-. Courz. -r OF .. ~ wRl'l IJ'O_ . [ 1R.LIJL CiJufl,:f CJ C.orJ -rt.rJn £fZE 1\1 rJ b rftP£~L 'I ACJlJ RE ~..S £b... . j A £Uib£AJ11AR. Y H£tAl Wl-1 t:N ·J'I-J £ lEN HAf\Jc£. YV1 &\1 '( l S 1M fJtzDP £. ~- S ££ E'X.. fA f\ L £ f\ Lcl-1- - t q (£ .S.uJ_ 3d_ s og IJ -r 51 3. C1£X: _ ce_ . A PP'" Zoo6 1 . 1 - SEE A T-rAcHrvt £,,rr s_ 3. -4- ~· , 1H£ SEcotJJJ &JHAAlc.E.M&J'l uJAS TJRIJPPEIJ AS r\t:;;~Lf:C i~l:l ON tHE Jub6ME/l)f"" [stEt A 17ACI-IM£1llT' 3] AtJD t-r WAS D~DPPEb B.£cJJtASE. I'L u.JA.S ILLEGAL t PL I CJJ 1\J -r 1J P-.Gu £S -t fl rrr fS o -tH tHE C.tJ f1 A tJ c£ M E/1)1..$ WEfZE VDib t<11\Jh -rH-E l=tf...S.-( WJJS ILLEb/JLV USED AV\lb ·1H £ f>ui\J/Sfl fill £1\JI WouLD H~ t1 £ 8 EEAJ LESS~ tZ IF 11-ttS ILLEGAL F LRS [ 61\JH ANC£ M &J'{ IAJou L.D No-( ff AU£ ·B f;;£rJ USE[) Al ~ H£ woaL.b fAcE A L lESS£({ SE.AJ'f£11/c!: . 0 r: 2_- Jo vrzs- fJ pPL/C;(JI'J I> -r l s A r_ 'TLlA l v fN/t)OCE/1)7 of: (HE. &\JJ-J/J/\JC£fJ S £N [ E AI CE uJH l cH V loLA 7£5:. 1/IE t {6 fl1 J.1 Al fVl EJ\J Drvl EN "I uLS ~Co/US 71/u '1 ION. A 5. t.tJ1£AlcG. uJI-/LcH lS oUER. 'i'fl£ !Y1AJX.INI£AIV1 IS UltiiJUJ'Not 2Z5lJ J-IIJBEAS PRocE.EiJt;JC3 IN F£DER.i_2j_ fLIJ -~~ JLJJ C!E.x__ CfZ.IJPP.I9CJz). FuA1H£.1Z, A couf\'1 DRf)fR£D DISC.H~RGE OF Pr<.o8~t!DA1 JS NtYt A F/1\/J(J L Cb!l)Ul~/JoN Fo~ £.rJH/\JrJCEM£tJI Purzf>o5£S · utJD£fZ S.£c. 12_ '12 1E.X. P£AJ~ co.D£ _ 5t£ SIA 1£ \] _ CuELL AP.. - 7o .5.uJ .. 3cJ. 31 S AT IS l8 C7£x. _CfZ _ APf. ZooJJ.· All"' HA!; A i7£M P[£[J LD DE!:.'[A trJ A R /. II. o "1 tJ. j(J _ c _c.· :P ~PPtl C...A Rf.LLEF ~f.ZDM '"THIS CouP.:/ ON il-ltS ISS.u~ DI\Jt'l lo 6£ A RfS I TR.A R.l L ~ f) £/J IE]) AN[) NotA.J Hl ~ D I1J L i.f RE.IVI El~ V I S .1-l HABEAS PRoc.ffbltJ(; LLill!J£fl.-. 28 t..LS~C. ~ZZ-5Lf ti\J Ff.D£RAL CDU"--,- cLAlMJN G 6Roui\JlJS oF AciVIAL ttJrJocEAfc£ lo lit£ ILL£G.tE\l;ER. , lrJ DRI:J£R. F'oA. A PPLiC.1MJ-r To 'RA IS.£. A CLA 1/Vt IN FE[) t=RA L COUR I 01\J ,.q 5 ZZ.S Lf A pp L1 c A'1'10N "' -(H £ IJPP L I c~ N r M t1S -1' J-11() LJ £ Rfl lS£.b I'HE: c_£-A 1rv1 IN tH £ LolA.) ER. S -r~ [ £ Cnu~-rs. -J'JI(S coufZ'fS DEcLStotJ ltV Ex_ PAR-(£ R.LCH- l'llf ..5_u)_3c!- SD?J Ai 5 II & 515 C-rE.x cR.. APP_1otJ6) , DoES Alo'l IJLLouJ A APPLICI\JN'I lo CLI'liM Ac-rur~L Jllfllloc.t:.NcE lo 11 JLLE.6ALY E/IJI/t(JI\)t:_£b S&J'lEAic €. o/I.J AR /_ 1Lol A PPLt CA {Jt)AJ~ I'd A I Sll &.5!5 .. 1'1-JuS 1 1H£ APPLICAtJ! ClJI\J r1\Jc;-r Rt 'SS7 .... - i ..,., .., . . -~-~ .alaat:ad, ..-.led, woni, c:ftU9ei4, and m:plliH4 u . . . at tM COPYj oat:ot1er - JlaEah osr.na .a..o., 1H1-1H2, or t:be · _22r11 oni&Uoia1 ot.tnct 1"1H S f. lfU ""T ~rJ HAtac.t::V\It£Nt wAS. llSE.b '"ft> iiiJC.R.EAS.t M 'I SE.tJ"fb.Jd lAl £RRcfl. Suc.Jl uJA S. .A lllotJ- FIJlJA L PRDBA-r!D -DiSc.I!A11.6Etl SEAl -r C. Ale.£. SEE A"T""T"/4c.HEb 4 about tile 24tb day or Qatobar, A.D. 1H1, and 1111raz. tile ~ OPJlEf't 6RAtJ~JtJG:. S'TA"TE~ MJrrtpAJ Co DlSMIS$ MoTtpA! W RE\JAKE f6o8A'"f"UlrJ AAtA olal~R GRA t&"fuJ G. D ISCJIAN:.If oF f&oBA II AN . Sue ti £/II Hr. AJ c.