1/16/15 Court of Appeals District Cadena Reeves Justice Center — 300 Dolorosa Suite 3200 ^ f^ .- = San Antonio Texas 780205-3037 :. = z>'d -^ Honorable Judge LittleJohn (^^ ■ •— —o From: . ~r.--——. — — . 't~* ^" . ■ ■ Maryann Castro Pro-se Appellant ■ '" ^° ' 1501 Olive Jourdanton Texas 7S026 Court Of Appeals Number-04-14-00785 Trial Court Case Number-2011-CI-15957 Motion to Continue to Modify Agreement for Final Divorce Signed By Judge Canales on 10/30/13 contest the Equity of 40,000 using a comparative market analysis using a realtors opinion Appellee overvalue 1501 Olive Appellant has a Certified Appraisal showing home value225,Q00 the actual value Honorable Judge Little John I Appellant, Maryann Castro pro se, am asking the court, for Justice, In the Agreement for Final Divorce. Settlement, Manuel Castro due to the false CMA-Comparative Market Analysis, A Realtors Opinion, and it state not to be used as an Appraisal and it was. Fraud was used I have the Appraisal of Real Property Certified Appraisal, 225,000. Tax Appraisal is 215,000 see copies Bankruptcy, Appellee Manuel Castro hid from Appellant MaryAnn Castro, Home mortgage not being paid. Appellant Maryann Castro, pray for the Court, to relief her of the Agreement For final divorce. Appellant Maryann Castro is seeking relief from Agreement of the Following facts with evidence listed in the Final Divorce, 40,000 there is not equity, fraud was set up by Appellee Manuel Castro mistress Christina Pacheco, to defraud Appellant Maryann Castro, spousal Maintence, with Appellee Manuel Castro taking part of the fraud. Appellee Manuel Castro has the martial property in bankruptcy, at the time of Agreement for final divorce was signed tried to falsely gain, 40,000 in Mortgage Money, hiding the bankruptcy Attorney Joseph Appelt took part in malpractice processing a divorce without the stay being lifted, and that is a law that was broken by, Attorney Joseph Appelt, Attorney Dinorah Diaz, Appellee Manuel Castro, and non-spouse mistress Christina Pacheco took part in defrauding Appellant Maryann Castro of spousal maintence, overvaluing the property 1501 Olive with a comparative market analysis, instead of a certified appraisal which is now provided, see copy and tax appraisal see copy. Appellant Maryann Castro pray for the court to grant her spousal maintence of 800.00 a month beginning as soon as possible with the date starting 10/30/13 as a payment Appellant Maryann Castro will accept the Johnson Control retirement Manuel Castro withheld, in the amount of 11,000 spousal maintence to be continued for 10 years, Appellant Maryann Castro is disabled and needs housing financial assistance to be provided, by Appellee Manuel Castro. Appellant Maryann Castro pray for the court to grant her 1501 Olive her homestead, not to be sold, due to Appellee Manuel Castro misleading the Court, Appellant Maryann Castro is disabled, 1501 Olive is her home life she never abandoned, Appellant Maryann Castro, paid Attorney Matthew Obremier to stop foreclosure, which would of happened 1/06/15 Appellant Maryann Castro, paid 3500 of her social security disability money, to stop foreclosure. Appellant Maryann Castro is asking the Court for Appellee