~:' • .Iu ~t. Loud J Lc:M~~o.\ ot Affeo.\~ of .Te.x:u-:. • f.o. ~c.1- lZ.~o~ Co.~~\~\ '"'Yht\\(.,t-\ o f\u~t·.r..\, Tel(~S l~ll\ No±;< e. MJ.d Se.c.u:u_ J AH\~c.a.f:.li~ fc. -\:: tc.u This document contains some Ft>r \A.h a A~ MaN An Mll ~ pages ~hat are of poor qualitlf at the t1me of imaging. ""t, The.. l-\c~ofa.\,le.. .JuJ. ~e_(")) o-\- fut.. o.bo\lf. ~a;c! Lotilt: t-.....\oi:~Li. ON.(\ ~~\"~ce.. ('.) hdt.~'l ~~\lt.u aucl. MaAL- -\-~c.Lt -t\tu__ o.-t-\:o.t.hl.d ~\,a c\ N\.o.t>idoo.mus tlr-ld (\J\o+~o~ Fo, Lc.a.~t. ·\-o E \.t.. hos be..~i\1. .\-;\t.A ~u tht.. Ccu,{ o~ L\~\~lt.i.~\ A. ff~.a.\<:. 0. ~ 0.~1\.\."l-t 'Stl~d' Au.-thor~ti tcH -C-14\~N- ~ -\:o f~, ~c< M M•~:~-t<..t ~c..\ Du.t:<.s uud.( c 1\..(=\: ._\(.__ \\ .() 1 . ~CL. ~ t.t-~·e}\ .. f-..u\c 2ol U.').c'\.wt 1tx.. ~->Jf E.y:ckw.<.!. nut\ ( odt..ot 'Jud~L~a.\ Lo~ciu£..-t LO.N.o~ ~-CJ· (8) o.\uu\. w>t~--. . '\tc (\.u.\.<..''~ et Lo~ut'"::. \loL _\_. ~ ~\-n-\-e.. ~ .. . R.u.\~-::. e>\ A.\f<:..llo.te.. f{cc..eJur<. /RECE~\/f[)JWJ .f\.u:\:~ol>.i. A-Mi. Mot~ol\1 tee t.'Lte.\-\~ic.~ c~ +~ML Mu<:.t ~e_ -f~lt.ci ~M tht. Lc~.Ht u\. Lt~N\it..~.o.\ 1\ffc.ab ~<..~o((_ +~L <.i.~~\0.-\:~oN cf fuL. l~O An.i eu~ed. 0 M.a:l td ou 0 / I ·i. •· .. 'i ' I~ l"C Leur+ of Lc:m:~ .. \ ~~fco.h ~+- \c..x.o.~ We~* ....\o. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..;... MIL h<\.t. \ \.Jho.lc..Y "* bt\~~~ ~ ~L\o:\:o( o 1\t'f\~L.tu.L-\:- \1. Jua'\~. ~.D.f:Jo~ \2.00~ La.e~t-cl ~to.t~c\.1, {\...u~~:t-i.k~u~ lt)7l\ Luul-\- ot L\~MI.N.o.\ ot 1\.U.:.o..\s of- \e..ti.S ~L~t.rl. 4:-:. Ce:.uct lr-\ a M.ct~cM tor Le.a.\k. to ElL Q /o.M De~ ':\IMC1l 1\ff'Lc..o.t~uJ .C.oc \k)t:t ct 1\l\llt-.lda.MU":. tn.M The.. Louvt c.\ Lc-.N\~t.ul\ c.+ 1\ffe. Lo.e~hl "S,-tc.l-\~ct-1, f\\l~t; ...L Te..to.-> 1~1l\ Wr~-t est \-\o.bu':i Lc.l Pu."l Lo.u.se. 1--\u..mbu : ·-r. Lt. 1--lo. Wct\-tt"~6tt\·~ (G). w(Z.-')t3~~,2~ Tt. Lt. ~o. W ~l.- 'jlo~\17 ·· s (_f). ~\ R..- '3l\. ~1\'S- 2.. '-1 ' ' Tr. Lt. ~o. W '\~- ul'l'b~·~ (_f). w~- -~'\. ::> P(cLt.