CASE NUMBER : PD-1418-14 COA NO.01-14-002S4-CR IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS RECEIVED IN COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS FEB 25 >0la RICHARD A. DUNSMOREJ -APPELLANT- Ab@$Ae88it,Gtefk vs . THE STATE OF TEXAS FILED IN -APPELLEE- COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS FEB 27 2: j NOTICE OF APPEAL Abel Acosta, Clerk DEFENDANT/APPELLANT in Matters 56909& 56910 Post Conviction Filings hereby SERVES NOTICE OF APPEAL as to the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals REFUSING (IE:Not Having The Veracity or Integrity to. DEAL, with the CORRUPTION in Brazoria County Texas Courts and/or the Office of the District Attorney Jeri Yenne) to Address the ISSUES in the PETITION FOR DISCRETIONARY REVIEW previously filed by the DEFENDANT/APPELLANT. FEBRUARY 23rd,2015 Richard A.Dunsmore/Pro Se C.T.TERRELL UNIT/#1826868 1300 F.M.655(Brazoria Go) ROSHARON , TEXAS 77583 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I CERTIFY that a True and Correct COPY of this NOTICE OF APPEAL has been SERVED by 1st Class Mail upon DA-Jeri Yenne at the^ftrazoria/Cc/unty District Attorney's Office at 111 East Locust Street,Room ^y8A, Ang^/et^on, Texas 77515 on 2/23/2015. BY: Richard A.Dunsmore,Pro Se Pro Se Defendant 1 01 4 CASE NUMBER: PD-1419-14 COA No. 01-14-00274-CR IN THE COURT O F CRIMINAL APPEALS COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEAL? RICHARD A.DUNSMORE -APPELLANT- RE3 27 ::.'j vs . Abel Acosta, Clerk THE-STATE OF TEXAS NOTICE O F P P E A L DEFENDANT/APPELLANT in Post Conviction Matters in Cause Numbers 56909 & 56910 in the 412th Judicial District Court of Brazoria County,Texas hereby SERVES NOTICE OF APPEAL as to'the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals REFUSING TO HEAR (IE:Not Having the Veracity or Integrity to DEAL with the CORRUPTION in the Brazoria County Courts and/or the Office of the Brazoria County District Attorney-Jeri Yenne) as addresss the ISSUES in the PETITION FOR DISCRETIONARY REVIEW previously filed by the DEFENDANT/APPELLANT Richard A.Dunsmore,Pro Se FEBRUARY 23rd,2015 C.T.TERRELL UNIT/#1826868 1300 F.M.655(Brazoria Co) ROSHARON , TEXAS 77583 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I CERTIFY that a True and Correct COPY of this NOT has been SERVED by 1st Class Mail upon DA-Jeri Yenne at the DA's OFFICE at 111 East Locust Street,Room 408A ,Ang_leton ,Texas '/2015 BY: Richard A.Dunsmore,Pro Se Pro Se Defendant 2 of 4 CASE NUMBER: PD-1420-14 COA No. 01-14-0306-CR IN THE COURT O F CRIMINAL APPEALS COURT OF CRIMINAL APPE/" RICHARD A.DUNSMORE FB 27 Z3 -APPELLANT- vs . Abel Acosta, Cierk THE STATE OF TEXAS -APPELLEE- NOTICE O F APPEAL DEFENDANT/APPELLANT in the Post Conviction Matters in Cause Numbers 56909 & 56910 in the 412th Judicial District Court of Brazoria County,Texas hereby SERVES NOTICE OF APPEAL as to the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals REFUSING TO HEAR (IE:Not Having The Veractity or Integrity to DEAL with the CORRUPTION in the Brazoria County Courts and/or the Office of the Brazoria County District Attorney-Jeri Yenne and/or the Brazoria County Sheriff's Department and the DFPS-Child Protective Services Division's Case worker-Sharon McNair and BCSD Investigator Buck Henson) to address the ISSUE of the NEED for a COURT OF INQUIRY into their actions as was addressed in the PETITIONcFOR DISCRETIONARY REVIEW previously filed by the Defendant/Appellant FEBRUARY 23rd,2015 Richard A.Dunsmore,Pro Se C.T.TERRELL UNIT/#1826868 1300 F.M.655(Brazoria Co) ROSHARON , TEXAS 77583 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I CERTIFY that a True and Correct COPY of this NOTI 'AL has been SERVED by 1st Class Mail upon DA-Jeri Yenne at the B ty District Attorney's Office at 111 East Locust Street,Room 408^ Texas 77515 on 2/23/2015. BY: Richard A.Dunsmore,Pro Se Pro Se Defendant 3 of 4 J CASE NUMBER: PD-1421-14 COA No. 01-14-00307-CR IN THE COURT O F CRIMINAL APPEALS FILED IN RICHARD A.DUNSMORE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS -APPELLANT- vs . FEB