Manuel Castro to reimburse her all attorney fees spent 20,000 for it is the Appellee Manuel Castro who committed adultery, fraud, and abandoned his role as provider, spouse, of Appellant Maryann Castro who is disabled and became disabled within the marriage and did not support Appellant through the Separation which began on or about 7/4/2011. Maryann Castro Appellant pray for the Court to honor her relief and award her Spousal Maintence, Attorney Fee, non-sale of homestead 1501 olive Jourdanton Texas. Respectfully^ Ms. Maryann Castro Pro Se Appellant <-> - j ) / . . i ,- 1501 Olive Jourdanton Texas 78026 830-496-0133 Pacattitude2014@gmail.com 1/16/15 Enclosed Appraisal of real property certified 225.000 a certified appraisal is the true value of 1501 Olive not a Comparative Market Analysis realtors opinion was used Appellee used his mistress realtor friend Archie Marmejo set it up to overvalue at 351,000 it was filed and used to defraud Appellant Maryann Castro of Spousal Maintence. Taxes I am paying copy appellee not paid Social security 2013 income I could not afford to do the things in the agreement for Divorce house was not being paid, in foreclosure, bankruptcy appellee Manuel Castro did not tell the court hid from appellant Maryann Castro Attorney Joseph Appelt and Attorney Dinorah Diaz hid this fact from Judge Canales, the stay was not lifted on 10/30/13. Dec 15, 2014 balance 79019.30 Note balance owed 275251.54 as of Nov 2014 Manuel Castro evidence of bankruptcy Dated 7/31/14 Appellant Maryann Castro paid for bankruptcy stay to be lifted Appellee Manuel Castro and Attorney Joseph Appelt proceeded in trying to collect financially illegally Appellee was in bankruptcy not paying the mortgage. Comparative Market Analysis, prepared for Appellant Maryann Castro 184,000 Comparative market analysis prepared for Appellee Manuel Castro mistress had prepared by realtor friend showed 351,000 fraud. Mistress involvement in Marriage Christina Pacheco BSI 73,967.02 statement proof Appellee owes mortgage no equity in 1501 Olive Tax Appraisal 215,000 on or about Appraisal Property certified at 225,000 not 351,000 Bankruptcy showing Appellee filed Appellant Maryann Castro never notified Harassment of Mistress Christina Pacheco at 1501 Olive Income of appellant Maryann Castro disabled Proof of affair committed Adultery notified by Christina Pacheco husband she is known as Tina Pacheco Appellant Maryann Castro prays for relief of Final Divorce Agreement signed on 10/30/13 no equity awarded to Appellee Manuel Castro due to fraud, Adultery, discrimination of a disabled person Appellee Manuel Castro Brought this to Appellant Maryann Castro when he abandoned his home and marriage to appellant Maryann Castro and Committed Adultery with Christina Pacheco both who committed fraud in the Agreement for Final Divorce signed on 10/30/13. M18*1 OF RBU. PROPERTY , LOCATED AT: 8165 FM 2146 Jowtfamon,™ 78028 FOR: SanAntorio. Tma 78218 AS OF: Oecembar is. 2QQ5 BV: y 13720 Attotts Wal3 Drive Hcloto, Taras 7BQ23 (210) 695-ttCO LINEBARGER GOGGAN BLAIR & SAMPSON, LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW M-- «*- 711 Navairo Street, Ste 300 / \ San Antonio. TX 78205 \ Av v> ^ ■-V * - L ° PHONE: (210) 225-4422 FAX: (210) 231-0963 \ (800)876-6144 *• IS)I July 22,2014 \ \^> T3-P0-SJSS fjgP4 1W7976850 A PLEASANTON TX 78064-«95 ACCOUNT REFERRED FOR LEGAL ENFORCEMENT Atascosa Count.