<.di~-L'L K.u.\.e... 1.ol CD] K.<...\ll~Us o.. Lt>ur+ '1\tnll -\-a.k.L 'Jud~L~d.\ 1-.\ot\U. I~ rt.tu.tshci ~i o.. Ftl(t-( d.N..d ~uH\~td w\~ t\te_ 1-lU.:.t.'Y:.Cld 1&-L{C>\'N\a.+:llt!."Tn.~~ \~ 6.. M.n~Jutud c\u.ti ot fuL tou\t. lol (c..'] C.t-.Lt~-\\(.~ D.. VcK\:1 -'\::"' he htl.Lc-A uQeu -t~Me.l-1 H. 'tu fe o.""::CII-lCl~lt.. l~~fu.h_ w~~'-h l~ ~o.lHo.\\1 k~owu (\.\~-\h~b-1 ~t -1-di.,h,~o.\ iur~~ ~~L\-:~~ o~ 1-hf-. +r~nl L. (\urt wk~:.~ (}.({ Ln.fo. b\e "-\- ( tnAi o.~A 0.<-<.ur().t<-. dLte. fN\.I:~crt~~t-1 bi \t.'::lor+ h ~QLHle.') w\\o~t o..ccuco.c'l Cat-1 \.le.t bL ,\euS.Mlo.\o\.'1 'l.IJ.< ~\-~ eHILt.e..c\~M~ \ 0.'-ld Kt:.-:.eouc\.~t-\:-\ 1uc\.~t. \\Q~ ~(._tu:~{d. +(> e..cu:tuta.<.t-.1 ~ll-~d Md~o\..L rue \\le').(_ \(~~61-.\.'S.. 0..\\1\.C>~~-::.-t t~~'S.<- e:,-\-~~\'S> I 'M.t.t..\+~~t.!.tJ 1.~ -t\te £.i-\-·hu_hed Mo~do.M.u'S f<..-t-~-\-:6~. ( j_) Whe.~.~ 0M-e.. \ ~ hdA ~"" Lu~-\c.d '( Ut>lc\.t.r L~P\u~\.1-\- llt.l~ ~{_~l~ re.\e.c.~t_ \:d ha. \o-uts Leduc:.,~\- \.-:. \~ C.uM \-.>e.\1-\ d.fo\.1 -"'.t.. ""'l:.-\~-t<- -h. l.t.rt.;c AulL 0.. ~atu ~t ~~M. lie\ e._( Su{tL~t.~-\ e.\l~c\c.tC:l\ ~.w. U ?:,'to. ~'\1 (\n.Lt. ~H. l\~G~. fleaS<. su. ~tJ.dt.r 'J. ~\a-k. '1':J'D ~-W. 'l~ 'L 18. (T-u... L\. P..~t l\~~ ). fiLIISe 'Se.<. D.o.-.t~~ \1. ~\-~-\:<., 11~ ~-W.'Ld <\.o'-\.~Mo l\e'&..f\n.·~L.r-\:Wcct~ l~~'\.ec.i:. ~raM-hd) flttt'J{ sec El-.l~dl.~l\\~ \J.. ~tah."l~o~.w.U u3 (1-~:'l.Lt.l\n \'\b~) . \L\.) kc ~lAe.5 1\H. f1cc. ~u\es 'So (4): Bm~\<-w \~ t.N. o.te(_t\a.~-\ -\--o "S.tL -+~u+ ~u.-\.t~L~u1-\ ft.Cutd l">. er-t..~iJ.-\--td -\-u ~UuW -f.Hc.( (-e_ '\U~t~~~ (NH5G.\. Je~. hu\-e~ A.u. frK. t..u.\.e...:~ ~{) (J), e.-.)~ ll<-.):. t\(k\\o.~-\ \\11":> do.H *u ~\t.-t<.c\- (<.l<>rcl nt..tc\ br~N.~ ·1.-\- -\crwnn\ ~M ( ou.t\- .e\- i\ee{C-\.\-:. \e.\l~e.w. \/t.nle;~\ f\..t.l~.·\-e;... C.L.t Cld:-s.. jh.zz..,"J~.l'L §(o \Lull<>.;s.I\.N.t-..\.·-:ru.. C..et.l~:\-. 1\d·.\ § \o~ U.~.l:. 1\. l.c»~±. 1\rn-~:-N.d':::. . "2l. kd4: t\<--\:-t.UV\lN.o.t.:Q.