£Jrl E.;IJ"'f uJ/1 S. Nc. --r Su PPoS:.£ t"o B,; us.£ l'J Fo~ E.AJriAtJL.ifME:.AJ"r at= SC.AJ-t61/C£ · 5E ~ . Ex. PAii-fE LA/Jtl.Lt; lj . 833 S- W_ 2d. 141 C-rEx.. CR.. A PP- lqq Z] j S~A'T~ \L AIID n~~ GUilD~ ..-aiD do hrtller ~ tliit worer{ CL.tELLAit -7o s;._u)_ 3d.SIS" A...,- ~ -s.-iclft or u. ~ ~-. aa tiMI 1ftll_*"Y or .naiy,· a.o.,. ·. RIR (-rex.. CR. APP. Zoo3J_ J.Ho, 1n c:a- lftalbllr ua1o, in tM Utb o1'IIIUcJ.al. ouutct oaart· .. :or kawD ComitY, 'faa8 tiMI ~~ere....nt - OOIIV:I.crtell or ta. felony of AIID 'JD mwm .11J1111a uauiUD do hrtlwr ~ oat Wore A- I'HIS .S EcotJ~ IENIIAI'IIc.£M€AJ-r t:ha -1-.Jaa of 1:be prbuy o r r - , and an.z. t:be oaaviotioa in uJf.lS. DRt:>f>P!Eb _ .S.E~ A'f"1AcH£b Jub6MEA.j'"J' ~Su-r 1'1 ALSo CouLll AkYI BE LE6."1L'I l.lSEb aDil _ . GOD9:I.crtell oa tM 14th day or 11ay, .a..o., 19n, in c:aU.o ..a.r BECAUSE \"f CD/&J..£11--r'U ""fctl £LifM £11)-(" of "(Hi£ DFF-IfN.S.E .,...., .i · l),.cJ\ '1'hfsst /_.,.t },c'f-, of which I . . cbaqed, b by t&, conf niiaent in the T*Xaa Dep&rtaent of Crialftal Juatice Institutional Division tor a tel'JI of not . .are than twenty (20) yea~ or l . .s than tvo (2) yeara. In addition a fine not to ax~ tlo,ooo·.oo aay be b1poaed; 2 • Any reco.-endation of the proaecuti119 attorn.y - to punish-· JDent ia no~ bindillC) on the Court 1 3. If tba punialment ·aaseased does not exceed the puniatment rec0111J11end.ed by the prosecutor and ~ to by - and .y attorney, the court JIUJit qive it. pu'alaaion to - atoie I -.ay prosecute an a~l on any utter in t:hla caaa except ·for tho . . aattera rallied by written .ation Llled pTior to trial; and 4, I.f I •• not a citi&en of the United Stat. . o~ Allerica, a pl•a of ,.,lty - aolo oo•~. .dere for the o~Len88 cbar;ad JDay result in deportation, the esaluaion ·rn. .._iaaion to. this country, or the denial of naturaliutiaa uncler f..Seral lav. 5. I f I . . granted a dafaqed ~j~i~t14Mt ,~~. on vio- lation of a -concU Uon if prObation ijj. oli,'iil 1ft ~ CCNrt, I •ay be arre•ted ard 9'Ulned u p..oYitlit4 1la- ~ 'bltae i:rt:: ~u4:•1.:=n~ ~~em:~ .rJ.Ji:r~ proceed• vit.b an actj.UoatlCMl ·of pilt Dft t:M W!tb••l .. chaqe. Mo appeal My M ~ tna .a.ia ~a~iCMh 1 Deleft4Uftt 1 a llli\1&1~ '. - Utar aA :l::~tion of qull~ A.l ~="9'1· incl.udi.ng ---.a-at 0~ pmlat-Ut, -prOIOOV-.u-- Of aentenca, grant.1.nr; of probation, aDd aw--l oaatiJNe - ----------~-~--,... i f the adjudicaticn of quilt hJwl DOt been. defq:red. n. The Judge turthar ~isbed aDd warned M, in writing, aa !ollowa: .... 1 ot •z right nw-t to l:M ~ted L, on the indict:.eut o~ a GraDd Juryl ~is caaa axc;pt 2. Of -.y right to have the ia4iot:.esat - hdonntr:ki& read aloud and in tul.l; 3. Of -.y _right to trial by jury~ 4. Of -.y right to wait ten (l.O) daya to al.lav . . court- appointed attorney to prepare for trial: · 5. Of -.y right to be confronted by the vitnea- aqainst -~ 6. Of ay riqht aqainat . .l.t-incriaination; and (e. 7. Of ay riqht to a pre-aentance inv. .tiqation and report. :III. :r d . . ire to waive and do waive the foll.ovinq 'r!.pt.: 1. Waive the ·riqht to be pro.