Schoor, David G

7^/^5S-o; COURT OF APPEALS OF TEXAS, AMARILLO. This document contains some pages that are of poor quality APPELLATE CAUSE NO. 0 2-08-0130-CR §t th© tlm© of imaging. DAVID G. SCHOOR An Appeal from the circuit A p pellant; court of LubbocH county Lower Cause No. 2007-415,205-A STATE OF TEl The Honorable Hon. BRADLEY Appellee UNDERWOOD. FEB 02 2015 judge MOTION DENIED 0*R COPY OF RECORD OF PROCEEDING Comes now DAVID G.. SCHOOR,PRO SE, to respectfully move "this court to issue an order commanding the Public Defender or one of his; duly authorized deputies to cause.a true, complete, and accurate copy of the Record filed in the above-en titled appeal to be delivered to appe llant, without cost and at theearliest possible date, so that' -appel 1-f ti ant can prepare a petition for post-coviction Relief £P-CR). In support of this motion, Appellant would show the court as follows: 1. That he is the Appellant in the above-captioned appeal. 2. That on the T9i*!dayT'6'f FFeb 2009 this court affirmed the judgment of the trial court. 3. That Appellant is .in the process of researching and preparing, a P-CR petition to challenge his conviction and sentence in the trial court . C.7Ur-. 4. In order for Appellant to prepare an adequate P-CR petiton he needs access to the record filed in this appeal. 5. That Appellant will be filing a pro se P-CR petition. (2) 6. The Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution establish that Appellant be provided access to the Record. 7. That Appellant is indigent and cannot pay the fees normally charged for photocopying the requested record (see Exhibit A, attached) WHEREFORE, Appellant prays this court to issue an order commanding the Public Defender, or one of his deputies to cause a true, complete and accurate copy of the record filed in this appeal to be withdrawn photocopied, and.delivered to the Appellant without cost, and at the earliest possible date, and for all other proper relief. Respectfully Submitted this Z2l da y of .. . IT'the undersigned affirm under penalties for perjury that the foregoing representstions are true to the best of my knowledge andbelief. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. Appellant- Defen (3) COURT OF APPEALS OF TEXAS, AMARILLO. APPELLATE CAUSE NO. 07-0B-0170-CR DAVID G. SCHOOR An Appeal from the circuit Appellant; court of Lubbock county Lower Cause No. 2007-41 5 , 205-A STATE OF- TEXAS Appellee; the Honorable Hon. Bradley Underwood, judge APPELLANT'S PRO SE ENTRY OF APPEARANCE Comes now Appellant, pro se, and in compliance with the rules of appellate procedure and files his appearnce form as follows: 1 . That a petition to obtain a copy of the record proceedings filed in the above-captioned appeal is' being submitted herewith by appellant, who resides at: Bill Clements Unit 9601 spur 591 Amarillo Tx. 79107. 2. Appellant does not have a telephone•number or E-mail. 3. That Appellant is unable to and cannot receive service of orders and opinions by Fax or anf other electronic means. k. That Appellant is preparing and filing a pro se petition for post-conviction relief in the trial court, as more fully appears in his motion for copy of record of proceedings. SLU Appellant-Defendant pro se (V) CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, the undersigned, hereby certify that on this ff Q dayof CTq )A I) Ql P\/, 20 73 I served I served aa true true and and correct correct copy of the foregoing: Mof,V„ ^r.^, rtl /?