03-(*i-OOWJ-CR January 28, 2015 *l U^ &)/M fi/S <&./)?J^AS^JJaAj J ./tf v/ A / " f r ^ 7ZZ/4 //fasTtAS-A^Cfaf frf £L J^Si^A^oajc^ij/- &J ^^f &£ ?t^L^,_^^£3^^^ jfaL£yk£&-X&ll^ ^i^c $1 t^a^ %L .Cf.cP-l'&)00 -Hi~ 6)0 & £ yfl./C/, U?—£&. jy/trf-A^fa^y-s^- £^f.Lr^M*^?W£sl.cCy frKicC. .^r -?io*.& f/yiyz ~$A.s^c, f^^ <2_ ^g >^£ ,*ff tfff•idk'ffi-a i 1/j a^- /?&*, £A/>y M Appeals Cover Page AppealCover Page^Hiv-: .-•.> ;i;?Vyl*l^!:':;.; .'.:•;-.;;-'":;":-""-.' Index Index 2-2 11/20/2014' NOTICE OF APPEAL j:[:_^tm^OB APPEAL-^ ;-••• : •- 3-6" ' • <•.-.<;..•••. Clerks Record Page Clerks Record 7-7 Za fh* 16?cti Judicial Court of Travl* Co«nty# Teaas i< r causa no. D-i«DC-oo-oo2>ea court of appoala Mo. OJ-U-OOWl-c* I ff)> WSBW.LBB.B1C4IW, Botoaoaat Pro. 88/Appallent Motto* Of Appeal *h* statu Of Taaas •otto* la horabv glvan that ltoaSftT.Lt;B.B«0«a, 0*f**dant fro. 8B# in thu above named casa» nareby appeal*€o the Court o€ Appeals for the Third Mstrict Of rexas at Austin* T«Jtao* Crom an "order Qenyin? lotion to conduct OWA Tenting", Znteretf in tnia Action on the 4th <*ay of November 2014. WW Kaathao Unit 2665 Prison »<9. *l fovolady, Texas 73851 Appallant Pro.se Zn compliance with Teie.ft.App.P.25.l(e) Tha state Of Texas, is the jReaponc'ent/ Appellee in this DNA Ap^oalL. Appaal Court tJO.03««14-00fi*l-C«. I Filed inThe District Court of Travis County, Texas NOV 20 201* t\ (!) Account Sheet Of Filing Pee In The 167th -c#> District Court Of Travis County* Texas Motion Of Indigency Piled with original notice of Appeal* Motion to proceed in forma pauperis on Appeal* Motion for Appolntmant of Counsel on Appeal* Motion for Pr*a Transcript and Statement of Rearing DMA Motion. six aonth print-out of Appellants Inmate Trnat Pund Account. (2) IB The Court Of Appeals In The Third District Of Texas At Austin ROBERT• USB•BROWN* 167th District Court Appellant Pro. SB D-l-DC-OO-002368, Of VS. Travis County* Teams •he State Of Texas* Appeal Court No. Appellee 03-14-00681-CR Declaration Of Inability To Pay Cost (The following declaration ia made pursuant to Texas Rules of Civil Practice* and Title 6* Chapter 132, of the Civil Paactice and remedies Code). . I Now comes ROBERT*LBB.BROWN *927914*and declare that I am i unable to pay the cost of the record injthis DMA Appeal and requests leave of Court to proceed in forma pauperis in this DNA appeal and would show the Court as follows: 1) I am presently icarceratjbdnat the Eastham Unit of the Texas Department of criminal Justice Correctional Institutions Division* where I am not permitted to earn or handle money. 2) I have no source of income or spousal income. 3) I currently have $0.00 credited to me in the inmate trust fund. 4) During my incarceration in the TDCJ-CID* I have received approximately $40.00 per month as gifts from family and i friend8. 5) I neither own nor have an interest in any realty* stocks* bonds* or bank accounts* and I have received no interest or dividend income from any source. 6) I have no dependants. 7) I have Total debts of approximately $ 0.00. 8) I owe $ 9*99 as restitution. 9) My monthly expenses are approximately $ 40.00 I ROBERT.LBB.BROWN * 927914* being presently confined in the Eastham Unit of the TDCJ-ClD* in LoveLady, Houston County*Texas* Verify and declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing *1) Statement are true and correct on this44th day of Mevember 2014. ROBBRT.LBlr*BRqflN '927914 Defendant Pro. SB Certification Of Service This is to certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing "Declaration of inability to pay cost, was forwaedcd by U.S. Mail* postage prepaid* to the below listed on this 4th rJay of November 2014. t^C-rCSTA? • ROBERT.Lee.Brown *927914 Baatham Onifc £665 Pr-ison Rd. *J LoveLady* Texas 75§g| CC: 167th District CourtCC/o District Cl^rk Travis County Courthouse P.O. Box 679003 Austin* Texas 78767 District Attoreny Rosemarry Lehmbergl Travis County Courthouse P.O. box 1748 ! Austin* Texas 78767 ! Original: Mr.Jeffrey. D. Kyle Clerk (2) Court Of Appeals Third District Of Texas P.O. Box 12547 Austin, Texas 78711-2547 (2) ,< r ot> CLERK'S CERTIFICATE -U The State of Texas County of Travis I, AMALIA RODRIGUEZ-MENDOZA, Clerk of the District Courts of Travis County, Texas, do hereby certify thatthedocuments contained in this record to wliich this certification is attached are all of the documents specified by Texas Rule of Appellate Procedure 34.5 (a) and all other documents timely requested bya party to this proceeding under Texas Rule of Appellate Procedure 34.5 (b). GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL at my office in Travis County, Texas this 20TH day of November, 2014. i AMALIAI RODRIGUEZ-MENDOZA District Clerk, Travis County, Texas Gmttxfloda^ Jessica Cdntreras Deputy (A) tdc09691 - PASSPORT Tuesday, December 16, 2014, 9:20:14 AM CSINIB01 TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE 12/16/14 TRUST FUND BANKING HISTORY 09:19:46 AS OF 12/15/14 23.03.51 TDCJ-NO 00927914 NAME- BROWN,ROBERT LEE CURRENT-BAL- 1.17 DATE AMOUNT UT TP RPT-PG CD DESCRIPTION SENDEE # NO DATA FOR CURRENT MONTH PRESS ENTER FOR MORE RECORDS PF4 PREVIOUS RECORDS PF2 FIRST RECORD OF HISTORY PF9 FIRST REC OF CURRENT MONTH ENTER TDCJ NUMBER: OR SID NUMBER: 0 i (A * 7 .?
in Re Robert Lee Brown
Combined Opinion