ACCEPTED 01-14-00969-CV FIRST COURT OF APPEALS HOUSTON, TEXAS 1/21/2015 9:52:54 AM CHRISTOPHER PRINE CLERK Flubbard Law Firm FILED IN Ättonrcys ¿ulrl Counsclors at I;rw 107,5 l(ingurxl,'lì'x¿rs TTililf) HOUSTON, TEXAS 'l'c,lcplronc: (2tll) 35tl-7035 1/21/2015 9:52:54 AM li;rcsirnilc: (2[Jl) 35il-7(X)fl CHRISTOPHER A. PRINE l'ìrn:ril: ¡rlrul>lr:u'rl@¡r:rtlichl rubba¡ rllau,.< onr Clerk .larruary 21,2015 By Facsimilc: 713-755-1173 Dwayne Gilmole I-Ian'is County District Clerk Attention: Post Judgrnent Re: Trial Cor¡rt Cause No.2012-56941;Blyan Illack vs. Snrith l)rotective Scrviocs, Inc.; 189t1' .ludicial Distlict Court; First Court of Appeals Case No.0l-14-00969-CV Dear Dwayne: This letter will confirm yolrr conversation with n'ry legal assistant, Cathy l-ang, whcrcilr you confirmed that the clcrk's record has not becn prepared as yet and ),ou will be rcqucsting ¿ut extension o1'tiurc to Irlc the clcrl<'s rccorcl to thc Court ol'Appcals toclay. You also conf im-rccl with Ms. I-ang that ¿ìs soon as the lecorcl lias bccn preparccl, yor"r will contaot oirr oflìcc so that we cau pay the costs I'or the recolcl. Thank you. .r,hh cn,d Patrick G. Ilubbarcl Attorney l'or Ilryzur Illack PGFI:cjl
Bryan Black v. Smith Protective Services, Inc.
Combined Opinion