- Taxpayer: aw firm has been retained to institute forced collection procedures to collect the Atascosa County delinquent taxes on the above referenced account. This letter and the detailed tax statement enclosed are JotSSSK SZ iinquent and must be paid immediately to avoid legaUnforcement. -list make payment within ten. (10) days fronuhe date of this letted In order to avoid legal enforcement you should payment immediately by returning the enclosed statement along wfofyour check payablVto: / Atascosa County > 1001 Oak St I Jbnrdanton, TX 78026-284^- (830)769-3842 y ADDITIONAL TAXES TO ENTmES^NOI_SHOWN ON THE ATTACHED STATEMENT FOR LEASE C0NTACT ™0FFICE 0F ^ATASC0SA C0UNTY TAx SSIS: 5k lieve this statement is m error, orftat you are entitled to an exemption, or ifyou do not own please ens law office at 711 Navarro Street,, Ste 300, San Antonio, 300, San TX 78205 Antonio, TX 78205 and and supply supply the the ACCOmf = your comments. If = your comments If you you need need to to set set up a paymentt plan, l contact our office at (^00)^44 a. Ifyou have an active payment plan, a lawsuit will not be filed. ■ Sincerely, ArfJL Ronald RRocha \ AttorneyatUw CORKESPONDENCIA SE TRATA DE SUS IMPUESTa«5 Y I.A PfKIRH man nc iivt* TAX RECEIPT 01/05/2015 08:54AM ATASCOSA COUNTY TAX OFFICE 1001 OAK STREET Receipt Number JOURDANTON, TX 78026 1302446 Dale Posted 01/05/2015 Payment Type P Payment Code Partial — Total Paid $100.00 PAID BY: CASTRO MARY ANN PO BOX 495 PLEASANTON. TX 78064 Property ID Geo Legal Acres Owner Name and Address 17471 01239-00-000-001104 9.4500 CASTRO MANUEL & MARYANN ' PO BOX 405 Legal Description PLEASANTON, TX 78064 ABS A01239 J POITEVENT SV-1.9.45 ACRES Situs DBA Name 1501 OLIVE ST , Entity Year Rate Taxable Value Stmt# Void Original Tax Dlscnts P&l Att Fees Overage Amount Pd EVERGREEN WATER DIST 2013 0.00600 216.300 53838 N 0.90 0.00 0.22 0.16 0.00 1.28 FARM TO MARKET ROAD 2013 0.07600 238.300 53838 N 12.50 0.00 3.00 2.33 0.00 17.83 ATASCOSA COUNTY 2013 0.34060 241.300 53838 N 56.72 0.00 13.62 10.55 0.00 80.89 100.00 Balance Due As Of 01/05/2015: 796.13 Tender Details Description Amount Money Order 17-133811575 100.00 100.00 A ' Payment code of •Partial1 indicates this transaction is considered a partial payment Ploase contact the Tax Office for balance due Information. Operator Batch Total Paid LH 12840 (01/05/15LH) 100.00 Special Condition Exists for this Property Page 1 Receipt issued in Accordance with Section 31.075 of the Texas Property Tax Code Social Security Administration Date: June 5, 2013 Claim Number: XXX-XX-5895A ™000020 PO BOX 495 PLEASANTON TX 78064-0495 you may send them this letter anyone else to have this information, Information About Current Social Security Benefits deISs iseC$Tm30°12' the fUl1 m°nthly S0dal Securi* benefit before any We deduct $0.00 for medical insurance premiums each month. Your Social Security benefits are paid on or about the third of each month. Type of Social Security Benefit Information You are entitled to monthly