\1 h-t \na.t.iuc\.~t. o~ \l<>\u~\a\~t-ltS~ cJ QLLU<:.e.c\.'s ( ()1\.ltc_'S~\()t-..\ ~t~l)( h ~\~ o.c\M~-:-":.~6~ \.~-\-1:> e'IL~de.~lt l":\ both lot-l-:::.-\::tut~o..W.\ nt-id. ~-hx\u:\:()Ci H..'\U.~~t:..Mud· O.M.d rf\u"'::t\ot..Mil.t-!~~e.~-\: 0~ (Ltof£L t"-t.. lt.\a:\o< N\b\.1.!':. .fu~~ t.Du~-\: ~(o..\-.1.\- ~~'S. ("(\<:iTtt.\U. ~c( .Ltn.\lt:.. +o ~~le. CalA ~~~ll(. (\ W(-~-\ cJ Mc.u..~do.MI.l~. \v.l~-t_((.t6rt. uPc~ C\.\.\ \'SSU.:tS r(t~e.-.1-\:-ed C.ou~l.c.\u~~ -\-\t(. t(.\o.tc{ (u).--1 ~oA Cb.ld t"-~-:- Lou~-\ ~{ ~+ --\\\~~ M.c-\~ ()~ O.t-ld. \.N.~ttud -\\t... L\ul. h c.\<~oL~t.t -tht. c ~~<- £1.-.!A cuhx ~(. ~~()\ld.u.L-\ h. t~ \.{.. f\ I A~ O.t..\. ~\IJU ·h) fuc.. w~~\ o\- 1\1\a.N.d..a.mu:. ~th-\:-~oU. "-fcu<<:. Re"'.f~ct+\l\l-t , AuwJid~ ~t. it re.ri\t.n'\bt..(el +ho..+ oll.l -\-he. bt.\cw j~\lc.~ d.n.tc +ht. t.do.h./., Mc-,-\-~L'>~ ~()( Lel.UR. +I> ElL 4.L a.tto.c..hul W\~\- c' Mo.-..l.d.ll.rou<.. wo.<::. bu>.ut<..!. T\\L dc.:dk ct ..fu:s U..ur-\- ~ouctt.t.l.+ ()\>1. 1\tL Iu-::.·hULti.u.'\ 'rt~nl /~o' ·h, ~-.l<- {\ /Ai.i o.N.~WC..v w~th~~ 'LG \o\1~~1..\.tS<:, da.'l-:,. ~ft~l'\'\ ..fut £ktL c~ -fu~":) L6Utt\ c;;.{c\.c..{. DatL! · - - - - - - - - - - - - ----· .ll\l l\\e_ Cell{+ ct (_c~M~t\.\ut AHe._a\"J c.t ~$..(). s V.-h~t "-\ (). - - - - - - - - - - f\A~~_~a.~l!A.\ha.lcf ~ (o~~ ~ '3 3 klo.-tc.c v. ~Ltt.tt.. +h•s L()Q{t llo.l {\ w{~-\: (>t 1\J\.o.uJ.o.mQ-:, ttc..\\1\. +~e.. Lc.utt cJ Lt~m~..t1H. W{;tc~ l-\r.tbtlL!> Lc<~Ll~ fcoLt.e..d.~t-~.'\ Lllu.s~ \\lo.Tc.c"\. &J~'I.l--2A. t-.\o.\t.l-\..M.o.'\:S-Oll\.UC-~ (f), w(l- -~'\ .lct~- z.s . far-\-~t.':> +o -th~<:. ftv cu.d~u. ~ cu-ld Jf•c:..~c;.~ L_/t{.'}t.N,iA-\'~pr.l ( t.) le..lator ! M ~'- ha.d Who.ld -'" bl\~ ~ ~ ~ 3Sll.1 '.::!·L Hw'l ~ tb t-.hw ~u")tt:.~-i..l~ lJJ1b ~-1.u. (I.) ~g~foud.t.t.d JLlci.5<..: l-\.ouofu~lt.. 'TuJ.'!t.(-;,) of Cuud o~ Lt~N\.~IIlo.\ o~ 1\(Pc.o.h c\ l·nt.l:S f.o.6o'i.l'L.j(.)~ Lo.fihl ~tel'"\-~~~~ 1\~t~~. lu.u.-:. L 'blll M ~ u-\ ( ~i. ...,..