ-# 01828858 McConnell Unit 3001 S/Emily DR Beeville,Texas 78102 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I/Fernando Maqalde / hereby-certify that a true and correct copy of the above foreqoinq instrument has been sent to the clerk of the Court of Criminal Appeals P.O.Box 12308 Capito.l Station Austin,Texas 78711, ON THIS —^^ day of vQftl gag 2015 By placing the same in the U. S Postage Mail box here at the McConnell Unit Respectfully Submitted Fenando Maqalde TDCJ-# 01828858 FERNANDO MAGALDE -V. THE STATE OF TEXAS RE:WR-82,561-01 The the Clerk of said court Please find enclosed the appellants Motion for an extension of time appellant recieved the opinion of the court in the above Referance number granting his Writ Applicafcioni for Hebeas Relief /as such the opinion states that he is to file his out-of-time petition for Discretionary Review 30 days after issuance of the mandate /Appellant has not recieved a copy of such and felted it best to seek addition time with that said please date sstamp and file the -..attached motion for a ruling by this Honorable Court Respectfully Fernando Magaldo /TDCJ # 1828058 McConnell Unit 3001 S,Emily DR Beeville Texas 78102 t / 26 / 2015 ^U>74^?0 c