Cause No. 15 305-C Gilbert S. Damian Th~ cJB,e District::'Court § cument contains some TDCJ-ID 3 382329, §\ pages ~hat are of poor quality §' at ~he time_ nf im.:anill::ili!:\1 v. § Walker LOUh~v0e~~· Walker County Distr~ct Clerk: § In Her Official Capacity, § 278Th Judicial District § :§ RECEIVED IN § COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS A. RLAINTIFF"S ORIGINAL APR..ICATION FOR WRIT OF MANDAMUS MAR 06 2015 TO THE HONORABLE JUDGE OF SAID COURT: COMES NOW, Gilbert Damian,Relator,pro se in the above-style and numbered cause Ab~1\cm>m,~~ this original Application For Writ Of Mandamus,pursaunt to Article 11 .07 Sectiopn 3(c) of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure,and would show the Court the following: B. RELATOR I. 1 .01 Gilbert Damian,TDCJ#382329 is an offender incarcerated in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice and is appearing pro se, who can be located~a:t Polunsky Unit, 3872 FM 350 South, Polk County, Texas 77351 1 .02 Relator has exhausted his remedies and has no other adequate remedy at law. 1 .03 The act sought to be comp-lelled is ministerial not discretionary in nature.TCCP Art. 11 .07 Section 3(c) requires Respondent to immediately transmit to The Court Criminal Appeals a copy ~f the application for writ of habeas corpus,any answers filed,and a certificate reciting the date upon which that finding was made,if the convicting court decides that there are no issues to be resolved.No copy of the application for writ of habeas corpus,any answers filed,and a certificate ' reciting the date upon which that finding was made have been transmitted to The Court Criminal Appeals. Had such documents been•-; transmitted to the Court Criminal Appeals by Respondent as re- quired by statute,relator would have recieved notice from The Court Criminal Appeals. C RESPONDENT II. 2.01 respondent,Gilbert Damian,in her/his capacity as District Clerk of Walker county,Texas has a ministerial duty to recieve and file all papers in a crinminal proceeding,and perform all other duties imposed on the clerk by law pursuant to TCCP Art. 2.21 ,and is responsible under TCCP 11.07 1 Sec. 3(c) to immedeiately transmit to The Court of Criminal Appeals a copy of the 9Pplication for writ of habeas corpus,any answers filed,and a certificate reciting the date upon ' which that finding was made if the convicting court decided that there are no issues to be resolved. The District Clerk,Walker County may be be served at her/his ;~place of business at Walker County, Huntsville,Texas 77342. III. D. VIOLATION OF ARTICLE 11.07 OF THE TEXAS CODE OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE 3.01 The Responde4nt violated Article 11 .07 section 3(c) of the Texas Code of Criminal Precedure by failing to provided a copy of the application for writ of habeas corpus,any answers filed and a certificate reciting the date upon which thattfinding was made to the Court of Criminal Appeals within the time presribed by law and with~n a reasonable time from the date on which the documents were requested to be transmitted. 3.02 requests for the transmittal of the application for writ of habeas corpus,any answers filed, and a certificate reciting the date upon which that finding was made were made by Relator to District Clerk,Walker County, letters dated August 19,2009 State's Motion to Designate Issues and a Proposed Order Designating Issues purauant to Article 11 .07 Section 3(c) of the\! Code of Criminal Procedure True and accurate copies of the above Document s are attached hereto as Exhibits"A"i through 11 811 and are incorporated by reference herein for all purposes. 