__....5""---- ( ~-) ~toh.Mt....\+ o·\ Ju\~~A~'--\:~c~ ". Clt (~. (o (toJ -~ta·h:.me. . .\+ c\- Ca.":~<.·., u-t f~. {o (1J I ~~u.~ c;, ~r c~u\t-t.d : u.-t f ~. (o (B.) ~to.h.Me..M+ o\. t="a.c.:h ktof fof~te.c\ w~-\-h J\( ~U.W\tMf- ClMJ ]-q_ e\.Ll+hc.\>\-~e.S :at~~---'----~ (t) fred c..( tQ( MauAa.l\'\u~ ~e.\~S: o.+ f~. _q..l--_ ( \().) \/e..ci~~Lc..-\-:c"l<:.: '1.\t (~. \ () ( \1.} Le d-1~~ t Ci\t<.. o~ ~e.~ \1 *'<-<- •• u-\ ~~ . to J[. ---LJ.u ot A.utb<:>(~±;t.~ ( \,J ~e.Udt{ \J. ~hc\:t., 1:;~ ~-W-1...d 2.78 (f..) DbWJ.cl~ \1. ~mah. ctI ~-Lt. (\(_ \\ at ll\. 'l~ ('3.) Lcdt.. ot- Jud:c:...1.o.l Co~-.~ dud C.ut.le:.t-1 ~- 6-l~) ( '\..) Da.\1~<;. \l. ~-tu.-t-L.. ll-~ ~-W. LJ ll(A, t{o (G. ('S.)[j,l~(._lL""-~ \l. ~to.-tf-, '1~0 ~-W.td tl~ (£D.) [ 1-. ~e~.t-\:~ W~l\la.M":>, £:.::,.'-\..01! o.N Lc.~J.\l:L-tetl ..Lt-1 Di:-:.h~d Lcud- Dol..\.a..-:. LuuM.\i; Tcxa":l Z..Bl.Md. lkc._ ·ju.J.~uo.\ ~:~~c~L-t, fc.r Ln.u.<:.e.. t-lo. \l-ll":J<>Ll\, 6...\o. '\.1_- ~lol\.1'7. t-l.,L '\.2..-~lo'\.~l, ~().'\~-CJt't~,~- ~e..~+ f<.ffi.<.M\:H.\ed .tho:\: ot-1 ~L <\:t\-t. c.\- 1ul\l.<.., i\.O.l\~~ -the.. CJ.\o~\l.e. e...t-.t:t~tld cu..ul UUMbHt'cl Lru.l...)L Co.M<.. c~ tO( ~Ul{~\-l ~ \o~-CofL -t~L \-\.~;~'fo.blt. kM Pr~LC_, Juc}.~e_ o~ -t\H. 1..~LMIL Juc!:L~a\ U~-:>-t~Lt..-\- Lour+ ot Gnlli'A":> Cc.ul\1-\:i,\-tus \J.j~-t\\.~.~u.-t tA ~Q('(. lHJ.d e\oU. td~u~'\ WC..\(. 't\e..\cla.~ ~()l\ow'c: br'>± L-su.<. P('<.~e.l-o.\.hd: ·r\\at ~-dator ~~l-ee\. o. 'f\A()t~o~ to( Tuc\~(..~o.\ N.~\:~Le. o~ L\tl~ucl:ul--\::~\1<... Fdt.b atuc\. befot"-\-u.~~\:i -1-u be.. \u.a:rd w~-\h. ~L c..lo..~M et' "!-...\~> E\l~d.t.t-lLt ·~ o.r \ul~J. ~ \l~o\.o:-\:~u~ c~ \lt.o..\bhl."\ 1\~~.\tc (..(.f. 0.~-\. l.lj. :)t.Lo!J.d I ":-;SU.t. L'!.) ect.";)t..~ted ~ 'T \.i t..tte.<..t~\le. f\~~~-::..-\a.~LC. 0~ Lt>Ut..~~d \c>'i wo.--l <)~ ' ~rt..~U.d\c..<. w~\L\t l~ c.. \l~o~-t~c\..1 o~ ~<.. lo~. L"';)~l--t~J A.\'\J\t.t-LClMel.lt e\- ~L LoM st: tu.-t~()l.l c+ 4.L UJU.~ h~d. ~\~-t-t-:. o\- C\N\u ~<..a. • \() \o~~l-1 ~ .