1 - \3)§3 5» 001/40 * Mr. Maurice Mitchell,Pro-se * Specialize Legal technician[SLT] SOUTHERN CAREER INSTITUTE Paralegal School-of 'Arts' & ‘Sciences‘ [P]araleqal No%f[P1-7g-9169#Z William J. Estelle Unit TDCJ, I-D NO# 648121 264 F.,M..»3478 . .. Huntsville, Texas 77320_ 2014 MEHBER 4 Prisn Just:ice league MARCH ].6, 2015 Hon; Ahel acosta,clerk Texas Court cf Crimlnal appeals P. O. Box 12308, Capital Station RF~: MAURICE'MITCHELT '.V'.'STATE'.OF’TEXAS”_~§-" '. '_ '.".’." ' "'_ f ". ' '. ' ' '. '\’_'-` '. "_ Zi'_' ON APPTICATION EOR WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS ' WRIT NO% GR-l3, 573- 09 Trial court Cause No% 98-F-0331- 202 Dear Mr. Acosta, t pray this4 letter has found you and your immediate family members to- be well, in the best_of God‘s healthh_care and spirit. v Enclosed please find ny brief pleading to be placed before the court for consideration. ' The Bowie County officials have apparently respond to the court' s ORDER, and 1 have no idea what documents were forwalded to the court, or whether .'P_‘?~ or not I should respond. Please place the enclosure before the court at your earliest conven1ences. Thank1nq you in.advance, I remain; f Respectfully;' adm ., ._ _ ,. 1 es RECE\\/ED 1N ‘ COURT- OF CR\M\NAL APPEALS . 141\R 1°21111 Abe\ Acosta, G\e“‘ `* -’ lnzrnEfcouRT op cRIMINALeAPPEALS. * ' 01 'rExg\_S\ No.- wR-13,'573-09» Exparte; MAURICE MITCHELL 1 0N APPLICAHGN FOR ward oF HA‘BEAS ooRPus, 'IHE wccEPrloN vERNom§ ANNOIAIED coDE or cR1M1NAL PRQCEDURES 11. 07 4(a)(ii) The records .Show that .on UCIUBER 20 2014 The Applicant serve d 202n‘ Criminaleristrict. Court`ofiBowie;County;.Iexarkana, Texas an Appli- cation for Habeas@€orpus~Relief..Because»:the ;District l.,(-]ourt failed to re- Spond in accordance; with hthe;:statue,§applicant;Eiiedfthe,application.in this court1seeking1KOriginaildurisdiction'@,1 ' _ This fC]ourt wconstrued`dapplicantfs;'applicationi ashe PEIITION FOR l q WR[T ®F MANDAMUS; and on EEBRUARY.OQ; 2015\:}ORDER/.issued“'upon the. 202nd Criminal` Distric§“dourt to [Submit'the‘reeords'ontsuch~habeas corpus appli- l cation\ i;e; a timely filed order Which desig mates i:ssues to be investiga-' ted(s se MCCREE. v .¢~HAMPTON 824.»S,W.2d 578, 579 (Texw.Crim. App 1992), or corpus in Bowie,€ounty'..]_ , NUT[CE: §mOn `MARCH. 09,~2015~ [A]pplicant was in receipt of a white Post Card from ;the ’cLerk§S;ofEice'of'.=`PRAY," .this:":Horlorable Court " * of Criminal appeals 5wi11 make a determination as to whether or not appli~ cant needs to":,z €z."make‘ n \__Q__:_reply, as to any adverse contentions placed before this court by the~:state. Applicant places: his"'trust' i.z the ‘jurisprudence'oi" these 'Key.'.;. . . Makers' to maka. ;;a_'_ just- decision and to grant applicant any;; and all reiief::':" ' that [He] is _:so _]ustly.;h»ue according :t':io clearlyLestablished E'ederail ~:‘.Law as determined by the Supreme Court of the _-.:United States 1 k CERTIFICATEfOF;SERV[CE * ertuy that 'a~'true ;and correct ' copy of . __ NO'I`LCE TO HI£S bOURl` 'h`as:'. been served upon the clerk Of `thexiTEXAS CUURT @F LRIMLNAL APP“*“ .States mail; postage*vpreepaid#§on this 16th¢day 0£:MARGH.2015 addressed as follows; ~ Hon; Abel Aco>ta,£ierk Texas Court of Cr1m1r1a1' appeals P. O. Box 12308 Capita1 Station Austin, Texas /§711 '1.¢1___4/1”//'” . Mau leo “ytchell Pro-be ;Tc4 ` ' Your,§Ndvlce* v{Sp'ecialize Legal` Techn1c1anLoLfJ SOUTHERN CAREER [hoTITUTL ‘ LPjerq1eoa1 No# LPJ-76~9169- V11113m J. n-.¢111 dma.- william`;). Este1 le Unit, TDCJ, I-D 264 E`. M. 3478 Huntsville, Texas 77320 .u@§§yee§e£x¢' cc/files Skf. . ~'S.-,:.z.byzdeposiztzing:.samef:1=n' ,|:he<“:Uni:tse\-;i ;' .. ,. ..
Mitchell, Maurice
Combined Opinion