^rt KJ ftl Pr*ro.Ji»J ' . upon Clerk Lsihze.Pear^r) AJhoryi^.y Gam era/ CM)rtrfe,rlrr\irv\]f\ppwh £Q> Rto 1?.*>UXc*p\hl .«^> AnsKn.1*. 7&-7I/ __ by submitting same to a designated civilian employee of thi ie Department of criminal justice for prompt processing and mailing by authorized prison personnel within the facility mailroom, with sufficient first class postage affixed, and it shall be deemed filed as of the above date. Respectfully submitted sigi_ signature " u pro s e name printed D.OC or T.D.C.D. # 7509964/ Mailingaddress' AaiftWl/fl. Te.xoi.s 79107 frity stat# zip code (5) COURT OF APPEALS OF TEXAS, AMARItilJO. APPELLATE CAUSE MO. 07-08-0170-CR. DAVID G. SCHOOR § AW APPEAL FROM THE CIRCUIT APPELLANT; f COURT OF LUBBOCK COUNTY § LOWER „V. §§ CAUSE NO. 2Q07~M5,205-A § STATE OF TEXAS § THE HONORABLE HON. BRADLEY APPELLEE; | UNDERWOOD. JUDGE MOTION FOR COPY OF RECORD OF PROCEEDING: Games now DAVID G. SCHOOR, PRO SE, to respectfully move this court to issue an order commanding the Public Defender or one of his duly authorized deputied to .cause a true, complete, and accurate copy of the record filed in the above-entitled appeal to be deliv ered to appellant, without cost and at the earliest possible date so that appellant can prepare a petition for post-conviction relief & (P-CR). In support of this motion, Appellant would show the court as follows: 1 . That he is the appsissaa* Appellant in the above-BBi&xfc captioned appeal. 2., That on the 19th day of Feb 2009 this court affirmed the jud gment of the trial court. 3. That Appellant is in the process of reseaching and preparing a P-CR petition to challenge his conviction and sentence in the trial court. 5. That Appellant uill be filing a pro-se P-CR petition. 1 Ci) of 5 tttfMpttttt Spuallarafc pv«y»'**l« M»t« *» .*«*«*« at* .*»«•» a««MMl*i satf •**«?•*•'. .««*« ®? «t»® ?«&©-©*?«* f||#tf i® «*!• mmm ilapaal t® ©@ «9*«> m4 *% tm &mllmto fm*«ft©l3 $«%©*, sik? f«» ®11 sttiee psso©* fell®?. . .;'••• v ll«*»**tr*Uy 9«ftp&«t«tf tMa ZK.. - , 4@fr of J^P/1/ .Sm« ^elto^bu (2) 112. of 5 I tttlniT '**•• I mm m turn I mmmtmmmm, fe mm ©w«f©t«&®e©^ ©>$'©§ mm* 4ta%y ©«»*** ©©©*» *©. .©©***« d®p©©©« . f• * ft*©* % •» til© ©©f»©:ii«i»t i» %m f©?©@©i»i i©©**®©©©*,.' *• ?t»©* t-&©!!©*© f«m«f**|*l©<§ *© «JI®• *©U*f ©®«*iHtv . "$• th©* ©«©©ii©« ©? »v psveetf. I'4*' «t©% »©*© ©«**f &©&©©« *•«*•• mmi«9, 0f«99»lie«t ©» ©ife©* ©©©©?ttl«© ife® ®©|? «$i© ©$©t ?©#'*»© ©©«wl©9© that I jr©*«©»t* *" \ S «©» ©fUf9fSft®©«* ©#fl#© .'ttfttf©* ©©©©1*4©© ?©? ®»ff|t3?f ***©* ': '•'••:' • j ' ' '.',••'-' • , ;• .• - '. .. tfce fossfjoina ©#iw»©»*©.*i$m ©?«• tttui *© **#*)••'*: ©f ©# &©a8j>l©3g© mM t»©li©f* (?) r «f § COURT OF APPEALS OF TEXAS, AMARILLO. APPELLATE CAUSE NO. 07-08-0170-CR . DAVID G. SCHOOR An Appeal from the circuit § Appellant; court of LubbocR county § § v. Lower Cause No. 2Q0B-<+1 5-205-A § § STATE OF TEXAS § The Honorable Hon. Bradley Appellee; § Underwood 3udge APPELLANT'S PRO SE ENTRY OF APPEARANCE Comes now Appellant, pro se, and in compliance with the rules of the appellate procedure, and files his appearnce form as follows: - ( "' 1 . That a petition to obtame a copy of the record proceedings; fil'sd in the above-captioned appeal is being submitted hers with by appellant,, who resides at: Bill Clements Unit 9601 spur 591 Amarillo Texas. 