disability benefits. If You Have Any Questions 3 i > SOCIAL SECURITY I 3438 E SOUTHCROSS SAN ANTONIO, TX 78223 See Next Page CAUSE NO. IN THE DISTRICT COURT ICIAL DISTRICT QU*Al(?flStyD BEXAR COUNTY, TEXAS Ar.RFF.MF.NT FOR Pt'/NoJ On the 30 day of ,20 , came on to be heard the above styled and numbered cause of action. ** Petitioner and Respondent appeared in person and announced ready. After conference, the parties reached an agreement on the terms and conditions set forth below. By the signatures below the parties acknowledge that this agreement expresses the entire understanding and accord of the parties in consent that the Court may, without further notice, enter binding orders in accordance with this agreement. •2. o-f W. OS an nbuiis> ^6,000 jj Pebfe > S^ Hrhe. debfe in4Viei/ Page 1 of 2 Parties/Attorneys Initials CAUSE NO. i Temporary/Permanent Injunction: &.yip &eW tea II cku-Wfltte rtpf-essav^ jo See SIGNED and ENTERED on this day of 20 JUDGE PRESIDING APPROVED AS TO FORM: =2> Attorney for Respondent OM "vXa.2. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND SUBSTANCE: (Please provide complete mailing address below.) Responded (signature) \i\ixty N\Y\ If Respondent or Petitibnerls unrepresented, always include a mailina address. / Page 2 of2 —• V «-/ V -f I ^ A H ^ i 1*501 Kwu fw\ Casho shft-H iis&- due di'liywA i^ fo ^^F yh j* • ^^^* ft Jl ^§ t 4 mm. fVn Is Uvxie MWu)el fl^ivnVs homf h pon 0/ 4^e/homeshJl so ^4q,oqo stull pcu^lb \ V-dbaAJ ay\L r\^ds h (Y o, \ \ \ \ \ \ X X \ X X V l 151B-ZS4-B3 LIFT TO OPEN CU1292884- 11A41293272 Revenue 703 below, to see ifany Social Security benefits are 2012"- taxable. Do not return this form ofSocial Security we paid you in column headed "Description of to us or the IRS. Do not attach it 2012. This amount mav not agree Amount in Rnx 4" FORM SSA-1099 - SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFIT STATEMENT OHIO * PART 0F Y0UR S0CIAL SECURITY BENEFITS SHOWN IN BOX 5 MAY BE TAXABLE INCOME. ^U !£■ • SEE THE REVERSE FOR MORE INFORMATION. Box I.Name Box 2. Beneficiary's Sodal Security Number MARYANN CASTRO Box 3. Benefits Paid in 2012 Box 4. Benefits Repaid to SSA in 2012 Box 5. Net Benefits for 2012 (Box 3 minus Box 4) $11,892.00 NONE §11,892.00 DESCRIPTION OF AMOUNT IN BOX 3 DESCRIPTION OF AMOUNT IN BOX 4 Paid by check or direct deposit. $ 11,892.00 NONE Benefits for 2012 $11,892.00 Box 6. Voluntary Federal Income Tax Withheld NONE Box 7. Address MARYANN CASTRO PO BOX 495 PLEASANTON TX 78064-0495 Box 8. Claim Number (Use this number if you need to contact SSA.) 458-43-5895A Pnrm RCA.inoo.eM M.9nii dD •L°N ST XNaCEJDam 1VO37 /i fff«en IS F>S! rin» BROKBi PRICE OPINION OR COMPARATIVEMARKETANALYSISAND SHOULD NOT BE 00NSIDBtB> AN APPRAISAL In maWng any decision Hat relies upon my worig. you sheuW know that I hsva not foBov/ed the guidelines for development of an appraisal or analysis contained in the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice of the Appraisal Foundation. Prepared By: Archie Narmolejo AH Season Realty innnnnii 14:3« ftETn-EMEWT AND WAIVER OP PROTEST 274 S4TH STREET Account* 01239-004)00-001104 Case #:2014-9 POTEET.TX 78085 Prop ID: 17471 Legal Desc: ABS A01239 J POITEVENT