3o,^MM-0S IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS SAN ANGELO DIVISION This document contains some TONY WALTER GORDON, pages that are of poor quality at the time of imaging. Petitioner, CIVIL ACTION NO. 6:12-CV-00006-C WILLIAM STEPHENS, Director, Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Correctional Institutions Division, USCANo. Respondent. Au-J"^* TftPfe* ORDER On January 12, 2015, Tony Walter Gordon filed a Notice of Appeal in the instant civil action.' Although Petitioner has notrequested permission to proceed informa pauperis onappeal, the Court finds that he proceeded informa pauperis in the district court and should be GRANTED leave to proceed informa pauperis on appeal. SO ORDERED. Dated January /£ ,2015. RECEIVED m COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS FEB 02 2015 ;fi©? 'Petitioner's certificate of appealability was denied by Order dated December 19, 2014. READ INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK OF LAST PAGE BEFORE COMPLETING *i::'-^s?:[; TiBANSCRIPT^ORDJER > District Court;, District.Cburt Docket Number 0;S*;'B2Smi© mwm'mss* 'of m ;'. Short Case Title "€Smignferrt- vr jtfriCffWa •ffkyra&teW .41*01 '- '•: ".Court Reporter.- .'. pate.Noticeof'Appeal.Filed byr:ierk.nf niRtrint'hnMrt-^^fea^l2?28tS.; ::CQurt:of Appeais;'#''iJ {(If Available):^i .afranQemen&hav'e,beeh-'-made:)^ ;''>;^JA.^-Cp^plete;prie^f.the.fpjldwirig:<^^ u %r?--'\.':- '\.^7. ' \:.1^:• /;Nd'.heari/igsr '.:?•'":-Vi";";-.\j v-''.-';.-,:' ';:^';- >*---.'-^>L.vL-' ", .•''•"• ^.»-'i-:.- ¥ i'\:.^.G;.CNb.hearihas.''.', .•••..•"•£. VL'vv- ' •• • •. '•. •.; Transcript isunnecessary.fbf'ap'pearpurposes,;. •'••'' ":;'- ..fKJ'i .':-;; • ';•/ ,''.:''•;•' '- -';•''.'•'.*•>" >'-:';v''\... '-..' ','-''•'.•''-'.V.r-.vj i?"'/"'' ,•-.'... -Or.Transcript is already, on file in Clerk's office ; •'•'. '•":'-'.••.;••' ••C'./*;\J..'.-.'. •'.!,• =: •'-;..,'V.'. „;-V.:.v,'.-: V; '? "•; •'.'•••• \U--'.'•-><<•"»'<. 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Gordon, Tony Walter
Combined Opinion