ACCEPTED 05-14-01247-CV FIFTH COURT OF APPEALS DALLAS, TEXAS NORDHAUS 1/27/2015 1:38:34 PM LISA MATZ WALPOLEPLLC CLERK ATTORNEYS FILED IN APRIL NORDHA US J . RYAN NORDHAU S DER IC K I NG WALPOLE 5th COURT RU SS ALAN B AK EROF APPEALS JERRY A . KAGAY DALLAS, TEXAS January 26, 201 5 1/27/2015 1:38:34 PM LISA MATZ Clerk VIA FIRST CLASS MAIL AND EFILE Clerk of the Court of Appeals Fi fth Court of Appeals George L. All en, Sr. Courts Bldg. 600 Commerce Street, Suite 200 Dallas, Texas 75202 Re: Appel/ale Dockel Number 05-1 4-0124 7-CV; in Ihe lmeresl oj RMR, lll, a minor child; Supplemem 10 Clerk 's record Dear Clerk : Thi s is to noti fy you that the above referenced case has been severed by the trial court, and the new cause number is: 219-00287-2015. Thank you. Sincerely, J. RYAN NORDHAUS