7910,7. • ', 2. Appellant does not have a telephone number or e-mail. 3.m That Appellant tia unable to and cannot receive service of ordera and opinions by fax or any other electronic means. k. That Appellant is preparing and filing a pro se petition for post-conviction relief in the trial court, as more fully appears in hi3 motion for copy of recprd of preceedings. App k of 5 I, THE USDCRSIBMED HEREBY CERTIFY THAT OB THIS /7.9-... D»V OP /JQ/lflfti^y. 8M8 /5. . j seaseo « ?Rue ««v correct copv or the fifrrfrU'r/f.irc"P«*qr^on " Attorney. &,r»rj A•;.**;»,. TV. 7 *?>;. . r . MaMMaM mm«Wmih ®jf «ti©ttitti©© »8@0 t® a designated ©4vil4©a «©f»l©¥©d ©f tit© 0«pavt©ent ©f 6*£aifiel j|«©*£«e t&t ?*©«»* pffoecooing enrl ©sllifj© by ©ttthoslaed ©fiscm «©t©o©n©l »t*Ma th© fecility «ailro©j»e with •uffiei©©* fl*a* ©!»•© ©©©tag® effiasd, «©d ©ft©l& be da«©ed f4l©d a© of that da*© abava. S«®©*©*#©14|» 3uti©4**9d IfiSlUflAK^M^A i, .©18©©*©9© ••^^jASji^^^'Km ©*©* a©i©*©9: pg®- e© ©&© ©©a© S of S COURT GF APPEALS Bf TEXAS* AMA-RXbt'Q. APPELLATE CAUSE UO. 07-88-01?8*6R. 0AUIO G. SCHOOR § AM APPEAL FROM THE CIRCUIT APPELLANT; | COURT OF LUBBOCK COUNTY § L0HER § CAUSE HO. 20C7-fe15,ZGS-A V. § § STATE QF TEXAS § THE HONORABLE HON. BRADLEY APPELLEE; | UNDERBQQD. 3UDGE NOTION FOR COPY OF RECORD OF PftOCEEOSNGt Somea nou DAVID G. SCHOOR, PRO SE8 to raapaetfully move this court to isaus an order commanding tha Public Defender or one of :'v hia''"duly 'authorized daputi'ad to causa 8 true,' complete, and accurate copy af -ths-yrecord filed in the above-entitled appeal to be deliv ered to apaallant, without cost and at the earliest possible date ca that appallont can prepare a petition for pc-at-conviction -relief _ •S. (P-C-R) . in support of this motion, Appellant gould show the court aa follows: 1 . That he is tha sgssiBsa* Appellant in the abova-s:a&;8& captioned appaal. 2, That an the 19th day of Fab 2009 this court affirmsd the ,1«dt» gsnent of the trial court. 3. That Appellant is in tha process of resescbing and preparing a P-CR petition ta challenge his conviction and sentence in the trial court. 5. That Appellant will ba filing a pro-se P-CR petition. 1 &•) of 5 6. Tha Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to tha United States Constitution establish that Appellant be provided access to tha Record. 7. That Appellant is indigent and cannot pay. the fees normally charged for photocopying tha requested record (eaa Er.hifeit P., attached) Sfi£HEF853£, Appellant prays this court to isaua an order coaa'anding the Public Defends^, or one of his daputisa to causa a irsja complete and accurate copy of tha record filad in this bs&s& Appeal to be withdrawn $ photocopied, end delivered to the appellant without cost, and at th© earliea* possible date, and for all other proper relief. Respectfully Submitted this 29 slay of Ljq/%/0)Jfjy 301,5. . ClaxuA^diil^ldMt XL Appellant-Defendant pra-aa .<£>• "2 of 5 ( EXHIBIT »ftB } STATE OF TEXAS § § eg. COUNTY OF LUS8SGK § AFFIDfiUiT OF S^DlGSiJSV j£, the undersigned, being flrat duly sworn upon my oath, depoaes and ststas: 1. That 1 am tha appellant in tha foregoing instrument. 2. That I boliave 1 am entitled to the relief sought. 3. That bacauss of my poverty, I do not have sufficient means, monies, properties, or other securities to pay the coat for' the services that I request, 1 the undersigned sffirxs under penalties for perjury that the foregoing repreeentBtlon are true to the beet of fay knowledge and belief. FURTHER AFFIANT SAVETH KOT. Appellant- Defendant pro se 3 Of S COURT OF APPEALS §F TEXAS, ANARXLLO. APPELLATE CAUSE «6. 