~ 'RU\.:e \plo. DTsc.RtTZONAR~ REVI6\rl I~ GBl')E R'B'l. U>l J 111£5'--0SJCi.P/071(8 RECEIVED IN COURT OF. ~RIMINAL APPEALS MAR 16 2015 / ...... •.··.. . '-J4t',t /I RuLe (o';J, Wz7H 01<. WzrHauT Pe:7:zlzo;u TJ1e. C~t~tlf''t --.of CrtM;h&l 19pJt~CtfJJS m~y review ~- Cav\N-=t. ?.(!; CV''I~~~s» , ec.u'sio·;·, irr. ~~ crt"r-Yll~·nal c~~-e on lt~rr t:~~J r"l P~'-vo'·t~(:, tn~ q,.,£¥Rtrler l(w/e ~~7 f:J/¥ e;h t;h;.(t..,. petl\;ia n o·.P C\ ~rey tp~ ~(,~~rft~r"" Ri~l te /b&: Ru.\...e b~;), No7 ~~- /VJ~iJ . r7"1J~~ oF R:zc;ti'T · fJiS.C:Y e.tf OY\.o..r't"y. r-evie/vJ J,y ff'Ae.. Cou~t of! C"'c~tnc~§ »ppGQ.Js rs n.otrGl m~~;t:·her of rqf1h··~;in.4,'ti 0~ ~ Cou-~·tl~ dt~V'eoct/o'i-l..- f.~ldp ered . by f::jl.e co.~~rt 0~1 dectd,~h~ w\u.t'~-r h.o f!Y'Ot·n:t at.s- c,."r"e·ti0\'1 CA"r·y re.vr e w: (a) ~hee·he,- a court of appeet.ll "lec~·rttJh ~'n-P~Ircts Wlth ?\\~'t'h.e... court. of a.,~eGI.lS olec,Siovt o~ ~he. ~me1 tSSwe~ (b) wJ".et1ter a e»u. r--i uf ~~~..l.r hqs deceei~d. 0.111 e~lPl?lp<'rt~ Cn.n b ca. \A es tn' 0 "' (J f ..r&·et 'tle (;IY' k~~elf,'QI// I et w 'Is J, et. b' h.Ctt ri~b l:iee,-1~, h~t Sh~u,tJ he.J seb~\eJ by ~h:e CaLtr\s of C'l'\\~,\·f"\-~\ \~~p~~~,\r; . ~) w het\'~-1 la-w1 (n c:t wo.;;,c b'het~.~ c.ont~~'c..ts- W• ~'n ~"'<'.. G\~oph·c.~ble calecAsro'*"r o+-- l:rh.W'E..'\ d f SV.f"E-'rV\1 ~\'(1'(). Rule: (p ~l l.f. Poe U.VV\~tJ-rs 7a }CJ:z:c 1)g-~EZ pt:;l y re-not -~:;h.t ~ Haw1""3s \.o.. \:::\.e. Co "'-"'t ·\"' ore-leY b-o a\·cJ &t; i\8 ol.ecfol-•'hs w ~e)sh.o,v- :CO ~~a.-"'t.. ol,~sc..r-~tsiu~ ~r y re v,'ew.' ( ~) b:ke evrpell~G-e r--e.conJ j tl) a copy Cl~ t:h£ CJ?/h/Pn o~ ~/...e. court C?p appeo,ls;c.~'7 ($) a. Co fY e1/. ts'~e n-?Ot'10 hS //-Jed'), t'h-t. court. of ctp~ls; qh~ . (~) Cer c( f~~~ copteS 0 f O..'V-vy juct9me.~~ CJ'Y' av-ole,;v-. o.f t'n-e C:o\...v~t CJ +""rf ectl~' . Lb) Rebuv·n 6; 'Doc..uM-e..-""~'i~ Zf2 dJSC.}r-etda"r\~v_y rev,'e.w ,'s hob CJ'CC\.·'"'~eel)thL ~)erk of- -b"'~~u-vt of'CX,~fnev\ f-J-fpec:vls w,-J/ r~&u,-y, t::~ Ci-j9peJIOybe recovd b-4 ~~ L.our-b aP Q.rpea.-ls c )e..-k..
Houston, Reddie
Combined Opinion