~tad by a Grand JUry incUcblant. and announce .y election and corwent to be prosecuted by intoraationr 2• Waive the readinq of the i.JMU.ataeat - ilteoz:wt:ioa: 3. 'Naive the right of trial by jury aDd nqu..t the conaent and approval of the Court and the p&oaecutinq attorney to .y waiver; . . · 4. Waive the tan (10) day vaitinq period for tri.al attar tbe •pPOinblant of .y attorney aDd requut the oonaant and approval- of .y court appointed atto~ -to rq ,.iverr 5• Waive the right to ba oonfi'ahtad aqai.Mt . . , oonaant to tM conaant to waive the ~pear~~ croea- ~tion of wA'~-~~~ to an oral_ at~p;&l___ ation introdu.cticin of ~~I:IMii!N .-'*-nu - tba :t"!c:i::;w and vaiYVI J:'~ &Ddto ..._ :u'ta: OOMIInt -- 1M1Wilnt, MniA • -------~- • ----~---------------- .. J. 6. waive th..CJht eA:J&inat aalt-~nauon, aDd 7. Waive the riqht to a pre-sentence inv-tiqatJ.on and report. rv. I do further adldt and· judicially conf-• to the allegation• and fact. contained in the in4iotaaDt J.D.eo:r.a~ea herein which baa been read and explained to M and &9t".. and ~ '\ atipulate that the alleqationa and facta an true and correct and conatitute evidance_in thia ca... v. I do further atate aa follows: 1. I voluntarily, of ay oWn fr. . will, plead g.:::Miij - nolo contsnd~, to the offense charqed in the in4l.otaeDt- ia,o.. a~uD herein; 2. I have never bean treated for any type of -..nta1 illn. . •, aJI aane nov and vaa aane at the tilM of the camai. . ion of the offanae to vbich I have pled quilty - aolo conten4ere: 3. My plea ia entered without any consideration o1 fear and I have not bean threatened in any :aanner vbatsocv~rJ 4• My plea 1• entered vi thout any persuaaion and X have been promised nr;?~inq for anterinq auch · plea 1 and 5. I vent ~qh the ~ 9rBde i~ achool, can read, write and under~tand the Enqliab Ianguaqe. VI. I further at.ate that I have never before . been couvlctecS of a felony offenaa in tbia other 'State, and prQ the ·. Court to grant ae probati in the event . w:y puniama.at 1a ten (10) yeara confineaent 1D the Texaa Departaent of Co Except, I vaa oonvict.t _ VII. I underatand that in tblt evant I u convicted, I bave the leflal riqht of appeal to ~. Court of Appe&la, ai"irl9 in l. Def~·· lnt-.t.i.u -t ·- .. ~:;; ' . - itzi\. £~\ M .; ;.t$ttv / -t • ...-------------~-:-o-,_..__,~ __;_, _ __ --o~--...------.;c -·-co ';:' '· ~, -.-, · Houston, Barris ~J', 'l'exas, and &180 • ripl: to be repreaent.S on a~ by an attorn-y o~ rq c:boice. Xf I .. too poor to pay for .ucb 'attorney or tbe record - aa appeal, the Co~ will, upon a tincUng of indl~, without expenae i' to •e provide an attorney And a proper r.corcl for •ucb an appeal. I waive tbe rigbt to appeal. I U1fDDS'l'AJm '11m AD«*ITiotlS, STATEKEIITS AJrD lrAIVD5 S.!'l' P'ORTH ABOVE AJfD I All ADU OP ~ CC.SltQODCU OF IIY PLZA. Dated and Siqned thia the __ll!