87-00-0170-6R, DAVID G. SCHOOR An- Appsel f ran .the circuit Appellant; « court of LubbocM county a v. ' ' r Laaer I Cause No. 2QO0-41'5-3O5~A STATE OF TEXAS ; The Honorable Han. Bradley Appellee; Underwood 3udo.e APPELLANT»S PRO SE EN'THY OF APPEARANCE Comes now Appellant, pro as, and .in compliance with the rules of the appellate procedure and files his appsarnea form as follows; 1 , That a petition to obta&o a copy of tha record proceedings filed in the above-captioned appeal is being submitted'here with by appellant, who resides at: Bill Clements' Unit 9631 spur 501 firaarillo Texas. 79107. 2, Appellant does not have a telephone number or e-©sil. 3,« That Appellant ils unable to and connot receive service of orders and opinions by fax or any other electronic means. 4, That Appellant is preparing and filing a pre se petition for post-conviction relief-in the trial court, ae mere fully appears' in hia motion for copy of rsoprd,of.orscesrflngs. AppellQr.t~Defsndsnt .pro so ti of 5 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE X, THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY GERTIFV THAT ON THIS Z ^ OAV OF J~Ql/H\(lfy. atSO J3 .,ISERUED ATRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE F0R£GQING: Mh+lM AK f.&p)/ fl^gof.ftlJ ^ /^fl Cl(>(t)'j4j uPQM: By submitting same to a designated civilian smployed of the" Department of Criminal Justice far prompt processing and nailing by authorized priaon personnel uithi.n the facility mailroom,. with sufficient first class postage affixed, and shall be deemed filed as of that date above. Respectfully Submitted signature noma printed pro se V.D-C,-3- *JJ5JX3MJL Hailing address- 79/07 zip coda 5 (5)5 of COURT OF APPEAL'S OF TEXAS, AMARIlJlio. APPELLATE CAUSE NO. 07-08-0170-CR. DAVID G. SCHOOR AN APPEAL FROM THE CIRCUIT APPELLANT; COURT OF LUBBOCK COUNTY § § L 0 w\E R U. § CAUSE NO. 2007-415 ,205-A § § STATE OF TEXAS § THE HONORABLE HON, BRADLEY APPELLEE; UNDERUOOD. JUDGE MOTION FOR COPY OF RECORD OF PROCEEDING Comes now DAUID G. SCHOOR, PRO SE, to respectfully move this court to issue an order commanding the Public Defender or one of his duly authorized.deputied to cause a true, complete, and accurate copy of the record filed in the above-entitled appeal to be deliv ered to appellant, without cost and at the.earliest possible date so that appellant can^ .prepare a petition for post-conviction relief X (P-CR). In support of this motion, Appellant'-"mould show the court as follows: "*"**..< 1. That he is the appiEBFix Appellant in the above-KH|iiii captioned appeal. • .. • 2. That on the 19th da.y of Feb 2009 this court affirmed the jud- gracnt of the trial court. 3. That Appellant is in the process of reseaching and preparing a P-CR petition to challenge his conviction and sentence in the trial court. 5. That Appellant will be filing a pro-se P-CR petition. t (i) 5 of i. «*•»•*«'*»* .ptm%TO©»?ii% t$*©.9®$s*f®%®# mmmipm §«***&*«.## /. «*• F&fcil© *cf««<4*», ©J? •*# ©? f&4® dapw^£«G «« eaucs© © St**®- csop&sfca •«* assus-at© @®g»f ftf ttrn'rawt* nied *# ***• Goasfc A?scj3©1 -*•'*• »ifctN>*#«&*© 9 f*t*«*«i©©iif©«§9 «*tf tiiaa^aa*a«ia4;ta •»•»• ® im*.*.Mmp%®t®ii Qm-:miitX9^--990Oe.i'.*« 99 '«l9liW-;' 9ff9«l «• .•pp9»l««%9''«lS«ll«il% e®*t 9»tf 9t/^W 9W|*99* 9999,1^0'' «*®*9 ' •"' . ' V;'-• . - ' • • 99 %99* OppBilant 999 9»9©»fO 9 ©9*ifci99 *9*' 9©9t«e©9*iettOfi #9*|#f:? .« <»*«•).. X*t aaaaa*« a* taia v®9ti9it.»''fip®«»i|®»« *aaia*a 999*9~a*ft*£ aaaa&aaaa* 9oe»9i« «.. Thaa 99 *«« isth 4S®v «f faa- 'tsss-.iata1: mm** atfi-taaa i&a j«Mi# 3. T'rtafe finssaUent .