\-Clu.\-\:\t -t~c... tu.e..~t~ol\11\lGI..~ff- wh-t +l"LL lLlo...-\:cr Lcul\l~t..\o( 1'-lt..\1.-t( d~c\ <1\ ~~e. To ~(t..~f..l\\.t -th:~ ,, W..o E\J~dH1C.t." c....\a~I\A du\LIU. ~ *"L tc~a.\ r,Dr +\-uuu1n -t-\tt. 1\.H~a.\ e(cU.'S~ 1 .... -~. ~±n---\~e_t.\..-!C:. c\- ta.ct-:. lw.Lot ~cfa-\:e.d w'i.th f\{~umu.1t\. o~d t\u.+hcr~t~c') fro~~ fi,'-'+ al-l& ~aoi\Lci I"!l~ut.s €H-::.'-t..\td : 1h'- kla+o<"' .tiled CA. Mc>tt..tJ to( ""Ju&~t.~o.\ ~~\:~u. e\ l\a.1ud.~<-ct\.~\.\t. to.c\-'5 llUJ. offot-\:ut-.(,1:-/ ·to ~e,. \\e.O..t'd ~U.(~Llo.u4- h lu\.c. 'til\ Rt fue.. \u. !l.'> (u\(_";, o± E\l~d.<..~lt.. -tht... le.lo.·h~' Cotl-.l-\S h fuc.. ~\:o.-\:c..mt.N.·h ot ~~<...1:-s ~c\ ·Tr~o.\ +fo.~c:.u~qt-:,. 1 of LCill':lc.. ~uM.~t..(~ wh~o:..h VlL wo.~ (otJ-\l~dt:d. c__\.t.a.rli t_~f\a~u~: 1 . _,.- . ~f.. Le.cL\: c..a.te.. ot tl.~c(\:-t_( I \rJ(>.·( tJ~ \-\.. D\M-:.-td. (_(_ t I 1. ~ LucL l~ u,t(_~£1.\ "b\~\-t~'"t Couc-l- / tr<1~\.. 'c_\uw\t.-1 Lc:.uth llu~\J~t.~. '\ i D u.\.lo.c:., Tt..~Cl. s /T<.\d 'tta..t_<. ~ l.lll {in~~-'S~'S) / Lu\-·.tc:e~.\:c. ~c.. i.'l31D J £~\li(~-\':uu Otlh.: i2. /)l Itt~ e~.~~ t:Qv~ *H.~l'L.{\:l'?l ~a.-~~. '':I. t.LC-t\tt.c --\-k* ~~"!~ -ha.u":.U~fh't.u o~ ~c... ~tot.H.J.~I-l~S -\-,u.l-1 0.."-lcl Ctd::.\i LoHt.t.-t\.1 re..~\u.-\:~ ~<. tlC.\\~~~\-:5, ;~Au'"/, ~At.ut:-kd. tt~d lo.r adM~**"ed ~-1 ~ e. ~~~:·he s ." ~L\a:\:o< Mc.-J.ed to( ~c.. lZ.t~l~:>\1..1. c\t\.l-\ ,\u.J.k -\-.., ta.~t. ~u.c\.~~~c:\.\ ~ 6-h: t.-e.. "Kt... ~a-t 1:-\\.L "S.h1~L'\\\t~t o\ t~l'h l1t-~-c\. h~o.\. ·hc:u.i<:.U~C'·h n..tL 1-l~t ~u.~~t.d -t"c H_Q)e.IJ.o.~le. d~~~u~L O.t-l.A \.":. C..~fo.\J~L \-o C\.t.l.u.(c."tt_ B.t-.td \fdd'i de-\:eiM~...Iut~c.ll..l a.l\icl ·~ ·h:d.\ -\tc:nJ.":L\~I2b o.t-.ld ~\u:\:tMta-.L.-t e~ ~o.ct"S. · o. ')uu.ccc.. w~t.'l<- u.tC:ur o.L i ( autJ.d tta.sc.uo.~~-"1 b{.. C\U e'Shc:,l\.\fd .. lhe.. tt~ft.l..t clt.u.-\ T"'-J..~L H. \u. 'i(."" ku t'a. "-.t. J....d~u'o..\ 1'\1~">-\-:u~. bLLa.u"'l.t.. ~~ ~t":>CM.i.t~Le. that ~\e... Teta'> Cod( C_c\iv\. ~{CL.lll-k. 