Brown, Robert Ford III

Court: Court of Appeals of Texas
Date filed: 2015-04-01
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Combined Opinion
31,¢-!00 03





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NO 05-307-K277B -.;."'<>"-f`.: f MAR 1 5 2015

Ex PARTE § IN THE 277TH 1119
RoBERT FoRD BROWN 111 § § 'k» W""ams<>n Co-. Tx.
._ §


On this day, came to be considered the State’s Motion to Seal. Applicant,
Robert F. Brown III, seeks the post-conviction remedy of a writ of habeas corpus.
The State has filed an answer and proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law.
In support of` those proposed findings the state has filed, as exhibits, offense reports
from the Austin Police Department and the Williamson County Sheriff"s

Having considered these reports and the State’s Motion to Seal, the Court
finds that the reports do constitute Sensitive Data under T.R.A.P. 9.10.

l The State’s motion is hereby GRANTED.

The District Clerk is instructed that the police reports from the Austin Police
Department and the Williamson County Sheriff"s Of`fice attached as Exhibit B to
the State’s proposed Findings of` Fact and Conclusions of` Law are hereby deemed

to contain Sensitive Data pursuant to Texas Rule of Appellate Procedure 9.10.

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Pursuant to subsection (b) of said rule, the District Clerk shall NOT electronically
file these reports with the Court of Criminal Appeals. Instead, the District Clerk
shall place these reports in a manila envelope marked “sealed” with a general
description of these reports, their filing date, and the date they were sealed. If` these
sealed reports are sent to the Court of Criminal Appeals, it shall be transmitted
physically rather than electronically.

The Clerk shall send a copy of this Order to Applicant at TDCJ.

sIGNED …QA/UV\ l V ,2015.


Hon. Stacey Matthews, Presiding Judge
277th Judicial District Court



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