&© la'tfea ataeaaa a? tajaaaaalait''Oft* ataaaalaf/ a a*et a9$£%lo9 aa--.aaallaasa ata aaaaiattaa m& aaataaaa In taa. tttal aaata*. S* ffcat SaaaUaaa «U1 99 fillaa; a **a*a4 -»«etl p*UUsa«. , §-) 6. The Fifth end Fourteenth Amendments to the United Stetes Constitution estebliah thet Appellant be provided access to the Record. 7. That Appellant is indigent and cannot pay the fees normally charged for photocopying the requested record (see Exhibit A, attached) WHEREFORE, Appellant prays this court to issue an order commanding the Public Defender, or one of his deputies to cause a true complete and accurate copy of the record filed in this esbs* Appeal to be withdrawn , photocopied, and delivered to the appellant without cost, and at the earliest passible date, and for all other proper relief. Respectfully Submitted this q9 clay of i JQ HiI(h/\n 2Q1 S DivliQkhSd^r Appellant-Defendant pro-se ~ ?• of 5 ( EXHIBIT "A" ) STATE OF TEXA5 § § SS> COUNTY OF LUBBOCK § AFFIDAVIT OF INDIGENCY j£, the undersigned, being first duly sworn upon my oath, deposes and states: 1. That I am the appellant in the foregoing instrument. 2. That I believe I am entitled to the relief sought. 3. That because of my poverty, I do not have sufficient means, monies, properties, or other securities to pay the cost for the •t services that I req-uaet. I the undersigned affirm under penalties for perjury that the foregoing representation are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. FURTHER AFFIANT SAVETH MOT. Appellant- Defendant pro ae (3) 3 Df 5 &f3ASXt«t>$. oats© 6. mmm m assaaal f*e© «aa afcaealt S9pall99t| aoat% of gaafeasl' asa*** H9999 sataaa fWu.iset-*ff-£«§-& state sp imm tt*« ft9aaffa&l9 Hon. Bracliay ftppQiimt 3fS3%9 •'",'vt^:t& Gosqo aais ftaaaiiaat* asa. aaf a#4 ia aaaplleaaa-altn'iaa eaiaa ..•'•.' - !~i • • • •. *• '. •. of %m mppptimm pzaaodas® ®nti files hio Gpp«erncc fpm 99 fa*latftt 1, ?t*©t 9 petition to afeSefca @ mp$ of tit? fcaaa** procaadlngs . ffciatf la the aaatfa^aaaflaoad spaaa! a* tsalas aakaitaatf aat© with as •aapaitaa**. 999 aaaiaaa ait Silt 6*aaa««* tlaii &&S1 aaa* S9t 'MnmtUU faaaa* mift* •'9m Sapallanft doae'«•% «#aa a *©ia#Haaa attsfear @& ©•©all. 3,a mm ftpaallaat ai«.aa®ai® ta aatf aaajftift roc©&ve 99.?ai«a af atdsaa 99a opinions by faa'a* any ottiear alaeitaftle 99999. •%* mat-, aaaall*** ia a^aaaaia® aa# #il|ass a a*a *a MtitSan fm' j»99$~999vla«iaa t*l|af la tha taial ctsuyt, as aa?9 fallf appeas?* la Ma «**4a» fat- mm ar.raaaa^af •aaajiffjfgias^. Jiai^imiiMC: CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, the undersigned* hereby certify that on thii 2.9 dayof JqiaOOj^Y . 20 /3 • . . I earwadl a t*ua and correct copy of the foregoing? upons :V/' -S'"w • -: I: •: by submitting same to e 'deaig.natad civilian aap.iayea' of the Dapartraent of criminal Justice for prompt processing and meiiing by authorized priaon personnel within^the facility maiiroeta, with Sufficient firet class postage afflsserf, end it ohell ba deemed filed ae of the above data, ' ', / ;jRespectfully eubmitted I signature l^ hD^MmMML. name printed " 0.0G or T,dScU3.* # ')5§§?)'hU. ataty 242& zip coda (&)i "'•'-inww «jr mmm wmm* mwmm$ mm m* tm»m<*my®~m* i n m t« twoon';- § mi mmm mm m mmmt # ' MMHUl ftm w mum . # . m twvoMs&t Mas.* ««m»i;cv a4m<'ft«m'«. SSNOOft, mm SfV m .'taaaaaaaally eov© ma •••..• •F :-s i ..'.'. aaatfc ta. iaaaa a*, atatat aaaaaatfjlaa, -taa fablta tefaaatot as aaa of . v.''•'•-.'•: ' ••» ':j ••., ! ' ' • "•••'• ^ fc|$.a*.ty aataaaMaa''a>a«ailaa; t® aaaaa a taaa* mmmmm%m*:' £ f*#8S).