'L6.lct, Z.O.t.o. tu.to.tL a.ud to . .z.:l._Ltecrtcs ~{~-t~:.ch! \1k\\d ll-.l.telt.'.:>h i--o ~n.~L ~llll(~ ().1a.~t.l\:\- f.l"\t\ltJ. \tt~~£>\l.At.\1.1.-\- JU£\~(. -\-e~ to..\.t. J\Ul~c~ul Ulit~t.t. o~ .fut. .\-c.\lc.w\1-1 \ ( ::) : ( \J \\tul.:\: l_0.l3. ot +hL Ttt. ( c.Ac Ct:oo. rf{)L. frc.\l~dO -fuc.d: ,, A+tu al\ -'ciAt. -te -::,-t~~'\OIJ.i w~\L~ \"' t.H.LtS'S,~Ic\.L t .. *'"L Gftlt..~.d JLltL ~\\11~\ ~t.. to.lt..t o.~ h ~L P1e ~Ku\:1\\etJ.-t cuJ. c.t \t-ic\.~L-\ 'i\\t.ioi..-\. C\.t-J.d I.~ U~l'\lc... Mt.M 'ot.r~ Lcll\.\lUr ~u .\-i.Nd~N. ~ -\\tc LJ ~ \\, +~t. FMt.ffillM ":::.~o.l\ 1\'\a.~e. C\. MUII\O(O.tJ.ALln\ ot -\-~c... ~O.ffiL wah ~u~:..'-". duta. 0.~ wH\ 11 t.Ua ~lt -\~e. a:\:\oo.l.d whc {dH. \t.u-\ ':. +'ne.. ~ro.·h +b \1.:)\~·h. ~t.. tt-1c:\:Lt ffi.u.l*, h ''1\lu b.Hd<.•-HL vJO..) frt"::luJ..ttA~ -\-hu-\ wo.~ a.<..(C..J:)~~A<.. +u ~e. ~n:uuci ""fur-<. l.M -\\t~') LCi":lL ~~ lt.c..crA ~'ttc.w 4-\-.o.-t u:~..~.e.. 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(fadi +() bt. frt~tu+-eA, ~L GratJrl Jur-I ~~aH +\uou~l.t +\tte..;l'" f"(LN\.a.t..~., D<-\~\lt.r fuL lt..~.A~LtMui.{ to fit. Tud.'l.t c_\uk e~ -lliL C.ou.r-\. cr (\-\- le.A~t ~:o.lc Grc.11.\.~ Ju.\'l ffie.l\'\btJ<;. Mu~t be. Pe-t ~e.N..t ol\\ ~u<:.h . "- 1tiat ;t-~ -this L.o.H. (~) -4-hL \\.u.o(d ~hew -\h(.. Gra.ll..lJ Ju1'< M!M~as IA.Hl.':> fa~u.o.d(.. \o-1 fH. . .il.:ld.~c.e. -h, Cle.L.t.ft -\\t~!> ''Uofv'.Ac..Ul.t....'' ~uc.\"-.t411\o.l.:b,M +\to:t \~c tDI(..M.O.o..i ai-le\. ..t~l\lt_ Mt..M\,u~ c\..c...\:c..\J.ttcd 4L l.~d.~ctV'<\u..l.f +o .fuc.. 7\uc:\..~<. o-r dul ot +~L <..ou.r+ . .' (':{ . ) ·~u.+ ?. O.'Ll. ffo\I.~Je.) ! ·I~ fHt:t..\MOJ.-t fCLc+ . . lliL FuL+ of Col fft ~e.~h\ile.lll+ ot a~ l~ll~d:M.ru--t ~-1 o. Gul.l\id Jud ~\txull \oe.. C...t-.~.h.reJ u.(c,~ 4-ht. ;'V\.11\lu:h. -:. of th(_ Lcur-t :\~u.-\: -the1.t tl>.l. ~~-:. c. oSL A. IP...tJ. ~ tl-£.. ~ct.l , l<.'\14.\ froL-edu.tt wu. ~ (c~ Auc...tt..d ·\.\ti.... ~Hod ~cue:.