February 4 , 2015 Anderson7 County District Clerk 500 • ./Church S t . , RM 18 r.ucU irt COUHT OF APPEALS Palestine, TX 75801 12th Court of Appeals r: ~net tfe : No . 349 -62 70 Robert C. Morris vs. SherrJ Milliqan, et App.No. 12-34-00332-CV CATHY o.'t-^ K, Ct^Rfr Dear District Clerk , Please be advised that the Clerk's Record submitted to the Twelfth Court of Appeals for the above referenced cause is incomplete. The only document that is missing from the Record is the following February 4, 20 10 -Default Judgment, signed by judge. This document was noted on the Docket Sheet and was included ae an exhibit in a writ of mandamus. However, it is not been included in the Clerk's record , even thouqh it was subject to a Motion to Bet As Me . Please include this document- in the Clerk 's Record , amended to the Twelfth Court of Appeals immed late ly . Thank vou for vour time and assistance in this matter, it is greatly appreciated. S incere ly , Roberta . Morris Appellan t Pro Se TDCJ-ID t 1311083 Smith Uni t 1313 CR 19 Lamesa , TX 7933 1 cc : file 712 th Court of Appeals - •