Pullen, Alyssa

1/28/2015 Envelope Details Print this page Case # PD­1664­14 Case Information Location Court Of Criminal Appeals Date Filed 01/21/2015 05:09:40 PM Case Number PD­1664­14 Case Description Assigned to Judge Attorney Gary Miller Firm Name Miller & Lindsey, PLLC Filed By Gary Miller Filer Type Not Applicable Fees Convenience Fee $0.09 Total Court Case Fees $0.00 Total Court Filing Fees $0.00 Total Court Service Fees $0.00 Total Filing & Service Fees $0.00 Total Service Tax Fees $0.00 Total Provider Service Fees $3.00 Total Provider Tax Fees $0.25 Grand Total $3.34 Payment Account Name Miller Lindsey Oper. Transaction Amount $3.34 Transaction Response Transaction ID 6345692 Order # 003853005­0 Petition for Discretionary Review Filing Type EFile Filing Code Petition for Discretionary Review Filing Description Petition for Discretionary Review ­ Pullen Reference Number 2015­01 Comments Status Rejected Fees Court Fee $0.00 Service Fee $0.00 https://reviewer.efiletexas.gov/EnvelopeDetails.aspx?envelopeguid=8b22cd1b­d60b­4ef0­a49f­92d5f2c2a2dc 1/2 1/28/2015 Envelope Details Rejection Information Rejection Time Rejection Comment Reason 01/28/2015 The petition for discretionary review does not contain the identity of Judge, Other 09:35:24 Parties and Counsel [Rule 68.4(a)]. You have ten days to tender a corrected AM petition for discretionary review. Documents Attachments Appendix.A.Pullen.pdf [Original] Lead Document Pullen.PDR.final.CCA.file.pdf [Original] https://reviewer.efiletexas.gov/EnvelopeDetails.aspx?envelopeguid=8b22cd1b­d60b­4ef0­a49f­92d5f2c2a2dc 2/2