_t day o~ _ _...:Ma=-'-7_ _ _ , .A.D. sworn to and SUbacribed before - by tbe- aaid De~endant on thi• the ~ clay o~ May , - .A. D.- 111_!!., to which I place ay band and affix the aeal of oZfice. aeal I have consulted with the Defendant; ..SViaed Ida-.._. of hb-beT riqbtar ~lieve ~ to be aane, and able to underatand the nature and conaequencea o~ tbeae proo.edinqs1 approve bia-t.r •i9niDCJ of the plaa of pll~ -• ~ ge•tn . .re7 waiver of jury, waiver of ten (10) daya to prepare ~or trial, a«Jn...nt to atipvlau nideDoa, aftll jucHcial oonte. . iOI\7 and. I •iv• the ten (10) dap M tor trial. 4 O.lenMM'I IA1t1ala~"'·-- • Dated and Slqned tbb the -l..l.a.L day or May A.D. 19_21. ... ' Before tbe entry of the Dereor:lant'• . p l - herein, the above requ-u, vai vera aDd rtipu1atiooa are hereby consented .. , to and approv.ct by . . . tbe ~ing attorney ~inq the State. Dated and Slqned thb the ....llaL. day ot _..::Ma=zl-._ _ _ , • A.D. 19JL . I .4. ! ~: --~ I.,- I NWA.il'• 4{1> / • : ..."':- On thia the .~ .. Jill day of _ ___,Ma:=.~.---------- -- ···-· • ·-· -· - A. D. 19 _u., prio~ to aOceptincJ the Defandant'• plea of quilty - DOlO OOJlteD4are herein, the Ccxlrt duly and properly admonished and warned the Defendant, in vritinc;r, . . . .t forth herein above ki•-bar signature. Before . .kinq a finding on Defendant'• pl . . , the Court informed the Defendant that it will follow tba pl.aa barqain agreellent. The COUrt fi.nda the Defendant'• pl.. of tuilty nolo cont~, waiver. and ccmaent to ~ :rr.aly and voluntarily . .de; approv . . the vaiver ot juxyr the ,.iver of pre-sentence inv. .tigation and report; and the COJUimtt to stipulate evidence. The Court having considered the foreqoi.nq p l - of C]Uilt::r - nolo contendere of the Defendant; it plainly a~rinq to the Court that the Defendant is, -ne; repre.ented by competent counsel: able to and does unden~tand the .Dature and consequences of th. .e proceedinqs r uninfluenced any consideration of tear or persuasion, pro.ptinq ~her to cont . . s hb-har quilt; and the Court having duly ad:aoniab.t the Defendant of the conaequen~ of bJ.-Jter pl . . , the Defendant having parsi•ted in plaadin9 VQilty ~MalO contendere, the Court accepts Defendant'• pl.. or pilty aolo oontea4ere and orders that such pl . . ~ entered-upon the ainutes of this Court •. ·I A.D. lt_ll. '1 . ,., . ·h;::,·,·, .. , .. ·.·''\!~ •• : !' • '" •. ~' .; . .~ ' \ ! ! ; I I l i I j l I .1 !i ~ \t l I II [ I I I ATTACHMENT 3 I I I l lI I ! 'I l lI' f\ l i \ ' i ! { ! I I' .' •.. ....