, .¥ \ COURTOF CRIMINAL APPEALS OF TEXAS * ™„OT RECEIVED IN \J % ^ APPLICATION FOR AWRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS C0URT0FCRIM|NAL APPEALS This document contains so|EeKING reLIEF from final felony conviction hn ?^?m pages that are of poor qu§$»ER CODE OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE, ARTICLE 11 07 at the time of imaging. , • .^ Ab@)A45C^Gterk • INSTRUCTIONS ' •• .^ | . r 1. You must use the complete form, which begins on the following page, to file an application for awrit ofhabeas corpus seeking relief from afinal felony conviction under Article 11.07 ofthe Code ofCriminal Procedure. (This form is not for death- penalty cases, probated.sentences which have not been revoked, or misdemeanors.) 2. The distrifctxlerk ofthe county inwhich you were convicted^wlll make this lorn* available to you; OB requesi, without charge, f . 3. Ytni must fllerthe entire-writ application for^toctadinftnose secfems that^Ibnot apply to you. Many pages are missing from tiie former ifthe questions have been, renumbered or ^tte% 4. You must make aseparate application on aseparate5foro*for eacii judgment of ^^ ^ony^n^^eltreUefjHim. EySh #the^ judgments^ wre^n«d]ul thi sanie cpurton th*$ame day* you musfniake aseparate apjlicajtioni,M^:oji(<& &-. Jmmmm iteitt thatap^e^ twybu on tnelfdirmL iDoMotattach any additional pages for any item. " , . T You must include all grounds for relief on the application form as provided by the instructions under item 17. You must also briefly summarize the facts of your claim on the application form as provided by the instructions under item 17. Each ground shaUbegin on anew page, and the recitation of the facts supporting the ground shall benolonger than the two pages provided forJthe claim in the form. Legal citetionsfand arguments may be made in aseparate memorandum that complies with Texas Rule ofAppellate Procedure 73 and does not exceed 15 000 wojsds if computer-generated or50 pages if not. You must verify the application by signing either the Oath Before Notary Public or the Inmate's Declaration, which are at the end of this form on pages 11 and 12 You may be prosecuted and convicted for aggravated perjury ifyou make any false statement of a material fact in this application. 9, &^l aPlfetioP him coinpjfeted, matttheoriginal totnedistriet clerk ofthe county of conviction. Kee^^^^ 10. *ou^stnotify the district clerk qftbe county ofMri*icti lim cdi Wot <•./; . ' /.'f,i... i.. •.. Mr..*. .•,?>] hJ L . ,-/• m^J^AlMm^ km^mhM/J^sM mdm clmjtufoit d mu/drrmlodu /fo/ deptt murder \ find mmd^di^m t^&kA. , t...... . : ,. .__ m j i- , - : : , r-. • — r : ; ' : T5~- ^~ ''—'—---*>.— • ' ' ~J^~, ' - ^^if,M3tLym^^M^^^s •^MMUmM •AM OhVM m s j\ .iA i i ifa. ij. Mm /? VM^ > ///^/fe <(/"'*'- •^mul^JtMmUMMMUiMjai^^ __^— YMmMMJMM (puffs.'nly^sim :ilMrtQ:ww£/r Qu/jiirad/^m1''-&f Mm/':ktumit •:'-.. • V • / . ...... / ' ^i /j< cmgjjie-fi-..-,..-M~g-.lv t ..jr..., —"... •-—.'^.< ,J Jk;.m^ ImcUu >n A V^^Jik'^Mihr^ fktjMdiMi&Mi f/W'd/4 MrfimrWj /hdktti<&^ > -T CfmmtJim*}- wottcioN % :kh$d^^ 1^yddL^ •Ltt(iaf( U, ..•.,,/')'. ,„.,,. -"••/•./)• ••[":•> / :': .', ', ;)..'• J jMmkmmAi IMfltLnSct/u. irtfc_ • -• •••••'• -.''-••• /" •MiMMCJMm, 1 yMSMik\ Mfihhykiy dek^yy^p.khn/! _ "_ ~mmm§yjmAMmm^fJyMm±y££££QXJms, yim£MSiiiy • . . ' •• " ':•-. AJUL. cuMMiUMt SfiS; %xMsML^£JE£m!LmMm 7 ''ittwrn/L. hfdm^mf^ ]^k[!^ -pmMij^mji^LM^L WMh ia.««n«»o»i»i-, ..-—•... f '") ^£^a£ $0idmdn^ dirndl % mt Lhti: fa tnmfo&k jkhm^d?^^ kiumt &(M%}uMykkludk-. ujki^kdm djmkilcM -kh Li^M^ —- /$yhfML UiaJ t fttKMDoiE ^dm^£U-^ iddMM^ MMtz MdJid^I ^S^i^^kLL^ fMiMltm f%mj)dfL-(:Mg^ 7 i^aiaMssaiS^^^rsmssssiOahiLj^^ jjjnwrfgiia^^feMWs^ JMMMl yodujvdd^ •--•-• • . • * < >• ._ - . / i[d}m)±j^ ——_—_ v^. J»_:—. .). ," — —————•—71 : •. ;••. : ; ;—— '• ~ rrT ^dddidiJdyW^ -pua^^*^^ —— ^^¥ /am- fofrtMU, f)m; >fmt k.J^^ iikj k/i odkf ikM k. nimi %kk J^m i«l&w^ k\M\ m\uy hJ>^ \k)Lkmy^ dJfhim ku foilt)a))}ACj • d L_ __-l__^^-__^^--^-^--— r it»/) •>/ • mUA mAEik&i ? fp\ Mftt-cflLmrnimB. d'ffZc&l; n_zi 75WL