7‘6/5<£9'®@ _' IN THE TEXAS COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS _EX PARTE ALBERT RAY MASON, APPLICANT. RECEIVED EN couRT oF cR:MlNALAPPEALs JAN 12 2015 wRIT No.. wR-78, 589 - 02 Abed Acosta, Clerk Fron the 252ND District Court of Jefferson County, No. 89-52320-B OBJECTIONS TO TRIAL COURT FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS CdMES NOW Albert Mason, Applicant, and files this Objectons to Trial Couurt Findings and Conclusions, and in support thereof would Show as follows: Mason objects to the trial court's erroneous Statemnt that Mason did not allege collateral consequences in this habeas corpus. On page 6 of the 11.07 form Mason mentions collateral consequences of a "lifetime of registering as a sex offender and restrictions thereof." On pages 3, 14, and 16 of thememorandum attached to the 11.07 form collateral consequences is mentioned. A seprate motion to allow the 11.07 was filed expressly addressing the collateral consequences. Collateral consequences was definitely allegedas Mason has to register for life as a sex offender, and this was in the 11.07 several times. Respectfully submitted, M%M Albert Ma§€§ #1713150 Huntsville Unit 815 12Th st. Huntsville, TX~77348 ‘§§ 1§§"§§319\§§§1§ §§ §nt§x§§§ §§w§s§s §§ ¥A§§§ AL§§§T any §§so§, AP»§§§A§§. ¥BIT'§O. §R*?B, 539 v OR ~¢&&¢~¢hdnud~w&»n»u¢»h §§@§ §h§'zs§§o naa§¢i¢é cause §§ Jez¢¢§h§§ c§un§y;‘§§; §§45§3204§ ¢du~¢dod¢~»»»éddn»o¢¢o GO§BS 883 Alb§§§ §§d§§, Appli§an§, and §11§§ §§1§ 0§3§§§§§§ §§ T§£al €onu§§ Pi§§£ng§ and Co§clus§on§, and 1a support §vet§o€ w§§ld show §§ §§11§§§§ ` l §a§o§ obj§§§s §§ the §§1§1 §§§§§‘§ §§§§§§ou§ §§a§§§§§ §h§§ H§§§n ‘§1§ n§§ a11ege §§11§§¢§§1 §o§s§que§§es 1§ §§1§ §o§§§§ §§§p§a. 6a v page 6 §§ eha 11§07 form Has§n men§i§ns §§11§§§§§1 §o§§§qu§n§§a §§ § “11£§§1§§ §§ §031§§§§1§5 §§ a sen o§£§§d§§ and §§§§§1§§1§§§1§§§§§§£§“ lou pag¢s 3, i§. ana 16 §§ §h§m§m§§§§§um»a§za§h§§ §§ eha 11.07 seem §§11§§§§§1 §o§aaqnen§§§ is §§n§i§v§d»'§.sop§a§e §§§1§§ §§ allow §h§ 11.§? was §11§§ §§?§e§§ly address§§g the §§11§§§§§1 §§§§§q§§n§§§. 6011§§§§§1 §§§oqu§§§§§ was def§n£§§ly a11egedas'§§ae§ has §§ §§g§a§e§ fec 112§ ad a s§§ §§f§§§§§, qnd this was 1a §h§ 11.07 s§v§§al §1§§3. §s§§§§§ ally submt§§a§, Hu§§§vllle, TR 7?3¢8 m me rem cesar or ve‘.»lumm§c._ new ex mere ALBE_§'-r mw mson, nntcm§. WRIT NO. §§»78, 589 * 02 bui'¢~¢~¢oi»`.i:»in-`»¢iu.¢didi¢u 'F§o§ eha 252§b n1ac:1§§`c§ur§ of def£ersdn counzy,‘§o;"§§¢szazo-B »dl»~.`¢o~¢d»d¢»»vh»»n¢nm»d»¢ GOMES.NG§ Albert §§s§§, A§pl1cant, and files §§1§ Objac§ons to Trial couur§ Findings and G§§§lusions, and 1a supp§r§ thereof vwould show as foll¢wa: Maao§ objects to the §§1§1 §ou§§'a erroneous §§§§emn§ that Ma§on did n§§ a11§g§ §§11§§§§§1 §ons§qu§n§§§ in this §§§e§§-§o§§§§; §§ n page 6 §§ §h§ 11.07 form §a§§§ mentions colla§§§§l §§§§§quanoea of a "lifetime §§ regia§ering §§ § sex offender and r§s§ri§§iona §h§§§o£." On pages 1, 141 and 16 of theme§o§§ndum attached §§ §§e 11.07 form collateral e§§sequen§es 16 me§§ioned. A septe§e,me§i§§ to allow §h§ 11.07 was filed expressly addressing the collateral consequencee. Colla§§§a1 gon§equenc§o was definitely allegedas §ason has §§ register for life §§ § sex o£§§nder, and.§hia was 1a the 11.07 several §1§§3. ` Respe¢tf§lly submitted, Aib@m §~¢’/'-: §17111§0 Hun§av111§ §§1§ 315 12Th S§. Hun§sv111§, TX 77348 !N 283 TESAS GBHBT QF GR¥N!BAL APPBAL$ 11 mrs wasn 111 mm ..`,-., ...1,¢ l uaw 391 W*?a; 589 -“' 92 ¢¢»*isq@¢dp.¢.#hQ-Mh¢»»¢» From the 252ND'Bistr1¢t Gonrt of Je£fezson Gounty, No, 89*52326»8 sp»m»»»¢-é~»~#¢»¢»~~@* _cBHEs B6W4Albérz Has¢n, Appli¢anc, and giles this @bjeecans to Trial 60uurt Findings and Gonelueions, and in suppout'thezeo£_ weuld shaw as £0110w31 ` 4 _ h Hason objects to the 11181 eburt*s erroneous statednt that'Mason did_not a11ege'c¢llaeera1 consequences in this habeés egipua;_¢n page.é of 1b1 11.07 form Nasoa mentions collateral consequences §§ a Yllfetime of registering as a sex offender~and restsiéh1oné1thezeo£»" en pages-S, 14, and'i$ of thememorandum atta¢hed co the 11.077£¢¢m. dollatezal consequences 13 mentioned. A sepca§e motion to alldw the . 11.07 was §11ed express1y addressing the ¢ollateta1 consequences. l6011acac‘a1 consequences was definitely aLlegedas Masen has to reg1ste¥ for life as a sex offender, and this was in the 11.07 several times. _ Respect§ully skbmi§ted, § 1 Huntév11lé Uh1f-\;§ ~'815 1th su. Huntsv111e, TX 77348
Mason, Albert Ray
Combined Opinion