'B.03 To date Relator has recieved no response from Rependent regardingsRelator's request for transmittal of a copy of the application for writ of habeas corpus,any anwers filed and a certificate reciting the date upon which that finding was made to the Court of Criminal Appeals. 3.04 As is clear from Relator's letters,Relator has repeatedly put Respondent on notice that Relator seeks the transmittal of a copy of the application for a writ of habeas corpus,any answers filed,and a certificate reciting the date upon which that finding was made to the Court of Criminal Appeals and that such records are required by The Court of Criminal Appeals to act on Relator's writ of habeas corpus.Relator has gone well beyond any requirement or obligationsim~ose8upon him by The Texas Code of Criminal Procedure.In contrast to Relator's effort'.'lRespondent has wholly failed to comply with the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure,Article 11.07 Section 3(c),is acting in bad faith,and has also 2 fai£: aJifEJrd Relator the prfessional and cOTIIT[)n courtesy of any written responses to his correspondence 7 and requests. 3 •05 Article 11 •07 Section 3(c) clearly states that " [9;;];f the convicting court decides that there: are no such issues,the clerk shall immediately transmit [emphasis added] to the Court of Crimininal Appeals a copy of the the application any answers filed and a certificate reciting the date upon~which that finding was made.Failure of the court to act within the allowed 20 days shall constitute such a finding."Texas Code of Criminal Procedure Article 11.07 Sec. 3(c). Respondent is in violation of this procedure,nministerial duties,and thus the laws of this state. IV. D. PRAYER FOR RELIEF WHEREFORE,PREMISES CONSIDERED Relator,Gilbert Damian,pro se,respectfully request a finding that the Respondent did not transmit documents to the Court od Criminal Appeals within a reasonable time after the date they were requested and that Relator brought this litigation in good faith and has substantially prevailed.Relator prays for an Order directing Respondent to trnasmit copy of the application for writ of habeas corpus,any answers filed and certificate reciting the date upon which that finding was made to the Court of Criminal Appeals as directed in Artic:!.e·;11 .07 Section 3(c) of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure ahd as requested in Relator's letters (Exhibits"A" th4gh 11 8 11 ) . i ..,- II Res 'J~8tfuHy;Swbmitted, 8 ~~~-------------~ L/ 3 THE STATE OF TEXAS ·; § § COUNTY OF POLI£~-~ 'RELATOR _) F.CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that a true copy of the above APPLICATION FOR WRIT OF MANDAMUS was served on February / 25,2rn5 by placing a copy in the U.S. Mail addressed To: on this the day of February 2rn 5. Court of Criminal Appeals P.O. Box 12308 State Capital of Texas Austin,Texas 78711*2308*USA 4 CAUSE NO :11 5305C ·---- Gilbert Damian § IN THE 27BTH JUDICIAL TDCJ-ID #382329 § § § v. § DISTRICT COURT OF § UNKNOWN COUNTY DISTRICT CLERK, WALKER COUNTV,TEXAS § IN HER OFFICIAL CAPACITY, § RESPONDENT. § § ORDER On this day,came to be heard the foregoing Relator's application for writ of Mandamus and it appears to the Court that the same should be: o~;~ GRANTED IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED THAT the District Clerk shall immediately transmit to the Court of Criminal Appeals a copy of the application for writ of habeas corpus,any answers filed and a certificate reciting the date upon which trnsmittal was made. SIGNED on this the __day of ______,,_20_ _• PRESIDING JUDGE 5 "EXHIBIT A &8" THIS TIME IS CONSECUTIVE On l:.lte l,__'f~/.day of x~~~)---• 19_3_~ Lll<:' above refer.8tiC'?r:l CclJ.I!