Mr. SAM MARLON ALVAREZ, #29147-280 F.P.C., Tilden Unit P.O. Box 4200 Three Rivers, Tex^|^g^26 AH I!: 20 21 May, 2015 Fourth Court of Appeals District , Attn: Deputy Clerk, Ks. Estrada 300 Dolorosa, Suite 3200 San Antonio, Texas 78205-3037 RE: Status Of Appealed Case No.: 04-14-00397-CV Dear Ms. Estrada: 1 wish to thank you for your superior assistance in my Appeals Case. Without your assistance I would have been saddled with charges that would have haunted me the rest of my life, and would have greatly degraded my already challenging return to society as it is. So "Thank You" for making sure that all my filings and brief's were directed correctly to the correct judges in this matter. If possible, could you please send me a copy of the final outcome of my Appeals Hearing, and what the Honorable Justices determined in my case. 1 really would appreciate to have a copy of the final verdict in this matter just in case anything is said against me concerning the false accusations levied against me in the district court, I'll have proof that all those fabricated statements were over turned at the Appellate lever. Once again, I really appreciate all that you've done for me and my Children, and may the Lord richly bless you and yours for the good that you're doing for us out here, there in your court. Appreciatively, Sam M. Alvarez, Petitioner, Pro se Cc: File Copy - Alvarez, #29147-280 SAN ANTONIO TX 7S) f.i prison Cr.r«p, Tilden unit RIO GRANDE DISTRICT 'i,or. 4200 22 MAY 2O15 PM1L 'Rivers, T£::es 78071 Texas Court Of Appeals •4th Court of Appeals - Cadena Reeves Justice Center 300 Dolorosa Suite 3200 SAN Antonio, TX 78205 United States 7S2G53G3799