·· • 110. u.uz • r r ~~ FIL·::-~1 ~!Qf 4! p. ll992l i THB STATB OP '1'BXAS vs. JUIIGIIBST OH PLEA or GUILft' OR BOLO COlft'IIIIDBIII! BIII'ORB COUJa' n:rvmt or JURY 'I'RUL JUdp PrUidlna; ,_21-92 Attorney Attozney tor State: fCIII Selleck tgr Defen4antl Offense eonvloted at: n..4ly v...,.... ill Peul. I-rttvtJoq Date 0 ( ( - Deqreo; 2Dd. Co=trt.~• Oecolle n. 1991 CJ1U9lnq *- Ill!ft;rppiJ!t: Indiqt:Mnt. I Plg; . . . , . , . , 9 CQnt:mJd!U'll ·'fa~ Of -P~~-: _· ........_. :·········"· .. ,.;.-·:.,·... --.: , ·..... _...... · · ·· &;.II:Pi!!;:;I:S:Lll.t:l!;lb:.L;Al;~t::!!;;!I!~~-~~U.!!t't-_·.i..;;· ·-;:,;r u.~.KD~!!~·· an::!ic~-~~U~U~): .s;~: ~- ..... ,.rs~:-=-m=-i-!r.Jldin9-u-rn----.:...-~-. : _ __;.,..;....----:--~ /it~:~~f~~E ft~!~:~~t1;~~ Pindin9a on uae at Qeadly wuwn; :::e9= cctJS.-rrru-r£ll E·L£Mei\J -r fHE ot=t=E/JSIE • t>F=' Date sentence "(u £ ~1n.s. -r EttJ HAtJ UM6tJ;- vJAS. Ippgps!l 5-21-92 UOCC. --(#A-r I uvtJL>LUA>-rARILI.f PLEAC:. "ftw£ -;-o. MY Puniabmant and Date to Ploc:a of Cpntinpent: J'Utea (1.5) Tn. TIICJ-m cppenqes iiiJ£FF£c..-ruJ£ APfcuV"t'elJ C.ou,J.S.£L 'LoLfl ME" 'f'H £ I'~ 2-,_92 'l'iM cmQigd: co ,_21-92 rotal AJiount of Met4bJtipnfB1Mgtlon; S I'A ~ € cou Lll 5. -oll u £. E Concurrent Unl-• otb8rvl. . Specified. bstitutlcm to Be Paid '1'0: IUtS £1\JIIA,-JLE'MDJ-r vJIIicH ltacU4 with 91-281-c oue of ~ &a.e:-. Wt1~f'A LS..£- I t:.A,J tJo-r Couaty, 'faa• Address: \JaLUIJL'I'lRILtf I'L£A 1-f , E.tJHAtJ LIEMENT Ti-14-r S NctJ - f:.Jr.IA L Alllll uo lh _ I • 'l'be ..... Detendaut IUI'Vinq been llldiot-Jie4 0 ' '¥ in the llllove entitled and I11IJiberecl caue for the EE MEAJ€F£E (}_ STAll'€ felony otfenae llhOVD aboVe and tbla cauae beinq tbia day t S 5_UJ_3.J. SOtD (TEX...APP~ called. for trial, the Stete IIJIPU%*1 by her D.btrlat Attorriey as n....s aboVe and the ~ODC!ant n.aed aboVe EAUnfGitl-r]. appeared in person and "D:>! Cowlael as 11-.d aboVe IUid both parties announced raady for trial~ 'l'ba Defendant, in person, in vritincJ, and ln open caart, valved bill ri;ht of trial by jury, (8UCh M&J.vu- belDCJ with the COliMitt IUid approval of the Court and the Diatrlat Attorney in vri~nq and fUed in the papers of thle cauae) plead.s u indicated above to the ol!arga aanteined in the 11141otaeat, . . . •- ~ I I GE 1 '· ;<\ PPEN blX_ ..3 ·-· . .I ·I I , ... " .. e I t ia tberefore CCIISIDIIRJID, CJitD1!IIBD AIID .u.7UDGID by tbe eaurc that the Def..sat 1a guilty or t u orr- indicated ~. a fel.ony 1 and tbat: tbe Aid Det....saat coaUtt:ed tbe Aicl·off- on the date iDIU.cat:ed aa-r., and that he be puniabed by conr~ 1ft . the n.titutional Division of the 'lWD• ~ of Cl'iainal Jlati- far tbe period indicated a))ove, aDd that the Sbte of 'I!Uali do a..ve and reccwar of tba DefeDdlmt all ao~R• o:f tlul proeecut:ion, ror vllicb exec:Qtion will 1 -• ..The •aid Def.mlant vu ~ed to jail until Aid Sheriff can obey the direction& of tlli8 nntam:a. sigud and entend tllill the eg_,(..day o f _........... ...._,_ _ _ _ __ A.D., 19_t_z__ • Motic. or AppAl: -Wo-._ _ __ ·. ·. . ., .. ·, ,.•'/ ~ ··.