ACCEPTED 01-14-1004-CV FIRST COURT OF APPEALS HOUSTON, TEXAS 1/5/2015 5:50:51 PM CHRISTOPHER PRINE CLERK Veronica L. Davis Attorney at Law FILED IN 1st COURT OF APPEALS 226 N. Mattson HOUSTON, TEXAS West Columbia, Texas 77486 1/5/2015 5:50:51 PM (979) 345-2953 CHRISTOPHER A. PRINE Clerk (979) 345-5461 facsimile transmission Hon. Christopher Prine First Court of Appeals 301 Fannin Houston, Texas 77002 January 02, 2014 Re: Cause No. 01-14-1004-CV; In the Matter of the Guardianship of Lonnie Phillips, Jr. Incorrectly titled Kevin Campbell vs. Catherine Wiley; from the Galveston County Probate Court Dear Mr. Prine, You have sent a letter requesting the docketing fee. The ward is indigent in this cause. A Motion has been filed in Probate Court to proceed with this cause as an indigent. Attached please find a copy of the filing. Please file among the papers in this cause. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter. Sincerely yours, /s/ Veronica L. Davis Veronica L. Davis
in the Guardianship of Lonnie Phillips, Jr., an Incapacitated Person
Combined Opinion