« la «$9ppatt af tats aottaa* aapaiiaat'^aala^ «aa» t-sa, eaaai ' •a "fafMaa-t • •• 1. mat Ha la ti*9 aaasaas* £0pallan& lataa aaa«a*aatif§ aaatlaaat t* mat on tfea itt* tfay a? Pat* t§@#- ttrfa> aaay* afffttaatS m-|«aa> - :' $»aat af taa aafal aa«tt»- ' •••'•'',.• -: i^-..' ' ' 8* ffe«* gapallaat %m 1® tfia paaaaa* af taaaaaiiia®' mm).- «aaaatia© '- a P-CR aatftttaa $@ el»all9a@a tsla aaavlatlaa aa^ aeataaa® '&a ttis ' •'.,' '• • • ..•;•.•• f • ' talal .aaaort* - '3. ?tS9« appallaat- «ill";ita filing a ata-aa P*m pa«ltlaa«. (1). ! 1 of 5 6. The Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution establish that Appellant be provided access to the Record . 7. That Appellant is indigent and cannot pay the fees normally charged for photocopying the 'requested record (see Exhibit A, attached) WHEREFORE, Appellant prays this court to issue an order commanding the Public Defender, ,or one of his deputies to cause a true complete and accurate copy of the record filed in this ehhx* Appeal to be withdrawn , photocopied, and delivered to the appellant without cost, and at the earliest •possible date, and for all other proper relief . Respectfully Submitted this £ § day ofvTq fl/lty/V 2a1 5 Dai/id Qrkn 3 el Mr Appellant-Defendant pro-se of 5 ( EXHIBIT "A" ) STATE DF TEXAS § § SS : COUNTY OF UUBBOCK § § AFFIDAVIT OF INDIGENCY I, the undersigned, being first duly sworn upon my oath, deposes and states: ' 1. That I am the appellant in the foregoing instrument. 2. That I believe I a-m entitled to the relief sought. '• 3. That because of my poverty, I do not have sufficient means, monies, properties, or other securities to pay the cost for the services that I requset. I the undersigned affirm under penalties for perjury that the foregoing representation are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. DcxVifl'Q^fl vSc^QQK Appellant- Defendant pro se (3) 3 Of 5 . mom :ijF\a*mts or tot**, -IKIp*i*#9(W«0> aft Hpw 9> orttMJtm oooot to* ot«oft*ora«#*»' QftVSD ft* ftftfttftft $a JiapaaS. tmm «*• aitaalt spaa&laatir aaatt at tftafcaoi aaaaty i t eeaaa «a. mf-a*a>«OaVft «?**« or--tttoo.. i t taa Ifeaata&l® tfsa* ftatftftay • appall®®*' a?r«MkMt'*o pm m mtm or afrom$m%... Cosas aaa tppallaat* aaa m, aa* in aaapllaaaa *ift» tfoa talaa •f th© appallata &*mm4m»® mnS film {ila.'.appaafaaa fata m* 1* faa* a patlt&aa ta afctaaa a eep^ at taa aaaaaa' ati^aafilni®'-.;.. filad la Oft* afccws-tsapUooert appaal' la toing atfeafttftai fceta »li» ay appalla^t* «8»a *a*iaW *%-t «1M Olaaaitia mm ftfftt' aaaa SSI fiaaallla taaaa,?§*©?.'' -'•-r- #* appal.laat iSaos aat f»»w a talapltaaa' mmmmjmw •* ®*«all* «„» mat appaltaat mm ana&la fta ©aa" aaaaat aaaalwa eaaalaa mf mmmm aaa" apta&aaa ay tm at aay ataat alaataaffita aaaaa.. a* mat aaaallant la paapatlaa m4 f&iia® # pa© a© patlt&aa fat paaa*®aaa4atlaa aal&af la't%» ttial eaatt«'''aa.a#ta fully appaaaa la ala aatlaa tm mp9 ^f^£»^liMMm&Mm&- &>' .*•<•# ft CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ON THIS 2,°l DAY OF •Tommry , wo ]& , i served a true and correct copy of the FOREGOING:/V/ofjQfl ftlggf.fl/vJ ft?/* /Vftf-ftPfUj UPOI ckrkLovLw, fair*m hustityTxolxlll By submitting same to a designated civilian employed of the Department of Criminal Justice for prompt processing and mailing by authorized priBon personnel within tha facility mailroom, with sufficient first class postage affixed, and shall be deemed filed as of that date above. Respectfully Submitted signature ^x David OrkiA SoU^r name printed pro se Mailing address 3QQ J zip code (&) 5 of 5