SV- 1,9.45 ACRES 54028 CASTRO MANUEL & MARYANN PO BOX 495 PLEA8ANTON, TX 78064 Date:05/07/14 - ' ' O- SETTLEMENT AND WAIVER OF PROTEST I acknowledge iSyrtMn-r r^^tand waive my r^htto any further proceeding In this above has been settled. I matter. Describe actions to be taken: /° DP.HS EXEMPTIONS: $0 LAND AG VALUE: $54,810 LAND HOMESTEAD VALUE- $54,810 LAND MARKET VALUE $159,770 IMPROVEMENT VALUE: $214,680 TOTAL MARKET VALUE: $214,580 . NEW ASSESSED VALUE: Property owner / sign yt-/"Y hare * A1 I urailon here «*► Order I with a quorum present Qnttte davof ordered that the i 2/13/2012 TO: EDWARD PIKER ATTORNEY FOR MARY ANN CASTRO FROM: RUDY PACHECO EVIDENCE OF AFFAIR MANUEL CASTRO HAS BEEN HAVING WITH MY WIFE ON OR ABOUT 7/3/11 THAT'S WHEN THE AFFAIR BEGAN I RUDY PACHECO AM A WITNESS TO THE FOLLOWING: MANUEL CASTRO, HAS BEEN HAVING AN AFFAIR WITH MY WIFE TINA PACHECO THEY LIVED TOGETHER IN ELMENDORJ ON HICKORY SHAWDOW WITH MANUEL CASTRO SISTER, LEILA SILVA AND HER FROM^LY^/utoAUG 18/11 SHE LEFT ME SAID SHE WANTED SOME TIME ALONE SHE WAS LVING WITH MANUEL, And I QUESTIONED HER TALK TO HER DAILY WE WOULD GO EAT DAILY. SOMETHING DID NOT SEEM RIGHT, BECAUSE MY WIFE OF 30 YEARS DID NOT WANT TO BE HOME AT OUR ^Tc^O^IZl^l EVEN THOUGH HE «™ AND 1 WFRE MARRIED I WOULD SEE HIM STALKING OUR HOME, I ASKED MY wfFE O^ND OV^ER WHO WAS MANUEL CASTRO, SHE CLAIMED SHE DID NOT KNOW HE KEPT CALLING HER BOTHERING HER MANUEL CASTRO HAS A WIFE WHOM 1 KNEW AND WAS NOT AWARE HER HUSBAND WAS CM LING MY WIFE AND STALKING HER. FROM THE AFFAIR THAT BEGAN IN JULY 3. 201II NOTICED MY WIFE TEXTING MARYANN CASTRO AND I QUESTIONED HER SHE WOULD CALL MS MARY ANN CASTRO CRAZY AND THAT MS CASTRO WAS THE ONE THAT WAS TEXtInG HER I MET MS CASTRO AND COME TO FIND OUT MY WIFE TINA PACHECO WAS CALLING HER HUSBAND AND HARRASSING MS CASTRO I DID NOT KNOW MY WIFE HAD BEEN CALLING MANUEL CASTRO SHE KEPT SAYING SHE DID NOT KNOW AND DID NOT KNOW WHAT HE WANTED SHE LIED. SHE RETURNED HOME AFTER BEING AWAY ALMOST TWO MONTHS,SHE WAS LIVING IN ELMENDORF WITH MANUEL CASTRO.THE AFFAIR DID NOT STOP EVEN THOUGH SHE RETURNED HOME MY V?IFEBTINA PACHECO WOULD RUN OFF AT WEEKENDS, SHE WOULD BE TEXTING MANUEL CASTRO AND MANUEL CASTRO WOULD BE CALLING HER EVERYTIME MY WIFE RAN OFF WITH MANUEL CASTRO, WHEN HE WOULD CALL, SHE RETURNED WITH HICKEYS, WAS OUT LATE SOMETIME NEVER RETURNED.HOME . SHE MADE ALL SORTS OF EXCUSES TO GET OUT OF THE HOUSE. MARYANN CASTRO HAS BEEN THE ONE WHO HAS BEEN HARRASSED BY MY WIFE TINA PACHECO BECAUSE MY WIFE HAD BEEN HAVING A SEXUAL AFFAIR WITH MANUEL CASTRO. MY WIFE TINA PACHECO HANDLED MY MONEY I WOULD CASH MY CHECK AND HAND HER MY MONEY SHE NEVER PUT ME ON OUR ACCOUNT I WOULD SEE THE BANK STAEMENT STATEMENT COME TO FIND OUT SHE WAS USING MY MONEY TO PAY FOR HOTEL ROOMS, CLOTHES, BOOTS, GO OUT TO EAT, PAID HIS CELL PHONE BILL, GIVE HIM MONEY, WITH MY ^00-8585 IS MANUEL CASTRO CELL PHONE NUMBER I CALLED HE CALLED ME BACK TOLD ME HAS MY WIFE SAID SHE LOVED ME THAT HE DID WANT PROBLEMS WITH ME OR MY SONS, ABOUT 1AM ON OR ABOUT 9/14/1 l'HE WAS DRUNK, HE TOLD ME HE AND MY WIFE WERE HAVING AN AFFAIRAND SHE WAS PAYING WITH MY MONEY FOR HER AFFAIR WITH i^TED QUESTIONING MY WIFE ABOUT MONEY BECAUSE ON FRIDAY 