Jones, Steven Allen v. State

HO. pP-lk33-)4 /€ 33/Y An , P^rPe-ALs at i»-r- lews uh-IGINAL Sieve*/ ALLerJ, cioii&sCtZ oti BS Lirin rutseA.) V. COURTOFCRIMINALAPPEALS JAN 29 2015 CH"-r- i4 -r- Abel Acosta, Cleric OlftTg- oT lexrtS(/?£SfV,jcWfJ . FILED IN Dsd-ter^ay TJkW, rtom TfJe ^ ^ ^Appals fliou5rM rri^s t-*6iMisnatr do^r ° Houston: iexas fa IU** &*&* £ Ms Um Poured. -7700Z Mt.ALri Cunity Assistant District A^^ey m^3Coo*ryp;sr/iicr ArrofuJays iy&\c& AP&LLATh J^iVbi^*) -77D02. mLuP [^{i^idea's (Mice, Hoo'i. mt.SgoTT (Umsey. AjTodKiej La Appd^r, ApP^aL Q^Uj 77A Juc^£,„ K3£T»__ AfOG CoOM'J&L _______ _ ______ H lAb/<_J- _v4 _x_>/*rewT_ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _______ IM X/j_W v4 MiAThlo&iTTes. _._.__..______ _________ 1^
    __„_ _ LV __.„ "THE TfcmL (Lou&t -5<_i~___ /a/ D_>/0y/Ai# r*2xrno/__/_'_ l<-2_.i;_tsr t^attUz Ju*_y dh\dQ&. thidlud& Ad o\T&tj$>c iKiSrHudxio^ _>Ai r^/e )_sseft- orlr&tfse, _>f AS5au_t ^ At&um<2. 4*l £_-/«_/, --_>.. ____... ______ /W_U-Jij_ . . _ . . .__ _____ I'M -J-ajT)^ qC AuTtiof^~riB>s <5fA4-e C.Ases UdDuOsi V S-ta±£,, IbO 2Jt ZL>5. -(4) Bx Pafixer L/\]f\TSPfid, 3bio s,i0.3A, _s£i (3) XI*. PatLTe JDiLsoti, 3ol s,ia 3d, 25*), 26,2-4,3 ^ _3) HALL \S. STa-Tee, 22-5 StO. 3J( S2»f/vt _S3S-3_* . (3) J_-/_es V, STaTs, 8H-3 stuy.zJ^Z = Q) Toy V STATE f 05S S>v, 2A> 153 (3) U>/__rtTurtoAii5 Am,-/ STaTum temrioij -(•_>*_- L_/iS-_/__vri_>/OA»_y (<___v/i_iiO tjaLe. b£. Te^ 6L,ApP.Pg.o^ ~n__y: £-. ApP. P_c_l L&.^Lh) . ^ KzaiaL LoDe, L\"ov Lm) ^2) 1/ no. pp-Ib33-It ImT^E Counts 0f C(ii Kioto 6orvt_i3t efteW ALLetiUotieSr #i_^nn_>M__i_ /m-TMIs donyplere, o*lA&(LSCAM>m ^-UdT^/^d iS5ae>5 p^Serf-red /m tMi? _ASe £/^ foe- *vu_/e v/^4_._iph_>Aie/-r_? Se^Ve- TWs (2ou^r5. a C«) SfnTBtABrfT ofT/4e CA6e> "_TL -APwL. ^Z£>i2 jP&T\Tiohiz^ j STiv^ AILb^ TW_t3 , *>s Addas-red -Ttie avmplAin'i^ \t\aTiM, nMS TaiJ6&/w Mcmi Que, £><_?£t5_>flRcl M^ &ooie^f lOitA lotion [\e. And &H^lATiD^&hp. DtiliLly 3__? Z£>i2-, tie, uj>AS Mdiersd fofi-r^s ofXerta*, t uohleh Alleged Tr\f\r l-le. -thtefiTeNed Trie ^PfiP^j^'^n &*% i^udyby etbtihUirt* a dmAly uoeAPo« ma^ly CoMi&lo*iSt Mm-nove*. p^oce-eded ToTHJAL be\o**> AAU^y _mI /4y3^2X>/3 A/OcV UJAS aaMV\/o *f!e_>n^ja*y 7oT#e aoupr. \^rm0^e4L^leAd l^r** 6oT^ ^hA^&"W±.PA/iA&lAPUzA*d uOAS Se**e***A TO om imfn&T&vL *lU,ufa,axs/,_> fa/eAsibk