=:"' ~·lilS called l:.o !:rial. The parl:.ies appeared .:I!> fr)llow?: !:.)1e,e arpear<:>d by i~_'s Speci<~l Prosecul:or, and U1'=' defenr:iant ~_:_(_~-t'~f:.__@~.~_~-~-----' 1 ,, r £' e.:tr ed in person w i I: h his a I:!: or 11 ey of r ,..<:or d IZ_./t·_;_e.t..l/._(_ ___ --~C-~.·.c_4.,..:Q_____ . 1\olh parl:.ies announced ready for trial, at;rl !:.l1L~e!..._!~-~-~-.,;...--b_uL~-LLJ!.£!::.:::.::::- c omrni t 1:. t:?.d on 2~--/-~_/_J__ ___ , 19 Iff:, ·and that he be punished by confinement in Ute Te>cas Depifrt.ment 0f r.>,rrer:-:tions for a term of _d_/_2_"'_ _____ -__ ____ (_~ years, and that sur.-h ! " tt li s l1 me 11 t. be c a r r i e d i n I: o ex e c u t i on i 11 t· l1 e ma n n ""r p r e. s c r i bed by J. i1 w . Jt is further ORDERED by l:he Courl:. that lhe ,Judgrnent and Sen!:enr:-:e 111 l:his cause shall began to run after l:he S0ntence of la\o.' in cause no. _j_~_/_/_L_:--- __ . received on I: he _j{/_(.__ day of .Q~_c;_f-:::.i~---. 191__2_, i 11 !.II'.? s t r 1 c t Court of g_l.__c_~..-LJ:_i&. _____ C oun t.y , 1 e>{a s I for t. he __ 0 f fens e of /l~.c_t:3_~_f_~__ !Z;,._,;~~_jf.__ ~_~_L c?__._ .. · for wI 1 .i. c h I: h '?. de f e nrl.:t 11 I: received t~~"-W~!:._<'!:D years, has ceased h) oper<~te. The Defendant is hereby remanded in jail until l:lte dir·ections of l:.ltis s etd: enc e can be obeyed. '24--. ·-·-······ _ _.:____ 'PF:SIIH J ----·--------·-·------- - . I '·-- I f ' ,.;. . o. /. STATE OF TEXAS IN HIE D I STG I CT COUrn or * ''~""' v~. w~ /;{c...- COUNTY~ IEXAS l_:l_f:._·TH ~IUDICIAL OI.STRICT * J1JO(,?Et·1ENT_ f'NQ ~~NT~!J1;s Qbl. F·Lsfl QF GUILTY CJR bi_OLO ~ONT_EN].~Bs ~.sF DR~ COURT W~l VIER OF JURI TRIM.• ,_ll.IDGE rRESIDING: .£.:::_"'::!.//'-"':._ _ _/? r-V.r..!_ _________ _ l\ TTORNEY FOR l\TTORt-JEY FOR STATE : .;:::_.-, ~.:::..lf__ Afi::::_.:!_q_~------- DE FE t~ DA IH : _.L-;_.f.L.z..~_f._d{__ _a(:_~. e ~ L__ OfFENSE COt~V I CTED Of: ./1.~-JL-0'-"-'~cL____.d_-LL.EF..!.-:_(-:!__o~:_ ___ A __ 0.c_£_(_'3:._1:_!_::::_L___ {) ;;{'" ·-:::_ [JE(_:;REE Of OFFENSE: __ J.::::-L ___ Dl\TE OffENSE COf1t-1ITTED:_Z:_IT _ _Lj_ I 7:?/-__ <_:!11\RGIHG II~STRUt·1ENT: l£:!12l~It11tii FLEl\: . g1!l1Ii f'L.El\ TO EN!ll\IKEt-lENT fli-H>HlGS Ot·l r l\ Rl\GRA Pf-1 C. S) : 'r{6l VE_Q F.t~rll\I.JCFJlEIH: f11Wlt~G 4 / //-1- . ON USE OF DEADLY FORCE: ----L~/-~-._-----------------------·------· l~l_!IH S! it·1EHT 1\1-llJ [)l\TE lU rLl\CE OF COt-IFINEJ·IENT: 1__,__!2~__,_ t:UI111 HIC F:: SEE DELO'ti / l!l\TE SEIHENCE . l i·IFOSED: __:.)A_&'-_j._-y__!__J_z_Z}_________ COST: --0- / T liiE SPECIAL PROSECUTION UNIT 340 Hwy. 75N .. Suite A Huntsville. Texas 77320 (936) 291-2369 Fax (936) 291-0845 August 19, 2009 Kimberly Blackwill % Walker County District Clerk 301 Courthouse 1100 University Ave. Huntsville, Texas 77340 Re: Cause No. 15305C(A-1), Ex Parte Gilbert Damian Dear Kimberly: Enclosed for filing please find the State's Motion to Designate Issues and c:· Proposed Order Designating Issues. Please present these to the judge for his consideratfion a tong witrt t.ile app~ication for habeas corpus. By copy of this ~etter. pre se applicant is being notified of this filing. Thank you for your assistance with this matter. If you need anything further, please caiL Sincerely, . l .; r·. ,-· - -)r I I . l . \ _,__..._._, \. \ . ; \ 'l , . ,_U-=-'--. _A./ r .