1 WOULD GET HOME EARLY SHE WOULD NOT BE HOME SHE WOULD TAKE OFF FROM OUR HOME NEVER CALLED ME I WOULD KEEP CALLING HER UNTIL SHE RETURNED I KNEW SHE WAS RUNNING AROUND WITH MANUEL CASTRO SHE KEPT DENYING SAYING SHE WAS AT HER MOMS, SISTER, A MANUEL CASTRO^SAT FAULT FOR BREAKING UP MY MARRIAGE HE KEPT CALLING MY WIFE TINA PACHECO,I SAW HIS NUMBER ON CALLER ID AND 1 SAW HIS SISTER LEILA SIVA ON CALLER ID, MY WIFE TINA PACHECO WOULD GET MAD WHEN I QUESTIONED HER ABOUT HER WHERE ABOUTS. ON 10/13P011 MY WIFE TINA PACHECO LET ME AGAIN, SHE LEFT OUR GOODWIN HOME AND RAN OFF WITH MANUEL CASTRO, COME TO FIND OUT MANUEL AND MARYANN CASTRO ARE DIVORCING, BECAUSE OF MY WIFE HAVING AN AFFAIR WITH MANUEL CASTRO,THESE TWO PERSONS ARE AT FAULT FOR OUR MARRIAGES ENDING, I KNOW MS MARYANN CASTRO HAD TRIED TO HOLD ON TO HER MARRIAGE AS I DID THE SAME, BUT MY WIFE KEPT CALLING HER HUSBAND MANUEL CASTRO AND SHE DID NOT RESPECT MS MARYANN CASTRO <=HELIVED WITH MANUEL CASTRO/THREATEN MS MARYANN CASTRO,VERBALLY,TEXT,EVEN STALKED HER BECAUSE SHE WAS HAVING AN AFFAIR WITH MANUEL CASTRO. TILL THIS DAY MY WIFE TINA PACHECO AND MANUEL CASTRO ARE LIVING AT MY HOME THAT 1 BOUGHT ON GOODWIN STREET,ON GOODWIN IN PLEASANTON TEXAS,SHE HAD MS MARYANN CASTRO ARRESTED CLAIMING SHE HAD HARRASSED HER 1/25/26/2012,MS CASTRO WAS AT WORK,SHE HAD BEEN THREATENED BY BY WIFE, MANY TIMES SHE WAS GOING TO HAVE HER ARRESTED.BECAUSE SHE KNOWS PEOPLE IN LAW ENFORCEMENT.JUDGE GUERRA.OFFICER VELASQUEZ,MS MARYANN CASTRO IS THE WIFE OF MANUEL CASTRO,WHOM MY WIFE LEFT ME FOR BEGINNING 7/3/11 AS OF NOW, I HAVE SEEN HER TEXT MS MARYANN CASTRO AS I SAID SHE DID HARRASS MS MARYANN CASTRO MANY TIMES, BECAUSE MY WIFE TINA PACHECO IS BITTER THAT HER MARRIED LOVER MANUEL CASTRO HAS A WIFE OF 28 YEARS WHOM SHE KNEW SHE IS THE WIFE OF HER LOVER MARRIED MANUEL CASTRO WHOM SHE HAS BEEN HAVING A SEXUAL AFFAIR WITH SINCE JULY3.2011 AS OF NOW THEY HAVE CONTINUED THEIR SEXUAL AFFAIR IN MY HOME IN PLEASANTON TEXAS ON GOODWIN STREET .February 13, 2012 RESPECTFULLY MR RUDY IF I CAN BE OF ANY ASSISTANCE PLEASE CALL ME AT MY ATTORNEY IS DINORAH DIAZ 2325 VANCE JACKSON SAN ANTONIO TEXAS 78213 Given under my hand and seal this 18th day of February, 2012 DEHOYOS ;x-'otafv p"blic. State oi Texas V:/-.r>v-"/ M My C Commission Expires p Notary Public '■'■•«< «»*V Janunrv January 15 om ■» 15. 2013 2A11CUSSS7 -P0R035 NO.20U-CI-I3957 IN THE MATTER OF § IN THE DISTRI THE MARRIAGE OF § § MANUEL G.CASTRO § 45TH JUDICIAL AND § MARYANNCASTRO § BEXARCOUNTY, SECOND AMENDED COUNTERPET1TION FOR DIV 1. Discovery Level Discovery in this case is intended to be conducted under level 1 of rule 190 of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure. No children are involved in this divorce case, and the value of die marital estate is more than zero but not more than $50,000. 2. Parties This suit is brought by Mary Ann Castro, Counterpetitioner. The last three numbers of Mary Arm Castro's driver's license number are 782. The last three numbers of Mary Ann Castro's Social Security number are 895. Manuel G. Castro is Counterrespondent Tina Pacheco is a third party Non Spouse Defendant. 