tm** -U^nt^r /Wed /he, ~7fc/A-6 Cvi>RT e,{UL&ci /* LXv/m \&T\T\ot*a£s Kzayt&r r^^~ rtiejufy dJnAAQe, fAi&htde Aa, please, (#st&uctio* 0as -Ha_ Lessee o££_aJS"? AsSAuit KtitW^ foyiftsred A* *N3T*jiCT_M> pas Tf|e ysseh i^iindei (£$**$& £ NWsAcMCAttolL hsSAidx i»k«Lh He +RJ^ ^u/er d_*H_d,TH^ jbley diST/M6Ti^ beTi^e-AT ^^le/ A->sawU- Aa/cI ^g^Ai//vTEc/ A55a^t- 45 4_iejed /A) H^, 1m d»fi-T«fV_AjT )s -+Ke a5e ot^ tA-J+e^ AAeAAly i^caPo^ duiimg fKe qQ\&*s<&, T&£ evldgmer pRe5_viTe_ /)'r t^/AL Ki'AS SoCfuu&^r to EUTiTLc r\rrriotoe& To T\k& Ussea. )nciiU&d ehAOqc Tfto$a)\m&& Tof[&wr rtfis i^ri^cmof dA\^>eA htm^To l^kririotseA. A/o_( faaatkjes TNat tH_ VeRjf^r _>_, Ser /I5it%, /^4 hiesT tJudlidJ*L X?iyr^cx cou&r aP App&te eausd /as A#i6 rAz LeSSefL offense,-of AssahLj: •i* f#Ar _4 -7gy. £. /3PP P^e,'.'tirmou&u usiLLrtor be tudoAtdAMT bar ^AjLy a&&u£ f>o)tor$ iuhieh -t-He nfir oP App&ALs fod. ~Tt4e flz$T T>sr/e*»£r tAy&AS GOAodBd i*Ai /f'5 ofimo*. £>ur To SaT tAb 5rnN'0^fi.'Ds/l^'riTio^e4L will fiive Abfrtf ovefim s/\etC ro EsmeUsM A&(b -hesr /S ££^ii___J 4t> J_z.-f-_yfc>/VLi/\l_* uuh&rAeJL A defenda*s+ is _Ai+-i4-l_7N3r«tttir/_>^5 _>Ai ALessen? }^eUJeJ offense,. ExpAfcTe uJtU**)> 306s.Ki.-sa £S1, 2.62-63 (Use sec, AaLL. ZZS Sufi. 3d Sl*t at S3S - 3L ).7tf_T \\0ST Y&oHQ> ivkieh (Utyitlz, rke douax to uSe, Ahe,* (Lo&rtAfe, f>leAd^6<5" A??$jdaqM Av £cA-*siLmr*&> it AaS offense, is A l^ss&its-t^dJud&d ofPessse, oP AtorrAe^ _>£-fewse,. u?as SATisfi'ed. See, H_«_>a>. 3o& s.^sd a4 27/. Pb*)eSeM^ A-kaseeond P(lo^G> Loha^k Ask ioh&rAefi- -Hvsl^£,)5 &\j\dej^CLej -tha-h Soppofrrs Submssio^ _>f +he. L^s<_^-I^ciJuJea' o^fe^se,, uj>as mot, <•_._. M/\__-, zzs,3c/ Ar S36. 'Pfe-nTjo/og/^ d/sA£&-e, */h-h +he _!_>A//_r -^ AP&a_-s A/uALy^s bedAuse, or 7_*. £. APP> fkoc, bU. aAi,_DJ, „.. Tde _L_>u£T _>-P ^PPeAZ__ vX (LoncduAeA -H-vh- _-v_vm '.^ ^r,r-i_v____> useJ a ke_w_. boH-U. JAJSTfe/ki 6-P Abji^,.H€M«/oNe(t */u u?^_h +he eviJeAJde Wi_u^__s +h*+ he. Ms. _2a&_. -fk_. So/e wi>Mf_ws *„_. _>*./y fe**,*, 4z> 4±s+'£ f*e. +he.STATe t ^A S&J^tgt*?"* ™?'tl ba»^'^T 5TAbfa^ AT Som^e Ji53yJ0tJ^^******** b^iWrr Vi ^;S5,., <3&ath op. semeia bediLy mjnoy uifti aJoaj- exis-fAAW- /) teSS**. ;N^d& ;_ S>4„_u_J -f -J«#««- w*w.p«_»H««. u/hi46 v, Stats Bkl a.rtU%£ %XtflX»'+ "Se •^d!dw+ im*Y,& asamLZ/JT'- klsoyuvo -the. b