Michael Bohannan #1841746
9601 Spur 591
Amarillo, Texas 79107-9606
January 23, 2015
Clerk of the Court
Texas Court of Criminal Appeals JAN 26 2015
P.O. Box 12308, Capitol Station
Austin, Texas 78711-2308
Abel Acosta, CteirH
Re: Filing Questions
Dear Clerk:
Back in November 25, 2014, I sent you correspondence seeking
the Court's (or your's) instruction as to how I should comply
with the Court's rules. I am enclosing another copy of that
correspondence. I have not heard anything back from you or the
Court as to it..
I am enclosing an additional copy of this letter for file
stamping to verify receipt. Please return it to me in the
postpaid envelope provided.
Thank you for your time and help.
Michael W. Bohannan
cc: file
Michael Bohannan #1841746
9601 Spur 591
Amarilio, Texas 79107-9606
January 23, 2015
Clerk of the Court
Texas Court of Criminal Appeals
Michael Bohannan #1841746
9601 Spur 591
Amarilio, Texas 79107-9606
November 25, 2014
Clerk of the Court
Texas Court of Criminal Appeals
P.O. Box 12308, Capitol Station
Austin, Texas 78711-2308
Re: Filing Questions
Dear Clerk:
Please find this letter seeking the Court's (or your)
instruction as to how I should comply with the Court's Rules when
that time comes. I am currently preparing a rehearing motion in
a criminal appeal. Odds are pretty great I will be presenting
a PDR soon.
I understand TRAP 68.11 to say that I must provide the Court,
the person who represented the State in the appellate court, and
the state's prosecutor (I am guessing that is the Attorney General)
a copy of the PDR with the appellate court's opinion(s).
My second.area of confusion is I am imprisoned in the TDCJ.
and they will not make copies of legal papers available (free or
paid). They tell us we can contact the State Law Library in ••--—---_
Austin, but they only have the records for the 2nd Dist. Court of
Appeals, not the one I am in. If I can find someone to make
copies for me, I have to mail my only copy of the opinions
(hoping they do not get lost), wait for them to copy and return
them (hoping they do not get lost), and then wart for. the prison
officials to deliver them to me (hoping they do not get "lost").
And all this time- i"~do not have the documents to use in preparing
nr-y pd.r .. x am"sure you get many many-PDR's from TDCJ- prisoners
who are filing pro se. How are they complying with TRAP 68.4(i)?
My third problem is that oral arguments were held in the
appellate court. How does one go about obtaining a transcript
of those oral arguments to use in the preparation of my PDR?
How will my indigence affect this?
Thank you for providing me any help with my concerns about
the copies of the appellate opinion(s), about who, specifically,
service is to be made upon, and the oral argument transcript.
Sorry to be such a bother.
• Respectfully,
Michael W. Bohannan #1841746
cc: file
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