Diagnostic Research Group and John R. Holcomb, M.D. v. Sushma Vora

EVANS, ROWE & HOLBROOK A T T O R N E Y S A T L A W FILED IN Union Square, Suite 900 4th COURT OF APPEALS 10101 Reunion Place SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS San Antonio, TX 78216 02/16/2015 12:34:31 PM (210) 340-6555 KEITH Elsa Marie E.Legal Garza, HOTTLE Assistant Fax (210) 340-6664 Clerk Telephone: (210) 340-6555 www.evansrowe.com egarza@evans-rowe.com February 16, 2015 Fourth Court of Appeals Cadena Reeves Justice Center San Antonio, Texas 78205-3037 RE: Cause No. 04-15-00029-CV; In the Fourth Court of Appeals at San Antonio, Texas, Diagnostic Research Group, and John R. Holcomb, M.D., Appellants v. Sushma Vora Appellee Dear Ladies & Gentlemen: With regard to the above-referenced matter, enclosed for filing please find the following: 1. BRIEF OF APPELLANTS, DIAGNOSTICS RESEARCH GROUP, L.L.C. AND JOHN R. HOLCOMB, M.D. Please file among the papers of the Court, date stamp the copy, and return the copy to our office via the e-service. By copy of this letter, counsel of record will be served as reflected below. Thank you for your attention to this matter. If you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to call. Respectfully yours, Elsa Marie Garza Elsa Marie Garza, Legal Assistant to Matthew M. Edwards EMG Enclosures cc: Christopher J. Deeves Via e-service and fax Beth Janicek Via e-service and fax Harvey Ferguson, Jr./Benjamin C. Nichols Via e-service and fax Joseph P. Thomas/Jeffrey D. Geoppinger Via e-service and fax