F\LED FOR RECORD 5 COUNTY.TEXA “%E§i§}?ii\$`iii\m COURI 'No. 13-0182x whom _2 ppg ga 32 STATE oF TEXAS § IN THE Dls_ljlg§i{b€i@mm% § .~ / ' vs. § mt wm a .- - § '. ~ THoMAs RICHARDsoN § HARRIsoN CoUNTY, TEXX§-ED 'N . ' The Court of Appea!s Smh msa-m NOTICE oF APPEAL ` - _ _FEB 1 11 2015 T0 THE HoNoRABLE JUDGE oF SAID CoURT: __ ' Texarkan:).. '1">.)<.-1._.-7~_: Now comes Thomas Richardson, Defendant in the above styled and@§`i?lfiéréii c“an§ef:ga'nd}i&¥k gives this written notice of appeal to the Court of Appeals of the State of Texas from the judgment of conviction and sentence herein rendered against Thomas Richardson. Respectfully submitted, ROBERT L COLE JR P`. O. Box 829 LONGVIEW, TX 75606 Tel: (903) 236-6288 Fax: (90 236-5441 By: Robert L. Cole, Jr. ' State Bar No. _04547800 rcolejd@gmail.com Attorne_y for Thomas Richardson CE_RTIF[CATE OF SERVICE This is to certify that on December 2, 2014, a true and correct copy of the above and foregoing document was served on the Assistant Attomey Pro Tem, Lew Dunn, by facsimile _ transmission to 903-757-6712. kobe&\L. cole, Jr. /