+ ~ ~uw -\hu-\ d Gro..tJ.d J'ud th.H~U. 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Lc.uc-\ c.-t +ht. llu~{fd -:.\tn.h"i hdd fuo.t A. I AoJ ef~~61-\.H hl1<.:. £1\cl;;lc-ll..ltf... f;, ,,\.f tc ''tU.t..\Ut~.i::C (t.-\-u.:\~\le... o.ucl Mco.vJ.~M~~u\ D.CU~j ko t'ac.. Lou.\'\") -\-., Lino..l\e~-t~c.. 1\(...:c L.bu\l.'ct~o!J.":." 'luct~i-l ~. f)outJ.ci~ \L. S>roLf\tt, <(,] "d.c:.t. liH dl liD o.t.J.ci -t~o.t i't..~'-sta.oo\:t. ( Cll\uJ c-\: \'d:aL Cl:\'L a'~u~ i\.1 ~+ ~ \~ ~c\...lt\S \.M H:t..~ C...~'::.~N.. ':1 -\:'n L C.. cU.~-\:~ \-u.t ~ (ltJ..O.. \ ~~~h-\- tCl Q.(.(..t_~j -\--., -t\H. Loo\-\') ,, '\.U.~>{i.IU"l •. ~Cl\-\-\x. 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T\\o.-\- 1\ -t\1.~_ t(."':,~()t.l,<.\{.t.~.--\ ~iA;.l to:. ( c.mel'{ oJ\t\ ~~":>llO.t..I.L<. ct (l Wt;-\- o-\---1\llo.ud.aMU "::1 lo-1 -fu~s c-.u(--\; -~o.---\: ~'\~"'> Luud- h~u--t.. Ck Wt\~ ct t\.G.~t.~t-S l.11\ ~u.S +u --\-~e.. 0~\ e.t.\1)\ ot l . \) _ (_."J.--ltl ~d ---fuL&oo.\dct ~Md~l-l':. dl\ld~O..\c,\t__ ~u-:.-hu.L--\-~1-1"' ~Uo\ to 'tmme.A C...uur--\: Gte1.1\l-\- -\--\\.L lL\o.--tl':lr / f\~~\~t..o.\.l--\ o.\.\ ct\\H le_\~e~-:. .fuo.-t \\e.'-::. .Lo.w\lll\.-1 <:..i-.l"\~iec\. to . f~. q 0~-- . .:.. ' >· Re;)fu.-t\ull-1 ~u~N\I·He.d, ~~"df'47-'dfj" M~c.:_hcu.l ~ (D't')~;,;j Who.ld - - - :~t~ '\ ~-t. ~wi -:\tq_~ U-tw ~o~h~.l'k "1'S"')1c b.l.U. lh;-:. (.,to \lui~i -t\-uli l\..,\u.-tor /A.erl~u.~~-t S.w!O.f ~'/ f(l\lCl\-\-~ts ~(\( Pt.fjuo'· -fue14 -t\H.. lc ..li:(..ut-:. te-l +~~~ Ma~-.~do.mu.') ~t...·h·-\~c,~ l ~ +n.\.(._ CAtJ.d LO(H_d·. 3 /( D /~o;s I / M~.:..l-lo.d. W~kt ~ lo'-l.":) ~~ 3 j B\ f\Ut C.di c.\ -t~L 1\l\.~->-\-~ot.l ~c.t .ltu.\le.. ft.~ tl.lL thL Mo.tJ.6.a.mu<:. ~t:\:~1:-o\..\ Ull.).d -~t. rf\a.l.ldo.CI'11l~ ee..-t~'\'~o~ -\-~o ofut. ~(."':.e~.:>1~de.1o1.t ~i P~a.<.~u.'1 ·fut.. ~o.rot.. l.t-.~. fu<... ll.S. ffi.o.~~~c.'( h-tH. . i.IJ. ~(~O:.eiJ. ~l\-~ eo~-\:o.':lt.. fo.•c\ Mo.~l-t.c.\ ou ticth.d. : _ 3 I I o I 1...vt5 r 1 f~. lO cL___ I I 3 a tr~t ao