3. Domicile Counterrespondent has been a domiciliary of Texas for me preceding six-month period and a resident ofthis county for the preceding ninety-day period. 4. Service Service of this document may be had in accordance with Rule 21a, Texas Rules of Civil Procedure, by serving Counterrespondenfs attorney of record, Joseph P. Appelt, 5825 Callaghan Rd, Ste. 104, San Antonio, Texas 78228. DOCUMENT SCANNED AS FILED 3II1CXJ99S7 -P0BO35 WO. 2D11-CI-1S957 IN THE MATTER OF § INTHEDISTRI THE MARRIAGE OF § MANUEL G.CASTRO 45TH JUDICIAL AND § MARY ANN CASTRO § BEXARCOUNTY,1 SECOND AMENDED COUWTERPETITION FOR DIV< 1. Discovery Level Discovery in this case is intended to be conducted under level 1 of rule 190 of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure. No children are involved in this divorce case, and the value of the marital estate is more than zero but not more than $50,000. 1 Parties This suit is brought by Mary Ann Castro, Counterpetitioner. The last three numbers of Mary Ann Castro's driver's license number are 782. The last three numbers of Mary Ann Castro's Social Security number are 895. Manuel G. Castro is Countenespondent Tina Pacheco is a third party Non Spouse Defendant. 3. Domicile Coimterrespondent has been a domiciliary of Texas for the preceding six-month period and a resident ofthis county for the preceding ninety-day period. 4. Service Service of this document may be had in accordance with Rule 21a, Texas Rules of Civil Procedure, by serving Counterrespondent's attorney of record, Joseph P. Appelt, 5825 CaUaghan Rd, Ste. 104, San Antonio, Texas 78228. DOCUMENT SCANNED AS FILED 0'' Service of this document may be had in accordance with Rule 21a, Texas Rules of Civil Procedure, by serving Tina Pacheco at 624 West Goodwin, Pleasanton Texas 78064. 5. Protective Order Statement No protective order under title 4 of the Texas Family Code is in effect, and no application for a protective order is pending with regard to the parties to this suit 6. Dates ofMarriage andSeparation The parties were married on or about July 21, 1984 and ceased to live together as husband and wife on or about July 3, 2011. 7. Groundsfor Divorce The marriage has become insupportable because of discord or conflict of personalities between Counterpetitioner and Counter-respondent that destroys the legitimate ends of the marriage relationship and prevents any reasonable expectation ofreconciliation. Counterrespondent is guilty of cruel treatment toward Counterpetitioner of a nature that renders further Irving together insupportable including commiting assault on Counterpetitioner. Counterrespondent has committed adultery. Counterrespondent has left Counterpetitioner with the intention of abandonment and has remained away for at least one year. 8. Child ofthe Marriage There is no child born or adopted of this marriage, and none is expected. 9. Division ofCommunity Property Counterpetitioner believes Counterpetitioner and Countenespondent will enter into an agreement for the division of their estate. If such an agreement is made, Counlerpetitumer requests the Court to approve the agreement and divide their estate in a manner consistent with ,■ i Service of this document may be had in accoidance with Rule 21a, Texas Rules of Civil 5. Protective Order Statement No protective order under title 4 ofthe Texas Family Code is in effect, and no application for a protective order is pending with regard to the parties to this suit 6. Dates ofMarriage and Separation The parties were married on or about July 21, 1984 and ceased to live together as husband and wife on or about July 3,2011. 