·' '·t.. \ I ' I \ ( I\ l t i iI I. I ATTACHMENT 4 It I (I Vol :_-}'_5 -• No. 12-010 ll THE STATE OF TEXAS ll IN THE DISTRICT COURT v. ll OF BROWN COUNTY, TEXA Todd Warren Altschul ll 35TH JUDICIAL DISTRIC ==~==========~~==~ll ''·:•. ~"f.,_- MOTION TO DISMISS MOTION TO REVOKE PROBATION ' ·.,.·~·- AND ORDER TO THE HONORABLE JUDGE PRESIDING: f NOW COMES the State, by her Assis~t District Attorney, and moves the Court to dismiss the Motion to Revoke Probation. filed in the above entitled and numbered tf--(HI£ £.1JIIArJC.£M£AJ / US.ifi:l cause for the following reasons, tO wit: ·,' WAs. P~o&A-r£l::J lV.l IJ Further prosecution of the Motion To Revoke Probation is not desired at this time. AlE iJEK. RE:\loi<.EO A A) b WAS. rJ£1.)£~ S.uPPD-5:,£ lv Mfb~ Bi: U.S.£/:l Ft>IZ EIJ ilr:JtJc.EM£11)1 UNhcf<. Ex. PAP..IE- LAA16LE-ti ORDER· OF THE COURT 833 5_u)- 2d.. 141 [TEX.t:A..APP_ lczqzJ ~ kJ On thl-s the ,.")-4day of --r;u=-f'Ut=----'' 19_7_ 6'7 L-- came on to be heard the written motion of the State's Attorney filed herein, asking permission of the Court to dismiss the Motion to Revoke Probation filed in this cause for the reasons, set out in said motion, and the same having been heard and duly considered, the Court is of the opinion that the reasons so stated are good and sufficient to authorize such dismissal a of said Motion to Revoke Probation- IS is, therefore, considered, ordered and adjudged by the Court, that this Motion to Revoke Probation filed in this cause be and the same is hereby dismissed; that the State of Texas take nothing by this suit, and that the'Defendant Todd Warren Altschul be immediately discharged from any further liability in this Motion to Revoke Probation filed in this cause, and that as to the same go hence without delay_ FILED At O'clock M 35TH juniCIAL DISTRICT APR 2 2 f99"2 ----------------~- JANBi!OWN ··. CERTIFIED TRUE AND CORRECT COPY CERTIFICATE Dlslmt r·-,•_ ·---__, >.a.. Texas · STATE OF TEXAS - By: !l~!lli\J ·. COUNTY DF BROWN , J The document to Which this certificate is affixed, containing . pages, is a tul~ true and correct copy of the original on file and of record m my office_ AffiST:~tl/1\-- aq 20_l2 JAN BROWN, DISTRICT CLERK BROWN COUNTY, TEXAS BY .~ DEPUTY . . .. \· .. ,-:~ '.,~ 1' ' ' ....~ ..- ·r~ ') , ATTACHMENT 5 i·I I' ',. e/r~~~~~~~ .1\USE NO. 12010 ~~'. I THE STATE OF TEXAS IN THE 35TH DISTRICT. . . ~~~J~D VS. · OF BROWN COUNTY TODD WARREN ALTSCHUL '· BROWNWOOD; TEXAS At -·O'clock- M MOTION FOR DISCHARGE fROM" PRUBI\1IOK fEB 2 7 1997 AND DISMISSAL OF CHARGE {',.a_~- . TO THE HONORABLE JUDGE OF SAID COURT: Clcd::l&~l~~; Court Bru\vn Co. TX Comes now TODD WARREN ALTSCHUL ,Defendant and probationer inBt:he Dei above-entitled and numbered cause,and moves the court to terminate the period of probation;.pursuimt to Article 42.12, Section 20 of the Eode _of Criminal Procedure, and. insupport
Altschul, Todd Warren
Combined Opinion