Tnecl CaMst- fJo,CZ-20/( -Its' Appeal C**c A/a. 03~ /Z -00 *} CI -C% PPR, Ma. ?£>'097S~ // c/P£*- Da\//d uU/yfSJ ) //} M 9 fflOTfOfiJ Foil %£H£AAiiJ(>- AVO fec*"*StO£jl4Tlo*l E*S 3aaJC , fo/L p£-TWvJ FoA. 7b TH£ MoAfo/tAgLS CouAT Now torrt-es sJo£l~ Va\/IO *JhM£S, A/?/2e//as)t fro Se. , /« irtc a.bov<. entrf/ccl a*-d nut*} fared ftr\ d Matr-es -£&.c. (Lrur/ far /Cehea//n^ a«-el fCecensicU/aJttrri £n Banc ff>r Pe^f(/-<6n for Dt-^crcJ-t^A^/ Kc.x/ie.uJ faftd tttrtntak this mo6™ czpp^M^t ivc'd/d ^r/tcr«/: T, The. //cnora^k. Cvar/ of*CnirtirieJ App&tls, fc-fu^^jC appe~//a*£s PiLo ~S£ /Whan yCr DJrcreA^^aoy fUt/t -tU. Mc/s ^r/a..A=d. flp/*//<**•/ re.a.//zes; iLu ov-crvJtu/n,^ ca*e- bad of the noncretOk. Leur/ ckuji *zr/jr f,/ a. -{korou.a/f Q*vd Cc>#i/&-Se c/tttx-c-e. /p ^Avcd/ Ufl/**•*'/ #x~d UdU^ft/ drcjkdtce- fn tb Jer/ of'fsL s4S&r/>e/ f>r t^ Sfe/£~r J ' RECEIVED IN COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS JAN 15 2015 //) Abel Acosta, Clerk iz. The ccppe^/ia-ti-f ecm-fetids -diecf- his' rights fr due- process as ^//aj- ««l /ti(~r and UAoiasctL -frt'o^/ ^er-c rcp&ccJedCtp i/(.o faded » fn -tht fr^-f cjrvuntL t ike. -irilc/ tour/ err^d fih ad-rrt////„.*. a* e.y:tra^eous pe-//asj/ u/cts~&.mrnor. A/v cvi^Unce^ h^y eses Uen produced /h {hi irr€/c^n/ misdemeanor cz&s-e. unfr/ tl*- aJ/edj^l ctcc-ujcr fs fnUjrkrtrusly produ^c-^dcuf fJLe- /eur/- rummA. a-f -j-r/'tc/ to LpA. a~ CLoa.cJL/• ff&rf **r tic pec/s /cj/fjfed -Ao . Tjfj y£//k/-e irik^/ivnet//y /eads to ep:/re*n*. a.^ re, TL*- fArrd £ar««-d ^^ Mort'-&roc,ofiv^t dornMates ctnjLp*sA*js- /le. Sfa/cs Cas*- A> btccrn^ ^ urthsAf c0«*fe/t*«. f) (end**, «,(/l Q.a/.A'. prc^d war &«*d */ tit Oppe.flwti resrdutce.., JTlts ,s cu« to**/,^^ -fC^ ty jL *W/W\ Pit A^Urny ~£r //^ S^Je taPe^ -tb ^iduu^_ *j- AS or <*?i /rtu>ur) lihks u/VA. 0,114/xt Wrt'j&V «jj»y//^^ Uncorrected. 72e. Cox-dcn /* &tt*jrt,r/ **<• *tp/«in*~ft - <« -fL rwdeHce. *f tU app*-l/*«+fa-l-*> ^^< ^^//^ SmpUw+Kh +"" s&/1r "^ «-ppeJf*«ik ^,'f. r^'idUK, PL ccrnd,™ u,^ -£c«d mp**'" *#*•' Aex/ ^ an ovcrtu.f/ted <5piMo*/t ••/-fc/ h«-d h*cn f?Ped &//•£ ^et/hut fra^ f(^ eyp*-/btA rlc Cond^rh *v*s- a^ f£coV£fd Mi/A. dt JFrt* A -H*~-o-ton*.r <*f •tL wa sample, ofCP. a/-AI fork* *U ap/teA/ewA. 7h over AeAAar)t Aecaure Atpmr-cs he kaxd hot ctcted //> ^P er/Ai-c aa-^C f&tctd ctfeaerAy ^Ao£a«t «*^A -ft*. a^e/Aa^f( b/er-a seafeci ^s-tde by jrt'di a.^ CtctefL ej//\Qe.r\{a^t/u , Tie Co/*iptei/riant e.\/eA/anA /ri tr. rvr *A~y.r /e-tf- Ina /ur b/ha.1 to de^ ''fyA atud final GrvHfid H/&S ye.A atoAter- O-tAetn/f fppiPp''*s-ee.utf0t>t A-* Cldud thi psucj-s. and fTfoia-fe. r^tu. czp/teA/a^As r'jLPs Ao due y>rs*e. a^et tef?- tie. ci-pytejtcuit Vlo /at*(P tl*id ao{ tie c^/^/"^/ (3) Praxpcr fvr Pfe/ie-f Pie eyM-e-P/zn. / rcsptectf*.//y pret-iJsr (dc fPrvruttte, d&us p erf C^r/rniru^f Atpetz/r Qrt\AT h& Mot/on /o/ ffeAertrrn* and P-cccrnsrraUr<4 /Cctsyproper procedure, a^d r ptseredearn.ct.ry fared, has See/) yCrt^/arrted/ Ac/ UlS. Afloat/ p)c>spaae p)a.Zcif AvrsA dfass/ po -tAc Attorney for tie. SU^Ae f tAc /PmirrziAU. Jetititfr , C*m&>f £&ur?/y DtsiAn&A Attorneyf A&o pjerph Scc/^ih Avenue. fSut'/e- 3°7\ APeU SraursAeVs, fky4s/ /8A30 aut tie Shk ProsetuAAnp ^AMny, P.O. fSoye /Z^OS, £*pfU/Sl^t day 0/^JtriHay, ZOAS~, :/7?8'2Z3 tdrv>u&rrt Ve-cUraiiirt dr Jd£u T)a\/iP J+?ri£s, T2>Cd- tZ>^ti7?SZ£3f Seine? present7y Antarcera.teot Mthe fd/an SUtunrky lb- Unit of tie Te^s deparPfnenA oft^ritntmj Jushe*, in Ltlin/zsion f r%lk County, TeiKAS / \zenpd a*\-d deeleve. undtr pena-ify ofp>eryury ika( ike forccjama Sth-fejryerp/s are. true ctrxd Correct* fx^cukzd on -this tAei %+*> day of January, Z0t£7. 10£L Mi/J/OyJirY7£^; tofnn^^ pfZo -5e P£rtrfeAf£jc\ end. (S) •J3ft| i^...f ij. -T^COP I . > M N -•.I •••i. W ^ n m o ^ n X N •^ £ i rV £ rs i l l ! •! / -i * i \ V '":• —/