CASE NO. 05-14-01235-CV IN THE FIFTH COURT OF APPEALS F\LEO \N COURT OF APPEALS DALLAS, TEXAS MAR 11 zms USA MATZ CLERK, 5th DISTRICT DAVID ALAN SHEPHERD, Appellant v. LAWRENCE MITCHELL, Appellee On appeal from the 1341h Judicial District Court of Dallas County, Texas, Case No. DC-10-07702, Honorable Judge Dale Tillqry, presiding. MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME AND ADVISORY TO COURT TO THE HONORABLE JUDGES OF THE FIFTH COURT OF APPEALS: Greetings: COMES NOW, David A. Shepherd, TDCJ-CID#00914828, your Appellant, proceeding in pro se on his own behalf and files this, his and in support thereof, would respectfully show the Court as follows : I. Identity of the Parties 1. David Alan Shepherd, Appellant 2. Lawrence B. Mitchell, Appellee 3. Kenneth Stillman, Counsel ofRecord, Appellee ADVISORY TO COURT Appellant is an incarcerated, indigent litigant, proceeding in this matter before the Court pro se and as a layman of the law. Appellant was sent a notice by the clerk of this court dated December 02, 2014, in which it advised Appellant that the clerk of the trial court was late in filing the Clerk's Record in this action Since that time Appellant received notice in regards to the Clerk's Record being filed and a copy was provided to him as he is indigent. However, after examining same, Appellant requested that several items missing be provided by supplementation of the record. The clerk of the district clerk filed the Supplementation of the Record on February 10, 2015.Appellant was not provided timely notice of same had been filed by the district clerk, nor was he provided with a free copy of said supplementation until today when a family member went on-line and determined by viewing the electronic docket of the Court in this matter that the Supplemental Clerk's Record was filed electronically on February 10, 2014. However, Appellant was never notified by the Clerk of this Court in this regard, officially by USPS, as required by the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure. 1 Therefore, in an abundance of caution, Appellant's family went to the Dallas County District Clerk's Office official website and downloaded a copy of the Clerk's First Supplemental Record on Tuesday, February 12,2015 and sent said copy to Appellant to enable him to perfect the Appellant's Brief. This proceeding followed. II. Request for Extension of Time to File Appellant's Brief In view of the foregoing facts, Appellant asserts he was aware that Appellant's Brief was originally due on February 17, 2015. Applicant sent a copy to the Court's dated February 17, 2015, the date he deposited it in the prison mail box to be forwarded by prison officials to the 1 In the interim period, Appellant requested in writing that he be provided with a free copy of the supplemental record, which the Court granted on February 27, 2015, directing the clerk to prepare and send Applicant a free copy of the First Supplemental Record filed electronically on February I 0, 2015. 2 clerk of this Court for filing. The court notified Appellant on February 18, 2015, that since his the Appellant's Brief was not filed on the 17th day of February, 2015, (See Appendix A), he had ten days to file this motion for extension of time along with Appellant's Brief, which he placed both a motion for extension of time as directed and a second copy of Appellant' s Brief into the prison mail box on the 18th day ofFebruary, 2015, making it timely pursuant to Rule 38.8(a)(l). Applicant was told by his family, after contacting the Clerk of the Court on February 22, 2015 by phone, that the Court had still not received his Appellant's Brief and Motion for Extension of time, so, in an abundance of caution, Appellant sent a copy of Appellant's Brief along with his Motion for Extension of time by certified mail on February 23, 2015 (CMIRRR#95071000 19965054000252, (See Appendix B, copy of postal receipt dated February 23, 2015). On February 27, 2015 Appellant's family called the clerk of the Court who informed them his brief and motion for extension of time had not been received by the Clerk' s Office. Appellant's family did a USPS inquiry tracking the brief and motion and attaches Appendix C, which show the brief and motion, were delivered on March 02, 2015 . Appellant's family was told by the USPS the delay in delivery was due to the bad weather in the area the court is physically located, which is beyond Appellant' s control. On March 04, 2015, the Clerk of this Court sent a notice to Appellant stating, inter