7. Groundsfor Divorce The marriage has become insupportable because of discoid or conflict of personalities between Countetpetitioner and a>unterrespondent that destroys the legitimate ends of the marriage relationship and prevents any reasonable expectation ofreconciaatioiL Counterrespondent is guilty of cmel treatment toward Counterpetitioner of a nature that renders further living together insupportable including commiting assault on Counterpetitioner. Counterrespondent has committed adultery. Counterrespondent has left Counterpetitioner with the intention of abandonment and has remained away for at least one year. 8. Child ofthe Marriage There is no child bom or adopted of this maniage, and none is expected. 9. Division ofCommunity Property Counterpetitioner believes Counterpetitioner and Counterrespondent will enter into an agreement for the division of their estate. If such an agreement is made, Coimterpetraoner requests the Court to approve the agreement and divide their estate in a manner consistent with ATASCOSA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE 1108 Campbell Ave. Jourdanton, Texas 78026 Qffice-(830) 769-3434 Fax-(830) 769-2721 David Soward atascosa.county.sheriff@acso-tx.org Sheriff Complainant/Property Owners: Regarding g Case # Dated "%1-lOn The Atascosa County Sheriffs Department has been requested by the above named complainant to act with the authority in the following: Texas Penal Code Section 30.05-Criminal Trespass (a) A person commits an offense if the person enters or remains on or in property of another, including residential land, agricultural land, a recreational vehicle park, a building, or an aircraft or other vehicle, without the effective consent and the person: (1) Had notice that the entry was forbidden; or (2) Received notice to depart but failed to do so. his written order is hereby served to the below individual, imparting immediate, effective notice that nuance onto the property to wit; 1561 flUuS ST JwdWK^ TV 7%^^ in Atascosa County is forbidden. ,y order of the complainant/property owner's, entrance to the property described above is forbidden until complainant has contacted the .tascosa County Sheriff's Office in person and in writing, asking that the Criminal Trespass Notice be lifted. Any entrance onto the above listed roperty will constitute a violation of the law. A violation of the Texas Criminal Trespass statue may be subject for criminal prosecution under exas Law, punishablfby confinement in jail for a term not to exceed one (1) year and/or a fine not to exceed $4,000.00. j 1 (f APPn acknowledge that I have received, read, and understand the above written Criminal respass Warning, and that I have received a copy of the same. m4-;/is. ho\)pQd J Date ame of Person Warned Date of Birth Signature S I fputy s Signature Date
Mary Ann Castro v. Manuel Castro
Combined Opinion