Feist, Herbert Herman

OFFICIAL NOTICE FROM COURT OFCRIMINAL APPEALS OFTEXAS P.O. BOX 12308, CAPITOL STATION, AUSTIN, TEXAS 78711 OFFICIAL BUSINE""* STATE OF TEXAS PENALTY FOR 2/18/2015 PRIVATE USE =li; fiS^gj^SHflag 0004279596 FEB19 2015 FEIST, HERBERT HERMAN K,Tr.-Ct*No^|SMSPS MA,LEDFROM V&R^,375°-23 This Court has previously entered an order"*citing you for abuse of the writ of habeas corpus. The application^, writtofchabeas corpus filed by you in the Criminal District Court, received by this'Court on Tuesday, February 03, 2015, does not satisfy the requirements for consideration set out in the order described above. Therefore, the Court will take no action on this writ. Abel Acosta, Clerk HERBERT HERMAN FEIST UTF JEFFERSON COUNTY CORRECTIONAL FACILITY TDC# P. O. BOX 26007 BEAUMONT, TX m hWuPWi»l