-L .·''-- ,......_l.l -v Melinda Fletcher, Appellate Attorney Special Prosecution Unit State Bar Card No 18403630 P 0 Box 1744 Amarillo, Texas 79105 Phone 806 367 9407 .Fax 806 ·367 9407 cc: Gilbert Damian CAUSE NO. 6430-A EXP.AR'fE IN THE 278rn JliDhCIAL § DISTRICT COURT OF GILBERT DAMIAN § WALKER COUNTY, TEXAS STATE'S REQUEST TO DESIGNATE ISSUES TO THE HONORABLE ..ruDGE OF SAID COURT: CO:M:ES NOW, the State of Texas, by and through Melinda Fletcher, post- conviction attorney for the Special Prosecution Unit, and moves this Court to enter an order designating issues of controverted, previously unresolved fact to be resolved. On July 23, 2009, Gilbert Damian filed an application for writ of habeas corpus pursuant to TEX. CODE CPJM. PROC. art. 11.07, seeking to challenge his final felony conviction :tor aggravated assault _t>..n application filed under a..rt.icle 11.07 provides for a prompt review by the trial court to determine whether the application alleges any facts, which if true, couid entitle the applicant to relief. See art. 11.07, § 3 (c). lf the court deterrr.J.ines that controverted facts do exist, is shall enter an order designating the issues of fact to be resolved. A..rL 11.07, § 3 (d); see lvlartin v. Hamlin, 25 S.W.3d 718, (Tex. Crim. App. 2000) (holding · the trial court has a duty to designate issues if it determines a habeas application contains controverted issues.). Upon entry of an order designating issues, the clerk does not have a duty to forward the application to the Court of Criminal Appeals, until the trial court has resolved those issues and entered its fmdings. See art. 11.07, § 3 (d). The State believes that the information from appellant's trial attorney will assist the Court in detennining whether facts exist material to the legality of ApplicCIJufs confinement before his application is forwarded to the Court of Criminal Appeals. Consequently, the State requests the Court enter an order designating 1ssues ordering applicants trial attorney, Elizabeth Derieux, to file an affidavit within thirty (30) days of the signing of this order, addressing applicant's claim of ineffective assistance of counsel. Further, the State requests both parties be allowed an additional thirty (30) days, after the receipt of the affidavit(s) to prepare their responses to applicant's claims. WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, the State prays that this Court enter the State's Proposed Order Designating issues. RespectfuHy submitted, Melinda Fletcher Post-Conviction Attorney Special Prosecution Unit P U Box 1744 _A..rnari..llo, Texas 791 OS Phone & Fax 806.367.9407 Texas Bar Card No. 1 8403630 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on the 19m day of August, 2009, a true and correct copy of the State's Request to Designate Issues and Order were mailed postage prepaid to pro se applicant, Gilbert Damian, TDC # 382329, % TDCJ Wynne Unit, Huntsville, Texas 77349. Melinda Fletcher CAUSE NO. 6430-A § IN T.lti'!:E 278TH JUDICIAL § DISTRICT CO-URT OF GILBERT DAMIAN § WALI
Damian, Gilbert Santos
Combined Opinion