alia, "The Court received but did not file Appellant's Brief because it was tendered to the Court after its due date." !d. (See Appendix C). Further, it advised Appellant the Court would not consider a late brief without a motion for extension of time that meets the requirements of Tex. R. App. P. 10.1(a) and that the motion must be filed within ten-days of the date of said notice (or by March 14, 2015) along with a $10.00 filing fee (See Appendix D)). Herein Appellant represents to this Honorable Court that he has diligently pursued his appellate rights and due to circumstances beyond his control described herein supra. Further, Appellant 3 has already been deemed indigent as the Clerk's Office knows or should know, so he is unable to submit the $10.00 filing fee required in the Clerk's Notice dated March 04, 2015. Moreover, in compliance with Rule 10.1(a), Appellant has sent a copy of the instant motion to the Appellee's attorney of record, Mr. Stillman, as indicated in his certificate of compliance and service incorporated into this motion, infra. While Appellant feels he had complied substantially with the Clerk's Notice Appellant's Brief had not been filed on February 18, 2015, as demonstrated by the USPS certified mail receipt dated February 23, 2015, when he sent another copy of Appellant' s Brief, along with his motion for extension of time before the deadline of February 28, 2015 to do so. He now is diligently attempting to cure any defect by following the instructions of the clerk's notice date of March 04, 2015 within the ten (10) days allowed by same to do so. WHEREFORE, Appellant prays that this Court grant his request for extension for time by complying with the Clerk's Notice dated March 04, 2015, and direct the clerk to file his Appellant's Brief. SIGNED on this the 51h day of March 2015. Huntsville, Texas 77349 4 CERTIFICATE OF CONFERENCE I, David A. Shepherd, Appellant, pro se, herein certify that the filing party conferred, or made a reasonable attempt to confer, with all other parties about the merits of the motion and IS unaware whether those parties oppose the instant motion. 2 SIGNED on this the 5th day of February 2015. 2 See Rule !O(a)(5), Tex. R. App. P. Appellant is an indigent imprisoned litigant who has this day, sent a copy ofthis motion to Appellee's attorney of record, (see certificate of service), which is his only ability to confer with all the other parties to this suit. (See Appendix E, copy of cover letter addressed to Mr. Stillman, counsel for Appellee). 5 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, David A. Shepherd, TDCJ-CID#00914828, Plaintiff, pro se, herein certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing instrument was sent to the Defendant in this matter, Lawrence B. Mitchell, by placing same, in a U.S. mail box, first-class, postage paid, addressed to his attorney of record: Kenneth M. Stillman Attorney at Law 12700 Park Central Drive, Ste. 1900 Dallas, Texas 75251 SIGNED on this the 5th day of February 2015. 6 APPENDIX A 7 .:fittll (.(outt of ~~ts COO Co:M'.t!(~G Street, SL!i~ 2!;{) Dal'a$, Texas 7~2 March 4, 2015 RE: C~ Nu. OS-14.0JL35-CV Style: D;r;i,: AlAn Shepherd v. Ln"W'Tcm:c Mirchdl The C•un R!X'F.TVlill :SIJT Dll> KOT FILE Appcll.;u1t'a ~riefin the 4bovermenccd cause !:>~usc dte brief wns tend~ to the Court artcr the due dat-e. T1'x: C.oun will oct consider a 1~11: bJ.ier ~·itbc•ut a motir>..< tor exu:nsi.m of time ;hat meets tneiC(tUiremcnts ofTeL R. App. P. 10.1\a). The .:x:ensicl<1 motion ~nd S W filing lee arc d\1c to be t1!e4 \l.'ithin tc:~ d>lys. Trial CnurtCasc !llo. DC-10-07702 Li;a. \1a:z, Clerk DAVID ALAN SHEPHeRD #9 J~!!2!! \VYl\ IS.C 810FM 232J H \.'NTSV1LLl, TX 77349 jflftb .·rence Milc~ell Th~ C'mu1l(ECF.IV£D BUT OlD NOT I'TLE -"ppellam'• brief in the above referenced t:nu;c becau;t the brief WM t<::Tllkred to :he Cou1~ after the dU<: dt:te. The Court will not COilSider alHtt brief wit!l011t a motion fnr ;;xt.ensicm uf dn:~ thn1l'l'lCiet:< the reqt:iTcrnettr.; orTe;{. R. App. P. 10.\(a). 11lll r:Je ~o . IJC- l()..On02 L-isa Mlatx, Clerk KENNETH !-1 . STILL:l.1AN LAW OFFICI! OF KL~F.TH ~f.STll..I.MAN l2i'OO PARK CFNTRAL DR. STE !900 DALI.AS, TX i 5'251 • DEI.fVERED VTA E-MAIL" APPENDIX B 8 ~ i!. et- ~ ..,tttf p!' ~J .. f ft u... . t l'"l!' ~ p,.,,••1 r"f· {~duct li 1< 4Cripti~>n ·lt ;· p ... ~\!8 ;. ·! ~ · st~C l t::s~ 11ai I ·~ l.. a - ~ ge t.n-Je :<,('tf1 >) ,b . " 1 . ~l.l ~l . ' 't:tJhtCt"Jd O i• l' ·ii.. ··:-· t."lay ·rr-;. 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