WR-67,748-08 HWM7SVZI IE, 7&n$ 7m COURT Of CZT^M^hihl frPpgftlS P. a Bar 22108 8USTZK) 7€T*A$ 18121 t^otr rv»r, Abel /9cottA,C/erk: fi'le tVk€se rules in your court o» »y beKa^ because Z ©lovng ^Ws Pv» 5fe. • ftUava Irne tsa kw*u> £A*s-t js*f Aa^s receive trhese. r^Je? ar?^ £/*<&£ St Mr Aeen Site. 0#te j-ure j*?*/ ^e £*,>* *~" a/^=^et- 'TA^ink \/- yaur 6>W>e ^>n^ RECEIVED IN S\r\C€,re\i COURT OF CRIMINALAPPEALS FEB 172015 AbelAcosta,Clerk fV)rv ~9.eddivt Ht)VSte^ ieCv i., TAc Geurt of CriVvjnC^ V^ppeccls cxrxd ecxcV> judge fc^k&Y-eof sKcvll kn^ AViVKovvVy ^so are\Y\t: o-wcA issue cx^A Co use \:\\e \ssuav\ce of i^ri^s of katoeas corpus^.rvd, in criwUa\ \cx\^ matters^ b^e la^tv^S o-T ^ewtfAcx^us, pxucewdevdoj p^MW^QY^ oo^of Ceft\> eetcV* judge -bto*cof s*W\ tO QVa^N^ Ovvno\ vSSue OvVnM COAAS^ \^.W \SSUCXYvCe o£ Sud> o^cVe^ vjt^^s as w\cx\£ be r*ece,s$ootry \s© ^MecV* i^s jec, 2, The Court of CwvWrnaA )Q=ppecib-shall ha^and \>c€it\a\, 7T>£ exfoeo^ of cx\\ cases jv» wk«?c^ \,V, foascRS-rjz&iivmftv Rcvz^u RUU5 lr>2, PZSCegTZcJVvJ^By J?El/jC&W UZ7H PETXT-Zow jrule lu Sugwxssxahjs em B^nc Th€ Court, \X>\\\ S\^ en b{W phs>oQdw,\rc O^bAotes 11.61 or ll.Oll^ (e) ccv-bi free/ *3 uesb/'^s; anV tf) h^hecxv-iwgs isncter Kule 7f. &ZT.W53, M##«WG ^^ Bl>?El\&Tg Cou&T \> By order <*f fcrk* Ikxas Co\jirfe of CnW*aA Appeals Qc^apUvvg tk Teafcs 'Rul^o-f Rppelhte FVoc&Jurc, tWs Otrtfcl^ ujcls repeeJed except ,f^Y ^k^ fWfe Sen-feewcje awd suk^ecfcto* £fc), /a) "7>i^ Gpuf-t &€ GnWAoJ Appeals skcdl y^ake rules at p^stfenaJ cv^vd appellate pvoc^olu^e cis *fc# t\e tear- \vv^ of* CrimiVa.! ACfciaxs fWfc inconsistent ^5%W ^his doete. ftf feCT t k record »s f/la^f m fc'he Couk ^ Appeals Or fc>*Q Cburfe 0"^ Crtminai ftpj»€*^ fe-kc pcv-T'Ues VYia.^ f||4 SweW supplement Ibrfe£r.Q>s yw^ rv\Ocy olesfre WA-re "feVf CctSe •vS. •submitbe^ •**> fc4* ^Urb. &xok p&rbyj Upan ri)\^ C).ny &**&)> Supple- Hienfccxl hr ia-f/ JOW // pr&rnpb \y c^uxe kruz copy •kke-reof to fe-e cfcliver&t 4-©. &rA-e apposing p^rty ox bo -the /<^bberjr €&untel% ^Zn e^very Gaxe ocb least tvoo oovAwsel -fox- ^\ve dav\fe. sWA\ Ve Ve-o^d ^ tVe Covx-vr-t. of h^-ec^Vs if such he, desired by 'Crf^ftsaA ^V^^alS <5Lfe' l-eccSb -^v^o Cova>w$«I Nfe% tfme prefer(he^ rA?// /9*k authorise a. o!/smtij> the Col^th of* Cri+tshyoil "ppeeJs,/>*'f*&k\S &r G?t*rh> of'^^W typpeahifer SUoh reks*r>j refuse bo c*yss