O2 H THE STATE OF TEXAS Abel Acosta, Clerk -APPELLEE- NOTICE O F APPEAL DEFENDANT/APPELLANT in the Post Conviction Matters in Cause Numbers 56909 & 56910 in the 412th Judicial District Court of Brazoria County,Texas hereby SERVES NOTICE OF APPEAL as to the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals REFUSING TO HEAR (IE:Not Having the Veracity or Integrity-to DEAL with the CORRUSTION in the Brazoria County Courts and/or the Office of the Brazoria County District Attorney-Jeri Yenne and/or the Brazoria County Sheriff's Department and the DFPS-Child Protectice Services Division's Case- Worker=Sharon McNair and BCSD Investigator Buck Hesnon) to address the ISSUE of the NEED for a COIRT OF INQUIRY into their actions as was addressed in the PETITION FOR DISCRETIONARY REVIEW previsously Filed by the Defendant/ Appellant. ResK/qfctJyuyl]>Kr S/ajoBfltted By RiclYard A .Dunsmore ,Pro Se FEBRUARY 23rd,2015 C.T.TERRELL UNIT/#1826868 1300 F.N.655(Brazoria Co) ROSHARON , TEXAS 77583 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I CERTIFY that a True and Correct COPY of this NOT s been SERVED by 1st Class Mail upon DA-Jeri Yenne at the District Attorney's Office at 111 East Locust Street,Room 40 77515 on 2/23/2015. BY: Richard A.Dunsmore,Pro Se Pro Se Defendant 4 of 4 CASE NUMBERS: PD-1418-14/PD-1419-14/PD-1420-12 & PD-1421-14 COA NUMBERS: 01-14-00251-CR/01-14-00274-CR/01-14-00396-CR & 01-14-00307-CR TRIAL COURT NUMBERS: Post Conviction Matters in 56909 & 56910 in the 4I2th Judicial District Court of Brazoria County,Texas the Honorable Judge W.Edwin Denman-Presiding in 2014/2010/2008 NOTICE OF APPEAL/REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION TO A HIGHER STATE and/or FEDERAL COURT DISTRICT COURT and/or 5th CIRCUIT COURT OF APPEALS TO:JUSTICES OF THE TEXAS COURT OF APPEALS :HONORABLE JUDGE W.EDWIN DENMAN ^SENIOR JUDGE the HONORABLE ROBERT J.KERN-via & and-:PRESIDING JUDGE OLEN UNDERWOOD of the TEXAS SECOND JUDICIAL REGION rDISTRICT ATTORNEY FOR BRAZORIA COUNTY,TEXAS-Mrs.Jeri Yenne -and-the ATTORNEY. GENERAL OF THE STATE OF TEXAS •" /**"'' RE:Texas Rule of Appellant Procedure 29.5 and any and all other Applicable Rules dealing with Action by the Trial Court while ORDERS of said Court are being Complained about on Appeal. SUBJECT:Limit(s) of AUTHORIZATION as provided in theORDER OF ASSIGNMENT BY TH3. PRESIDING JUDGE OLEN UNDERWOOD on February 11th,2015 GREETINGS s ' "' ''• • ' The Following NOTICES.) have been given: '"^ . DEFENDANT/APPELLANT in the Post Conviction Matters in Cause Numbers .56909 & 56910 in the 412th Judicial District Court of Brazoria County,Texas .hereby SERVES NOTICE OF APPEAL as to the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals REFUSING TO HEAR (IE:Not Having The Veracity or Integrity to DEAL with the CORRUPTION in the Brazoria County Courts and/or the Office of the Brazoria County District Attorney-Jeri Yenne and/or the Brazoria County Sheriff's Department and the TX DFPS-Child Protective Services Division's Caseworker Sharon McNair and BCSD investigator Buck Henson). to addrss the ISSUE of the NEED for a COURT OF INQUIRY into their actions as was addressed in the PETITION FOR DISCRETIONARY REVIEW previsusly filed by the Defendant/Appelland.'. (as to PD-1420.& 1421-14) -and-:DEFENDANT/APPELLANT in the Post Conviction Matters in Cause Numbers 56909 & 56910 in the 412th Judicial District Court of Brazoria County,Texas SERVES NOTICE OF APPEAL as to the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals REFUSING TO HEAR • (IE:Not Having the Verac ity or Integrity to DEAL with the CORRUPTION in the Brazoria County Courts and/or the Office of the Brazoria County District Attorney-Jeri Yenne) as addressed in the ISSUES of the PETITION FOR DISCRETIONARY REVIEW previously filed by the Defendant/Appellant, (as to PD 1413 & 19 - 14) Defendant/Appellant still wishes to RESOLVE these MATTERS as Permitted by Appellant Procedure 29.5, ETC. ..^ ./ '"' Resj^ctySOfrv, Sub Richarov^A.DoiTsmore , Pro Se C.T.TERRELL UNIT/#1826868 1300 F.M.655(Brazoria Co) ROSHARON , TEXAS 77583